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About Locomike

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  1. In my concentration practices i have reached a point of distraction when i get ringing in my ears or start having involuntary muscle movements in my face my nostrils and mouth will start to kind of shake. Any one else have experienced what i have mentioned above? I would love to hear your experiences in your concentration practices or please share information if you know what i am explaining above.
  2. I wonder how 5Meo Dmt affects a Blind persons ego without any of the visual seeing on 5Meo dmt.
  3. When i go into deep meditation and i am very still while seating up ignoring every itch and signals my body is sending to check if i am awake or not. Could this deep meditation actually be wake induced lucid dreaming that is happening to me?
  4. Thank you everyone for guiding me in the correct direction here and helping me understand this a little bit better.
  5. If without meaning there is no emotions, why does a 3 month old smiles and feels joy or happy when she sees me? This came up in my mind today as i watched leos latest video of without meaning things dont exist. Without this made up language that someone created the words to there should not be any emotions. Are emotions a primitive instinct without meaning?
  6. Thank you everyone for your responces. I watched Leos video again on mindfulness meditation and although i had already watched this in the future it made alot of more sence now to me the second time around, and i was able to understand a few things better.
  7. I started meditating not too long ago and noticed a few things. At first a few minutes into meditation i noticed a deep fear in me, a feeling so uncomfortable that i had to open my eyes about 15 minutes into the meditation. I continued meditating and this deep fear that entered me slowly started to go away, after the fear issue was over i started noticing images and colors in my meditation that completely surprised me and would come in with such impact that it would snap me awake from my meditation. Now after a while i was able to overcome the images and while in my meditation the fear comes and goes the images i just view and know thats its just thoughts and images in my mind, the problem now is sounds that i hear that actually snap me so hard off my meditation that i actually jump when i open my eyes. Can someone please help me on this? These experiences where not what i was looking for when i first started watching Leos videos and started meditating. What am i doing wrong, has anyone else experienced this? Thank you.
  8. When you wake up, do you start thinking right away of something that might be unmotivating you in your day? At one point of my life i found myself thinking alot of things that now i know i had no control over, stupid things that i spent alot of time thinking about trying to find a solution because i could not accept having no solution for an answer. It was all in the mind. I have been working on self actualizing for a few months now and this morning problem and thoughts are becoming less of a problem.
  9. I was thinking about having a journal myself to document different ways that i feel throught the day and the causes. A self study journal. I have not started, i have only tried to remember the way i feel when i recognize and seprate from it, but leaning towards trying a journal soon.
  10. I truly believe the majority of the content on social media is a distraction from self actualization.