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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. I wrote that the human body in third density is crappy. That's not very flattering. It's important to have lovely feelings towards the body. Otherwise the mind-body conflict becomes even worse. So my practice at the moment is to visualize my body as improving to allow the ego tensions in body and mind to dissolve. And I'm aiming for healing in the larger sense of moving into fourth density. Leo said that he will have some new profound information about healing. That will be very interesting to hear and compare with my own practice.
  2. A holon is a whole that simultaneously is a part. An example of a holon is a hydrogen atom in a water molecule. Another example is a cell in an organ. Those can be called first order holons. And second order holons are those that have been manufactured, such as a wheel of a car. The wheel is a second order holon and in turn the car is also a second order holon as a part of society. Notice that even second order holons such as manufactured products also are a part of the wholeness of reality. The process of evolution therefore includes even things like technology and culture. Earth moving into fourth density I speculate will be a formation of a planetary first order holon. And since even second order holons are a part of the wholeness of reality, the planetary holon will include much of what we humans have produced as a civilization. This is as I see it the harvest mentioned in the Law of One. The internet is a part of constructing the planetary holon. And so is globalization. Today individual nations are dominating the world. This can however change fairly quickly, especially with "catalyzing events" such as a global crisis forcing nations to cooperate leading to more global control. At the same time there will also be more and more people who awaken spiritually. Eckhart Tolle has said that this is even something that is urgent and necessary for the survival of humanity. My strategy is therefore to follow what happens in big politics, such as in the U.S. and in China, and how technology progresses and also follow what happens in the alternative and spiritual communities. The world may look like a mess at the moment, but according to my theory there is purpose behind the seeming chaos.
  3. But why is a physical reality necessary? For example in dreams we can experience advanced scenarios and have all kinds of intense emotions during a dream without an actual physical reality. My answer is that a dream is much less consistent than our physical reality. There is an actual timeline going back to the Big Bang of our universe billions of years ago, and our universe is just a recent branch on a vast multiverse tree of universes. The development of larger and larger holons requires a consistent reality such as our physical universe. Our physical bodies are training vehicles for reality reaching higher and higher holon development. That's why I believe that the Law of One is correct, that we will enter fourth density, still in the same physical universe but with more advanced physical bodies.
  4. Why is consciousness needed at all? I think I have already mentioned it, but anyway, if I remember correctly Nassim Haramein said that consciousness is a result of a feedback loop of reality. And in my model, very advanced feedback of information is necessary when the holons reach a high enough level of complexity and that requires consciousness. A zombie without consciousness performing the same task as a person with consciousness are two entirely different forms of feedback loops. For example, a zombie during a heart transplant operation would only need muscle relaxing medicine, while for a person with consciousness, he or she will need anesthesia or would experience a nightmarish horror situation if the doctor started cutting into the body with the patient being conscious, and only with the muscles paralyzed. And why is a physical body needed? Bruce Lipton asked the same question and his cells replied: "Bruce, if you're just a spirit, what does chocolate taste like? What does a sunset look like? What does love feel like?" The meaning of life is to manifest larger and larger and more complex holons and that requires both consciousness and a physical reality.
  5. In my model consciousness is an on/off state. In deep dreamless sleep my consciousness is in an off state and when I wake up my consciousness is switched into an on state. And during sleep, time continues precisely as in the waking state, frame by frame, one Planck time at a each step. Think of manifested reality as an expanding onion. The outermost layer of the onion is what we experience as the material world. Jesus said that he is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the END. The end is the outermost layer of the expanding onion. So Christ is expanding! That's why Jesus said that the he is GOING to the Father, and that he is the WAY. The Father is the infinite and changeless onion of the unmanifested reality. Jesus said that the Father is greater than him, meaning time will continue forever. The whole manifested expanding onion is always one with the Father, the infinite and unmanifested onion, and they both exist now and only now. The past is the previous layers of the manifested onion and for example when we remember something from the past we connect to indestructible information in those previous onion layers in the now, not in some past outside of the now. Who created the onion? The answer is: nobody! The onion is a timeless part of Indra's net as I have written about before. So there is no actual creator needed in my model, yet the onion is a structure of infinite intelligent design. From an atheistic perspective this is easy to explain. Just consider the set of all possible multiverses and pick one with infinite intelligent design. Nobody of course is actually doing any choosing. The member of the set just is, like a platonic form. Loosely speaking it's valid to say that consciousness expands by manifested reality forming larger and larger holons, even though in my model consciousness itself is just an on/off state and actually neither expands nor contracts. The inevitable move towards larger and larger and more complex holons is also what produces evolution and the arrow of time.
  6. I wrote in some earlier post that even in my model consciousness is an epiphenomenon. But notice that my model is completely different than the mainstream view that the human brain produces consciousness. In my model consciousness is a result of reality as a wholeness. In my model there isn't even a need for any brain to produce consciousness. Consciousness is a state of being aware as a self and can be active in "empty" space such as in out-of-body experiences (OBEs).
  7. Then how can we be sure that a concept has no clear boundary? Take the concept "cat" for example. We can define a clear conceptual boundary by making a distinction between "cat" and "not cat". But this is cheating! Why? Because we are then only using concepts. Both the concept "cat" and the concept "not cat" need a context which defines them. Otherwise there would be no difference between for example "Santa Claus" and "not Santa Claus" compared to "cat" / "not cat". And if we try to turn the context into a concept and make a clear boundary around it, we are back to square one and need yet another context and so on in an infinite regression. Q.E.D.
  8. But then what if the mainstream material view is correct, that physical reality is the foundation and consciousness just an epiphenomenon produced by the brain? My answer to that is that slicing up reality into separate objects is a false view when it comes to fundamental reality. It's easy to prove this. Take a concept for example. And then we can try to define the concept in material terms. That's impossible! It's impossible because there is no definite border that can be drawn around the concept that separates it from the rest of reality. So the materialistic view of reality is false from the get go.
  9. If the ego is a conceptual construct, then what about the physical body? Surely, the biological human body is a material and separate object? Not so fast! Because reality is one wholeness. There is actually, fundamentally, no actual separation between concepts and material reality. What this means is that the physical human body is ALREADY an avatar! It's just that in third density, our avatars really suck and are crappy and limited. In theory it's possible to transform the human biological body into a fourth density glorified body avatar at any moment.
  10. What good will it do us to actualize the vision that recognizes the ego as being a mere conceptual construct? Wouldn't life go on as usual with all the conflicts and all the misery in our lives? Here is what ACIM says about vision: This fits my model of reality that says that it's all changeless and indestructible information. And that time unfolds by bringing ever larger holons into manifestation. In short it means that things will inevitably improve and leaps into larger holons are to be expected. The next evolutionary leap for us is the formation of our entire planet as a holon. A human body is a holon. Imagine if in the body the organs were in conflict with each other. Total nightmare! And that is an analogy for what we have on earth still in the form of conflicts all over the place. It's because earth is still undeveloped. Our planet is not a holon yet, not whole nor in harmony. Earth as a holon will indeed bring vision with calm and reassuring sights as ACIM puts it. And a crucial part of forming a planetary holon involves transcending our individual egos, including recognizing the ego's fallacy of separation and imagined sins.
  11. The ego as a conceptual construct of "me" vs "not me" is a very high abstraction level. Like the tip of the tip of an iceberg. Below that tip is the enormous and entangles heap of all our mental concepts. In theory it's simple. To actualize the understanding as a meta perspective is a giant leap of perception into what ACIM calls vision.
  12. Does the ego exist? Yes, the ego exists as a concept of "me" vs "not me". ACIM talks about vision and I interpret that as meaning experiencing reality through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit sees the ego as a concept! Get it? What we call the individual self and others are both concepts within our minds. Vision, then, is simply the recognition that the ego is a conceptual construction. This is similar to Leo's explanation of duality, such as in this video about understanding existential dualities:
  13. The global ego can be seen as an unholy spirit, haha. It can sound funny when recognizing that all it means is that the world is still incomplete as a holon, so it's not whole, not holy, so it's unholy, or "fallen" and ruled by "satan"/ego separation, the prince of this world. The individual ego is a fractal version of the global ego. Integrating the personal ego therefore means also healing the global ego, which results in the completion of our planet as a holon. This is a complete form of healing; a process of making the incomplete planetary holon complete. Our fallen world is actually not a sickness. It's a necessary developmental stage of third density. So healing in this complete sense is about a transformation, an evolutionary leap rather than curing a disease. Since the personal ego is attached to the whole global ego it's an extremely rigid form of blockage and separation. Fortunately, what to the personal ego is an immense obstacle is a puny form to the Holy Spirit. And it's the Holy Spirit that does the work of integrating our egos into the planetary holon.
  14. The integration of the ego Anna talked about also applies to the global ego! That's our whole world in third density. Integration into wholeness can be seen as a complete form of healing. In third density, pain is a useful and necessary warning signal. However, having pain appear again and again indicates that a deeper and more complete form of healing is necessary in order to integrate the ego. Then pain loses its value and healing is accomplished.
  15. In this video Anna talks about how the ego needs to be integrated and become One. That's my view too, that yes the ego needs to be transcended but also included in the integral styla a la Ken Wilber.
  16. The key to successful manifestation is to EXPAND the sense of self to include EVERYBODY. As an example, if everybody would manifest a private jet, even if that were to become possible in the future, that would be ridiculous! The result being a total mess, and also, in the future we won't need private jets. If someone wants to manifest a 10 million dollar mansion, then that will work in practice if the vast majority of all other people want something else. The Holy Spirit only functions with win-win for everybody, not with the lose-win zero or negative sum games of the ego.
  17. In addition to money, another huge part of the global ego is calendar time. And while money probably can be managed with something like what Aaron Doughty presented in the previous video, how to deal with calendar time? The global ego is a collective sense of separation from the universe and this results in a lot of strife, struggle and friction against an ever ongoing and increasing onslaught of entropy. Entropy (disorder) is just hidden information. The Holy Spirit knows how to deal with all of reality and to paraphrase ACIM, the Holy Spirit can see through the entropy. The Holy Spirit can be seen as the highest higher self (Aaron mentioned the higher self in the video). I will experiment with letting go of controlling money and also of letting go of managing calendar time! One method for this is to practice inner body awareness of tensions in body and mind and to direct conscious attention into that practice instead of trying to manage money and calendar time with the ego.
  18. Money is very much connected to the ego. So when we practice spirituality as something separate from money, the ego is still dominating our lives. Letting go of concerns about money hands the task of managing income and personal finances etc to the Holy Spirit. Aaron Doughty has a new video about something similar about letting go:
  19. Teal Swan has a video about the win-lose usual ego zero sum game: Money is even worse than that! Money is a negative sum game, where a few at the top of the money pyramid suck trillions of dollars and euros into their capstone in the form of debt. Money today is created, not out of thin air, but even worse than that as debt. When you borrow money to buy a house for example, that money is created as debt that you have to repay plus interest. The bank loan is created by simply typing in the amount in a computer since they nowadays don't even have to even have a fractional reserve I have heard. And if you fail to repay, the bank keeps the principal plus interest that you have paid, and also take your house. So what to do about money? One experiment, which is crazy radical from a mainstream perspective, is to stop using money and see what happens. Remember, as ACIM says, nothing can be threatened, so let's drop our fear of money like dropping a hot potato instead of trying to grab hold of it and cram it into our mouth.
  20. Sexuality is a tricky subject since ego consciousness has a lot of fear attached to it. Here I found a new video about how sexuality is described in the Law of One:
  21. Bruce Lipton has a similar explanation of fear as protection and and a shutting down of life energy and love as boosting life energy:
  22. Ah! I came to think of how the global ego will separate itself into a cocoon and nutrition. We need to detach ourselves from the hard cocoon and feed on the nutrition. Practically speaking the cocoon replaces the ego tensions in the body and mind.
  23. And the other Aaron (Abke) also has a new video. This one is about the ego:
  24. The Holy Spirit can remove all fear since it controls everything. That's how I interpret ACIM. The tricky part is of course how to get the Holy Spirit to remove the fear in oneself. The whole ego shadow has to dissolve. That's a huge task. Aaron Doughty has this new video where he mentioned fear in relation to level of vibration:
  25. If nothing can be threatened, then why so much fear in our lives? That's what ACIM is about and it connects fear with the ego and love with the Holy Spirit. What is fear? Fear is a protection mechanism. It can be worth watching Leo's videos about fear again for a more thorough explanation.