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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. I came to think of how confusion in the mind is entropy (disorder). And entropy is just hidden information. The ego turns confusion into fear. So the practice then is to allow the confusion and let it become dissolved by the Holy Spirit. Simple in theory. The difficulty is that confusion feels so nasty and the ego habit of running away from confusion is so strong. The good thing is that with repeated practice it will become easier and easier and the confusion will become more easy to accept, especially as it gradually dissolves.
  2. Another thing I like with QAnon is that they often use Christian terminology. Isn't that just because they are a bunch of right-wing fanatics? No! The Bible I think spans the whole spectrum of Spiral Dynamics. And especially it reaches above the mainstream reductionistic scientific view which actually is a limited perspective as Leo has pointed out. So the inclusion of Christian terminology in the Q posts is necessary I believe in order to deal with the bigger picture. I think I will check out some videos about QAnon to see where they are at now. And I expect things to heat up significantly around the time of the release of the Durham report. That's the official Spygate launch basically I believe. MOAB incoooming!! Or nothing will happen. I found surprisingly little information about the Durham report and one expert even said that the report will not be released. I hope this information is correct:
  3. QAnon has claimed that nothing can stop their plan. Could be true! Q refers to Q clearance which is the highest security clearance in the U.S. government. And since the U.S. is the most powerful country in the world it will have a global effect. I like this kind of development which can bring about a massive change in the world fairly quickly. One of the primary goals with their plan seems to be to clean up corruption on a massive scale. But is the QAnon movement democratic? At least indirectly I think, yes, because Q if they are connected to the U.S. government, and they are white hats (good guys and gals) then they will do things by the law. To do things illegally is stupid since that just makes oneself vulnerable. Black hats with their corruption can gain lots of power, but it's a shaky kind of power and the white hats have a robust kind of power by being grounded in the legal system.
  4. I make wide (hopefully not too far-fetched connections). Here is another one: Corruption is a part of the global ego shadow! And QAnon is a part of dealing with the global ego shadow. There needs to be both bottom-up ego integration that Anna talked about and also top-down ego integration which is what Q and Trump (Q+) are about. I see this as a sign of the planetary holon taking form before our eyes. The ego shadow is the part of the ego that will be transcended, and the useful parts of the ego will be included and integrated. This is the harvest mentioned in the Law of One. The harvest is both on individual and collective levels, from the individual person up all the way to the global ego.
  5. But isn't QAnon just a right wing conspiracy theory? In my opinion QAnon is the real deal. There are many impressive Q posts. And I want to add that the "deep state" is not only a front as I wrote. The deep state has real corruption in it! So I'm very curious and excited about what the Durham report will include. There is a great chance that there will be a big Spygate scandal building up this summer. Even the FISA report showed some remarkably weird things although I believe that the FBI has acted correctly in a kind of psyop manner to be able to deal with the really big deep state corruption. Leo might disagree with my take on QAnon, but he has some great insights into this topic, such as this video about corruption:
  6. Ironically, people on the left who have criticized Trump for cooperating with Russia have missed his interactions with China. Trump has said: "I love China." And Trump is now helping Huawei to surpass the western tech companies. Even the Pentagon started complaining about how the U.S. tech industry will lose a lot by not being able to make business with China. Is then Trump a traitor? No! Trump is aiming for win-win. Trump is Spiral Dynamics vMeme level Turquoise and just pretends to be a lot of Blue and Orange in order to make the U.S. citizens go along with his agenda, and "trust the plan" as QAnon posted. And the deep state is actually just a fake front for the real top power structure where there is international cooperation instead of the fake ass conflicts that are being staged.
  7. Conspiracy theories are childish. The biggest conspiracy is the belief in aging and death. The truth is that nobody has ever died. Leo has said that we were never born. I haven't heard him mentioning that nobody has ever died, which must equally be the case.
  8. If it's true that China has manipulated the west, doesn't that make the western powers incredibly gullible and childish? For example, I think the U.S. is even selling military weapons to Taiwan. Isn't that a sign of utter immaturity when it comes to political experience? Seemingly, yes, but not so fast! Because who says that the west is free from manipulation? Remember, the global ego is built on manipulation and deception, so there are layers and layers of ridiculously outrageous manipulations. To repeat what Jordan Maxwell said: "Nothing in this world works the way you think it does." And that of course also applies to the claims Jordan makes himself about how the Vatican is criminal etc. The top powers in the world are good to make sure we can take the leap into a planetary holon. But they can't reveal that prematurely since the world is still dominated by ego consciousness with a ruthless and even sadistic selfish mindset filled with fear and devoid of intrinsic ethics. So the top powers need to operate in the shadow behind fronts of scary power structures.
  9. The global ego is built on manipulation. I'm excited about what China will do in the near future. My guess is that China has totally fooled the west, in a good way. For example, the Art of War was a psyop to make the west focus on war. The real art of war is to trick others to fight each other. And today we can see the result of that in how China is conquering the world with business deals instead of with military force. China tricked the British Empire to develop Hong Hong into a commercial beachhead into the west and then giving it to China 100 years later. Long term planning. China has thousands of years of political and social experience. The Opium Wars were on purpose allowed to happen to make the west believe they had the upper hand and thereby make miscalculated strategy decisions. China and Japan have cooperated throughout history and pretended to be in conflict with each other so that they could manipulate the west on a massive scale. China controls Taiwan and only pretends that there is some dispute there to trick the west to sell military technology etc to Taiwan. China has pretended to want to buy iPhones from Apple when in fact they don't need them much. The iPhones are old tech compared to what China is working on. China also has pretended to be dependent on western technologies such as microchips. The reality is that China controls the entire east basically which has the world's capacity for manufacturing microchips. They have manipulated the west to outsource the hardware manufacturing to the east so that the west now largely lacks that capacity and knowledge. China adopted communism in a display as a front to manipulate the west. China's thousands of years of political and cultural development has little to do with communism or any other western inventions. It's just a show to to hide their real long term strategies. Even the human rights violations in China may be totally made up stories! Why? Why make one's nation look bad? The answer is: huge, Big Lie manipulation, above the heads of even the western experts.
  10. And here are three new videos from people who describe similar things as I do in this journal. I need to be a bit self-biased to keep some focus.
  11. Aaron Abke has this new video where he explains how the Atonement in ACIM is a correction of an erroneous perception:
  12. Service to others in the Law of One as I mentioned before means I believe a collective consciousness. And it's more than that. Service to others means serving the planetary holon as the holon. And it then means being the planetary holon and not a service in the ego sense. The planetary holon includes one's own individual and personal self. So it automatically becomes a task of building the planetary holon out of personal wishes and desires. Otherwise service to others would be a tedious task done as a kind of obligation or self-sacrifice. Self-sacrifice in fourth density means sacrificing the whole planet, and we don't want that, lol.
  13. Another good thing about the ego, in addition to it being a tool for growth and development, is that it creates a predictable form of control. It's impossible for us in manifested reality to fully predict the future because of computational irreducibility which Stephen Wolfram has described. With ego control it's at least possible to have predictability within limits. That's very useful for us in manifested reality. I think "service to self" in the Law of One simply means ego. And Ra said that there is service to self up all the way to early sixth density. This I believe means that ego control is used even in higher densities. For example fifth density is the galaxy as a holon. And even in fifth density there is service to self, which I interpret as meaning social control systems, maybe even things like laws and definitely all kinds of advanced technology such as automation and artificial general intelligence (AGI).
  14. The idea that we are attacking ourselves in our own minds is a radical idea, yet that is precisely what ACIM says that the ego does. ACIM calls it attack thoughts:
  15. It's also necessary to avoid fighting egos which will just strengthen one's own ego as well as continue building the global ego including other people's egos. Egos are always fighting each other in order to keep the illusion of separation going. The global ego is the whole world, so what is it fighting against? The answer is that the global ego is fighting against entropy (disorder, decay). Mainstream physicist Leonard Susskind blew my mind when he said that entropy is hidden information, because even though he didn't say that the hidden information is order, I believe it is. And another prominent physicist, Stephen Hawking, suggested that particles are only waves and that there is no uncertainty, meaning no actual randomness or disorder. So with the hypothesis of reality always actually being perfectly ordered, entropy is then merely a result of a limited perspective. And what the global ego, and consequently all egos are struggling against is a limited and false perception of reality. Like Don Quixote fighting windmills. And if we ourselves fight the global ego, we are not only metaphorically fighting windmills, we are then fighting ourselves.
  16. Leo has a great explanation how the ego is about self-preservation in this video about collective egos: What I call the global ego is the collective ego of the whole world. The global ego is also about self-preservation! And according to my model, that's actually a delusion, because reality as a whole is always perfectly ordered and indestructible. And the global ego has shaped our individual egos. So then there is a massive struggle humanity is going through because of a false perception of reality. As I have mentioned before, there is a deliberate purpose the ego has which is to produce creativity, uniqueness and growth. However, when we start to recognize the cosmic trick it's time to start to transcend it. The ego has served its purpose as a developmental tool for creation and now we can start dismantling it and remove the struggle against life and instead become one with life, which is the true perspective.
  17. It's useful to have some idea of what it means by earth evolving into a holon. Bruce Lipton said that cells have perception through receptors on the membrane of the cell. As a fractal analogy we humans are receptors on planet earth as the "cell". In ego consciousness we experience ourselves as a separate receptors. With planetary consciousness we still experience reality through our physical body with the difference that now our individual consciousness is plugged into the planetary consciousness. We are still individuals and also have the larger identity as Gaia, the consciousness of the whole earth. It's a highly speculative idea. The reason for why it is useful is that it allows the mind to faster adopt a much larger perspective. It's like testing a hypothesis. The hypothesis could be false or it can be true. And since at least Bruce Lipton has talked about such evolutionary leap for humanity I find it worthwhile to examine it by starting with at least some conceptual idea of what it means in practice. To use the cell analogy again, the individual person as a receptor becomes identified with the whole cell, even though each individual still has his or her own unique personal perspective.
  18. Spiritual integration of the ego, that's something we can picture with our intellect. For example as being one with all of reality. Of course, the map is not the territory but at least we can get an intellectual understanding that it can be possible. But then what the heck is physical integration of the ego? I actually haven't heard any spiritual teachings talking about this. So it's just my own speculation at the moment. What I mean by physical integration of the ego is to first recognize that the physical human body is already one with the environment and the whole world and one with the entire universe and beyond. The next step is to actualize this understanding into a factual result. I haven't done that myself yet of course but the idea is that I will actually experience my body as being the whole planet earth! That's how massive the physical integration of the ego is.
  19. I think that what Anna talked about in her latest video about ego integration is an effective approach. The ego only believes itself to be a separate entity. And that's why we in ego consciousness have a lot of tensions in body and mind. Complete ego integration requires all aspects of the individual to be integrated with the whole of reality and with the entire world. This includes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the ego.
  20. This table shows different stages for different models. Spiral Dynamics is in the table for humanity collectively.
  21. What if ACIM and the Law of One are just woo woo New Age beliefs? It's possible! Even my own experiences are actually just memories, and memories can be false. So one has to be very open-minded and especially question one's own beliefs. And especially with my latest ideas, they are extreme to say the least. I still believe in my current model but I'm prepared to quickly reject it if it becomes falsified. Leo has this video about beliefs:
  22. The following explanation might seem like incredible arrogance of me but I think it makes logical sense. One HUGE mistake many if not most of the spiritual teachers and spiritual traditions make is to believe that the physical human body is a separate object. It's not! There isn't any real separation between the human body and the rest of the world. So having the body age and die and then get buried is complete insanity! Just as what ACIM says about the ego. The whole world still is almost completely in the grip of the global ego and in a severely deluded collective state. Would you bury yourself in yourself? Total madness. We are Gaia, the whole planet, and not some separate egos running around on the surface as separate objects.
  23. Leo said that he now has more advanced knowledge than in the spiritual traditions. There might be something to that! For example, kundalini is an interesting form of energy that rises up the spine when blocks are removed. And the blocks in the spine of the ego are enormous since the human body is connected to the whole world and is not some separate object as the ego believes. However, the Holy Spirit is controlling all of reality including kundalini. So what we can do instead of complicated practices of awakening the kundalini is to have the Holy Spirit directly flow into the spine and melt away the energy blocks however big and massive they are. And I have even started to experience some release in my spine. Could be just a form of autosuggestion but I find it worth examining further.
  24. Actually, in my model consciousness can flow into the entire body. Nonduality teacher Roger Castillo has talked about consciousness moving from the head to the heart. And I have actually briefly experienced expansion of my consciousness into the heart area. It was a bit different than how I imagined Castillo's description because my consciousness was during that short experience both in my head and in my heart at the same time as a unified field. I will experiment with allowing consciousness to flow into my whole body as a part of my overall healing practice.
  25. I found this new research about the brain and consciousness: Does this finding falsify my model which says that consciousness can exist outside the brain? No, because in my model the brain is correlated with the overall information integration necessary for consciousness. This new mainstream research actually supports my model which says that consciousness can be in an off state. Many spiritual teachings say that consciousness is always on, which is not the case according to the new scientific discovery. From the research paper: