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The e-yuan will be very powerful. Max Keiser explained that traditional money transactions today are a mess and take a long time because they must be cleared. With a digital currency the transactions can be done immediately. That's a huge advantage that's not so obvious on the surface level. And another expert said that transferring money over national borders is a complete mess, or I think he even called it an unspeakable horror, haha. And that's just two examples of the friction of the flow of money today. There are also other things such as transaction fees and need for conversion between currencies.
Actually, if the accusations of human rights violations against China are unfounded, then I will trust China to control the world's biggest digital currency, if the e-yuan is publicly transparent and with zero transaction fees. The U.S. dollar has been called the petro dollar and is today's de facto global currency, so it's fair if the e-yuan becomes the de facto digital global currency in my opinion. In short, what I mean is: then the e-yuan IS the new global digital currency. And with a publicly transparent transaction ledger all nations and even all companies and individuals have access to the entire history of e-yuan transactions. This will make governments around the world willing to accept e-yuan as the world's digital currency. My guess is that the user IDs will be encrypted so that only governments can read them in order to be able to track things like terrorism and organized crime. Having the public being able to track people's transactions would be nasty and even dangerous.
I found a good video about the e-yuan. And it will be capable of microtransactions which in combination with Harmony OS will become really powerful. And it's also for international use, at least later on. There will be a low transaction fee. I think some transaction fee like that is necessary to prevent misuse of transactions. And it sounded like the e-yuan will be transparent! Even transparent user IDs. Which means that everybody can see what transactions have been made and by who. In that case it will to a large extent prevent criminal use of the currency. But transparent for who? Will only the Chinese government be able to see the transactions?
Actually, the e-yuan could be something huge on the horizon. I found this article: The e-yuan sounds like big news to me, like an elephant, or a big effin dragon in the living room, yet very little about it in mainstream media and Akira Amari was Japan's Minister of Economy, and his proposal is for this year’s G7 meetings.
What?! What a shock! China is already about to launch the e-yuan. Maybe it will not be such a big deal, but if the e-yuan as I mentioned in the previous post will be used internationally then that can become huge.
One way of a global digital currency being implemented faster is if there is a major threat. And I came to think of how China can make their yuan digital and very efficient for e-commerce. And other countries cannot block an e-yuan I think because it's still the yuan and that's a valid and globally recognized fiat currency. And Alibaba, which is the Chinese version of Amazon can easily become much bigger and with lower costs for consumers. Such situation would make other countries demand a global digital currency, because otherwise China will have monopoly on collecting all the Big Data generated by all those transactions. And when the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes big, then the e-yuan would be a superior choice for microtransactions, because companies would trust that more than using an unregulated cryptocurrency.
Some central banks are already looking at CBDCs (central bank digital currency). However the BIS (the central bank of central banks) pointed out that there are shortcomings in the national solutions. To me this means that a global CBDC would be more efficient. But that could take decades to develop. Unless there is a clever plan for how to introduce it much faster.
Introducing a global digital currency is a monumental task. Even the coronavirus crisis is likely too puny to make such currency a reality, although it may play a part in moving in that direction. If removing cash is desirable, it can be used as an opportunity to introduce a new digital currency. The IMF boss talked about how it will reduce corruption. Good point. There are also dangers such as Orwellian control and risks of the currency being hacked. Here is Christine Lagarde, managing director of the IMF talking about digital currency:
A new idea I got is that governments will start to reduce the use of cash because of the coronavirus. And indeed, this has already happened if the following video I found is correct:
Notice that that the ego thinks with dualistic concepts in the form of either/or. That's non-integral. Even ACIM as I have mentioned earlier lacks the integral perspective of both/and. It's useful as a teaching tool to have a clear black and white comparison between ego and Holy Spirit as in ACIM. That's helpful for recognizing the ego condition. Once the ego is recognized the spiritual practice can be taken to an integral level. My new approach is to have inner peace increase at the same time as my ego is still operating as usual! And the inner peace will start to transform and integrate the ego.
Yay! QAnon has started posted again. I will make a tricky interpretation because at face value it seems that the latest Q posts indicate a cold war between the U.S. and China. Q among other things posted a link to this video where Vice President Mike Pence talks about China as being much more dangerous than Russia: This seems to be the opposite of the global level playing field that I posted about earlier. And what Pence said seemingly contradicts my predicted move towards increased globalization. However, the tricky part is this: Mike Pence said (from about 34:20): "We will demand that Beijing breaks down its trade barriers." That's a global level playing field! At least a move in that direction.
Will things get back to normal after the coronavirus crisis? I think very likely yes, but as one economy expert pointed out, it will be a new normal. Things will be very much the same as usual on a local level in society. The big changes will be on the top political level, and probably significant changes globally. But even on a global level things will return to a more or less normal I guess. It may still be the formation of a global ego cocoon, even if only few things change in practical everyday life for most people. Because the coronavirus is a massive global event. And things don't happen randomly. Even without a conspiracy, reality is one wholeness and evolution is more than only biology. So some kind of huge evolutionary shift is happening for humanity it seems to me.
Wait a minute! Just a speculation, but could the coronavirus crisis be the global ego turning into a cocoon? The global ego is like a caterpillar, and in order to develop into a butterfly it has to turn itself into a cocoon. Here is again a video where Bruce Lipton compares the world to a caterpillar:
How to find inner peace? Mainstream media is dominated by ego control. That's fine! Because as individuals we can go beyond that. Ego control can be transcended and included. That's the integral approach. In ego consciousness we are totally identified with ego control. With the integral approach we instead find our foundation and identity in inner peace. And on top of the inner peace ego control can be added. In practice this means that we are grounded in inner peace and we can allow ego control as an extra layer on top of our new foundation. The difference is that now we can also allow lack of ego control. That was impossible in ego consciousness since it is based on separate control. Our new state of being exists on its own and ego control is just a surface layer, that can be interesting while also being discardable.
One interesting although nasty practical thing I discovered is that I'm frustrated about not knowing for how long the coronavirus crisis will last. That's ego consciousness! That's my ego wanting to have control. It's good to have control in certain areas. The tricky part is to know what ego control is valid and what is invalid control. What is ego control? To me ego control is the ability to predict the future based on personal knowledge. So even with separate control ultimately being an illusion, there is the sense of "seeing" the possible future with ego control. With the coronavirus I can't predict when it will end. That's frustrating. And it must be the same for everybody in the same situation. So what to do? One strategy I have is to recognize my frustration actually being a part of the global ego. Frustration is a form of suffering and to me that indicates that there is some false perception I have. It's a partial perception that separates reality that's the problem. And the problem will never be solved on the ego level. Even if I learn when the coronavirus will end, the same kind of problem will pop up again when another situation out of my control appears again, and there are lots of those. The solution must then be moving into a higher state of consciousness. And to me that means moving towards inner peace.
Trump a bit over a year ago used the military within U.S. borders, something usually prohibited by the Posse Comitatus Act. I haven't figured out yet if the military will be used again within the U.S., this time to help with the coronavirus crisis. There are however indications that this is about to happen. In that case the coronavirus crisis is similar to The Storm in the Q movement: A massive lock down of the whole nation plus military troops on the streets, that would indeed allow for mass arrests. I do NOT think however that the military will take over the power in the U.S. And I doubt that mass arrests will happen, but there might be the use of the military within the U.S. for some reason other than to just help with the coronavirus crisis.
Bentinho Massaro said in this video that he believes that the coronavirus is real and he is even very cautious about people around him sneezing and things like that. But he also said that he believes that the crisis is a ruse, a military term meaning a tactic used to deceive the enemy. AND he also said that he feels that it's something good! So even though a bit different perspective than mine it's also very similar. Great. Benthino is very much into spirituality and New Age and love and harmony, so it's good to have somebody like him agreeing with the fundamentals.
If the coronavirus crisis is a deliberately planned and staged psyop, as I believe, then how can I claim that it is good? My theory is that there are huge problems in the world that the governments simply cannot tell their citizens about. Being too transparent about those global problems would cause massive disruptions and chaos in society. And also, to ignore the problems will also be catastrophic. So something needs to be done to deal with the situation, and the coronavirus crisis is the most benign and most efficient approach.
I got an idea why so many people on the right are conspiracy theorists. And it could be that that there are even more people on the political right than the on the left who believe in conspiracy theories. Especially libertarians. Because in the first tier of Spiral Dynamics people think non-integral in black or white terms. So neither Spiral Dynamics vMeme Green nor Orange can take a both/and integral position. So for example, to exaggerate the picture, either the government is good which people in Green think or the government is bad which people in Orange think. And therefore people in Green need to trust the government more than people in Orange. And since people in Green believe that the government is good they believe that it tells the truth and can be trusted. People in Orange on the other hand believe that the government can lie to them and therefore are more open to conspiracy theories. My own perspective is above both perspectives! I don't think that's an arrogant position and believe it's the more correct perspective. The coronavirus is I believe both something deliberately planned and staged and also something good.
Here is a presentation by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, and she talks about a global level playing field and also about a digital single market in the EU. She also talked about climate change and the increase of automation. So yes, it seems that the top politicians are concerned about automation increasingly replacing jobs. This likely means a move towards universal basic income. And the single digital market with a level playing field may be something that I guess could become global and not just something for the EU.
I found this presentation by what seems to be an expert with lots of knowledge about big financial and economic issues. He said that the governments and central banks will have to do something unorthodox because the coronacrisis is something we haven't seen before. He also said that some countries in Asia have started with universal basic income. He also called it helicopter money, like how central banks rise above and spread out money, lol. He said about handing out money, that's something that will be difficult for governments to reverse. I have been thinking that too, that once some new policy is introduced it tends to get stuck. And he said that there could be problems long term with handing out money like that. That made me think that maybe some global financial solution is needed to make a universal basic income around the world a stable solution.
I bought toilet paper and soap and things. Only a a little but it's still ego fear-based survival behavior probably. Not very ACIM-like. I can imagine people who are deeper in ego consciousness than me, they must be going nuts! In the U.S. the situation is getting even worse. Some people are comparing the lock down to martial law, such as:
Will the coronavirus crisis be used for introducing a global currency? I doubt it, but then again I don't know much about how the economy works. It may be that today's fiat currencies cause huge amounts of unnecessary friction in the economy. One possibility is the introduction of a digital global currency, and that's similar to the conspiracy theory of the New World Order and what is called the second beast in the Book of Revelation: If the first beast is the global ego, then the second beast can represent a digital control system including a digital currency requiring a "mark" an ID code for each individual. The second beast has the authority of the first beast:
Because of the exponential progress of technology, the tsunami of automation can be upon us very soon historically speaking. Therefore something like a universal basic income (UBI) will become necessary during a transition period. To simplify the picture, in the past 100% employment was needed and in the future 0% employment is needed when automation such as artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics can replace all the jobs we humans do. Today's society is more complex and nuanced than the simplistic example of going from 100% to 0% employment, but in principle that's what will happen. And due to the accelerating progress it's not a gradual and steady change. Instead it's an accelerating trend. And those in power may be aware of statistics showing that the trend towards automation already has reached a critical point. Changing the economic model of today's society without a major crisis will take many years if not decades. That kind of slow change is insufficient. The kind of economy we have today is still very much like in the early days of the industrial revolution. Not much has changed and having a job is still considered basically the only way to survive today. I don't know much about economics, however we are in an unprecedented situation so the old school types of economics from the Austrian School of economics, to Keynesian economics and to Marxism, those are all old models built on I guess only jobs as a foundation. A UBI however has been promoted in the past, from the whole spectrum of economic experts all the way from the left to the right. As far as I know no country has yet introduced a full UBI. With the coronavirus crisis the introduction and implementation of a UBI becomes possible in probably basically all nations and with political consensus reached quickly due to the crisis. And perhaps even without having to modify the existing monetary systems in the world.
I heard something interesting about self-driving cars, that they may be more difficult to make good enough in practice than it first appeared. The reason is that there are edge cases in traffic that are hard to predict, and some are even impossible to predict. To go from 50% to 80% accuracy is easy. To go from 80% to 90% accuracy is still fairly easy. To go from 90% to 98% accuracy is more difficult. And to go from 98% to 99% accuracy is extremely difficult. And 100% accuracy is impossible. Similarly, with AI algoritms using Big Data to predict behavior of humans, no matter how powerful computers are used and how much data they collect there will always be edge cases that neither the machines nor the powers that be can predict. As Morpheus told Neo in the Matrix movie: "I've seen an agent punch through a concrete wall; men have emptied entire clips at them and hit nothing but air; yet, their strength, and their speed, are still based in a world that is built on rules. Because of that, they will never be as strong, or as fast, as you can be." By transcending the need for knowledge we become stronger and faster than any powers in the global ego which is based on separate control and past information. Therefore the global ego is desperate to keep us locked into a belief system based on the primacy of knowledge. Not only that, by keeping the true knowledge to themselves, and giving disinfo and misleading information to the public, those in power can keep having the upper hand, until we see through their schemes, that is.