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I like to boil down the practice to something as simple as possible. And with that as a foundation it's always possible to add more complicated practices on top of the basic practice. Consciousness is a oneness and that alone is very powerful. Consciousness is I believe also connected to infinite intelligence and people like Leo and Shunyamurti have said that consciousness is infinite intelligence. My simple practice of dissolving the ego armor is to use inner body awareness practice. This means putting conscious attention to how the body and mind feel. Leo has a good presentation about inner body awareness practice that includes what was a new insight to me that both the body and the mind need to be relaxed:
I looked up some of what Wilhelm Reich wrote about the body armor and it's mainly about muscle tensions it seems. And Eckhart Tolle's pain body concept is about stored emotional pain. So just to be sure to include both of those principles I came up with a combination called ego armor. The ego armor is body armor + pain body. And I include in the ego armor concept also the subtle and mental bodies. And I think of the ego armor as an inflexible morphic field within the whole physical body and mind.
I noticed that the body armor has both a physical part and a psychological part. It's perhaps the psychological part that Eckhart Tolle calls the pain body. And since everything is interconnected, the whole body armor is then a single morphic field. It also explains why my body armor starts to feel so heavy when I use mindfulness practice to recognize it, because it's much deeper than just physical tensions. In the morphic field of the body armor there is a cramp and ache. In ordinary ego consciousness that cramp is numbed out! And as we continue in the usual ego defensive ways the body armor becomes stronger and stronger, meaning the ache is getting more and more painful but remains unrecognized because the body and the nervous system numb out the pain. One practice is to first remove enough numbness so that the ache and tensions become noticed by our conscious awareness. And then both the numbness and the ache need to dissolve into a feeling of inner peace. I use inner body awareness practice and now also mindfulness of emotions and thoughts so that both the physical and psychological aspects of the body armor are included in the practice.
Kerry Cassidy said that when Trump talks about the "wall" he sometimes speaks in code. She also talked about Grey aliens and things like that. Do I believe in Grey aliens? No, but even Kerry may speak in code! Pretty tricky, eh? I think some alien abductions stories are true but that they are so-called MILABs, military abductions, where black op projects pretend to be space aliens. Anyway, by the "wall" being code I came to think of the building of the world cocoon when the global ego, the caterpillar, has grown enough and is about to start a transformation into a butterfly, to use Bruce Lipton's metaphor for the next evolutionary leap for humanity. I mentioned earlier that the coronavirus crisis could be the beginning of that cocoon, and that's why I connected it to the "wall".
Many people in the alternative community talk about an internet and mobile shutdown. My doubt about those claims is that even when people claim to have multiple reliable and independent sources for the information, it can be a story given to all of them by disinfo agents. So I'm skeptical about such claims. Nonetheless, I find it useful to listen to people in the alternative community. Kerry Cassidy has this new video:
My current plan during the coronavirus crisis is to dissolve my body armor. That's a simple plan that I can practice anytime. I will also aim really big, which is the intent to move into a fourth density body. The idea is that body armor and third density go together. That's a really crazy sounding plan, but as Arthur C. Clarke's second "law" says:
I discovered that the planless awareness practice is non-integral. My bad. The integral approach is transcend and include. So the usefulness of planning should be included. My new approach is therefore to plan for the future and be fully adaptive, meaning be able to easily change the plan if needed. And also, the plans should be treated as a tool. In ego consciousness we identify with our plans which makes us fearful, defensive and inflexible. There should be a feeling of inner peace. Shunyamurti has this new video about mastering the ego mind and dealing with non-peace:
The U.S. dollar is very strong because of being de facto global currency. And in times of crisis more investors move into the dollar. In a panel discussion I think it was a journalist who said that it's a good thing that the dollar is strong. And one expert replied, that actually Trump wants a weaker dollar. A too strong dollar makes it more difficult for the U.S. to compete. And in another presentation an expert said that China is freeriding on their currency. In this video Trump talks about a level playing field in terms of currencies to make it fair and make it possible to compete, "It has to be fair, and we will make it fair", Trump said: The UN e-money system I proposed will make it fair! Or something similar to that, because I likely have missed things in how to make it fair globally.
Free market libertarians may think that a central bank digital currency (CBDC) is bad. But I think it's very good for a free market economy! How can that be when the money is controlled by the government? My answer as I understand it is that a CBDC can be used to ensure fair tax. Today many of the big corporations pay ZERO tax! So for small and medium size businesses a CBDC will level the playing field. Then what about tracking and surveillance? I think that's good too because it can reduce money laundering and other white collar crimes and remove a lot of corruption and organized crime. Sure, criminal networks can for example use Bitcoin but they will be prevented from easily be able to use CBDCs. A CBDC makes the economy more fair by eliminating much of the illegal business. And CBDCs can make the whole economy a more level playing field and thereby enable true free market competition instead of as today where the big corporations dominate. Plus commercial banks will have less power over the economy which I believe is good because today they have monopoly on money creation in the commercial sector.
Someone said that private banks nowadays can create money based on zero reserves. This means that when you buy a car you pledge the car as collateral for a loan and the bank takes the car as an asset and creates money out of thin air and lends you that money. Such scenario is still not the bank giving itself money other than the massive amount of interest on the loans and the credits. I doubt that private banks are allowed to give themselves credit based on their own bank as collateral. However, this scenario may be valid: bank A can give bank B zero interest credit with bank B as collateral and vice versa. So the private banks then, if that scenario is allowed (I don't know yet), can create vast amounts of money and via each other the private banks can essentially give each other money for free. And with zero reserve requirement they don't even need money from the central bank. In this way the private sector becomes a huge economy outside of central bank control. And what is the 1,000 trillion derivatives market about? That's not money that can be used directly but perhaps private banks can use that as collateral to give each other credits for free. I need to do more research about derivatives and credit creation and I could very well be wrong about it but it seems suspicious to me. This video is a short presentation of derivatives, and they serve a useful purpose of reducing risk but are also used for financial speculation: And according to this other video, fractional reserve banking doesn't even need high-powered money from the central bank. The private banks can use their own money as a fractional reserve:
It seems that "desires of the flesh" in Christianity means ego consciousness! Christian expert and pastor Dr. Charles Stanley explains in this video: "In verse 16 [Galatians 5] 'But I say, walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh.' Now what are the desires of the flesh? We are talking about those desires that find their source within that part of us that has a desire to live outside the will of God." That's exactly the same as ACIM! Just replace 'desire to live outside the will of God' with ego.
In Christianity there is a similar description of serving the Holy Spirit. The ego basically is the devil principle as I see it. Leo even said I think that the ego IS the devil. So giving up ego control is the same I believe as serving the Holy Spirit in Christianity. There seems to be a slight distinction. In Christianity it's only Jesus Christ who served the Holy Spirit directly on earth, and for us the Holy Spirit will point us to Christ. That to me is the same as I described earlier about being guided by our higher self which in turn is guided by Christ/the Holy Spirit.
Brad Johnson has a new video where he talks about something similar to what I call planless awareness. From about 5 minutes he says: "I'm available for Spirit. Which means I clear off everything. Because I have a harmony, I have a commitment to Spirit, I have a commitment to work to where ever Spirit wants to bring me. ... I have no dates here at all ... within my calendar I'm a complete clean slate.":
It's also possible to actively refuse to plan for the future. That adds to the ego conflict, but in a deliberate way as a spiritual practice. My idea is to use that practice as a test to see what happens. It forces my "higher self" to guide me which ultimately is the fourth density self (perhaps collective) which in turn is the Holy Spirit which is the highest self for the whole creation. "Service to others" in the Law of One is in my opinion to let the Holy Spirit use one's own personal knowledge, memories and skills so that the ego integrates with the larger whole.
I have mostly only intellectual ideas, but they match very well Leo's actual experiences of awakening. There are mainly only two differences I found. One is that in my model time has a beginning and time started now. And in my model not even God has free will. Other than that what Leo says in this video basically totally resonates with my ideas: And spiritual awakening is I believe also necessary as a part of moving into a collective consciousness and into fourth density.
One possibility with planless awareness is the emergence of a collective consciousness. Because if I remain in ego planning mode, then that blocks the possibility of a collective consciousness! We can't be a part of a collective consciousness as separate egos. In that sense it's actually "service to others" because it's the ego self (service to self) taking a back seat and allowing a collective consciousness to emerge within oneself. So it's absolutely NOT about the ego trying to serve or trying to be selfless or the ego sending love and light to others. Those things are total mistakes. Because that's the ego remaining in separate control. And planless awareness is useful for avoiding those traps. In planless awareness there are zero attempts of controlling things. To the ego planless awareness seems horrible, but the purpose is to allow the much bigger collective power and drive to flow into oneself. And then we become the larger collective self. Otherwise we remain stuck in the limited ego self.
Some people may ask, if a politician is genuinely serving for the good of all citizens, is that really service to self in the Law of One? Yes! Because it's still separate control. And that's a good thing when done in harmony. That's what I meant earlier by how the ego is a valuable development. The ego is not some bad mistake or something like that. The ego is a necessary stage in order to develop individuality and a sense of separate control. What makes it necessary to transcend the ego is that as ACIM says it is confused about everything, and is stuck in the Law of Confusion as the Law of One calls it. The confusion is the belief that the separation is absolute and total. That's the mistake, that sin in the sense of missing the mark. That's what the Law of One means by service to self as I interpret it. Everything is One. That's what the Law of One is about. So service to others doesn't mean a separate ego serving others. Instead service to others means the recognition of oneness. I haven't checked yet what the Law of One says about it, but my guess is that fourth density means a collective consciousness where the global ego is transcended and also included, and that's the "service to self" part in fourth density; the ability to still have separate control.
The Law of One says that there are both positive and negative fourth density beings. My interpretation of the Law of One is that it's often tricky in its explanations because of the Law of Confusion (we can't handle the truth yet, hence need for confusion and also for the experience of individuality and a sense of separate control). So to me, negative service to self in fourth density means ego planning mode. And that's useful even in fourth density. It's separate control. In reality nothing is separate, yet it's a useful function to be able to control things as if things were separate.
The coronavirus crisis is enormous. When I first heard about the virus I thought it would be like the previous SARS epidemic some years ago. Then countries started to lock down whole populations! So something big is going on and regardless of whether it's a staged event or a natural pandemic it has already caused a lot of political changes. Politicians are totally trapped in ego planning mode and they need to continue along that line. As individual we have the opportunity to transcend ego planning! That's how I see it. Of course I could be wrong, and that even as individuals we need to plan for the future, but I'm taking the risk of experimenting with removing the need for personal planning in my own life.
I find the planless awareness practice difficult. My mind keeps relapsing into ego planning mode. By planless awareness I mean being free even of simple planned tasks in everyday life. There is a sense of clarity sometimes so I could be on the right track! I will practice it a bit more to see what happens. I think Sadhguru said that most of the time he doesn't think at all! Eckhart Tolle has also talked about being free from thinking. And Shunyamurti who seems to have vast knowledge about all kinds of spiritual traditions talked about trans-conceptual awareness or intelligence, something like that. I now sense that spiritual gurus like these are describing a real possible transcendent state of consciousness.
Ego consciousness is a lot about planning for the future. My theory is that the future is already determined. This means that planning for the future can be dropped. It can also be fun and interesting to plan for the future, so an integral approach is to still make plans without being dependent on them. This also removes the friction caused by different plans clashing and conflicting with each other which is often the case in ego consciousness. It also allows plans to immediately be dropped and replaced by other plans or no plans, since the outcome is already determined anyway so there is no heavy personal investment or attachment to the plans as it is when we are totally trapped in ego consciousness.
Still no big news about cash being dangerous during these times of the coronavirus crisis. If COVID-19 really is very dangerous, using cash seems like something to avoid as a first step. So the absence of public warnings seems suspicious to me. Is COVID-19 just an ordinary flu virus after all? To be fair, there are a few news articles about dangers of using cash. And this article pointed out that there is also a risk when paying with cards: It may be too late for big news about cash dangers; those in power would look foolish in such case because of having missed or ignored the danger for so long. But we will see. It will almost be funny if those in power and in mainstream media suddenly start pushing stories and warnings about cash danger.
ACIM explains how all minds are joined. It seems to me that all minds in ego consciousness are joined in the form of a morphic field of the global ego. With the coronavirus crisis the morphic field of the global ego has become radically weakened. This is a potential opportunity for connecting to a new morphic field of a collective consciousness that transcends the global ego.
ACIM saying that the physical body can become a temple to God, that probably means a glorified body, a fourth density body. Because this is how ACIM describes the third density body: This is consistent with my idea that the body armor will remain when we believe that third density is the only possible reality. Also note that nonacceptance of the current state of the physical body is different than hatred. It's necessary I believe to have loving feelings towards the body for it to be able to transform. Remember that even the ego and even violence and death are necessary development "tools" and therefore ultimately good too from an absolute perspective of wholeness, it's just that they are signs of a primitive level of development.
In third density, our physical human body is crappy. Should we accept our body as it is? No! Do you believe that the physical body as we experience it today is the best that infinite intelligence can do?