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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. How can I believe that the coronavirus crisis if staged is something good when Q seems to say that it's bad? My explanation is related to what I posted about earlier how my theory is that the top powers who are white hats (good guys) allowed the black hats (bad guys), the corrupt powers/cabal/deep state to stage COVID-19. The white hats want I think to introduce central bank digital currencies to take the power from the international bankers. And in the U.S. it may be the Treasury Department who takes control over the e-dollar, because the Federal Reserve is owned by private banks. Remember that Q posted that banks control governments who control the people.
  2. Yes! QAnon has started to post about suspicious activities related to COVID-19. I'm thinking voting regarding e-money.
  3. I've got a new theory! This one is highly speculative. The theory is that the coronavirus is an exosome, not a virus. Bruce Lipton has a video about exosomes! Lipton is an expert on cells. And exosomes are produced by the human body, not some alien invaders. Although I guess exosomes can be transmitted from a person to other people, but it's not a viral effect, meaning the spread is only one step. Because exosomes cannot replicate or multiply. However, when many people have the same belief collectively, then all of the individuals will produce the same kind of exosomes! That's my speculative guess for now. And since the exosomes are messengers, they can replicate on the meme level, meaning on the information level, and spread virally that way.
  4. I have been thinking that the coronavirus crisis is staged but that it was a real virus, an ordinary flu virus. And my theory is that it's done for good purposes ultimately. Then what if these new outrageous claims are true, that it's not even a virus? What if all viruses are a hoax?! Absolutely incredible. But I have to be open to the possibility. Let's assume that viruses are a hoax just for the sake of argument. Is it then still possible that the crisis if staged is something good? Yes, I believe so. One radical possibility is that those in the top of the power structure allow the corrupt powers to shoot themselves in the foot. I doubt that the establishment will admit that viruses are a hoax. Seems too devastating for society. On the other hand this coronavirus crisis is so extreme, so who knows what radical announcements to expect in the near future.
  5. One huge advantage of alternate day fasting compared to intermittent fasting is that there is a night before each fasting day. If I stop eating at 10 PM and do a dry fast day and then start eating again at 7 AM then that's 33 hours of fasting. The fasting period during intermittent fasting is typically only about 16 hours. And with intermittent fasting there are no feast days. Being able to eat whatever one wants every other day between 7 AM and 10 PM that's a big convenience and freedom. I have already started my first alternate day fasting and only slight hunger and thirst so far but it feels tedious! I will probably only manage to continue for several days if it starts to feel better. And I find it more difficult to do mindfulness practice. Hopefully that's only because it's the first day.
  6. Wow, David Icke's interview on London Real got banned on YouTube. He said among other things that the images of the coronavirus are the same as pictures of exosomes released by cells in stress. He also mentioned this from 6 minutes in this video: This is exactly consistent with what the expert Kerry Cassidy interviewed said! The expert even went one step further and said that there are no viruses. Extraordinary claim, but then I looked up how viruses are supposed to replicate, and it looks suspicious. How the heck can the virus change the whole extremely complicated machinery of the cell to make it manufacture viruses? The expert also said that polio is caused by DDT, not by a virus. That made me think of a conspiracy theory that instead of admitting that DDT is causing polio and is toxic, those in power concocted the virus theory instead. And then they came up with a solution in the form of a vaccine. I haven't checked yet, but if that hypothesis is true, then the major removal of DDT should align with the "invention" of the polio vaccine and around that time in the 50s and 60s.
  7. Here I found a video where Thomas DeLauer recommends a more aggressive fasting when doing alternative day fasting. Great! That's the same as my homemade method. It's always good to have some expert backing instead of trying to guess oneself how to design the method. DeLauer also mentioned a scientific study showing increased ketone levels during even the feast days. That's a good sign.
  8. Hmm... In this new video Sadhguru says that between meals there must be at least 5-6 hours of space: Maybe I should start some form of dry fasting after all. I found this mainstream method of fasting: What resonates with me about this method is that every other day we can eat whatever we want. That seems psychologically appealing to me. The method is about alternating between what they call feast days where we can truly eat whatever we want and diet days. They call it alternative day fasting. For it to be real alternative day fasting the diet days should be days of fasting, not just low calorie intake in my opinion. I may try alternative day dry fasting! It's still not fully integral I think but it could be useful to use once during say over one month to develop an improved body-mind. And another modification I will do is to add mindfulness practice during the days of fasting.
  9. Here is a new article confirming what I wrote earlier about how money today in addition to costly transactions is very inefficient beneath the surface:
  10. Not even Donald Trump can fully predict the future! The serious meaning of that is that the future can never be fully predicted. Stephen Wolfram has shown that this is so even for very simple systems. Having no free will feels awful to the ego. The mistake the ego makes is to think in terms of mechanical cause and effect going from the past to the future and to believe that such processes can be predicted beforehand. As Wolfram showed, not even simple cause and effect processes like that can generally be predicted. The correct perspective is to recognize manifested reality as an ever ongoing miracle. This removes the need for free will. Cause and effect are a result of both past and future. And even though being already determined, miracles always lead to creation and novelty. Miracles have precise definite purpose. Miracles always lead to progress. Miracles are always certain. All miracles are one and we are that one miracle.
  11. I have decided to stop my fast. Because it's non-integral. So the better approach is actually what Ra said in the last part of the quote I posted about fasting: "The self, if conscious to a great enough extent of the workings of this catalyst and the techniques of programming, may through concentration of the will and the faculty of faith alone cause reprogramming without the analogy of the fasting, the diet, or other analogous body complex disciplines."
  12. Manifested reality is an unfolding miracle. ACIM says that miracles are natural and when they don't happen something has gone wrong. In my model nothing can go wrong. And Leo said in a video that reality is a miracle. One way of defining a miracle is by saying that it is transcendence. Each moment transcends all past moments. That's the miracle! In my model this is explained by each moment containing more information than all the past moments put together. So the present moment is always transcending itself. This is what produces evolution, the arrow of time and emergent properties. And manifested reality is a single miracle. So the usual miracles which can be all kinds of things are effects of the single miracle. And the single miracle in its unmanifested form is an infinite holon. And manifested reality is an ever ongoing movement towards larger and larger holons. The global ego is a holon, but a second order one. The new earth is a first order holon. And moving from our fallen world in the form of the global ego to the new earth is the emergence of our whole planet as a first order holon out of the harvesting of the second order holon of the global ego.
  13. I have started a dry fast. I got curious about how my ego armor will feel when I really focus on it during a dry fast. No plan for how long yet. Hopefully at least a couple of days so that ketogenesis kicks in. People have mentioned "keto flu" symptoms. I get a kind of unpleasant feeling when my body goes into ketosis, but I wouldn't call it flu like, more like a slight toxic feeling.
  14. I experimented with fasting earlier but gave up because although I did experience periods where there wasn't much hunger it was still a form of suffering. And I believe that even though suffering will often be necessary, especially in the beginning, it's not something that should continue endlessly. Now I discovered that fasting is mentioned in the Law of One. The last part of that quote seems to suggest that the mind can be cleaned up without fasting or other body practices. But that requires lots of conscious awareness probably. So fasting could be useful when done with mindfulness. My previous fasting could have been done with more mindfulness. I'm not sure yet, but I may try fasting again. And obviously dry fasting! Because that's both more efficient and for me actually easier to do than water fasting. Experts say use caution and even medical supervision when dry fasting, and for some people that could be a wise advice, but I have done it before so I can start a dry fast without any preparation. Here is a mainstream media expert saying that dry fasting is a dangerous diet fad: Promoted by big pharma much? I find this other video to be a better explanation:
  15. Another potential harvest is that New IP will be used for a new internet and that the current internet will be "harvested" meaning the information on the old internet will be harvested and sucked into the new internet. There is grave Orwellian potential in that, especially when combined with e-money. It's very similar to the second beast in the Book of Revelation actually. However I think it will actually increase transparency and free speech. As it is today big tech giants such as Google, Facebook and Twitter have very much monopoly on information dissemination in practice, since few people will visit smaller websites and blogs etc. Even Reddit is very much into censorship. Funnily I have noticed that even websites such as 4chan have sort of censorship by how the information is promoted or buried. With the new internet governments will have much tighter control, tracking and surveillance capacity but actually because of that it can allow more freedom of speech. It's only severe hate speech, criminal activities and such that governments really are interested in preventing, unless the government is a totalitarian regime.
  16. Aha! The massive transformation of the global ego will be BOTH e-money to take most of the power back from private banks AND open source development to dethrone the corporation dinosaurs with their armies of patent lawyers and endless lawsuits. Former CIA agent Robert David Steele has even talked about open sourcing everything.
  17. I read recently that open source software development is more efficient and powerful than commercial software development. And China has started to open source more of their software and development, such as Harmony OS and even patents. One theory I came up with is that China will move massively into open source and thereby be able to replace more and more commercial software. It's enough for China to be the first-mover and to use the open source software in products made by large Chinese corporations to make others follow, such as Samsung and Sony. And my theory is that China will make their software truly open source, like Linux, not like Android or Chrome which are basically only semi-open source in practice.
  18. Brand new video from Aaron Abke, I haven't even watched it yet but on an excellent topic of the illusion of fear:
  19. I'm starting to lose fear of the coronavirus crisis. It seems more and more as a ridiculous hoax to me. I will still do social distancing and things like that, not because I believe in it, but to respect other people. It's probably a very significant shift in our civilization though, so I will follow what happens. It was for example interesting that Trump proposed what almost seems like alternative medicine. Excellent! Haha. Hopefully the whole pharma and vaccine industry will be exposed as a big hoax. Kerry Cassidy interviewed an expert who said that viruses don't even exist! For example polio is caused by DDT, not by a virus, he said.
  20. It's absurd how vulnerable the global ego is. A tiny (or even nonexistent) virus has severely crippled the global ego. ACIM says that nothing real can be threatened and that being defenseless is true protection. The global ego is about more and more defense and it causes more apparent separation and conflict. My theory is that earth will evolve into a holon and then as the Bible says: Notice that Sadhguru claims to play with poisonous snakes! Could be a hint that nature is only threatening to us when we are in ego consciousness.
  21. Then what about personal harvest? My own fears related to the coronavirus crisis is the risk of the situation getting even worse than it is today, and I'm also afraid of vaccines getting mandatory. That leads to anger. And that's a result of my ego armor. What I think will happen is that the personal fear will be harvested as the ego armor dissolves. And the new state of consciousness will digest (harvest) the fear and turn it into inner peace and more clarity. This is consistent with ACIM's message of going from fear to love (inner peace is the foundation of love).
  22. A study of thousands of the largest corporations in the world showed that only a few corporations own the others and in turn they are owned by private banks. The move towards e-money that I have ranted a lot about is actually a harvest! It's the governments harvesting the huge private banking power. And now even the EU is looking into a central bank digital currency:
  23. I came to think of how the coronavirus crisis is a sudden increase of fear in the global ego. ACIM talks about love vs fear, and I wrote earlier about how the coronavirus crisis allows for the earth to turn into a butterfly state that Bruce Lipton used as a metaphor. In this video Deepak Chopra presents something similar: And the transformation of earth doesn't have to be so radical as in the case of a butterfly. The increased fear caused by the coronavirus crisis has the effect of shutting down ego consciousness even more and the imaginal cells are in the analogy a new state of consciousness being activated in us humans. The harvest in the Law of One might sound scary but it's similar to the butterfly analogy where the imaginal cells build a butterfly by "harvesting" the caterpillar. And as a metaphor, the caterpillar cells are our egos that will be harvested as we become imaginal cells. I interpret this Bible quote to mean that the One being the new state of consciousness and corona means crown. The white cloud represents the first heaven and fourth density.
  24. If planning for the future should be integrated with the ability to not plan, then how to deal with risk management? That's easy! Just have planless awareness as the foundation and you can add all kinds of risks on top of that without changing your risk-free foundation. The mistake the ego makes is to only focus on the risk and miss the bigger picture. Ego plans are based on partial evidence. And this is what ACIM says about that:
  25. Leo mentioned briefly in the body awareness video that the body and thoughts are made of the same stuff. That's true! I don't call it nothing but it could be called no-thing. Mainstream science is currently working on theories about how reality is all made of superstrings. I have doubts about that, but that everything is waves as Stephen Hawking suggested is I believe true. And even deeper than the waves everything is interconnected into a whole no-thingness. So both the body and the thoughts are the same manifestation of oneness. And this realization can be used together with the inner body awareness practice to also include the thoughts and the external environment outside the body as one single whole! In fact, several people have described experiencing reality as a single wholeness. One practical method for recognizing this wholeness perspective has been devised by Douglas Harding called The Headless Way. Here is a short video showing two experiments used in this method: