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How many days of alternate day dry fasting are needed to make significant biohacking changes? I had no clue myself about that, but I found this new scientific study: From the article: "Fourteen healthy subjects fasted from dawn to sunset for over 14 h daily. Fasting duration was 30 consecutive days." I believe my method is faster, but I probably need to continue with my fast during the whole of April to really make significant epigenetic changes. That sounds a bit challenging to me, and I don't want to use too much self-discipline if my fast leads to increased suffering. My body already feels better and my mind clearer, so I will aim for at least a few more fasting days. Someone said (I have no scientific source yet) that in water fasting the fat cells reduce in size while in dry fasting the whole fat cells are consumed! And this older study shows that damaged cells (both fat cells and also other types of cells I assume) are consumed first while healthy cells are preserved:
Can't fasting be replaced by mindfulness practice, or even with intellectual understanding? In theory I believe yes, but in practice the biology of the body has billions of years of conditioning. That's hardly something that can be budged much with positive thinking or even with mindfulness. Doing all the lessons in A Course in Miracles for a year probably can make significant changes, even on the epigenetics, and have a profound effect on the level of consciousness. However to go all the way into changing the entire body will be done faster with things like fasting I think. So that's why I go beyond only focusing on ACIM. I will take a look at this video where one expert related to this is interviewed:
I want to be able to do alternate day fasting for long enough period to change my epigenetics. I found this research about caloric restriction and although that is different than fasting I have heard other experts talking about how fasting is more efficient than caloric restriction. And also, in this short video the presenters say that keto diet, fasting and colorie restriction all change our epigenetics: Keto 101 - Ketones and Genetic Expression - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfwuzCI7AW0
Governments want the truth and nothing but the truth yet themselves present a whitewashed facade and nothing but a whitewashed facade. That causes lots of inefficiency, friction, and ever increasing protective walls to hide the manipulation and lies. Q wrote about transparency. I agree with that. Not total transparency I think, but a reversal of the opposite trend of more and more facades and secrets. And it needs to be done globally. Q linked to this tweet: And Q linked to this video in post 3949:
I'm confused about Easter. Celebrating the death of Jesus seems a bit satanic, but after three days he returns to earth in a resurrection body. I love that! That's the glorified body, the fourth density body. There is value in traditions but today is a fasting day for me and that takes precedence ..... well, maybe, I will see. The future cannot be predicted.
ACIM has a chapter called The Function of Time. Here is a quote from that chapter: The eternal now can be seen as one complete changeless block, similar to how Ramesh Balsekar described it. And the unfolding of time can be seen from the perspective of the Law of One. And I think of manifested reality as the creation of larger and larger holons. This means more harmony the larger the holons. It doesn't completely remove my own fear of time, but I believe it's a good starting point for removing the fear of time. Reality is an endless expansion of creativity. There may be nothing new under the sun, but the future is always new. This eliminates the risk of endless boredom.
The ego has cronophobia, which means fear of time. One way of curing chronophobia is to integrate from the ego and into oneness. I used to think of integral approaches as going from oneness and then including the good parts of the ego. When it comes to time the other way around is possible. To the ego the maximum human lifespan is around 100 years. That kind of lifespan is very brief when compared to cosmic scales. What can be done to cure chronophobia is to integrate the limited lifespan with a human lifespan of an infinite number of years. The idea of such endless lifespan causes the ego to freak out. It's really scary to the ego. It's chronophobia on steroids. So curing chronophobia is a massive task. One small step is to consider how we treat time, how we manage time. To the ego time is precious. The integral approach is to treat time as precious sometimes and as abundant at other times. Abundant time here means endless time! How many years do you want to be a couch potato? 1 month? 6 months? How about 300 years? That's easily done with abundant time. It's an incredible shift of perspective of time, a complete recontextualization of how time is perceived and valued.
Jim Newman teaches the most extreme form of nonduality that I know of so far, similar to Tony Parsons. It's even more direct than Ramesh Balsekar's teachings. It's beyond even nihilism, lol. I think it's a useful teaching to get a sense of the nondual nature of nature, when it's integrated with other teachings that describe the progress of reality such as the Law of One.
Here is a great new video where Silvana Isaza talks about the caterpillar and butterfly analogy and earth as Gaia, a planetary consciousness:
An additional and more radical idea is to during each feast day to eat not only what the minds wants to eat but what also what the body feels to eat, even if it's junk food, desserts and other foods considered unhealthy. Why? Because the idea is to train the body-mind to be more capable of digesting food. If the body is incapable of handling junk food, then that's a weak body is the idea.
Today is a feast day for me. Yesterday's fasting day was a little bit easier than the first fast day, so I will see if I can continue with the alternate day fasting for a couple of more days. One potential with feast days is that it can remove the fear and shame of eating too much and too unhealthy. I will practice mindfulness about that and eat and drink lot of yummy stuff and check how it triggers my fear and guilt. With 33 hours dry fast periods I believe it's possible to eat anything with the same and perhaps even better health benefits than by worrying and trying to eat healthy. Because the dry fast period is long enough to clean up, restore and improve my body probably.
Here is a part from one of the new Q posts: That sounds like the black hats I described earlier. Remember that Q wrote that banks control governments who control the people. So at the top are the international private bankers. The black hats are a part of what is called the deep state or the cabal. I don't know what [D/ F] means yet. D could mean democrats, but Q wrote in the post that it's not about politics. DF seems to mean Dianne Feinstein but D/ F could mean something different. Anyway here is something Trump said about her: What I'm most curious about at the moment is if the deep state was allowed to stage COVID-19 by the white hats, because that will reveal the evildoing of the deep state and thereby they are shooting themselves in the foot by launching the coronavirus crisis.
It's interesting that Brad Johnson calls the coronavirus crisis an agenda. I agree with that. At the very least it has been overhyped by the establishment. I actually believe it's a massive agenda and deliberately planned and staged.
The research article in the previous video mentioned that medicines can be developed that produce the same beneficial effects as intermittent fasting. (Alternate day fasting is included in the category intermittent fasting I learned.) Most people will probably not even try fasting of any kind. And so for them it would be useful to have pills that can improve their health without the need for fasting. I'm a fan of convenience so I understand if most people want medicines instead of having to fast. And that's an excellent opportunity for the pharma industry. It will be win-win, since the pharma industry will start investing a lot in researching the effects of fasting and what is causing the beneficial effects so that drugs can be invented. Personally I think it's healthier and more efficient to do the actual fasting instead of taking pills, even though in some cases new medicine may actually be able to perform better than fasting! My current strategy is to try alternate day dry fasting for a while, well at least two fasting days, and then shift into only mindfulness practice. The idea is that teaching the body and mind the effects is enough to cause lasting epigenetic changes so that the fasting practice is only used as a biohacking tool once and then no longer needed.
I was wondering what alternate fasting will do to the body's ability to cope with changes between fasting and feasting. And in this video a study in a very respected medical journal is discussed showing that it's actually beneficial. From the description of the video:
A medical expert said that the blood flow in the arteries has high pressure, and then it flows into the capillaries, the tiniest blood vessels which have low pressure, and then back to the heart through the veins which have medium pressure, And the aorta, the large artery connected to the heart is elastic, like a balloon. That made me think that the heart is actually not pumping the blood around the whole body. And that the veins push blood through muscle movements in the walls of the veins. The heart only pumps blood into the aorta to maintain the correct pressure and it's the muscles in the blood vessel walls (the capillaries have no muscles and instead are like a net so that nutrients and stuff can pass through to the cells) that push around the blood within the body. That was my amateurish idea because the mainstream view of the heart seemed wrong to me. Now I found this video where the expert says that the heart isn't even a pump! And that there is a fourth state of water which is more like jelly than a liquid. That I have already heard about but I will check out this video some more:
I haven't found that ACIM mentions fasting. Instead it seems to me that ACIM is describing fourth and higher densities in the Law of One: The Bible has for example this curious passage about fasting: I think Jesus means that when we fast just because it's an obligation and the ego wants recognition for fulfilling that obligation, then that's the wrong approach. Instead when we fast for the sake of fasting itself that is the correct approach.
I trust mainstream science when it comes to showing results of benefits of fasting. Because the pharma industry has the incentive to fudge statistics and such for drug studies. For fasting the incentive is the opposite for the commercial healthcare industry, since promoting fasting will hurt their business, a lot! And here I found a short list of benefits: PubMed Central is run by the National Institutes of Health. This is an indication of why free market economy sometimes fails. Because the incentive of healthcare business is to make profit on drugs and other methods and therefore has little or no interest or capacity to research fasting. And the above quote is just from the first (heading 1) from a list of benefits in the same article (10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting): And all of that with lots of references to PubMed Central. National Institutes of Health, great job! I do think that even the pharma industry has a lot of good research too, but also loads of corruption and false research as the editor in chief of The Lancet wrote about.
Another benefit with alternate day fasting compared to calorie restriction is that the body breaks down damaged proteins and old cells and builds up new proteins and cells in a complete renovation cycle. And studies of alternate day fasting compared to calorie restriction show that alternate fasting builds up body lean mass 4 times more than with calorie restriction. And there is also an increase of bone mass. The reason is that fasting makes the body produce more growth hormones, whereas eating interestingly enough reduces growth hormones. Dr. Jason Fung explains this from 29 minutes into this video:
Oh no, this is my second fast day. Yesterday I ate pizza and drank soda etc, haha. Hopefully I can continue my alternate day fasting because of potential health benefits and I'm curious about what effect it has on mindfulness and on my ego armor. In this video Dr. LeGrand explains that scientific studies of alternate day fasting can be misleading. For example in previous studies they used 100% / 25% alternate calorie intake and compared that to 75% calorie intake each day and didn't find much difference. As I suspected, that's because it's not true fasting and as another expert explained the metabolism still continues with 25% calories, so it has to be true fasting during the fast day for full results. And I use dry fasting which is more efficient than water fasting according to some experts, and I believe that's true, because even water has to be processed by the body. Actually I suspect drinking water is a huge burden for the body and that it increases hunger and makes the fast far less efficient. And drinking too much water is even toxic, but mainstream media will not tell you that nor the fancy universities because they are payed by the big pharma corporations. Dry fasting is a huge threat to the pharma industry. They will NOT tell you that the body produces its own water by breaking down fat cells. They WILL tell you to drink water, the more the better, for them, since people then remain sick and still buy their pills.
I came up with a speculative idea that exosomes can sometimes function as viruses in a good way. Let's say that a cell releases 10 exosomes. In the usual scenario it seems that when those exosomes are received by other cells the message is delivered without triggering further release of exosomes by the receiving cells. But picture a scenario where the receiving cells in turn each sends out 10 exosomes of the same type. Then that's a viral effect! And the message spreads exponentially throughout the whole body: 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000 exosomes and so on. And when the body contains lots of exosomes, some can pop out into the environment and other people can receive them and with the same viral effect within the whole society. And since it's a good exosome the human body gladly receives and multiplies the exosome so that within a relatively short period of time all people in the whole population have been transformed by the exosome. Such scenario allows for an evolutionary leap through dormant exosome capacity being activated when humanity has reached a certain level of development. I call this hypothetical scenario the corona exosome. Corona means crown which means halo, like the figures of saints and enlightened beings. The Bible talks about twinkling of an eye and let thy eye be single and your whole body will be filled with light. That's the corona exosome being received by the pineal gland, which biologically actually is like an eye with light receptors.
I found this short video with a simple explanation of exosomes. There are many different types exosomes which explains why scientists currently are looking at specific functions. The holistic picture is extremely complicated probably. That's where mindfulness can be useful! Because with mindfulness we can sense our whole being which of course even includes the functions of the exosomes. So both approaches are useful: the scientific research to understand more and more details and the top-down approach of mindfulness to sense and even regulate one's whole being.
I tried to find a holistic explanation of exosomes, but I only found separate explanations of different functions. The human body and indeed the whole body-mind is a wholeness, a holon. It would be very interesting to find out how things like exosomes function in relation to the whole body and mind. Bruce Lipton has talked about what he calls the Biology of Belief. And by beliefs he includes our subconscious programming which dominates this effect, unless we have a high degree of mindfulness. For example what is the relationship between exosomes and the body armor Wilhelm Reich discovered. Mindfulness practice probably has an effect on exosomes. Hormones, neurotransmitters and peptides also affect the cells, but those are broad messaging whereas exosomes are more specifically targeted messaging as I understand it. And exosomes can produce genetic and epigenetic changes:
Dr. Andrew Kaufman is an expert and here he shows that COVID-19 is consistent with an exosome. He also quoted HIV researcher and former professor at Johns Hopkins James Hildreth about the supposed HIV virus: "... the virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word."
I used to be skeptical about mainstream cancer research, but I have changed my mind. The research about exosomes is amazing. It's not just for cancer. One expert talked about using exosomes instead of stem cells. And in the below video the first speaker mentioned (from about 2 minutes) how exosomes can change our phenotype. That includes the shape of the body!