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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. In the new Q post 3985 there is an image of a harvested field with the file name: Harvested_corn_field.jpg The harvest! That's Law of One terminology. And I have been posting about the coronavirus crisis as the beginning of the harvest. Do you believe in coincidences?
  2. Leo seems to believe that Trump is selfish. I think that's wrong. Trump is win-win, meaning Selfish, which is different than selfish. Being selflLESS is actually bad since that's a disregard of the individual self. By Selfish (capital S) I mean expanding the self to include others. And by selfish (lower case s) I mean the narrow kind of selfishness that disregards others which is bad. Being selfless is actually self-sacrifice and it becomes a hypocritical situation where the person fools himself or herself or tries to fool others. Teal Swan has this video: It's true that win-win easily becomes bad when there is exclusion or disregard of others. Leo I think mentioned a good term: win-win-win. The win-win needs to include the totality of the situation or else it becomes win-lose which sooner or later becomes lose-lose. I think Trump understands that and that Q understans that.
  3. Leo has a new video about Bernie Sanders: I think Bernie Sanders is much better than Joe Biden. Trump 2020! The coronavirus crisis has allowed governments, even the Trump administration to start moving into a universal basic income. I think that's absolutely necessary because as Marianne Williamson said: "A tsunami of automation is coming to America." Not only in the U.S. but the whole world will experience an accelerating increase of automation, replacing both blue and white collar jobs. And of course, Trump + Q, that's the plan! Joe Biden + Q, that would be lame, haha And I think Trump should move towards the left, at least in some issues so that Bernie supporters vote for Trump instead of Biden.
  4. What to eat between fasting days during alternate day fasting? I think from a holistic perspective it's difficult to tell because nutrition, emotions, eating patterns, sleep, environment etc all play a role in an overall picture. My current approach is to eat whatever I feel like depending on each feeding day. I sometimes even drink diet soda! Only seldom because I have been worried about artificial sweeteners being toxic. Now I found this recent research: Epigenetic changes caused by diet soda! Not all changes are necessarily bad, but a bit of caution is probably wise. Should one instead only drink water or natural juices? That's probably safer, but I came to think about how humans in ancient times had much LOWER average lifespans than today. So natural food is perhaps not always better. And it also depends on beliefs. Bruce Lipton said that some people can even drink poison without being affected by it because of strong beliefs. And he said something about sugar, that it depends on the beliefs if it's healthy or not.
  5. In Aaron Doughty's latest video above he used the term Great Awakening. This is a term that also Q has used. Q's latest post has a link to this meditation video:
  6. I believe that society will return back very much to normal after coronavirus crisis. But as I pointed out earlier, I also see the crisis as the beginning of a shift from the world as a caterpillar to a butterfly, or to use the terminology of the Law of One, as the beginning of the harvest, the move from third to fourth density. And interestingly, Aaron Doughty has a new video where he describes something similar:
  7. The Atonement in A Course in Miracles can be read as At-one-ment, to be one. This includes the present moment and the Holy Spirit which I interpret as the whole (holy means whole) action from the evolutionary pull of the future. So this can be interpreted as an atheistic perspective! It can also be interpreted in for example a Christian perspective as being connected to God and as the source of miracles in ACIM. Aaron Abke has this new video where he talks about how we get stuck in knowledge and thereby miss the presence of God;
  8. Someone pointed out that atoning means undoing. ACIM uses the words forgiveness and Atonement is a specific way. I invented a new(?) practice called nondual mindfulness. In this practice awareness is put on the whole of one's experience as a single nondual unity. This includes thoughts, memories, sense perceptions, emotions, the physical body and the external world. The aim with the practice is to recognize, or at least test the hypothesis, that all of reality is of the same nondual wholeness. This is similar to the Atonement in ACIM in that it undoes the old ego belief in total separation between things.
  9. I now found something called the Financial Stability Board (FSB): And the G20 Summit 2020 begins on 21 November. It will be interesting to see if the coronavirus crisis will have catalyzed the introduction of CBDCs. The G7 summit in June is also a possible event for CBDC discussions.
  10. It's another fasting day for me today. Only slight hunger and thirst. So that's fine, except there is another problem: food addiction! It's my habit of having something to eat or drink. And I have at least some experience with fasting. I don't know yet how to handle that except to try mindfulness practice. Someone suggested distractions. That can be useful to some extent I guess. To distract oneself with researching things on the internet might be useful to a point until that too becomes an addiction. Tricky.
  11. With all the manipulation and disinfo, then what about my own speculations, do they contain disinfo? No, because my theory is that the top power structure globally is run by white hats, and some white hats can play roles of black hats, and although I may have suspicions about such cases I mostly keep quiet about that because as Q said, something about not revealing too much information. So my info is honest, and also amateurish, so I'm free from manipulation in that sense. Manipulation leads to lies and lies need to be protected by additional lies and so on in a vicious cycle. So manipulation is a stupid strategy in my opinion. The white hats however do need to use manipulation, a LOT of manipulation and deception. Because they need to outmaneuver the corrupt powers plus they need to disclose the truth carefully in a way that society can handle.
  12. Whoa, the WHO is very tricky! Now I learned that WHO and the Chinese government initially said that the coronavirus does NOT spread between people. I have been suspicious of WHO since they have been pushing vaccines which I believe is a hoax. BUT the WHO could actually be controlled by white hats, good guys who are tricking the corrupt powers. The global ego is built on deception. Compare it to regular people manipulating each other. People deep in ego consciousness can be very clever when it comes to manipulation and deception. Now take that skill and magnify it to deep state power with thousands of years of experience and knowledge of manipulation and deception. It's unbelievable levels or trickery. Trump stopped funding the WHO. Was that the right decision? On the surface I think no, but looking deeper then yes! Trump did the correct thing I think. Trump has said "I love China" and I believe he means it. Trump is a white hat, the WHO is run by white hats and China is run by white hats. They are playing 4D chess with the corrupt powers.
  13. I hope that's true. The coronavirus scare is about to get out of hand it seems to me. Governments need to tone down the situation. There is such thing as the nocebo effect and also fear makes people more vulnerable to disease.
  14. One interesting possibility, although I believe the chance of it happening is slim, is that the white hats have allowed the corrupt powers to go too far with the coronavirus scare in order to make it blow up in their face. And the result being a disclosure of a lot of lies, manipulations and hoaxes. I doubt it will happen since it sounds too disruptive to me, even in the situation we are in now. But if it happens it's a great catalyst for a monumental cleaning up and correction of the authorities. It's like a dad telling his daughter that Santa Claus is a big effin' hoax, haha. The problem is, the general public is probably too immature for a revelation like that.
  15. Okay, now it has gone too far. Check out this stupidity: Viruses don't even exist! It's a Big Lie hoax. Pictures of so-called viruses are exosomes. This is getting ridiculous. The establishment has painted itself into a corner of lies. Good luck with that.
  16. Leo wrote on his blog: I love that! And I believe that the coronavirus crisis has something to do with a shift into a higher level of global consciousness. I even speculated earlier that it's the global ego in the form of a caterpillar having grown enough and is now starting to form a cocoon.
  17. Abraham talked about different kinds of collective consciousness including global consciousness. I came up with an idea of how to develop a global consciousness. Instead of approaching it with ego consciousness my idea is to let the global consciousness emerge within unity consciousness which is connected to everything and therefore includes everything including an emergent global consciousness. How to access unity consciousness? Roger Castillo had a great explanation for how our thinking is an overlay on top of oneness which is unity consciousness. What we do in ego consciousness is to only focus on the overlay. And the oneness, the unity consciousness, is already accessible by noticing awareness itself. Consciousness IS already unity consciousness and even though it's seemingly hidden by our ego we can tap into unity consciousness by noticing our own awareness. And from that state of awareness thoughts, emotions and sense perceptions are perceived. And although we cannot yet in ego consciousness perceive any global consciousness, by allowing new perceptions to flow in it can modify our experiences. And then what we need to do is to allow new experiences coming into our field of awareness instead of through our ego actions.
  18. I found this new video by Ester Hicks channeling Abraham. I haven't listened to Abraham much in the past so I'm curious about what this new channeling is about. Abraham is a collective consciousness just like Ra in the Law of One.
  19. If reality is information connected into oneness, then where is the randomness? Where is the disorder, also called entropy? The answer is that entropy is just hidden information. And in ego consciousness a lot of the information is hidden which causes confusion and seeming disorder. Anna says in her new video that the ego can't handle perfection. That sounds very similar to the ego failing to recognize the perfect oneness of reality.
  20. If vacuum energy is the foundation of physical reality, then what is vacuum energy? One possibility is that the vacuum energy is only waves. Then what are those waves made of? In my model those waves are made of finite information. And what is the information made of? My premise is that the information is a result of a simple undirected complete graph of differences. Manifested reality starts with a single difference which results in the initial graph which consists of two points (vertices) connected by a line (edge). And the initial graph results in a new graph because there are two new differences between the points and the line. And the second graph results in new differences forming a third graph and so on until infinity. No matter how large the graph becomes it has a beginning in the initial difference, so the graph when illustrated as in the picture above has a top and a bottom. And the information for the manifested reality can be achieved by simply picking one point in the infinite graph! Because that point in relation to the initial difference can be seen as a natural number which in turn can be represented as a finite binary string. Consciousness in my model is a result of a feedback loop between the manifested and the unmanifested reality, so interestingly enough consciousness is in my model not the foundation of reality. The foundation of reality is the simple undirected complete graph of differences. Consciousness however is connected to the unmanifested reality which is the one difference with infinite expansion. So consciousness has the properties of oneness and infinity. Manifested reality is always finite (no matter how much the graph expands it will always be finite in the same way that all natural numbers are finite). Rupert Sheldrake has a new video where he interviews Rupert Spira. They talk about consciousness as the foundation of reality:
  21. How is fasting related to spirituality? The first thing is that fasting is practiced in lots of religions and has been for thousands of years. I haven't looked into that much but I came to think of a nondual connection for the whole body and mind with what is called subtle energy. My idea has been for a while that subtle energy is the same as zero point energy, the vacuum energy of "empty space" which is the same as prana, chi and orgone energy etc. Now I discovered that Shunyamurti says the same thing! Another idea I have is that all forces in nature, including gravity, are simply pressure differences (gradients) in the vacuum energy. This means that fasting and inner body awareness are examples of methods of managing the vacuum energy. Ken Wheeler who presents alternative science sometimes has said that same thing basically, that nature is about pressure differences, something like that. I find it hard to grasp his teachings sometimes but the part about pressure seems very similar to my idea. Here is Ken's most recent video:
  22. I find inner body awareness practice easier now than in the beginning of my fasting days. And I discovered a new practice. Instead of thinking of the heart as a pump I used the new insight I wrote about that the heart is not a pump. So what happens in reality is that blood is pushed into the heart and at each heart beat the blood is sent out again with a vortex motion at the same rate. The inner body awareness practice I used was to feel how the blood flowed IN to the heart and through the heart, instead of feeling the heart as a pump. And there is an increase of nice energy felt when I do the practice! So something changed in how my heart feels. Another thing is that the blood is sucked from the capillary beds into the veins. I think it's a capillary action like in trees that causes the blood to be sucked up from the low pressure environment of the capillaries. So another practice I will experiment with is to feel how blood is sucked up from the cells back into the heart within the whole body. And a third practice is to feel how blood is pushed into the cellular environment by arteries.
  23. Darn! Now I've got the keto feeling. That's the slight toxic feeling I get with longer fasts. I was hoping that the 33 hours periods would be free from that. But maybe it's good! That ketosis kicks in faster after a while so that the effect is stronger now. I really want to continue for the whole of April to make that permanent changes I posted about earlier. It could be that the toxic feeling is due to detox because I haven't prepared beforehand with healthy diet etc. I just started cold turkey from from a fairly unhealthy diet. Not recommended, but I have done dry fasts before so my body and mind were somewhat prepared. Experts say that medical supervision is necessary for dry fasting and that could be true for people who haven't done it before. Might be dangerous! And also, the psychological habit, the usual addiction to food can be really challenging when fasting.
  24. Now I found something called resting metabolic rate: Dr. Stephen Phinney said from 7 minutes into this video that a study of people fasting showed that 5 years after the fasting the resting metabolism was still low even though they had gained weight again. That is PERMANENT metabolic DAMAGE, he said. So is fasting bad? In my case this is GOOD! Why? Because PERMANENT change means epigenetic programming and things like that. And in my case the resting metabolic rate is HIGH. Because first of all it's only 33 hours fasting at a time (look at the high value in beginning of the graph above) and during the feast day I can eat a lot. Eating too little during a long period also reduces the metabolic rate another expert, Valter Longo, said if I remember it correctly. Edit: Many people in the comment section for this video said correctly, that the graph is for calorie restriction, not for fasting, although long periods of fasting can lower the metabolism:
  25. One expert said that cells in the body recycle proteins and that proteins from food is only the smaller part of the proteins needed for maintenance of the body. That made me think that authopagy is going on in the cells even when we eat food all the time. And I found this scientific paper: The "possibly through excessive self-digestion" may have another explanation I hypothesize. I imagine a scenario where the body sends out a hormone or similar to signal to the cells for programmed cell death (apoptosis). And the body is intelligent so it makes damaged and dysfunctional cells to be consumed first. This can be achieved by the cells sending out exosomes about their current health condition, let's say a value of 0 to 100%. And then the cells receive those exosomes from each other. And the hormone indicates a base level, e.g. 80% health (depending on how much recycling of cells is needed). If a cell has a health value of 80% or higher it doesn't send out health-indicator exosomes and the received exosomes are ignored. When a cell has a health value lower than 80% it compares its own value to the value indicated by the received exosome. And if the cell's own value is lower than in the exosome, then it activates programmed cell death. In this way the least healthy cells are consumed first. And when enough cells have been recycled the body sends out another hormone that stops the process of apoptosis. And my idea is that when we eat all the time the body never enters the state of recycling cells which makes damaged and dysfunctional cells remain and over time clog up the functioning of the body. Autophagy alone may be insufficient for renewing biological tissue since crappy cells can probably in most cases still perform autophagy.