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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. Here is a report from the Bank of China about the new digital currency: And this news article about the report says: To me it sounds promising and scary at the same time. A huge change of how money is regulated. Could create a really efficient and stable global economy. The scary thing is that their model is based on human value which sounds similar to a social credit score, which might be necessary in China, but seems horribly Orwellian from a western perspective.
  2. I found something called the Orion group in the Law of One. The Orion group is the second layer of the breakaway civilization. Well, that's my hypothesis at the moment. It's only the questioner who mentions UFOs in the quote. It's Law of Confusion trickery again. Notice that Ra talks about an elite formed from a social memory complex and "adding to it a distortion", not as being space aliens. So what Ra describes sounds more like the cabal/deep state conspiracy than something extraterrestrial. And the adding of distortion is the second layer of the breakaway civilization, which literally is an added distortion. And the Orion group is service to self, just like how I in a previous post described the second layer of the breakaway civilization as service to self. And since the second layer is only needed during the development of our civilization it will no longer be needed when we move into fourth density, hence this passage in the quote above: "... disintegrates the energy collected by such mind/body/spirit complexes who call the Orion group and the social memory complexes which comprise the Orion group."
  3. I found the mindfulness of attack thoughts practice efficient, but I want to go further. Woo woo time! My hypothesis is that the ego armor is what is causing the death drive (thanatos). And it's the ego armor that keeps the body locked into third density. Melting the ego armor is the same as individual harvest in the Law of One where the physical body shifts from third to fourth density. The third density body thus is the same as the fourth density body except for the ego armor which keeps the body in third density. When the ego armor dissolves the death drive dissolves along with it.
  4. I believe that mindfulness practice can be made much more powerful by adding a simple recognition. The ego armor is a form of inner conflict leading to suffering including on the level of thoughts and emotions. And indeed ACIM says that ego thinking is in the form of attack thoughts. Our mind is attacking itself! So the simple addition to traditional mindfulness practice is to recognize the inner conflict in our thoughts and emotions. The usual approach to mindfulness is to nonjudgmentally observe our thoughts. That's a useful start but unless we identify our inner conflict I suspect the mindfulness practice will be too accepting of dysfunctional thinking. The recognition and identification of the inner conflicts in thoughts and emotions will I believe efficiently dissolve the ego armor. I will experiment with this enhanced mindfulness practice to see if my ego armor dissolves faster.
  5. I love the Bitcoin technology. Really clever. Can we use Bitcoin as a global currency to replace currencies controlled by governments? In my opinion, no. First of all, a few people already own vast amounts of bitcoins and if the market cap goes to the moon those unknown people will become trillionaires. That sucks. Even if we reject the fairness issue it would be a lopsided situation indeed. Secondly, Bitcoin is actually controlled by what to me looks like some centralized politburo outside of government control. That sucks. Thirdly, Bitcoin miners use enormous amounts of electricity, and if Bitcoin becomes a global currency used by many countries that will make bitcoin mining skyrocket. Fourthly, Bitcoin has hefty transaction fees. Fifthly, for a transaction to be confirmed requires around 6 rounds of 10 minutes each, meaning 1 hour. Sixthly, the Bitcoin network can only handle a few transactions per second. Way too low performance for a global currency meant for everyday payments by billions of people. Seventhly, how do we know that the Bitcoin technology is secure in the long run? Even the mining may come to a halt if the hash function used has some limitation. Eightly, the volatility of the bitcoin value makes it unsuitable as a practical currency. Ninethly, storing bitcoins securely is a pain in the neck for average users. Some people even store their bitcoins on paper.
  6. Wow. I have listened to the whole video with the interview of money expert Simon Dixon and except for the parts about Bitcoin etc what he says sounds very similar to my amateurish research about currencies. And it's totally different than basically all the other information about how money works out there. Dixon has the correct picture it seems to me after comparing it to what I have found by putting together information from different sources. E-money is probably the biggest issue on the external level of the Great Awakening together with a Spygate scandal if that happens. Q has a new post (3988) with a link to a tweet about General Flynn being freed from legal charges.
  7. I have only listened to the first part of this video but it's a great explanation of what is going on with currencies:
  8. Aaron Doughty has this new video which is an excellent explanation for why I believe that service to others in the Law of One does NOT mean trying to push our service on others (savior role) or allow ourselves to be used (slave/victim role):
  9. The harvest in the Law of One as I see it is the integration of the global morphic field where the valuable things in the global ego are harvested and united with the breakaway civilization. As individuals we can enter the harvest by dissolving our ego armor while at the same time feeling and thinking of what parts of our egos we want to preserve. How to know whether the harvest is just woo woo New Age speculation or something real? My own approach is that I can feel that my ego armor is definitely real. Lots of tensions in my body and mind. That's hardly just some psychosomatic effect. And to relax those tensions is useful whether the harvest is real or not.
  10. I have a new idea. The global ego and the breakaway civilization are actually one single morphic field. The reason for why they appeared separate to me at first is that they are radically different layers of the same morphic field. The core layer is the service to others breakaway civilization with a collective consciousness. The second layer is the breakaway civilization front that is a service to self social memory complex. And the third layer is the global ego, including our entire ordinary society. The purpose of the three-layered structure is for the growth and development of a unique human civilization. It has produced lots of creativity and resulted in the civilization we have on earth today. It's also hugely problematic because of the intense friction, conflict and tension the layered structure causes. Our next evolutionary step as humanity is to integrate all three layers into one unified morphic field. I find the coronavirus crisis burdensome but also very interesting. It's such a huge global event causing so much change that it seems to be related to the next evolutionary leap for humanity. And that matches the idea of the Great Awakening. It's the darkness to light Q wrote about, and fear to love in ACIM and the harvest in the Law of One.
  11. Another thing I learned from Leo's new video is why people cling to beliefs. I cling to beliefs too but many people seem to be much more reluctant to change their views. Why? Because we are trained by society to follow authorities. Even up in higher levels of education people are still programmed to follow authorities. That works fine as long as the authorities are correct, but what happens when beliefs are challenged is that people then have difficulty changing their mind, because that requires trust in some other authorities. Big confusion in the mind! The solution is to learn how to evaluate information by oneself without needing to rely on this or that authority. That can be challenging because if one's belief deviates the slightest from what it says on Wikipedia there is risk of ridicule and loss of social status. So it's safer and more convenient to just follow the mainstream consensus view, people seem to think. Personally I find that strategy to be horrible, but I can understand why people use it.
  12. Leo mentioned a very good point about how true openmindedness requires that one is open to ideas BEFORE making judgments about the ideas. I basically never do that. I almost always start by examining how the new idea fits into my existing belief system. Another thing that I came to think of is to question if I really have an open mind to ideas such as fourth density in the Law of One etc. Do I REALLY believe things like that are real possibilities or do I have subconscious blocks to new ideas when they seem too radical? I will examine that.
  13. Leo's new video is about the interesting topic of openmindedness. Before I listen to his explanation, my take on it is that I cling to certain beliefs but I keep taking in lots of different kinds of information and that can make me change my mind very quickly. So I have a kind of semi-openness or what to call it.
  14. I think Trump works for the second layer of the breakaway civilization. That's service to self social memory complex to use Law of One terminology. That's ego consciousness on steroids. But it also means that there is service to others top level strategy. So my guess that Trump is Spiral Dynamics vMeme Turquoise is still valid. Trump is playing 4D chess with the corrupt deep state. My prediction is that he will outmaneuver the mainstream media again and again. And that's just one simple layer of manipulation. Service to self means lots of manipulation and conflict, but Trump is also aiming for win-win which is the service to others level. When for example Trump says: "I love China" he means it I believe.
  15. Aha! Remember that I wrote that DNC might be found guilty of crimes. Now DNC behaves suspiciously corrupt in a Biden scandal case: I have already mentioned it somewhere else, but the reason for why I think that the DNC is corrupt is because NSA whistleblower Bill Binney said that the so-called Russia hack by GRU agents of emails was in reality done by downloading information locally directly from DNC servers. So it seems that the DNC staged the event to look as if they had been hacked.
  16. In practice how governments can take control over the money is to still allow commercial banks to use fractional reserve banking, but with precisely regulated reserves. As it is today the banks have means of making money out of zero reserves. In the new scenario with e-money, the government can have a fractional reserve demand of say 10% which can be regulated up and down to stabilize the economy. As an example, when a customer gets a mortgage for a house, the commercial bank registers the house as an asset in a government database and receives 90% in e-money, and the total sum of the money 10% + 90% = 100% of the money is then used for buying the house. This results in a total shift of power over money from the private banking sector to the governments. I think even people on the political right will accept such solution because the private banking sector today is a monopoly so actually by governments taking control over the money allows for a level playing field and a more efficient free market economy. It's only the control over money that governments grab.
  17. My guess at the moment is that the e-money needs to be 100% tracked. That sounds horribly Orwellian but if for example only large transactions were tracked, would we the people trust that? And also, criminal networks could then split up large transfers of money into smaller transactions and bypass tracking that way. So the e-money needs to be fully tracked. Criminals and terrorists can still use for example Bitcoin, but at some point they would have to exchange their cryptocurrencies into ordinary money, so that will be very limiting for them. The biggest danger with fully tracked e-money is government abuse as I see it. On the other hand, as Bill Binney and Edward Snowden have pointed out, the NSA is already tracking everything, including most of the digital communication around the world.
  18. My current theory is that white hats allowed the corrupt powers to stage the coronavirus crisis and they also allowed the DNC to commit crimes before the 2016 presidential election. And even maybe the Clinton Foundation is guilty of money laundering. That's just my speculation but it would boost the introduction of trackable e-money to deal with things like money laundering. So according to my speculation there is a three-part plan: 1) coronavirus crisis, 2) Spygate and 3) e-money. All of that is necessary in order to clean up the top level corruption in the deep state. One expert said that the private banking sector controls basically all money. Governments need to take control over the money in order to take on the enormous corrupt and international power pyramid, so the introduction of e-money is key.
  19. Trump's other comment was about filling the body with light which I wrote sounds more like what Q posted about darkness to light than some actual medical issue. A part of the Great Awakening! And now they are saying that the Durham report could be delayed closer to the November presidential election. My theory is that the Durham report is the start of a Spygate scandal, and it needs to happen much sooner than late summer. I predict that the Durham report will be released as early as May or June. Because as the CNN article says, if the report is delayed close to the election it may violate the guidelines. And also, it takes time for a scandal to really become huge, so late summer is too late I think.
  20. Now Trump says: That's what I meant earlier, that it obviously wasn't some knee-jerk ignorant comment by Trump. But why did he make such comment? It became big headline news. My guess is that Trump is hinting at how something is very wrong with mainstream medicine today. Trump also said early on that the coronavirus crisis is a hoax. I think that Trump is doing a form of soft disclosure. We the public can't be told the truth yet, but Trump can make outrageous comments like that as a form of predictive programming for things to come in the future.
  21. The inner core breakaway civilization also fits ACIM's message about how being defenseless is true protection. From an ego perspective it doesn't make sense. If we would try to become peaceful and defenseless while still in ego consciousness that would just be a double phony state because we would still be vulnerable and have fear inside us. A collective consciousness is true protection and defense is unnecessary within that level of consciousness. However, interacting with the global ego requires heavy defense and that's why it makes sense for the breakaway civilization to have a front that is service to self and able to deal with defense and conflict and all that. When the need for protection is truly removed, then that is true protection. And that requires in my theory that we develop a Gaia consciousness by connecting to the already existing inner core breakaway civilization through morphic resonance. How? That's tricky, because as long as we are in ego consciousness we remain in fear and unable to connect to Gaia. So tediously enough my guess is that we need to practice mindfulness and meditation and things like that in order to raise our consciousness to a high enough level where morphic collective resonance becomes possible.
  22. Wait a minute! Ra in the Law of One said that a social memory complex can be service to self. I have been thinking that it doesn't make sense if service to self means ego consciousness and service to others means a collective consciousness and if that's the same as social memory complex. Because a collective consciousness is a wholeness and having service to self means conflict, and conflict within a wholeness would be a form of disease or dysfunction, like an autoimmune disease in the human body on a larger scale. One solution is that Ra uses the term social memory complex for a specific Law of Confusion purpose instead of calling it a collective consciousness. And then it fits with the idea in my previous post about how Walter Bosley said that there can be two breakaway civilizations. I speculate that it's the same civilization where the core is a collective consciousness plus a front interacting with the public power structure. That front is a social memory complex and it's service to self! And the core is also a social memory complex but service to others, meaning a collective consciousness.
  23. Walter Bosley mentioned that he thinks that there are two breakaway civilizations. I believe there is only one, but they can use a front as an isolating layer towards the public society. If my theory is correct, then the actual breakaway civilization is actually peaceful because they are a collective consciousness, and the nasty stuff that researchers have discovered is then the front and not the core breakaway civilization. And that second layer of breakaway civilization then interfaces into the public power structures both private and governments, such as dealing with intelligence agencies who act as a third layer of isolation towards the public society. I find it interesting that QAnon allegedly has Q-clearance, which is the highest security clearance level in the U.S. government. If that's correct, then Q has contact with at least that second layer of the breakaway civilization. Bosley also mentioned that when he went to Puma Punku, an ancient monument site in Bolivia, he became convinced that advanced technology has been used in the construction. To me it's clear that also structures such as the Great Pyramid at Giza are also a result of advanced technology. One popular theory is that ancient aliens from outer space built those structures, but they could have been build by an ancient breakaway civilization on earth. And if the Law of One is correct, that Earth is still in planetary quarantine, then the Secret Space program might actually be about the breakaway civilization without the need for any ET involvements although that could be a part of it too.
  24. It's stupid to believe that Trump's comments are stupid. Do you understand that all U.S. Presidents have very carefully scripted public messages? Q has posted about dark to light and the Great Awakening. That's what Trump is referring to more probably than being serious about injecting people with detergents, haha.
  25. One of the core messages in A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is the difference between fear and love. In this video Bruce Lipton talks about the practical effects of fear: