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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. I found it interesting that oil prices went negative. I speculated earlier about the coronavirus crisis being staged for several reasons, including global peak oil. And in that scenario I imagined that oil producers have used the crisis to implement secret new energy technologies that will make them able to produce more oil. And if that scenario is true, then the oil price could drop drastically as it did. OR, and this is scary, the oil price is massively manipulated as a huge "stage magician" trick to give the impression that there is lots of oil while in reality oil is running out and the oil production dwindling to a trickle. One worrisome indication of the latter scenario is that I heard one oil expert mentioning that the U.S. will soon go from being a net exporter to a net importer of oil.
  2. Even Q is posting about the coronavirus crisis and in the latest posts indicate that the numbers of deaths are exaggerated through misleading statistics, such as: It's absolutely insane what is going on, but I believe from a bigger perspective it will lead to the Great Awakening. Probably those in the corrupt establishment are freaking out more than the general public because of what it can lead to when the truth starts to flow in.
  3. Yikes, Dr. Shiva is a mainstream expert and in this video he talks about some of the monumental problems in the health industry: I find more and more mainstream experts revealing amazing things during the coronavirus crisis. This is explosive stuff. If I am angry at some of the things about the coronavirus crisis, I can imagine that people more prone to anger will explode if what these experts say is true. Then it will turn into a catastrophic crisis, not for the people, but for the establishment. I even doubt that much truth will be revealed by the mainstream media because they are a part of this whole charade it seems. But there could be a start of a gradual disclosure because the pharma industry etc have gone too far in a dysfunctional direction.
  4. Leo mentioned how we in self-bias don't really care about other people. Someone could have lost their child and we hardly notice it. Why is that? My explanation is that in ego consciousness we need to isolate ourselves from the vast majority of other people's suffering. Why? Because if we had true intersubjective feelings it would be unbearable. So the key as I see it is that we need to transcend ego consciousness through increasing our own feeling of inner peace. And we then connect with others via a resonance of peace and well-being. That's the way towards a collective consciousness. Having empathy for others might be a good start but suffering must be transmuted into inner peace both in ourselves and in others I believe for developing a harmonious whole.
  5. QAnon is a part of the Great Awakening I think. Lots of new Q posts. Here is one about the DNC: CrowdStrike mentioned in the Q post claimed that the DNC was hacked by Russians. As I have mentioned earlier, NSA whistleblower Bill Binney said that the DNC was NOT hacked over then internet and that the data was downloaded locally from DNC servers. I still believe that the FBI is innocent and that they only played the roles of black hats, but the DNC corruption seems to be real.
  6. I have an idea of how to deal with my own fears about what is going on in the world. The idea is to have the hypothesis that there will be a gradual disclosure of the truth and corruption as a part of the Great Awakening. It will at first be a slow seeping in of truth especially on the internet, and this is already going on, and it's an exponential progress, meaning accelerating. It's a switch from focusing on fears to focusing on evidence of the Great Awakening, both in society and within oneself and in other people. And the momentum of truth is already large enough to basically be able to relax and watch what happens with occasional putting together of one's own perspectives of what is happening.
  7. If it turns out that the mainstream view is based on a huge heap of lies, false dogma, manipulation, disinfo, diversions, whitewashing, deception, propaganda, psyops, social engineering and so on, should we get angry? I think non-serious anger is fine. Serious anger I'm more suspicious about. Because the fallen world, what I call the global ego, is built on those kinds of false views for good reasons. I see a deliberate and good purpose behind the ego state of separation, which is as a mechanism for maximizing growth, development and uniqueness. Personally I get angry at the idea of mandatory vaccines. That's because of my own fear! And my approach at the moment is to focus on my fear instead of my anger. When the fear dissolves, the serious kind of anger also dissolves along with it.
  8. Imagine how difficult it is for a professional expert to change his or her theories. Not only is there risk of ridicule, loss of social status and even loss of career. It's also extremely difficult in a mainstream expert position to go against the mainstream dogma. As amateurs we can change our opinions instantly almost. One example is how I up until very recently believed that viruses are real. Then I started wondering about how the heck viruses can hijack the extremely complicated machinery of cells to replicate themselves. That's like a car inserted into a computer factory makes the manufacturing machinery starting to produce cars instead of computers. Ridiculous! And then I learned about exosomes and some experts I found just a month ago or something like that said that viruses are exosomes. And then I thought wow, that's pretty obvious. Exosomes are something cells are designed to produce. So I basically immediately changed my belief about viruses. And it may turn out that viruses actually are different than exosomes, and that they hijack the exosome "factory" in cells, but my belief at the moment is that there aren't any viruses. For example polio is caused by DDT, not by a virus one expert said.
  9. In the alternative community experts present many different theories and opinions. That's actually good! It's a decentralized system. If one expert would have all the answers then that would be a centralized system, and that's fragile and also prone to disinfo and false dogma. It requires more work and openmindedness to figure out the truth with a decentralized alternative community but it's a more robust approach. I cherry pick information that fits my own model and that's a form of self-bias, but it makes me able to form my own opinions. And if new information is presented that seems more correct than my model, I can switch or adjust my model since I don't need to defend it. An example of information that I resonate with is this new video by Bruce Lipton where he talks about the caterpillar-butterfly analogy again from around 5 minutes:
  10. The ego is incredibly focused on its own individual self. Even when the ego thinks of so-called loved ones, it's the ego's own memories and ideas about other people it relates to, not a true connection with others. ACIM calls these ego traits special relationships. The useful purpose of the ego is to create unique individuals and for that purpose the ego is an excellent vehicle. But the ego is also a fake image! And that produces a lot of suffering. Fortunately the ego is just a temporary stage of development. The holy relationship in ACIM is different from the ego's special relationships.
  11. If the coronavirus is just a meme not a virus, then this may be correct: But did the meme emerge from the Wuhan lab? I doubt it. A meme is based on information, not biology. I'm curious about how China will reply to Trump's suggestion.
  12. I can see intellectually that there are no regrets because the past is a perfect manifestation. I can still feel regret sometimes but my mind is free from regrets. That's a great improvement in my life. I believe it's possible to even melt away the slight feeling of regret that can come at times. ACIM says:
  13. ACIM says that the ego mistakes control for sanity. How to realize that in practice? One approach is to start with the premise that reality is already 100% in full control. Is that true? I believe so, but I'm not sure. So the premise is then for me a hypothesis that can be tested. And it can be tested from a nondual perspective, meaning that the 100% control and me are one. The ego control ACIM talks about is the belief in separate control. That's duality and that is what is causing the ego's mistaken perspective according to my hypothesis. Depersonalization disorder is a state of experiencing life as a passive observer. That's duality! That's still a separate ego now even more stuck in an isolated state. The correct approach is to recognize the full control of everything, including one's own actions and thoughts. It's a bit tricky since the habit of separate control is so deeply ingrained in ego consciousness. In theory it's simple. It's just a matter of shifting one's perspective from separate control to recognizing control as a wholeness.
  14. Actually, even commercial banks would have to create e-money using fractional reserve banking. So the competition will be between old money and new e-money. When the global digital currency is introduced the private banking sector has to stop creating their own money and switch over to creating e-money with a strictly regulated fractional reserve demand determined by the IMF. Central banks would still serve a purpose such as issuing the e-money tokens for their national currency. For example the e-dollar will fluctuate in relation to the global currency depending on the market value of the old dollar in comparison to the global currency. The e-money is merely a tokenized form of the global currency. Also, central banks can act as suppliers of the e-money for commercial banks instead of the banks interacting directly with IMF, and only central banks will interact with IMF. So underneath for example e-euro and e-yen is the same global currency. The e-money is just a label put on top of the global currency to make it match the old money in value. This means that exchanging between different e-money can be done directly and automatically since what happens in technicality is that it's always the same global currency and it's just a matter of switching e-money labels.
  15. I think in practice that it will actually be easy to introduce a global digital currency. Governments today already have separate central banks that control their money. Not only that, the central banks have in reality very little power over the creation of money. The vast majority of all money is created by the private banking sector. So governments replacing their central banks with for example the IMF and a global currency seems like a simple task to me. And each country can have their own e-money with the global digital currency as the actual money. For example the U.S. will have an e-dollar with the exact same value as the fiat dollar, and France would have e-euro, China e-yuan and so on. So for the citizens using e-money it would be the same as usual, with e-money cards or smartphone apps etc in addition to debit/credit cards and cash.
  16. My previous scenario where countries would exchange their fiat currencies for e-money doesn't work for a global currency, because then for example China could continue to manipulate their yuan. Not good. Instead the global digital currency would be issued by for example the IMF and be competing with the existing currencies. Ron Paul has talked about how it would be good to have competing currencies. And Ron Paul has libertarian free market views. And although he seems to be against a universal basic income (UBI) a global currency could be designed to be a competing currency. And there are some conservative people who are for a UBI: One of the first use cases for a global digital currency is for efficient introduction of a UBI. And governments would get e-money from the IMF for the payment of a UBI. Another use case for the global digital currency is to compete with existing fiat currencies. And since the existing money is created and controlled dominantly by the private banking sector, the competition is between governments issuing the global digital currency and commercial banks etc creating ordinary fiat money. The U.S. government has the incentive to replace the USD with the new global currency to prevent China from manipulating their yuan and to prevent the private banking sector from keeping their power over money. The same with the governments of other countries. Even China will in the long run benefit from a global currency because their currency manipulation will lead to more conflict.
  17. The Holy Relationship in ACIM is much bigger than Gaia consciousness. Because the holy relationship is to be connected to Christ through the Holy Spirit and Christ is connected to and one with God. Jesus said that in the Father's house are many mansions. I have been thinking of "mansion" in this Bible verse as meaning world, but we can also think of it as a universe. So in God's house are many universes. And Gaia is a unique yet tiny dot in the "house" of God. So even though Gaia consciousness is billions of times bigger than our personal ego consciousness it's still minuscule compared to the mind of God. Gaia consciousness is connected to all memories on the planet. So when we enter Gaia consciousness we need to change our relationship to our own personal memories. Gaia consciousness is free of sin, so all sinful memories both in our own mind and other people's memories need to be accessed in a way free of sin. The word sin means to miss the mark, and especially in ego consciousness the belief in personal doership in memories is sin, because that's a false perspective.
  18. Self-control, self-discipline, self-protection, self-esteem, personal responsibility and duty. Those are programs that the global ego has been indoctrinating into us. ACIM talks about how the ego operates through separate control. That's precisely the core program hammered into us by the global ego, which ACIM describes as "the thought system which gave rise to it". And here is the solution to this dilemma in ACIM:
  19. I learned that a global currency would remove the power governments have over regulating the nation's economy and implementing a global currency would be impractical it says on Investopedia. However there is also this: Trump has been talking about a level playing field and has been ranting a lot about how China is manipulating their currency. Probably Democrats have also said the same thing. And now with China already testing their new e-yuan this makes the situation even more urgent for the U.S. and other countries. Is a global currency possible to implement? As e-money, I think yes! Investopedia mentioned this: So instead of the UN as I mentioned in another post it could be the IMF who will issue the global digital currency, or the BIS or the FSB, or some other new international agency. And commercial banks would be strictly regulated regarding how much reserves they need to have when they create credits and loans using fractional reserve banking. And each country can have their own management of the e-money wallets for their citizens, although the tracking of transactions needs to be global with for example all intelligence agencies around the world having access their own countries' transaction data and some global Interpol or something having access to all the transaction data to prevent international crimes and terrorism.
  20. We humans are like "batteries" used by the global ego and are running its "programs". And one of the key characteristics of the global ego is that it operates through planning, predicting and controlling the future. And the personal ego is a reflection of that behavior. What if what the nonduality teachers say is true? That there are no actual separate doers. The Bible has verses about God being the only doer. And if we use the hypothesis Ramesh Balsekar has and in essence also mathematician Stephen Wolfram has, that the future is predetermined, then it might be possible to become more powerful than the global ego, not by trying to control or plan more ourselves but to do the opposite! The opposite is to have ZERO plans. I can feel how my own ego wants to cling to the idea of personal control and planning, but that could be global ego programs! If the hypothesis of nondoership is correct, then it can be tested by dropping all personal planning and control of the future. If it works, then one's personal power will actually increase, because it's the correct perspective and loads of control and management effort is removed.
  21. G7 consists of some of the largest economies in the world, except.... China! And the G7 summit is in June and the G20 summit is in November this year. This means that the G7 countries will have to come up with a plan to combat China's digital currency, like immediately. So I expect that the G7 summit will be much about how to deal with China's e-yuan (also called e-RMB, DCEP and DC/EP). One solution is that the G7 countries will come up with a plan for a global currency since otherwise China's e-yuan will become too dominating due to first-mover advantage. And then the G20 summit will be focused on how to realize the global digital currency. Alas, that's too late. China has been working on their digital currency for years. So in practice the solution I mentioned in a previous post might be used, which is to have China making its e-money technology open source. China will benefit from that because then their e-yuan becomes compatible with the e-dollar, e-euro and e-yen and so on instead of being seen as an international threat and be worked against.
  22. As I wrote earlier, I think e-money needs to be trackable because if the digital money is anonymous then criminal networks can spread like wildfire both nationally and internationally. However fully trackable e-money controlled by the government is a huge privacy issue since it will become mandatory and also the government will track everything. Today for example Amazon, VISA and commercial banks can track our use of money but they are separate companies and we as individuals have the freedom to use other companies if we find some to be too invasive in terms of privacy. With the government being able to track all our use of money it's like a totalitarian situation. That's how many people will see it I think. A Spygate scandal might change that. How? By exposing huge money laundering and organized crime activities caused by LACK of tracking and by the private banking sector controlling basically all the money. So a possible scenario is that the coronavirus crisis ends in May in the U.S. and soon after that in May or June the Durham report is released to the public and the Spygate scandal starts and becomes huge during this summer.
  23. Q has several new posts and two about the DNC, how they communicate. My guess is that they communicate in ways that the NSA can surveil. Q has said in earlier posts that they have it all. The other Q posts I only briefly looked at because they were about the FBI and such. I believe that the FBI and other departments only played the roles of black hats to make the real black hats trap themselves. It seems to me that blaming the FBI for corruption is almost a red herring, even in Q posts.
  24. I came to think of a new radical theory about the coronavirus crisis. The ego armor causes the nervous system to become numbed out. That's very dangerous for the health of the body. Disclaimer: These are my own speculations. And when we get the flu or a cold, then that's exosomes trying to prevent too much numbing out. What we have been told are viruses are actually exosomes, tiny particles that cells send out to other cells in the body. And a flu is a psychosomatic response. And the flu can spread between people through exosomes moving out of the body and into the environment. To be immune means that the body doesn't need to activate flu symptoms. The exosomes are messengers of information and depending on the need of the body-mind of the person receiving exosomes they can trigger flu symptoms or not. The psychosomatic hypothesis of viruses can be tested on a large and global scale in this coronavirus crisis. One prediction is that COVID-19 will result in global herd immunity for all kinds of viruses for those people who raise their consciousness to a high enough level. Even bacterial infections might be a similar psychosomatic mechanism. Or it can be called a sociosomatic effect.