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The Great Awakening! Aaron Doughty has this new video where he combines similar ideas I have into the Great Awakening:
Whoa, although Leo is just listing outrageous claims to test our openmindedness in this video, he says from around 11:30 that we totally take on faith/hearsay that viruses cause diseases. Haha, recently I have changed my mind and no longer take that on faith.
Separations are like waves on an ocean. The waves are separate from each other but the separation is a result of the ocean and the effect of the environment on the ocean. In ego consciousness we experience reality as separate objects and miss the nondual foundation which is the cause of the separations. Fear is caused by only seeing the separations. According to ACIM fear is an inappropriate extension or projection:
Another thing that David Icke pointed out is that in the news it says things like: "33 people died after having been tested positive for COVID-19". That can be legally interpreted entirely differently than claiming that 33 people have died of COVID-19. And David said that the tests for coronavirus can't be relied on. And indeed, Q posted later about coronavirus tests showing positive results for a goat and a fruit! It's like saying: "33 people died after buying iPhones instead of Android phones" which might be true but without any significant connection between the deaths and the choice of smartphone. And it's possible as I wrote earlier that there isn't even any virus! So when experts argue about whether COVID-19 is made by humans or not, if there isn't any virus then COVID-19 is just a label people in position of power have put on their global psyop.
And also, logic can be used in incredibly convoluted ways. For example imagine Hillary Clinton saying that she did not send or receive any emails with classified information at the time they were sent and received. That's actually an incomplete context, but we may assume that Hillary meant the time when she received or sent the emails. But what happens if she instead meant the time the senders sent the emails and when the receivers received the emails? Then Hillary was telling the truth even in the case the emails were loaded with all kinds of classified information! In the example, Hillary did not send any emails at the time they were received because it always takes a bit of time for an email to reach the receiver. Nor did she receive any emails at the time they were sent. How tricky is that! In this and similar ways people and organizations can in essence lie through their teeth and still be telling the truth in a strict legal sense. One can even make the case even more incredible and claim that there is no time that applies to a point where the emails were both sent and received, and that's also valid logic.
Is logic absolutely correct? I think yes, logic can be absolutely correct! Instead of only True and False as values the logic can have True, False and Indetermined. Isn't that a limitation? No, because some things are indetermined. Take Russell's paradox for example, is the set a member of itself or not? The answer is that Russell's paradox is indetermined. So the three-valued logic it's actually an inclusive logic. With classical two-valued logic things such as Russell's paradox can't be calculated. Then why hasn't this kind of three-valued logic been used more? Because logic when applied depends on context. And for the big issues in the world the context is often false because of all the manipulation, deception and lies. This makes the premises used shaky except for very simple cases. And it's even very dangerous to use logic with false premises. For instance, are viruses real? Amazingly, I heard recently an expert saying that viruses are not real, that they don't exist and what has been promoted as viruses are actually exosomes.
Separations are a conceptual overlay. On the level of duality, separations are of course real. Without separations no experience would be possible. And those separations need to be integrated into the nondual perspective. In ego consciousness there is too strong focus on separation which leads of conflict and suffering. Therefore what happens on a material level, on the level of separations, is important. I have written several times about how the DNC fabricated their email hack to make it appear as it was done by Russian agents. And now Q has this post which says the same things as what Bill Binney has pointed out:
Personal possessions are childish. Why? Because separations are illusions. What you call your money is just a conceptual sandbox for immature people. And even if you own a big mansion, several cars, a private jet and a yacht, those are just toys that you believe are separate. Even immaterial possessions, such as a spouse is an illusion of separation. And adding a marriage license to your personal possession just makes it even sillier and more of a convoluted illusion. All those personal possessions are what ACIM calls special relationships. Why is a loved one loved? And why is a significant other significant? And why are "take it to the bank" and "right on the money" expressions of certainty? It's absolutely ridiculous and yet taken for granted as something important among people. Even personal memories are illusions, a form of special relationships. Why are your memories more important than your neighbor's memories? The only difference between memories as possessions and other personal possessions is that no signed contracts are needed to own the memories .... yet.
Isn't death necessary for there to be life? Absolutely not. The present moment consists of manifested and ever increasing indestructible information and consciousness as a feedback between the manifested and the unmanifested. So there is zero death, always. That's my theory anyway. And if so, then the death drive is an illusion, chronically upheld by the ego. I will experiment with taking this as a serious possibility. It's a view that is very different from the usual mainstream view.
Latest Q post (4149) with Great Awakening image and a tweet where a doctor talks about the coronavirus shutdown.
Another way of looking at the world as already being a cocoon is that the power structure we have globally today is a centralized pyramid of centralized control. And that's a global holon but a second order holon. Second order here means that it's artificial and first order means organic. So the hierarchical power structure we have today, and especially with the private banking sector as the top power, is like an add-on layer of control on top of Earth as an organic planet. Our planet as a first order holon will shatter the cocoon of artificial and hierarchical control. And this emerging planetary first order holon is I believe what the Bible means by the victorious one smashing the nations to pieces (breaking the cocoon/eggshell). In the Teal Swan interview Ralph Smart said that we are in an age of transition and mentioned that apocalypse means lifting of the veil. I have mentioned earlier something similar that apocalypse means uncovering, and now that I think of it that's similar to shattering!
I have listened to half of the Infinite Waters interview with Teal Swan now and she briefly mentioned an integral approach and the Great Awakening. Instead of going into some spiritual dimensions, we need to integrate spirituality with what is going on in the material world. That's what I have been saying too. Another thing I came to think of is how the crisis that is going on now is revealing the power structure in the world as ALREADY being a form of cocoon! Because it's a layer of deception I think, a whitewashed facade at best and a mountain of Big Lies at worst. And that layer of public front power is held together with lots of tension, like a shell or a cocoon. The Great Awakening might therefore be for humanity to break out of that cocoon of public power authority and increasingly authoritarian tendencies. I still think that the white hats (the good guys) are allowing the black hats (the corrupt deep state / cabal) to go to the extreme in terms of power-over control. And this has resulted in increased pressure on the cocoon of public control. One possibility of what will happen is that more and more cracks will appear and the public will wake up to having been manipulated and lied to for centuries. And it will probably be a gradual process and not some catastrophic disruption of our whole civilization. So my guess at the moment is that there will be a Spygate scandal that will grab much of the attention away from COVID-19. But then later on, the effects of the coronavirus crisis will become more and more noticeable in terms of breaking the cocoon.
Teal Swan says in this video that what is going on in the world now is a planned event. I believe she is correct about that. I haven't listened to the whole interview yet and I'm curious about if she will connect it with the Great Awakening.
Q posted a link to this tweet in a recent post (4143): The chances for a Spygate start this week increased a bit! Richard Grenell is the intel boss who recently ordered Adam Schiff to release the transcripts of Russia inquiry interviews.
Whoa, holy Shiff! Q wrote about boom drops this week, and I recently saw big news headlines about charges against General Flynn dropped. That's pretty big but I thought meh, a bit lame. But this next one is huge: So Q was definitely correct after all. "As part of its commitment to transparency, today the Committee is releasing fifty-seven transcripts of witness interviews during the course of the Russia inquiry, as well as additional relevant material, so that every American can see the facts and decide for themselves:" Here is a snippet from one of the transcripts: NSA Whistleblower William Binney has shown that the emails were NOT hacked over the internet but downloaded locally directly from DNC servers. And Rooney asking about that seems to confirm what Binney says. Why else would he ask Podesta about that if it really was obvious and confirmed that the Russians hacked the DNC emails? Maybe the Spygate scandal starts this week after all! Well, maybe not, we will see what the media finds among all those transcripts.
Wow, except for the science part, Aaron Abke made a really good presentation of nonduality in his latest video. I looked up the term vision in ACIM and found: It's almost as if vision and the holy relationship are the same thing in ACIM.
A Course In Miracles makes a distinction between vision and perception. I haven't looked into that much yet but Aaron Abke has a new video where he explains the difference:
Can we learn how to be honest in ego consciousness? Probably not, haha. And it may even be a double kind of inner conflict if we try be honest. So how to deal with that? One strategy I might try is to still uphold my ego facade while sensing if some people can interact with me through the facade. Ego interactions are called special relationships in ACIM. True interaction is called the holy relationship. We cannot fake the holy relationship. ACIM says:
There is also the form of telling the truth yet in deceptive ways. Q posted a link to this tweet: Notice that Hillary may actually be telling the truth in the video. For example, she said that she didn't receive any emails that were MARKED classified. That may very well be true! Some content she received via email can have been classified without it being marked classified. So although she was technically telling the truth in that case, it's really deceptive.
And since our society is still so incredibly trapped in ego consciousness, things like information wars will be necessary. It's serious and at the same time I think we need to a establish a personal foundation of inner peace. QAnon is I believe an example of necessary conflict. Many people believe that Q is fake or just someone pushing conspiracy theories, if they even have heard of Q. I like this recent Q post: Can you define authoritarianism? Edit: I did a search whether this was mandatory or not and found: So it's not mandatory it seems. Still, suspicious that Dr. Levin used "imprecise language" as he himself admitted according to the article. Something is going on!
To die before you die is to have the ego dissolve. The second death is the death of ego dissolution, meaning the ego continues! Big trouble. That leads to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. Fortunately the ego is a lie and will sooner or later crumble, so the second death cannot happen as something permanent. So the deeper meaning of removing lies is to dissolve the whole ego! It's difficult because our whole society is still an immense heap of lies. To paraphrase Eckhart Tolle: If you want to know about the ego lies, read a history book or watch the news tonight.
I now have a better strategy when it comes to lying! Trying not to lie is a strategy. Having to remember lies is a tiresome burden, but trying not to lie is a form of burden too because it's a strategy that I carry around all the time. My new strategy is to drop all concerns about lying. I think that will work since my habit is to not lie, at least not consciously. And the next step after that is to drop even that strategy, so that the whole business of lying becomes a non-issue on my foundational level. Burning lake of sulfur, is the Bible talking about hell here? And everyone who has ever lied will be sent to hell? No, I think it's a metaphor. I see the second death as death of the ego death. And the ego is just a lie! The Bible is pointing out that the ego needs to be transcended.
I try to avoid lying as much as possible because lies need to be protected by other lies that have to be protected by yet more lies and so on. A complete growing heap of mess! But as Leo pointed out, there are also the less obvious lies and many lies can even be hidden to oneself. Lies are used for protection and manipulation. ACIM says that being defenseless is true protection. How can that be? Isn't protection necessary? It seems to me that transcending the ego is about removing protection. And that is possible because the higher state of awareness is its own protection by being connected instead of separated from the outside world. And it's possible to add lies, even as protection and manipulation on top of a foundation of peace. But it's impossible to add peace on top of a foundation of lies. An example of lies added on top of peace is when playing a game as entertainment and the game is about conflict and zero-sum. That's fine. The problem is when lies become serious and are used by the ego as survival strategies.
Leo talked about self-survival of the self image in this video from about 6 minutes: Very interesting. It made me think of how the whole ego is a self-image, a conceptual construction. And the Self is much more than the ego but we get so identified with our egos so it creates a separation. I noticed that with mindfulness practice it's possible to observe the ego and to recognize more of the Self, but for me there is still ego identification most of the time. Maybe the ego and the Self need to become integrated! The ego is already a part of the Self which here means nonduality, but it's experienced as a separate entity. I will experiment some more with mindfulness practice of being aware of my ego. And also test if my ego can become integrated into a field of peace and clarity.