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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. Another benefit of modeling reality as increasing complexity is that it can explain the difference between non-living matter and living organisms. The difference is that lifeforms emerge when the complexity reaches a high enough value. And the same with consciousness which is activated when the complexity reaches a high enough value. And since reality according to this model is ever increasing complexity it will always in the future have the capacity for consciousness. The hypothesis can be tested and be falsified if our mind has the same level of complexity in deep dreamless sleep as in the waking state. The model also predicts that real out-of-body experiences (OBEs) are possible by the vacuum of space being structured in a way that reaches a high enough complexity value. It's true that from a nondual perspective we are always one with the totality of reality. However our personal experience is individualized and dependent of the level of complexity we have in our individual experience. In ego consciousness we have a rather low complexity value.
  2. Then what will be required for humanity to take the leap into a planetary organism? This will sound a bit like sci-fi, but I believe it's actually true. Our civilization today is analogous to that single and separate oxygen atom floating around in the atmosphere that I gave as an example in a previous post. Earth today is like a separate planet floating around in the larger holon of the Milky Way galaxy. Here is the sci-fi sounding part: What is necessary then for our civilization is that we become a part of the larger galactic civilization consisting of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. But in my estimation it will not start with space aliens landing on the White House lawn. Instead we need to develop our civilization into an advanced civilization, and after that we can make official contact with ETs.
  3. A collective ego such as a company has a low complexity value. But what happens if the company is conscious of its environmental impact, social well-being of the larger society, uncorrupted in economic terms and so on? Then the complexity value of the company increases since it becomes a part of a larger configuration of holons, unless those things are merely a front in an attempt to look good for PR purposes, in which case the complexity value of the company remains low since it fails to do the actual connections to the larger holon configuration. But even a "conscious" company has fairly low complexity value because the whole society today is a collective ego with low complexity value. My hypothesis is that the next evolutionary leap for humanity is the formation of our whole planet Earth as a holon where our civilization is a part of that planetary holon and not just some separate overlay in the form of a collective ego.
  4. I realized that it's actually possible to have some quantitative measurement of complexity using my new definition. First, the complexity levels are given numbers like I did for the different holon levels, and secondly there are relations between the holons depending on how they are configured. For example a single oxygen atom is a holon as a part of the atmosphere which is another larger holon. And when the oxygen atom binds with two hydrogen atoms it becomes a part of the holon of the water molecule. And when the water molecule becomes a part of a cell that results in a new holon configuration. So depending on how the holons are related to each other it produces different configurations of complexity which can be given some kind of value. The single oxygen atom has less complexity when it's floating separately in the atmosphere and gets a higher complexity value when it becomes a part of a water molecule. And low complexity value is the same as high entropy. The atoms making up a healthy cell have high complexity and when the cell breaks down the entropy increases and the atoms get a lower complexity value. The ego is a holon which is a part of society which is a holon in the form of a collective ego. The ego has a low complexity value since it's like the single oxygen atom floating around separately in the atmosphere. The complexity value of the ego can increase a bit when it becomes a part of for example a company where the person works, but the company is also a collective ego, so it's still a fairly low complexity value.
  5. Jesus talked about how people will be separated into goats and sheep. And ACIM says that being defenseless is true protection. And someone wrote that the ego is sadistic. I think goat means ego consciousness and sheep means being shepherded by the Holy Spirit. If I am a goat now and become defenseless, then people in ego consciousness would not only torture and harm me, they would even feel pleasure when inflicting pain on me. That's complete insanity! So obviously being defenseless doesn't work among goats. And if I want to become defenseless then I must 1) transcend my own ego so that I become a sheep, and 2) be separated from other people in ego consciousness.
  6. I'm very satisfied with the complexity levels I discovered in terms of holons. It's even a definition of complexity! Definition: Complexity is information structured as holons. And a holon is defined as a whole that at the same time is a part of another whole. But what does whole mean? I think I can leave the term 'whole' undefined! Because it will just lead to an infinite regression of definitions. And in a sense that makes sense in relation to complexity which cannot be defined by logical formulas because that's too simplistic. Complexity is complex! That's the kind of circular reasoning that can be used to show that complexity is a fundamental property together with information and holons. And I started thinking of how to use this idea of complexity and my mind went blank! Maybe I need to jump to a higher way of looking at it. Shunyamurti talked about trans-intellectual awareness. I will take a look at his new video:
  7. London Real is a suspicious show I noticed. YouTube is now heavily promoting London Real while David Icke's YouTube account has been totally banned! And the ban of David Icke happened after having been interviewed on London Real. It almost looks like a setup. So London Real could be controlled opposition. But we need to go even further and question whether David Icke also is controlled opposition. There is no end to the trickery and manipulation used. Then what about QAnon? What if even Q is controlled opposition? To avoid too much paranoia or being too much of a skeptic we can look at the information directly. I even do that from a confirmation bias perspective such as finding information confirming how the current coronavirus crisis is a staged event. I think that's valid as long as one is prepared to change views if new evidence comes up that clearly contradicts one's own confirmation bias.
  8. Some say that the antichrist will sit in the Third Temple. The antichrist means the power (prince) of this fallen world. So in a sense then the following is somewhat correct: But it seems to me that it's not about antichrist as some evil being. Instead antichrist here indeed means world powers such as the UN. It's about the global control structure needed as a part of earth as a holon. That's still worldly power and therefore antichrist, but it will be peaceful power in my estimation, not a third world war or anything like that. The Isaiah Wall is connected to the UN: Now let's look at the context for that Bible verse:
  9. Aha! Jesus dying on the cross symbolizes sacrificing the body of flesh to enable humanity to move into a new earth and into resurrection bodies. So resurrection means turning us into glorified bodies after the sacrifice of the ego and of the body of flesh. In Judaism there is disagreement about whether sacrifice will be reintroduced or not. Both sides I believe are correct! It's about the same sacrifice as symbolized in Christianity of the old order to enable a new order. I haven't figured out yet what the Third Temple means. It seems to mean an actual building of a temple and can also mean the rebuilding of the human body of flesh into a resurrection body. So the Third Temple can be both those things. I will do some more research about it.
  10. The text in the Bible quote in my previous post about the new Jerusalem coming down from heaven, does that mean the actual city Jerusalem in Israel? Yes! I believe so. Remember, I said that first heaven means complexity level 5, so "coming down from heaven" means that it's in Jerusalem that the new world order (not New World Order of the Orwellian type) will start. It's not about a new city coming down from outer space. It's about development of Jerusalem into the world capital. And I think that Jerusalem is actually owned by the UN, so it's already prepared politically to play a center role in global politics. There is also talk about a third temple in Jerusalem. I haven't researched that much yet and will take a look at this video:
  11. Complexity level 5 is the same as the first heaven in Christianity! That means eternal life. At least that's what I believe and am aiming for. The Great Awakening is then about a new heaven and a new earth. The "no longer any sea" in the Bible means no longer separate holons and instead earth as a single holon. And "old order of things" means complexity level 4.
  12. And yet another definition is to think of complexity as information structured as holons: Level 1: Atoms Level 2: Molecules Level 3: Cells Level 4: Multicellular organisms Level 5: Planetary organisms Level 6: Galactic organisms Level 7: Multigalactic organisms Level 8: Universal organisms Level 9: Multiuniversal organisms The Great Awakening is about us here on earth moving to complexity level 5.
  13. Another way to look at it is that first order complexity-increase is organic growth. And the ego is second order growth. The second order increase of complexity is fine and is of course a part of totality. It's just that in ego consciousness we are trapped in an isolated view that separates reality which creates conflicts, struggle and suffering. What is needed is to recognize the larger picture of the increase of complexity. Therefore I predict that the Great Awakening is about an integration of first, second and higher order complexity increase. Third order complexity is for example artificial intelligence producing information, products and services. Third order complexity is fine too, but if there is a lack of integration we are moving towards a Matrix or Skynet scenario. So the Great Awakening is about balancing spirituality and materialistic progress and integrating society into a new higher form of order.
  14. Manifested reality is an ever ongoing increase of complexity. This gives rise to the appearance of impermanence. In truth, reality is permanent. Disorder and destruction is hidden complexity. And since the complexity is increasing all the time the hidden complexity becomes uncovered through growth and development, leading to a process of creation. The ego is struggling for dear life against the onslaught of increasing disorder and deterioration. And in this struggle the ego activities keep the complexity hidden leading to more disorder in the form of entropy. The ego tenseness is a form of complexity but a rigid a trapped form of order. The ego is not the way. The ego is the obstacle to the way.
  15. Excellent new Q post:
  16. I can also make almost like a cop out claim in my model that the single number representing our reality not necessary is a result of a simple rule like in Wolfram's model. In fact it may be that the number can't be described by any rule or equation! And that's actually a powerful feature. The number can then literally be like the Word of God in the Bible (John 1) where the number is a construction of infinite intelligence and cannot be put into a simple mathematical formula or anything like that. And even if Wolfram's project comes up with a simple formula for physical reality it could still be more to reality, so instead of it being a cop out by not describing the number mathematically, my model has more potential. And my model is still atheistic since the Word of God just timelessly is, like a platonic form and even though it contains infinite intelligence, no separate creator is needed.
  17. What does ACIM mean by "Change is an illusion, taught by those who cannot see themselves as guiltless." (ACIM T-15.I.10:5)? Nonduality teacher Ramesh Balsekar said that reality is like a movie already made. And I think that Roger Castillo said that reality is a single block. As an analogy we can think of reality as a Blu-ray disc with a Hollywood movie on it. The information on that disc is changeless. So from the totality perspective there is no change at all. My model says the same thing except instead of a single block it's an expanding cone of information. It's this expansion of complexity that produces evolution and the arrow of time. Stephen Hawking wrote about quantum mechanics: And physical reality made of only waves is achieved in my model by a Fourier transform turning the timeless information into waves. It's a bit tricky since the Fourier transform is applied to a nonlinear cone instead of a linear space domain. But the effect is that things such as quantum entanglement and locality are a result of the summation of only waves across all the information in the cone.
  18. And here is another quote from ACIM that matches my nondual model:
  19. Why the need for a nondual model of physics? For me personally I'm curious about it and it can bring about an intellectual understanding of reality that awakens consciousness into what ACIM calls the Holy Instant. So I think a nondual model of physics is very useful for practical spirituality. And then if Wolfram's project can achieve their goal that will do the same for the whole world!
  20. The Wolfram Physics Project is much more advanced than my simple model. Since Wolfram's project now has started can I replace my simple and amateurish model with their model? I think not yet! Because I see my model as more fundamental than the Wolfram model as it is now. In Wolfram's project they start with a very simple graph similar to my model, but their model then quickly gets incredibly complicated and moves beyond both quantum mechanics and Einstein's general relativity. And also, in their model they start with time as moving in steps of a certain time period. I see that as a dualistic model. In my model time is generated completely by the graph itself and doesn't require any extra time periods. Wolfram's project is way more ambitious in terms of including existing theories in mainstream physics. Yet they remain having their own simple model as their foundation. What I believe they are doing is a form of transcend and include of existing physics. That's a huge task. And when they have included today's physics they can start to prune their model down back to their goal of having a single simple rule that generates the whole graph for our physical reality.
  21. I looked up many sources about what the difference is between Brahman and Para Brahman and most said the same or similar as Wikipedia that Para Braham means beyond Braham. Other sources said that they are the same. And I think it was only one source I found who said that Para Braman doesn't mean higher but different. The original Sanskrit word can indeed mean different I found but the primary meaning seems to be "beyond". Do I really believe that Braham is the number ‭5,283185307179586...? I doubt it, but I want to start with some actual value. And that number (Brahan) and the circumference of the circle (Para Brahma) in my model actually have the same decimals so that matches all the descriptions of the difference between them. The points on the circle represent all possible infinite binary strings of information! So I believe one of those numbers represent our reality. Stephen Wolfram has a new project that I find very interesting called The Wolfram Physics Project and they actually use a hypergraph as their foundation and they are seeking a simple formula that can generate that graph. I will follow Wolfram's project and see if they come up with a formula that I can interpret as a single number.
  22. The circle in my previous post is the graph I have mentioned in other posts, which actually is the same as Indra's net in Buddhist philosophy. In graph theory it's called a simple undirected complete graph and can be drawn like this: The unmanifested graph has an infinite number of points which means that it can be drawn as a continuous circle. Although it's a simple graph, as the manifestation of the graph expands from only one line (edge) and two points (nodes) it does so by spawning lines to new points from the previous lines. To be formally correct that requires a hypergraph, at least for the iterations of the expansion. And it can therefore be useful to base the model on a hypergraph instead of a simple graph. This stuff is over my head but it's good to be able to use mainstream models. From Wikipedia: "In mathematics, a hypergraph is a generalization of a graph in which an edge can join any number of vertices. In contrast, in an ordinary graph, an edge connects exactly two vertices." The hypergraph in my model starts as a single line which represents difference. Since it's a difference the line gets connected to two points. And in the next iteration the line itself is connected to both points. This happens because there are new differences between the initial difference itself and the two points. And that step requires a hypergraph. However in my model the two new lines become connected to a new point which removes the need for the hyperedge (the line with lines connected to it). So it again becomes a simple graph. And then this repeats iteration after iteration endlessly making the number of points and lines increase at an accelerating rate.
  23. My model of reality can be depicted as a circle. I was thinking that in a nonduality model, the radius of the circle is 1. That's Para Brahman. Brahman is a point on the circle. And to keep the nonduality premise, the point is at 1 length from the starting point of the circle. The length of the edge of the circle (circumference) is 2 times Pi. So Brahman is 2*Pi - 1 = ‭5,283185307179586476925286766559‬... That's the simplest description of reality I can think of. Brahman is a number! Why depict the model as a circle? Because the circle contains an infinite number of points and nonduality means only one thing, so it can't be a square or a triangle or something like that because that's a duality depiction (several lines). And it can't be a line because if there is both a start and an end, then that too is duality. And it can't be some squiggly circular shape because that requires more than one variables. And the special number ‭5,2831853... is a result of 1 which is nonduality. The circle needs two dimension to be drawn, yet it's a second order result of the single radius of length 1. Why not a sphere? Because then the point needs to be specified with at least two variables which again is duality.
  24. Imagine if you had to protect yourself from yourself. That would be some kind of weird psychological disorder. Yet. that's exactly what we do in ego consciousness! Because the true Self includes the whole planet Earth. So from that perspective it's clear that ACIM is correct by saying that being defenseless is true protection.
  25. Q has in the past posted this about vaccines: I was wondering what Q meant about "NOT ALL" regarding vaccines. Now I read on Wikipedia: Bacterial vaccines! Bacteria are entirely different than the supposed viruses. Bacteria are living cells (prokaryotic cells). Viruses on the other hand seem to be a deliberate misrepresentation of exosomes, which are tiny capsules containing RNA etc and are produced by the cells themselves. So what Q meant could be that some bacterial vaccines are real, while the viral vaccines, such as the polio vaccine, are hoaxes. Polio existed before DDT was used but DDT is a poison/toxin so there could be other similar toxins that cause polio. Heck, even the DDT claim could be a second layer gatekeeper smokescreen and what really causes polio is some other toxin or substance.