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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. True surrender to me means non-acceptance of the current ego situation. Because if I accept the ego it remains. The ego needs to dissolve. The whole thinking mind needs to dissolve, along with all attachments the mind has to society. It's a surrender of the surrenderer. It's a detachment from the current caterpillar stage of humanity. And the ego is a part of that caterpillar.
  2. Eckhart Tolle has talked about how energy is drained from us when we are looking at computer screens. That's similar to the idea of ego drainage through narrow vision. I tried the wide vision experiment and noticed that my thoughts are like a screen taking attention away from my field of vision. The practice was a bit unpleasant but that's because there was a conflict between my thoughts and my attention to the field of vision (and sounds etc). I found this text in ACIM:
  3. The field of vision can probably be trained! Stuart Wilde talked about how sages have a wide field of vision. Compare that to how we have become trapped into a narrow focus of vision with television, computers and smartphones. And also our attention in ego consciousness is very narrow and focused. That's low complexity leading to tensions and drainage of energy.
  4. @DrewNows What he said in the video about forces draining our energy, that sounds like what I mean by the ego being focused too much on simple forms of order. Shunyamurti called the ego a mind parasite, which also sounds similar to this idea. The personal ego is a result of the collective ego. So society drains our energy to fuel itself. Very much like how in the Matrix movie the machine world had turned humans into energy sources.
  5. @DrewNows Yes, and more specifically, to the ego the intelligent ocean appears as confusion in the mind. And the ego seeks to avoid confusion and therefore struggles with controlling the future. One interesting consequence of this is that if my hypothesis is correct, then practicing meditation on confusion and inner conflict would be efficient. And actually, the kind of meditation where the meditator is told to focus on a single object is then counter-effective since that just strengthens the mind's clinging on simple forms of order. ACIM says:
  6. The visualization of the ego being like an ice cube that needs to be melted in an ocean of water is accurate I think. The reason for why the ego clings to its ice state is that it sees the "ocean" as entropy! So it treats its iciness as a construct necessary to stand against the perceived onslaught of increasing entropy (disorder/deterioration). What corrects that picture is to think of the melting of the ice cube into higher complexity, into an intelligent ocean, and not some dissolution and destruction of the ice cube. In the intelligent ocean which in the analogy represents increase of complexity, the properties of the ice cube are preserved.
  7. Even more general than money as third density low entropy is ..... calendar time! So to give all to all as ACIM said then means relaxing one's control of the future. Seemingly a simple task yet exceedingly difficult in practice since the whole ego structure is based on controlling the future. When we control the future from our individual selves, then that keeps the complexity of our experience low. And low complexity means ego tensions! So we MUST surrender our individual control of the future or else the ego tensions will remain.
  8. ACIM says that to have, give all to all. One interpretation of that is to surrender one's ego tensions. When we are stingy and greedily cling to things, then that prevents us from moving into higher complexity since our clinging keeps us locked in a state of low complexity (simple order and struggle against entropy). When giving all to all that results in a melting away of our tensions allowing the complexity of our experience to increase. In practice this can be achieved through mindfulness practice of noticing the ego tensions in oneself and allowing them to dissolve.
  9. In the Law of One, reality is described as having different densities. And interestingly in mainstream physics there is something called the vacuum catastrophe which has been called the worst prediction in physics ever with an error of 120 orders of magnitude. What it means is that according to quantum field theory the calculated energy density of the vacuum of space is enormous while the measured result is tiny. I think that the vacuum catastrophe can be explained by the vacuum fluctuations almost completely cancelling each other out on the macro level so that space appears empty and with very little energy in it. In reality the energy in space is enormous, just as the quantum field theory predicts, and it's just that the energy is largely cancelled out. One expert explained scalar forces with the example of pressing one's hands hard together. Then there is no movement yet still high tension and pressure. Similarly then, the vacuum energy has enormous high scalar pressure while the vacuum fluctuations appear random. That I believe explains how low complexity is both simple order and apparent randomness. The simple order is the scalar tension and the apparent randomness is the vacuum fluctuations. According to the Law of One we are at third density on Earth and are moving into fourth density. Higher density means higher complexity! And with low complexity, such as in third density, there simple order manifests as ego tensions in our body and mind. When we move into fourth density the ego tensions dissolve because the simple order and apparent randomness (entropy) are replaced by higher complexity.
  10. If the coronavirus crisis is a planned event, another possible purpose is to clean up corruption in the whole healthcare industry. More and more cases are emerging indicating manipulation and dubious Orwellian power-grabs. Governments around the world can't tell the people as Q said, people must be shown the truth. The medical experts have the authority in this case and governments have to listen to those experts, and even if there are experts working for the governments it would be difficult for them to go against the whole private and academic sector of medicine, absent a catastrophic crisis caused by manipulation and lies.
  11. Wow, big mainstream news about COVID-1984 manipulation. This was the second top news on Google News now: Coronagate scandal on the horizon!!
  12. Aha! The love of money is a low complexity perspective on money. It's easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to walk into heaven. What is more important, my money or the lilies on the field? We are conditioned to think of our own money as way more important than the lilies of the field. Yet truly I tell you that not even Solomon in his splendor was arrayed like one of these. Jesus said something like that. I will experiment with being mindful of how I think about money with the aim of relaxing my thinking. Because the usual thinking about money and also other things in ego consciousness is a too isolated, shallow and limited perspective which leads to low complexity and ego tensions.
  13. I think of the Great Awakening as a long process that will take decades. Because our whole civilization has a huge momentum and the structures in society need to be preserved for many years or things would collapse. It's interesting however how absolutely immense the coronavirus crisis is and it seems that those in power are setting up a Hegelian dialectic situation. So the censorship of information that differs from the official view is then playing into the Hegelian dialectic by increasing the contrast between the thesis (the official view) and the antithesis (the alternative views). The result, the synthesis, I believe will be an integral transcend and include where the truth replaces what is false in the thesis and in the antithesis. The synthesis is the butterfly stage of humanity. The thesis and the antithesis are the chaos of the caterpillar dissolving and turning into a butterfly. It's literally as Q said biblical, the Great Awakening is of biblical proportions. And for it to be practical and in order to preserve what is valuable in our current civilization, it needs to be a gradual process. The pages and pages of text in ACIM is just a small description of how monumental the shift will be.
  14. Q wrote that you must show the people. And I believe that the COVID-1984 plan-demic is a part of that. It's a way of gradually showing the general public that, wait a minute, something is wrong here, there are inconsistencies in the official story all over the place. Of course even the 9/11 attacks were like that, with lots of inconsistencies and crazy claims in the official story, but only a few people bothered to even examine it, because they took the information given to them from mainstream media as being trustworthy and totally for granted. So back in 2001 you could only show a few people who were willing and interested in looking at things like 9/11 a little deeper than the at face value story presented by the media and by mainstream experts. Now with the coronavirus crisis there is an opportunity to make many more people start to question the information given to them. It's like turning around the Titanic and will take a long time even with catalyzing events such as COVID-19 and Spygate. What can speed up the process is that mainstream media is becoming even more ridiculous and cartoonish and the same with politics. That those in power, like Trump and even the Democrats, on purpose exaggerate the situation to an almost comical degree.
  15. Q's latest post (4280) has a link to this tweet: That's what I have been guessing. And "focused on others" I believe means the DNC and the Clinton foundation. Is there really an evil cabal practicing child sacrifice and other horrors? The Dutch banker who testified about witnessing child sacrifice might have been telling the truth! However, it could be that the alleged child sacrifices are only staged events, fake events, to test how new members of the elite react psychologically in such situations. A kind of advanced vetting program. Those at the top of the power pyramid are white hats I believe but they have to put on a heavy front of being nasty and evil as hell to keep the real corrupt powers in line.
  16. In practice I have noticed that the ego tension is enormous. The more I do inner body awareness practice the more the tension is revealed. It's almost ridiculous how deep the tension is. I have now added intellectual practice to the inner body practice. On a mental level there is tension because the ego is focusing too much on separate things. And that produces confusion. According to my model, and now also according to the Wolfram Physics Project model, there is no actual randomness, hence no real confusion. My idea is that the combination of mind and body practice will speed up the process. And a third element I am practicing mindfulness of is numbness. The numbness is caused by subconscious pain which in turn is caused by the deeper ego tensions. That's my theory at the moment.
  17. There is even a deeper form of possessions, namely all thoughts! The ego believes it owns the thoughts. Eckhart Tolle has pointed out something similar: Mindfulness practice is useful for getting a perspective that observes the thoughts instead of the ego being identified directly with the thoughts. According to my model ego thoughts actually have low complexity. Because the ego thoughts have too much separation. So instead of using mindfulness to just observe my thoughts I will test if it's possible to dissolve the thoughts.
  18. I was thinking about ACIM's statement "To have, give all to all." At face value that at first seemed a bit too generous and implausible to me. But then I thought about what possessions actually are, both material possessions such as money and physical things and immaterial possessions like knowledge and relationships. And personal possessions are concepts! Our personal possessions are thoughts in our minds which do have actual connections to real things, yet those thoughts are concepts and to "give all" to me means dissolving those possessions, meaning relaxing the thoughts about possessions. And then the personal possessions dissolve into the totality of life, meaning giving all to all.
  19. Fear is simply low complexity caused by the separate perception of the ego. ACIM says:
  20. Brad Jonson described an amazing experience he had with a tree where his consciousness merged with the tree and his feelings and memories became integrated with the tree as a living intelligent being. Something like that. Another person could walk past the same tree and hardly notice it. Clearly Brad experienced the tree as much more complex than the other person. So complexity depends on perspective. For example a single oxygen atom floating around in the air has a low complexity value when looked at in isolation. The same atom from a nondual perspective has an enormously high complexity value since it's interconnected to all of manifested reality. What the ego does is to have a too narrow perspective so it fails to experience the higher levels of complexity in manifested reality. That's similar to what Leonard Susskind, a top mainstream physicist said about entropy that it's hidden information. So the ego experiences life as an increase of entropy that it has to struggle against by constant effort of lowering the entropy.
  21. Oh! I've got a new idea. I think in mainstream physics they don't make a distinction between simple order and complex order. They lump the two together and call it low entropy. That's a too limiting notion I think. In my model simple order has low complexity in the same way that separate holons fail to connect to a larger configuration of holons. And if we fail to recognize that distinction then we struggle against apparent entropy caused by too simple order in the methods used. On a psychological and biological level the focus on too simple forms of order causes ego tensions and confusion. As a practical example, if we cling to money with greed then that's a method of too simple order and the ego tensions will remain and can even increase over time.
  22. The coronavirus crisis is temporarily reducing the complexity of our whole civilization. But even after the crisis there is a limit to how much society can increase in complexity as a collective ego. In order to increase the complexity needed to reach complexity level 5 requires ..... miracles! A miracle is a means of increasing complexity above what is possible through our ego actions. This is one passage of what ACIM says about miracles:
  23. With the complexity model it's also easy to explain some of the religious texts, such as this passage from the Bible: If you hate your enemy, then that's a failure of forming a larger holon. And if you only love your neighbor, then that's still low complexity. The same if you only love your loved ones which is actually a form of collective ego. On the other hand when you pray for those who persecute you so that you and them can instead form a larger holon, that increases complexity and transcends the ego and removes the confusion and conflict.
  24. ACIM says that the ego is totally confused about everything. We can think of confusion as randomness or entropy. In my model there is no actual randomness nor any real entropy. The effects of randomness and entropy are in my model achieved by saying that it's a low complexity value. For example in a box filled with gas the molecules in the gas have low complexity value since they are only holons of the box as a larger holon. So the molecules in the gas lack the organized structure needed to achieve a higher complexity value. Similarly, the ego is a separate holon within collective ego structures as larger holons. That gives the ego a low complexity value, which means the effect of randomness and entropy, which means confusion.
  25. Can the complexity model explain the meaning of life? Not exactly, for from a nondual perspective our reality just is and I don't see how one can assign some specific meaning to that. However from a more informal perspective it's possible to say that the meaning of life is to increase complexity. And the purpose of the universe is to increase complexity. It's somewhat of a cop out explanation, like begging the question where manifested reality first is defined as increasing complexity and then used to explain the meaning of life, but anyway I think it's a good enough explanation.