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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. I haven't paid much attention to faith in the past. Now I think faith can be useful. Especially when the belief is true, that it's something perceived as an actual possibility, similar to how a scientific hypothesis is actually taken on faith in some sense before it has been extensively verified through empirical experiments. ACIM talks about faith, such as:
  2. Leo mentioned infinity in his latest video, how that is the opposite of the universe repeating itself over and over. Exactly. That's what I pointed out earlier, that reality cannot be an identical infinite repetition of the universe. Because repetition is the same as finite in an endless loop, so that's actually finite information. Infinite complexity is ever new, ever changing. Even simple mathematical formulas like the Mandelbrot set and Stephen Wolfram's Rule 30 are likely ever changing. It's very difficult to prove that, but my reasoning, maybe similar to Leo's, is that all finite structures, even endlessly repeating structures, will all fail to produce the movement of time.
  3. One of the things I find interesting with the Wolfram Physics Project (WPP) is that it describes all of reality as a single graph. And it's not just confirmation bias because I also use a graph in my model. It means that physical matter and space are the same "no-thing". Or to put it in another way, physical matter is structured space, which is the same as what alternative researcher Nassim Haramein has been saying. The WPP model is directly consistent with nonduality. Everything, including our physical bodies, are a result of the graph and nothing else! And there is no actual separation other than the points in the graph being connected to each other into a unified whole. So our physical bodies are literally avatars, made of structured space which in turn is a result of the single graph of reality. Here is a short presentation of the WPP model:
  4. I forgot to mention New Age which already is using an integration of eastern and western spirituality. I believe great truths can be found in New Age messages, but from an integrated perspective and not from separation consciousness. For example I think that soul mate and twin flame means the two parts of humanity: 1) individual consciousness and 2) the ancient collective consciousness. It's not about ego relationships, not about what ACIM calls special relationships. It's about the holy relationship that integrates the two separate parts, the twin flames, of humanity into a unified whole. The people in the collective consciousness on earth have needed to stay "underground" throughout history because if they told us prematurely we would get stuck in their explanations and remain in separation consciousness. So the ancient breakaway civilization can only indirectly give messages and plant time capsules. This will at some point change though and as I see it more disclosure of that is an important part of the process of the Great Awakening. It's "when the disciple is ready, the teacher will appear", that kind of thing.
  5. I heard that the Dalai Lama said that there is reincarnation, but it's not personal he said. One radical possibility I came to think of is that there already is a collective consciousness of humanity. That's something I have already mentioned, such as the possibility of an ancient breakaway civilization on earth. Reincarnation, then, is for people in the collective consciousness! And that's why it's not personal. The collective consciousness I speculate is a single being and individuality is preserved through reincarnation. And the western religions are about bringing the whole of humanity into the collective consciousness, into a new "heaven" which means higher levels of beings and not some separate astral realm or something like that. This, then, means that those in the collective consciousness are very eager to bring about a Great Awakening, since reincarnation sucks. The eastern religions and spiritual traditions are about liberation from the collective consciousness being trapped in a state of recycling of individuals and the western religions are about transcending the separate ego consciousness.
  6. Shunyamurti is talking about the Great Awakening, not by using that term maybe but his description from a learned spiritual perspective is about the same thing I think. Here is a new video by Shunyamurti:
  7. It seems that ACIM and the Bible are both about transcending the ego, and probably the same for all major religions from different perspectives. It's a massive process! Then what about an atheistic perspective? In science there is the concept of emergent properties. True emergence requires an increase into higher levels of complexity. In our current state of development here on earth we are at a certain level of complexity, and from that state we are unable to increase the level of complexity required by ourselves. So transcending the ego from an atheistic perspective means recognizing that it is about an evolutionary leap in the form of an emergent property.
  8. Can the ego by pulling its bootstraps lift itself into a higher state of consciousness? No, because the ego is not a sinner, the ego itself is sin. The ego is incapable of lifting itself up to Christ consciousness since that is a sin-free state of being. Fortunately, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, suffered on the cross and died for our sins. Get it? It's symbolism for how Christ is the way and the truth and the life and that nobody comes to the Father except through Christ and with the help of the Holy Spirit.
  9. Holy Moses, I haven't listened to this presentation yet, but what hit me is that Christ suffering on the cross, that is exactly the symbolism for the role of suffering in transcending the ego ("death" and then "resurrection") :
  10. What ACIM points out by saying to not accept suffering is that suffering and the ego go together. ACIM has a very absolute and black and white perspective on ego vs Spirit. My integral take on it is that the ego is a necessary development and so is suffering as long as we remain on that level of spiritual development. So it's a bit tricky. In a sense there is a kind of acceptance that comes with the purpose of suffering. And at the same time, just as ACIM says, we need to transcend suffering since it goes together with ego consciousness. And even trickier, pain and suffering as I see it will be transcended AND included. So there will still be ability to suffer and feel pain, but from a harmless state of being.
  11. I looked up suffering in A Course in Miracles and found: Amazing. Yay! ACIM says do NOT accept sacrifice and do NOT accept suffering. This seems to be a form of jnana yoga which means the path of the intellect if I have understood it correctly. It's about using the intellect for spiritual transformation.
  12. Another insight I got is that suffering is to numbness what fear is to confusion. Both are means used by nature to bring about evolution. In ego consciousness fear is better than confusion. With fear there is at least the possibility of constructive action (unless the fear is so intense that it causes a freeze as in the fight-flight-freeze response). Similarly, with suffering there is to the ego a movement towards growth and development whereas numbness leads to disease and deterioration. The Bible talks about a new state free from pain and suffering. That sounds like transcending ego consciousness. And it's about a greater awakening than merely traditional spiritual awakening where there still is pain.
  13. I found the new idea to be a key to what Gurdjieff called intentional suffering. A mindfulness practice method for consciously being aware of suffering. I haven't researched much about intentional suffering. My key insight is that with the knowledge of the purpose of suffering makes it possible to use intentional suffering for conscious evolution. I will take a look at this video and others like that:
  14. Aha! I was listening to Eckhart Tolle being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey and an idea popped into my mind. Several people have talked about how suffering promotes our growth and development. Suffering is a catalyst for moving at least human evolution forward. The idea that came to me is that suffering is necessary because it's nature's way of preventing too much suffering. That idea is the same as before. My new addition is that it has to be generally in the form of suffering instead of inner peace. Why? Because when we feel inner peace in ego consciousness we become content. And that contentment prevents growth and further evolution!
  15. Not everything can be just random activities so there needs to be integration with what Leo talked about in his latest video about how experts pay a lot of attention to details and distinctions. I'm experimenting with making music and bought better quality headphones so that I can actually hear more distinctions. The professional music producers put an enormous amount of details in their productions. Here is just one example and top producers probably do even much more than that and with even greater skills, equipment and precision:
  16. I have a new idea about testing reality, to see if it has infinite intelligence. Leo has talked about how he experienced directly first-hand reality having infinite intelligence. That requires advanced levels of consciousness. My new idea is to produce good results from seemingly random actions and information, with ordinary consciousness. Because if reality is predetermined as I predict, and also with infinite intelligence, then actually even seemingly simple and/or random events have vast intelligence in them. For example let's say that we have decision anxiety about an important choice we have to make, then with my new idea it's possible to literally roll a dice to determine what to choose. Even the Bible hints at this, such as in this verse:
  17. Donald Trump is protecting (and others of course) with a new Executive Order: To celebrate this, let's take a look at a recent Q post:
  18. Here is an excellent new video from Aaron Abke: I am now focusing more on spirituality. The material world is important too, but I noticed that was moving too much into material things. Ultimately the spiritual world and the material world are one. That's what fourth density is about, a new earth which is the same as our current planet. It's the whole planet that shifts into fourth density including humanity.
  19. Ridiculous! What a hoax the COVID-19 scam is. Q's latest post has a link to: "Japan Ends Coronavirus Emergency With 850 Deaths and No Lockdown" - Newsweek, May 25, 2020.
  20. I found this recent mainstream news about QAnon: And Q recently posted (post 4334) a link to this article: I think very much is staged in politics, and top politicians mentioning Q is likely not a coincidence. The Q movement has been slow lately it seems to me, probably because it has taken so long time without big results. Bordering on hope porn.
  21. I'm trying a general mindfulness practice. In traditional mindfulness, except for monks and more hardcore practitioners, the mindfulness practice is done as a separate activity and after the practice the ego mind is back into its usual mischief. The idea of general mindfulness is to be aware of one's thoughts in everyday life without acting on them. The reason for why I'm trying this method is that the ego mind goes so deep down into the core of one's being that I doubt that separate mindfulness practice has much effect. As an example, let's say that I have a task to do. Instead of following what my thoughts tell me how to perform the task, I just observe my thoughts nonjudmentally without acting on them! That's radically different than the usual habit of following one's thoughts for practical purposes.
  22. Could category theory be a Trojan horse? As it is now, everybody is parroting the technique of putting a horse (set) into a car (category) and then they try to make the car look like a horse. The Trojan horse idea is that category theory was introduced to radically simplify and clean up mathematics but they couldn't do it directly because that would challenge the current paradigm and would be rejected by the academic community. Or at least it would make the current paradigm obsolete too fast, destroying many professional careers, textbooks, courses, and even institutions. So instead they made the car (new math) look like a horse (old math) by using the car as a horse. I hope Stephen Wolfram will use category theory in their Wolfram Physics Project and use it in a simple way, for example replacing their graph with a category in their model.
  23. Jesus talked about separating the goats from the sheep. The goats are people in ego consciousness and the sheep are people in Christ consciousness. We must "deny" our own ego consciousness in order to become sheep and be led by Christ in the role of the shepherd. When we have entered Christ consciousness we no longer are sheep for we become one with the shepherd. Christ has a double-edged sword, with one edge cutting us loose from our own ego and another edge that cuts our ties to other people in ego consciousness. The sword is coming out of Christ's mouth, symbolizing that it's about information, not a physical sword. Jesus didn't come to bring peace on earth, he came with a sword to slay what ACIM calls special relationships, ego relationships.