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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. Aha! Notice that in the Ancient Egyptian picture in the previous post the snake is encircling the heart and the head. It could indicate that the ouroboros symbolizes awakened kundalini energy between the mind and the heart, not between the 7th and 1st chakras. There are also pictures of pharaohs from Ancient Egypt with cobras coming out of their foreheads. The claim is that the cobra represents authority: It's also interesting that the funeral mask of Tutankhamun has both a cobra and a vulture coming out of the forehead. Kundalini is often describes as two serpents coiled around the base of the spine. Wikipedia says: "the royal insignia of a cobra (Wadjet) and vulture (Nekhbet), symbolising Tutankhamun's rule of both Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt respectively." That may represent two different aspects of kundalini.
  2. I haven't listened to the whole presentation in this video yet and just want to document something the presenter said. Kundalini yoga and Kriya yoga both come from Laya yoga. I hadn't heard about that kind of yoga before and may look into it. He also said that the snake biting its tail symbolism is about kundalini! That's the ouroboros found all over in the ancient traditions.
  3. Sadhguru talked about how the heart chakra is a connection point between an upward movement and a downward movement. Even the symbol for the heart chakra has two triangles pointing up and down, he explained. And reading halfway between the lines, I think he means that the heart chakra is also connected nonlocally to everything. That to me explains why it seems so hard to activate or open the heart chakra.
  4. One speculative new agie idea I have is that the death drive is caused by a blocked and disconnected heart chakra. And it's interesting that the Law of One talks about fourth density as involving green ray activation, moving from the lower three chakras up to the fourth chakra which is that of the heart and symbolized by the color green. It's also similar to how kundalini rises up from the base of the spine. I believe that the kundalini energy needs to be connected through the heart chakra in order to move up, and also to be able to move down from the higher chakras to the lower. I haven't done much research about kundalini and will look into it. I found this video:
  5. Third density in the Law of One, and even ego consciousness in ACIM, can be thought of as the caterpillar stage of humanity. I have a theory that the "caterpillar" feeds on the death drive in us, which is also the fundamental cause of the ego tensions and of aging and death. It's the same in nature where animals have "egos" in the sense that they struggle for survival. And for example two similar mammals can have very different average lifespans! Such as one type of mouse living on average 3 years and another similar species, like the naked mole rat, has an average lifespan of 30 years; that's one order of magnitude difference. My idea for why this is the case is that depending on the interplay between the environment and the species over millions of years the average lifespan adapts to optimize survival for the species. It's not about "wear and tear" of the biological body. It's about genetic, epigenetic and even behavioral evolution. So, similarly, the caterpillar stage of humanity is like a single species that has produced an average lifespan in humans of around 80 years. The caterpillar stage needs the death drive in humans so that we die off within an appropriate number of years. But fourth density in the Law of One, what can be called the butterfly stage of humanity, and the going from fear to love in A Course in Miracles, doesn't necessarily need that kind of death drive since the "butterfly" operates differently than the caterpillar stage.
  6. Inner peace makes the ego lose its primary motivation for doing anything which is desire and fear. If the ego is content, peaceful and safe it just becomes a lazy vegetable, basically. That's great! Because it means that inner peace can be used as a tool for transcending the ego. I will ponder on that to see if I can come up with some practice that is effective related to cultivating and establishing inner peace.
  7. Another illustration I came to think of is that our egos are like leaves on a tree. When we are in ego consciousness we only experience ourselves as separate leaves and don't recognize the tree. And we then wrongly believe that the ego is individual and free while in fact it's very limited in what it can do as a leaf. A liberated consciousness recognizes that not only are we one collective unit, we can also move as a whole, like flocks of starlings, and not just sit as leaves on a tree.
  8. Roger Castillo said something I found interesting. I don't have an ego, I am the ego, Roger said. He has also said that teachings about "I am not the body" are useful but only a step towards the complete picture which is that we are everything including the body. So with Roger's definition of ego, even enlightened people have an ego which is the part that contains the personal sense of self. That's a curious definition of ego. Of course it all depends on definitions and what we mean by ego and self, but there is a difference between Roger's definition of ego and many other spiritual teachings which are about removing the ego. From a nondual perspective we can think of the ego as a second order structure. Roger didn't use that term but he gave an example of a house described as a pile of bricks. The description is correct, but to call a house only a pile of bricks is an incomplete description since the house is made of bricks put together in a certain way. Another example he gave was that of a poster made of pixels. We can say that the poster is just a bunch of pixels, but because the dots are arranged in a deliberate way it produces a picture. Both the picture and the house I call second order structures. They are made of parts such as bricks and pixels but they are more than the parts. Similarly the ego is just a bunch of memories and habits, yet with a structure that makes the ego more than just the parts. And we can even call the ego a self, depending on how we define it. So from this perspective, there is a self as a second order structure, and spiritual realization is the recognition of our true nature which is the totality and not only the second order structure of the personal self.
  9. So, with out personal memories having a foundation in a false belief in separation, are our memories worthless? No, our personal memories contain a lot of value. And that's what the harvest in the Law of One is about! Harvest of our third density self is much about extracting the valuable content in our memories and recontextualizing it into a fourth density perspective. It's about a transformation of the individual self and not just about ego death, or surrender of self.
  10. One useful observation is to recognize that ALL personal memories are contaminated by the false belief in separation. The mind uses those memories to form a "me" and from that false construct it relates to other personal memories within the same distorted foundation in the mind. A Course in Miracles says:
  11. Sarvapriyananda said that Jnana yoga is instantaneous and effortless, just understanding necessary, BUT it will take a lot to reach that level of understanding so even Bhakti yoga is necessary, he said. Is it possible to effortlessly and instantaneously drop all ego tensions? No, that seems unlikely to happen. Because not only do the tensions hold things like money, calendar time and personal relationships but also deeper down even the death drive. So the ego tensions are horribly hideous and totally ingrained in our whole body and mind. All our struggle for survival is bundled up in the ego tensions. It goes deep down into biological evolution of billions of years. What makes me optimistic is that I believe intellectual understanding is all that's needed and it's just that the understanding needs to become realized, actualized and grokked within one's whole being. So that's the difficult part but it's an automatic and probably accelerating process to drop the ego tensions.
  12. I agree with Leo that understanding is an important part of spirituality. At least I find it useful to have intellectual understanding. There are several yoga paths, and for example Bhakti yoga is about devotion rather than knowledge. There is also as I have mentioned before Jnana yoga which is the path of knowledge. Here is a new video about Jnana yoga:
  13. As ACIM says, the ego is totally confused about everything. And the ego is a mistaken perspective. So beneath the confusion there is a BIG HOAX LIE! Much of the ego tensions are hidden and subconscious, but we can recognize the effect of the tensions through for example anger and irritation. The anger is a surface expression of preventing too much numbness caused by the tensions. Beneath the anger there is fear, and beneath the fear is confusion. The confusion is simply a result of the false belief of being separate. That reminds me of my homemade teaching called Lazy Yoga. In Lazy Yoga the way of removing ego tensions is through understanding that the tensions have a false foundation and that will automatically start to dismantle and melt away the tensions in body and mind.
  14. I'm fairly sure that ego tensions are caused by the mistaken perspective of being separate. Both collectively and as individuals. The personal ego tensions and the collective mistaken view of reality are one whole field of tension. There is a deliberate purpose of the belief in separation. It's like how a video game is a "fake" additional layer on reality pretending to be real. Similarly our whole "fallen" world is like that! It's a cosmic trick for the purpose of growth and development. Apocalypse means unveiling, like revealing the truth behind the fallen world, a revelation. And surely dissolving ego tension must be a part of the unveiling, a falling away of false beliefs and a revelation of the truth of reality.
  15. Hmm... If the Milky Way galactic consciousness already exists, it may very well be that Gaia already exists as a collective consciousness in the making. And just like in an as-above-so-below fractal nature, our planet joining the galactic consciousness some 90,000 years in the future, so may we as individual humans join Gaia already today! And people, and actually even plants and animals, even potentially inorganic objects, who are in Gaia consciousness don't reveal that because we in ego consciousness must break out of our ego shells ourselves. However I found this video where Gaia is channeled, which of course could be woo woo nonsense, but it could actually be actual channeling of Gaia so I will check it out.
  16. What will happen from an integral perspective is that the separate sense of self will become integrated with a larger reality. However, that larger reality will as a first step be planet earth! So we will become Gaia, the whole planet as a conscious being, still with our individual personalities preserved. Then, after I don't know how many years, but we can say 90,000 years according to the Law of One, we will take the next integral leap and become the Milky Way galaxy as a living being. Most likely Milky Way is already a collective consciousness, but we here on earth are still in third density and in a planetary quarantine, so we are a very young civilization. Ra in the Law of One is very tricky, and uses Law of Confusion language, and I believe that fourth density means a collective consciousness, called social memory complex in the Law of One. So what Ra is describing in the quote is I believe the time period for how long we as a planet will be in fourth density.
  17. Leo talks a lot about becoming selfless. I have been against the idea of selflessness. But now I came to think of how it works. When listening to Roger Castillo is occurred to me that I am not the doer, I am the doing! And the doing is the totality in motion. So there literally is NO self as an actor/agent to begin with! Nor is there even an individual self as a pure observer, because then that's back into the idea of a separate entity except now it's even worse and it becomes a psychological depersonalization disorder. I think of the individual soul as a unique and changeless point. That's from where we experience reality as each individual. But the soul is not a separate self. So the true perspective is as being selfless, not in the ego definition of selfless where a separate individual sacrifices himself or herself in a form of service to others. That's still to be trapped in the false idea of a separate self.
  18. Really complex explanation Leo gives in his latest video. I like it! My explanation of reality may be the same since the effect is the same. Leo talked about the God-head as an infinite singularity at the start of creation. I have that too in the form of the unmanifested. And manifested reality is an ever increasing diversity and expansion. But I think of the expansion also as increasing integration into larger and larger holons (whole/parts). So in my model we don't move back towards the God-head, we always move forward towards the God-head as infinite complexity/love/intelligence/unity in the future! As we ourselves expand in complexity we also increase our integration with the whole of reality. That's evolution. And it's also compatible with the different densities in the Law of One. One difference between my model and Leo's explanation may be that I think of ultimate reality as changeless. The change we experience as time is a result of the manifested reality moving towards the infinite unmanifested, which is a single changeless block, the same as Ramesh Balsekar and Roger Castillo have described it. My impression of Leo's explanation is that the God-head can change or bring about things. In my model the God-head just changelessly is "I Am that I Am". Or to put it in another way: not even God has free will.
  19. Yay! Leo's new video seems like a hardcore topic that I like. I haven't watched the video yet and want to log my take beforehand without being influenced by Leo's views in this video. The ultimate structure of reality in opinion is that it's infinite information structured as holons. And it's only the unmanifested reality that is infinite. The manifested reality is an ever increase of information into higher level of holons. I call it increase of complexity, and it's this increase that produces the arrow of time and the process of evolution.
  20. Leo described how we as infinite intelligence created ourselves, designed everything in our bodies and in our universe with perfect precision. How does that fit with my model of an automatic universe? I think of Leo's description as a great metaphor! It's a useful parable for how amazingly mindblowing infinite intelligence is. And it's also potentially a first-hand experience of infinite intelligence from a first person perspective. So how do I explain infinite intelligence? According to my model our reality is a single number. That's it. But it's an infinite number, and a number designed with infinite intelligence. So who was the designer? As I have mentioned before, the answer is: nobody! The number just is. It's just one special number out of all possible numbers. It's a platonic form. And our universe is just a recent Big Bang in a whole multiverse tree containing zillions and zillions of universes. So our universe is unique, but not special. Only the single number representing the whole multiverse tree is special indeed. It's also possible to test the idea of infinite intelligence in everyday life. As an example, we can observe our thoughts, similar to mindfulness practice, and compare our thoughts in relation to infinite intelligence. Then we will notice that our thoughts appear far less than infinitely intelligent, and that's a starting point for change to happen to our thoughts.
  21. Leo's explanation of reality as infinite intelligence is very useful as a concept for spiritual practice. No matter how arrogant, proud or what degree of delusion of grandeur or hubris my ego has, it will always pale in comparison to infinite intelligence. So with the idea that we are infinite intelligence, not separate from it, since we are not separate from reality, then it becomes a spiritual practice to recognize this in actuality and dissolve the ego. As I have posted about a lot, my own view is also that reality is infinite intelligence. My take is that complexity is information structured as holons, and intelligence is increase of complexity, and manifested reality is an ever increase of complexity which requires that reality as a wholeness has infinite intelligence.
  22. Obama mentioned a risk of increasing wealth inequality caused by technological progress such as artificial intelligence (AI). There may be some government regulations necessary for that, but another opposite trend is also taking place. Ray Kurzweil explained how not only is the technological progress accelerating, the price/performance is also improving at an exponential rate! Meaning, services and products will become dirt cheap. One example Kurzweil mentioned is how the first cell phones were clunky, didn't work very well and were so expensive that only the power elite could afford them. Today even the cheapest smartphones have way more capacity than the old cell phones. And this kind of trend is happening all across products and services, especially when they become digital. Even physical products will become digital Kurzweil said, such as with 3D printing. And there will be lots of free open source products and also commercial products, so a both/and scenario according to Kurzweil.
  23. Yikes, Shunyamurti predicted a Mad Max world and that things will be much worse in 2021 than today. I doubt that it will happen. I predict a "new normal" that is basically as before the p(l)andemic with some changes in the directions taken in global and national politics. Maybe a slight financial crisis will happen to usher in central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) but nothing near a Mad Max scenario I think. More like the 2008 economic crisis. Actually, I predict a basically stable near future. Also, I predict that automation will accelerate after the pandemic, and "helicopter money" will remain and move towards universal basic income (UBI). And this can even prevent a financial crisis since it has already started to be introduced around the world due to the HOAX plan-demic! Of course, transcending the ego might be a more serious matter since it can cause a lot of suffering. Hopefully it will be a smooth transition without the need for massively chaotic situations in the world.