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When Trump banned the Chinese tech giant Huawei, my guess is that it allowed that company to move away from dependence on western technology, both hardware and software. Without that ban, Huawei would have had much harder time to switch away from dependency on western tech such as Intel chips and Google's Android operating system. This means that Huawei, because of its huge market share can start from scratch with a new approach to information technology. Instead of having to install apps for example, one expert said that Huawei's new system is meant to be used without apps and across all kinds of devices such as smartphones, wearables, cars, home electronics and PCs. And businesses will be integrated directly with the Huawei open source system, without the need for separate apps, the expert said. Of course, it's still difficult for Huawei to switch from Android to their new HarmonyOS when it comes to smartphones. So they may start with other devices first such as smart TVs, smartwatches and cars. But it's possible I think that they could launch smartphones based on HarmonyOS already this year. We will see. I predict that western governments will be unable to stop the Huawei tsunami when it starts to gain moment because it will be a whole new level of integration than we have today. I think that's good and a part of the big change in the world together with e-money and increasing automation.
What if even the Spygate scandal is a psyop? Then the situation is the same as with the recent event in New Jersey. It doesn't matter in terms of effect whether it's a psyop or not. The purpose of a Spygate scandal is to clean up corruption and/or other major strategic reasons. From an ethical perspective it's important whether those kinds of events are staged hoaxes or not and therefore as I see they are all fake events with crisis actors and fabricated stories etc. And that's the ethical approach! Because compare that to actually killing a child for example. Imagine if you had superior power and at the same time you are ethical. Then how to deal with real corruption? Unless the root cause is dealt with, new corruption will pop up again and again. So a comprehensive strategic and holistic approach is needed that deals with corruption in the long run and from a systemic perspective.
The coronavirus crisis not only has limited humans. It has also limited the whole business world. Corporations together with commercial banks today have enormous power and even without any conspiracy theory, there is a systemic incentive for the private sector as a whole to control and dominate governments. For example, governments today actually have very little power of the creation of money. Almost all money is today created by the private banking sector. And what the coronavirus crisis has done is to dampen the commercial power structure and opened up the possibility for e-money created and controlled by governments instead of by commercial powers. And now a psychological blow happened to the commercial powers: So what does that have to do with a psychological blow? The answer is that this recent event in New Jersey creates fear of and distrust of people in uniforms of commercial corporations! But what if the event was staged and fake? It still produces the same effect. So regardless of whether the event was a staged psyop or a real event, the bigger picture view is that it causes people to fear and distrust corporations.
The history of humanity can be radically simplified by saying that ego consciousness is the result of splitting up humanity into separate individuals. This is for example mentioned in the Bible: The purpose of splitting up humanity from a unified state into separate individuals is to produce growth, development, uniqueness and novelty and the emergence of individuality. This has been absolutely necessary! But this ego consciousness has also produced loads of suffering and is a delusional state, a state of confusion. So what is needed now is to integrate humanity back into unity, while preserving the valuable development of us as individuals. Humanity has gone from the tree of life and developed through the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (duality), and now we need to return to the tree of life (nonduality/love) and bring with us all the lessons we have learned and all the development we have had in the state of duality (fear/fallen world/third density/ego consciousness).
Reza mentioned that in Zoroastrianism there is an apocalypse where all beings on earth are alchemically transformed by being bathed in molten metal. So that we more perfectly instantiate the realms of forms (Plato got his ideas of perfect forms from Zoroastrianism). That sounds like the harvest in the Law of One! Alchemically transformed in this case then means going from third to fourth density. Higher complexity = more information = higher density = higher consciousness = higher precision and more perfectly matching the realms of forms. And ALL beings being transformed is similar to how the Bible describes how the lamb and the wolf will live together and the lion will eat straw and human children will play with cobras. Zoroastrianism is older than Christianity. And Sadguru already plays with dangerous snakes and jokingly (or seriously I don't know) mentioned a cobra test to see whether people really are peaceful or not. If someone can play with the cobra without being attacked, then the person is peaceful, he said, haha. I think there is something real to that!
Hmm... The expert in the previous video, Jason Reza Jorjani knows about other subjects too, such as the technological singularity, and he even includes consciousness and alchemy in that explanation. This is precisely the kind of integration I think will be necessary; of political, technological, spiritual and occult (means hidden) topics in order to get a complete picture of the Great Awakening.
I found this great and fairly new video about the breakaway civilization: They also mentioned an ancient breakaway civilization organized around etheric energy. Obviously zero point energy! And I came to realize that with such advanced knowledge and technology it's easy for both the new and the ancient breakaway civilizations to keep themselves hidden from the public society. The Great Awakening will include some disclosure of these hidden civilizations or it wouldn't be much of an awakening for humanity.
Ha! The Durham report seems to be released by the end of the summer after all: This will be crucial considering the current situation: It's important for Trump to win the 2020 presidential election for a Spygate scandal to have maximum effect. But then, is a Spygate scandal really important? I don't know yet, but I expect the Durham report to show how the DNC staged its own email "hacking" so that they could blame it on Russian agents. Basically an inside job false flag attack. Huge corruption! And also the Clinton foundation seems suspicious, but I don't know yet about that either.
We can think of the original difference of existence as between something and nothing. I think someone mentioned something similar in another thread. Indra's net is then an infinite reflection between something and nothing. This is the same as my previous model with the clarification of what 'this' and 'that' are! With 'this' = something and 'that' = nothing. That makes the model more precisely defined. The original, initial and primordial difference is between something and nothing. And then in the next step there are new differences between the original difference and something and between the original difference and nothing. And so on resulting in Indra's net as an infinite simple undirected complete graph. Reality, then, is a trinity consisting of: 1) difference, 2) something and 3) nothing. I will take another look at Leo's new video to check if he mentions something similar.
In his new video, Leo explains that space and time, those are somethings. Nothing produces something, he said, instantly. That's very similar to my model. Manifested reality is from the start nothing and then it turns into the manifested reality we experience, and when did that happen? Instantly!
So how can people seemingly die? This requires a radical shift of perspective and a complete recontextualization of what reality is. Leo has already talked a lot about this radical change of perspective. My view is that material reality is information in the present moment. So people, including myself, can still die physically, but that's just information in different configurations. In ego consciousness we believe that the material world exists by itself as separate objects. That's a false perspective. I myself am still in ego consciousness practically, but I can see the falseness of the materialistic perspective. And in theory my own ego perspective can dissolve, and the same with the whole world, so we may be in for a real shock when/if we realize, actualize, the new perspective.
Oh noes! Even Shunyamurti seemingly believes in inevitable death of the physical body. That's a silly childish ego belief! Well, that's my opinion anyway. I believe ACIM means that even physical death is an illusion. How can that be? It's possible if the whole world is in a delusional state. And that's possible! Even more delusional than Shunyamurti seems to believe that the world is. My reasoning is that if we are one with the universe, then actual physical death would mean that we can become buried in ourself. That's a preposterous and insane belief. Jesus Christ said: let the dead bury the dead. And the key here is that there are no dead people! Many spiritual teachers claim that there is only the present moment, and yet they also believe that physical death is a reality. They have a logically inconsistent view. If there is only now, then pray tell me, when has anybody ever died? But how is it possible that so few people agree with my view? Isn't it incredible hubris and delusion of grandeur of me to believe that my view about death is correct and millions of experts in prominent positions of authority and knowledge are wrong? Well, actually from an ordinary perspective that's true. The probability that my view is correct is extremely small from a mainstream perspective, yet I honestly can't see how it can be in any other way. So my new take on it is to consider that there is a hidden part of humanity that has the correct knowledge, and actually billions of people have the same knowledge as me I think, so it's only the "dragon", the people still totally trapped in ego consciousness that believe physical death is inevitable. And also, Shunyamurti and other spiritual teachers and experts may also know that physical death is an illusion, yet they need to talk to the dragon, the illusionary part of the world, which means the public mainstream society which is still totally trapped in ego consciousness.
Haha, Shunyamurti keeps on bashing the world, similar to ACIM. More seriously though, he could be correct! I still maintain that the world today has a lot of value that needs to be preserved. And also, I still believe that society will remain pretty much the same on the surface. However, there may be a tremendous shift going on, literally the harvest mentioned in the Law of One. I will take Shunyamurti's explanations as a hypothesis to be tested. Even on a material level there could be a Great Awakening, but I believe it will be a fairly slow process involving things like e-money which is a huge change but it will take time to implement. And also potentially scandals such as COVID-1984 and Spygate. I will keep an eye on the Q posts.
New Shunyamurti video from 28 seconds ago (plus the time for posting this video )!
I now found that Shunyamurti has already explained the constant state mentioned in A Course in Miracles. He said that all thought patters are dissolved! And then when the silence becomes constant, there is a flow of wisdom, not in words although it can be put into words when needed, he explained in this video:
What is the veil of concepts? That's easy to notice for example when going for a walk. Notice how the sense perceptions are clouded by thinking. It's literally like a fog clouding the experience of sensing the body and the surroundings clearly. Here I found what seems to be an advanced teaching: Elusive happiness, that must mean happiness based on concepts, thoughts. And constant vision, that's awareness without the veil of thoughts. Awareness is already constant. What makes me think of it as an advanced teaching is that happiness without other reasons than consciousness itself seems difficult to achieve. Yet that's what most if not all spiritual teachers have talked about. I will do some more examination of the nature of thoughts. Such as investigating the idea that thoughts are like training wheels and that thoughts actually don't cause anything! And when the thinking mind has become too dominant, as for example Eckhart Tolle has talked about, it produces a heavy veil and suffering. I do believe thoughts will be included even in a liberated state but perhaps on a higher level than in ego consciousness, and less need for thinking, fewer and higher quality thoughts that are more powerful, clear and accurate than in ego consciousness.
A Course in Miracles calls conceptual awareness perception (at least in this quote): And as Anna mentioned about the veil, ACIM says the same thing: Trans-conceptual awareness is in ACIM called vision:
Now I have something substantial to document. When listening to Wayne Liquorman it hit me what trans-conceptual awareness is. Wayne didn't use that term, but the meaning is the same. Trans-conceptual awareness, or at least pre-conceptual awareness, is simply awareness itself, consciousness. Concepts arise within awareness. Concepts are objects in awareness. Thoughts are examples of concepts. So what makes trans-conceptual awareness so difficult to recognize is that we are thinking all the time. Even the "me" related to the thoughts is a concept. Trans-conceptual awareness is related to how the conceptual self experiences a sense of lack. The feeling of lack is because of the being trapped in conceptual awareness. Aaron Abke talked about something similar in his latest video and also Anna talks about this in her latest video.
I will briefly mentioned another problem. People believe that we have been conscious in the past. My view is that we have never been conscious in the past, because all past is only in the now.
One problem with the internet is that everybody it seems believes in inevitable physical death. I have the opposite belief. There are a few exceptions, such as Bruce Lipton saying that aging is caused by belief. But even Lipton rarely says that anymore. So I will stay away from participating on the internet for a while.
The ego itself can be seen as a perspective. The ego is real, but it's just a conceptual construct. The individual self is as I see it a unique point within reality. A point is nothing in itself. ACIM defines the self as:
More on perspectives: A radical perspective is solipsism, the idea that I am the only existence. To me solipsism is false, because it's like how people centuries ago believed that the earth was the center of the entire universe. However, I believe it's possible that our entire universe is just one minuscule and recent branch on a vast multiverse tree. And the multiverse tree contains zillions of universes similar to our own universe. So not even our universe is special. Each individual, and each universe is unique but not special, except the root universe of the whole multiverse tree.
Speaking of perspectives, Tony Parsons has this brand new video where he talks about his hardcore nondual perspective: Although I find Parson's perspective useful it lacks the increase of complexity leading to evolution. I would like to combine his perspective with an evolutionary perspective. The same with Ramesh Balsekar's perspective of reality as a single changeless block. But I also think that those nondual perspectives are very useful as a contrast to the mainstream perspective of a material universe based on separations.
As Leo mentioned, it's useful to step back from all perspectives. I think it's useful because of what ACIM says, which as I have mentioned several times, that the ego is totally confused about everything. This becomes evident in how the ego puts trust in its own perspectives, which is a double fallacy! Because as ACIM says, nothing real can be threatened. So all perspectives are already fully trustworthy, and so when the ego believes that there can be mistakes and threats, that creates a false foundation upon which perspectives are added. A double confusion. But how can the perspective ACIM promotes be trusted? My own approach is to on purpose be confused about all perspectives and let the correct view sort itself out. I believe that ACIM correctly describes a higher and more correct perspective, but I'm not 100% sure. My litmus test is to see how much stable inner peace I have. My approach is the idea that false perspectives will lead to suffering.
The ego has distrust in other egos. Therefore the ego puts its trust in money, laws and calendar time. A religious person doesn't generally trust God subconsciously, the person instead says things like "take it to the bank" and "right on the money", and "rest in peace" instead of saying "enjoy heaven". So interestingly, all egos have the same fundamental perspectives of money, laws and calendar time. On top of that are different belief systems, nationality, education, cultures and so on, but to the ego those are only relevant in how they fit into the fundamental perspectives.