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Compare the requisite variety of a single peson to the combined 7 billion people in the world. And not just many people but connected in a way as to form a higher holon, similar to how the functioning of a single neuron compares to the functioning of the whole human brain. From that perspective the ego consciousness becomes incredibly childish and limited. And the past memories of a person becomes utterly insignificant compared to the entire history of humanity with access to the Akashic records and the noosphere of the whole planet.
Wow, now yet another idea came to me. Requisite variety will never be adequate to fully deal with managing life harmoniously. Why? Because of what Stephen Wolfram calls computational irreducibility. It means that many even very simple systems are impossible to predict beforehand how they will behave. The only way to find out what the result will be is to actually run the system. And life as a whole is irreducible, so when we attempt to use requisite variety to control reality it will always lead to conflict and friction. The solution instead is to do the completely opposite which is to not use any requisite variety at all and allow reality to control itself (which it is already doing anyway).
Now I got a new idea. Control is nondual. That's something I have already mentioned. The new part is that the ego and the Holy Spirit are one! Yes, A Course in Miracles correctly points out that the ego is a delusional belief, but it's actually the Holy Spirit that moves the whole universe, including the ego. In practice, a radical possibility opens up which is that personal willpower and choiceless awareness are merely aspects of the same reality. And which mode is activated is something that is determined automatically. So a possible way towards relaxing tensions is a realization of this principle, and then the ego can no longer fool itself into believing that it has the power to control anything. Tensions and belief in separate control go together!
Now I got a creative idea! I have been very passive in my my mindfulness practice. My new approach is to use more willpower. I have been thinking that willpower that's ego consciousness, but actually the Holy Spirit is the whole control, so it includes willpower. Instead of just passively observe and wait for tensions in my body and mind to dissolve, I will now consciously enter into tensions with commitment, focus and determination. Well, not too stridently, but at least less passively than how I have been doing the practice.
I like Leo's recommendation of attracting creativity. That will be useful in my mindfulness practice, where my mind is like stuck in an inflexible struggle with tensions in body and mind. I do often feel creativity when it comes to new ideas but when it comes to the actual practice and concrete results my mind feels like a block of concrete. I will test it on feelings instead of thoughts though, since my plan is to move towards more trans-conceptual awareness.
What is the Holy Spirit? I define the Holy Spirit as the control of all of reality. The ego is the belief in separation, so it's "sin", it's a mistaken view which makes it struggle throughout life. No matter how much requisite variety the ego manages to hold, it's always too little for managing reality harmoniously. So I think Leo is mistaken about the idea that we need to try to gain more requisite variety as individuals in order to be able to deal with an ever increasing complexity in society. Future thinking is for artificial intelligence and robots, similar to how pocket calculators and computers have removed most of the need for doing manual calculations. Instead my approach will be to go in the opposite direction and let the Holy Spirit deal with my life. No matter how complex society gets, the Holy Spirit manages all that. I will still use my mind for learning new things but I will aim at a high abstraction level, meaning fewer and more powerful thoughts.
Oh, this is interesting, Leo has a new blog video about requisite variety. I will check out Leo's video but first I want to post an idea that came to me about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is maximum variety! It's control in the form of wholeness. The Holy Spirit deals with the whole of existence.
Whew, it's a relief that others are thinking of reality as being only now. If I were the only one thinking that way, that would have been scary, haha. Actually I think even Leo mentioned in his latest YouTube video that reality manifests instantly. And Rupert Spira explained it well in the video. Here is another video where Rupert Spira explains choice:
Actually Eckhart Tolle has said that there is only now. And even Rupert Spira talks in this video about how there is only the present moment:
Isn't the claim that all past is in the now just an idea? For me it's more than an idea. I don't see how it can be in any other way! But let's say that it's just a belief, then what about the claim that we have been conscious in a past separate from the now? That's also a belief! And let's compare my belief to the usual belief. I experience the past now, and that is consistent with my belief. The belief that I have been conscious in a past separate from the now I experience no direct evidence of. I used to think of myself as having existed in a past away from the now, but lately I see that the actual situation is that I'm only conscious now. And it's interesting to experience how basically everybody else still has the belief of having existed in a past separate from the now. And when I say "I used to think" that's of course also a memory in the now and only in the now. The past is real so in practice it's valid to think of oneself and others as having done this and that in the past, but all that is information in the now.
Teal Swan talked about the need for integration. And ACIM says that the ego confuses pain and joy. My explanation is that when the ego tries to avoid pain it does the opposite of integration and subconsciously numbs out the pain, which makes the separation even worse. So the ego confuses numbness with escaping pain. The state of numbness causes disease and the pain is still there, only disconnected from conscious awareness. ACIM says that the Holy Spirit avoids pain, and that it the true healing as a result of integration instead of more separation.
Teal Swan has this video about love which is similar to A Course in Miracles. Teal even said that all pain is caused by separation.
Notice that it's not the past that is an illusion. The illusion is that we believe that we have been conscious in the past. That's a reconstruction. Reality is not an illusion, but within reality there are illusions. One simple example is that we experience the sun rising in the morning. That's an illusion since it's the earth that rotates making it appear as if the sun rises above the horizon. Alan Watts explains the illusion of the self in this video:
Have we ever been conscious in the past? No!!! Try to get this. It's simple. Being conscious in the past is a DUALITY perspective. Get it? We are conscious now, and only now. The ego thinks of its past personal memories as being very precious. They are not! Well, everything is valuable, so in that sense, yes personal memories are equally valuable, but my memories are not more valuable than for example Donald Trump's memories or a homeless person's memories. The ego believes that it has done things in the past, years of personal memories, childhood traumas, relationships, education, professional career and all kinds of crazy stuff. It's all crap! The person has done NONE of that. It's a total illusion. All the past is information in the now and only in the now.
Holy crap! This video describes how NVIDIA programmed an AI that developed a Pac Man game automatically by just looking at the game being played. Consider the exponential progress of information technology. This means that the progress accelerates, so what starts as only a tiny capability at first only slightly improves, then the improvement starts going faster and then the progress skyrockets. With self-learning capability like NVIDIA's AI things like mechanical robots and bots on the internet can learn skills and know-how at an accelerating pace. AIs can even start to teach and train each other, leading to even faster progress.
ACIM says that all minds are connected. Is that true? Of course it is! That's trivially true from a nonduality perspective since everything is connected. And this also means that in a collective consciousness, when one person learns something, the whole collective learns it! So now we can see how incredibly limited ego consciousness is where each person needs to learn the same knowledge.
The metaphor of the ego as an ice cube in an ocean is useful to describe duality. Nonduality is only the ocean.
Roger Castillo has this new video where he talks about the present moment as a singular experience instead of having attention focused in thinking. That's similar to the nondual causality I mentioned previously! When attention is focused on thinking, that's a duality perspective.
Is mind causing physical reality or is physical reality causing the mind? My answer is: neither! Because both of those are duality perspectives. From a nonduality perspective the cause is all of reality as a whole. And the nonduality perspective is the true perspective, or reality wouldn't be one. Even with parallell realities if there is no connection between our reality and a parallel reality, then those are separate realities, each with its own nonduality. In my model parallel realities are in theory possible, yet they are all included within one larger whole reality (Indra's net). The nonduality perspective is a huge change compared to the ordinary materialistic perspective, and even compared to many spiritual perspectives! Because those are often duality perspectives. Even the claim that consciousness is more fundamental than physical matter is a duality perspective.
Is physical reality an illusion? No! That would be a duality perspective. It's the belief in total separation that is the illusion. For example if I have money in a bank account, that money actually exists as stored information in computer systems operated by the bank. The same with my physical body which is real and actually made of atoms. The key is to recognize that all things are connected into a wholeness. So for example the money in my bank account and my physical body are one. And physical reality and my mind are one. That's nonduality. Ego tensions are caused by the belief in total separations. From a Jnana Yoga perspective spiritual realization is the removal of the false belief in separations, not merely as an intellectual belief but actualized so that the ego tensions dissolve.
Oh! Now I got it. The body of flesh and the material world are "just" beliefs. It's the materialistic perspective. And even spiritual teachers still have a materialistic perspective! Well, maybe they have a spiritual perspective but to me their explanations are unclear. And the belief in a material reality of separation is so deep and so pervasive still in society that the belief literally brings about that experience of separate material objects. Even spiritual perspectives, such as subtle body and energy are also a form of separation. I will take a look at this new video about the Law of One and kundalini and examine it from a nondual perspective:
If everything is information as I assume, then what is the body of flesh? The Bible says that the body of flesh cannot inherit the kingdom of God. Yet, from a nondual perspective the physical body and the mind are one. A Course in Miracles says that the physical body is the belief in sin made flesh: And is this passage ACIM says that the body is another order of reality than thought as merely an appearance, so that's a nondual perspective: The body of flesh then means the belief that the body is a separate object, which explains why ACIM says it's a belief in sin which means missing the mark, meaning a misperception of reality. So I take it that the body is already pure information, even from the ACIM perspective. And this is something I think many spiritual teachers miss, even nonduality teachers, by making a distinction between the physical body and spirituality. What is needed is to look into the transformation of the physical body such as described in the Law of One as going from third to fourth density. Because not only the ego needs to be integrated, also the physical body needs to be integrated, or it's an incomplete integral approach.
A lot of anger is caused by lack of correct knowledge. For example, some people get angry because other people don't want to wear face masks. I get angry at the people who just buy the official story hook, line and sinker. So who is correct, the majority (most likely) of people, the COVID-19 believers or the few people like myself in the opposite camp, the COVID-1984 believers? I think both positions cause anger because they don't include a correct understanding of the situation. QAnon has I believe correctly pointed out that the COVID-19 cases have been overblown. For what purpose? Here is a recent news article related to the crisis: What that tells me is that the unemployment situation is worse than the official statistics. And I think it was Andrew Yang who said that unemployment numbers have been made much smaller than the actual situation. And that was even before the coronavirus crisis. And as Marianne Williamson said, a tsunami of automation is coming to America. And the situation is pretty much the same all over the world.
Personally I have been able to remove most of my envy and jealousy of other people, but that's because I think everybody has a crap life, haha, including myself. But I still have fear of what other people think of me. David Icke has pointed out that one of the biggest fear people have is what other people will think about them. Having fear of what other people think, might at first seem like protecting oneself, but that's the opposite of what ACIM says which is that defenselessness is true protection. And I see the logic in ACIM's message so I will examine defenselessness a bit more.
If the sheeple are controlled by sheep dogs then who is the shepherd? The answer is that the shepherd for the ego is money. So the ego is pulled around by the nose by concerns about money. This in turn means that since money is the shepherd for all the sheeple, the ego tensions, which is the general part of the ego structure, are predominantly turned into specific ego structures via money concerns. The sheep dogs' role on the other hand is to confine the ego into the sheeple pen.