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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. Rupert Spira has this new video about the physical body: I found it useful in combination with my new perspective of the physical body as being zero seconds wide. Yes, the body is solid in three dimensions yet in the direction of time the body is just a time slice! And the same with all of physical reality, and of course the body and the rest of reality are one.
  2. The e-money needs to be global, or else corporations can just move to countries where they still use regular money. For example if the U.S. starts using e-dollars, then if euros are still regular money corporations can move from the U.S. to Europe. There are at least four reasons for global e-money: 1) universal basic income due to automation, 2) taxation of automation, 3) government-controlled money instead of private sector money, and 4) taxation of multinational corporations.
  3. Another reason for e-money I now came to think of again is automatic taxation of automation. In a near future we may even have decentralized autonomous corporations. Bill Gates' vaccine agenda seems a bit suspicious to me, but I think it was he who proposed a robot tax. That's a good idea I think, and it will even be necessary probably. Imagine a near future when machines produce over 50% of all products and services, and then year after year automation takes over more and more jobs. Governments need some efficient way of receiving tax from automated production, and e-money will be useful for that.
  4. I define the death drive as the total shadow cast by the ego. That shadow is unconsciousness. So one practice to heal the death drive is to fill it with consciousness. The method I use at the moment is inner body awareness practice of feeling my whole body and mind. It's really simple but also very challenging in my experience. I came to think of the word light in the Bible as meaning consciousness. And darkness is related unconsciousness, and fear is a disconnect, an unconscious attempt to move away from the light (consciousness) into darkness (unconsciousness).
  5. Nassim Haramein has an interesting unifying model of physics, and I think it would be great to combine it with The Wolfram Physics Project. Haramein has published some mainstream science papers but most physicists probably consider him to be an alternative researcher which makes it difficult for his model to get more mainstream attention. The Wolfram project is more mainstream but even that has received fairly little attention among physicists it seems. And it's understandable since mainstream science has huge inertia, and usually that's a good thing too, because it makes science stable although it has become too stable! Haha, and mainstream science has become stuck in dogmas that they need to defend and keep clinging to.
  6. In my model, consciousness is eternal. And this fits with how we directly experience consciousness as timelessly stable in the now. In deep dreamless sleep, consciousness in my modell is in an off state. Consciousness is an on/off state yet it is eternal since it is a result of high enough levels of holons and since evolution in my model leads to ever higher levels of holons there will always be consciousness. In a sense my model is extremely reductionistic and atheistic, but actually consciousness I believe is what in the Bible is called light, and the Omega Point is literally exactly the same as the Word of God (the point represented as a string of information, a word): The phrase "in the beginning was the Word" I interpret as the manifestation of the Omega Point which happens instantly in the now, with the string of information having a beginning but no end. The manifestation of the Omega Point will always be finite while the point itself is infinite (the Father is greater than the Son as it says in the Bible). Consciousness is the reflection of the Omega Point and the manifestation of the point. Nassim Haramein has talked about consciousness as a feedback loop, and also about reality being information, which is consistent with my model.
  7. I think Leo mentioned recently that he will make a video about holons. I very much am looking forward to that video. Ken Wilber said that there is virtually nothing in the universe that's not a holon. I would remove the word virtually and say that all of our reality is made of holons. To summarize my model, reality is Indra's net in the form of an infinite web of fully interconnected differences. Indra's net can be illustrated as a continuous unit circle (radius 1). And our reality is a point on that circle. Interestingly, that point is similar to what Pierre Teilhard de Chardin called the Omega Point. In my model the Omega Point is a timeless holon. The Omega Point is the total holon of all that is and we will never reach the Omega Point since that's an infinite number of years into the future. And it's the Omega Point that "pulls" reality towards itself and that produces larger and larger holons which explains evolution and the arrow of time. Since the Omega Point in my model is a number it can be represented as an infinite string of information. And complexity is that information structured as holons.
  8. The complexity of the ego is a mess. What I mean by true complexity is information organized in holons, which are wholes that at the same time are parts. Examples of holons are atoms, molecules, cells, multicellular organisms and societies. At each higher level, the complexity of the holons increases a lot, yet the functionality remains easy and simple. So that's what I mean by true complexity. The messy ego complexity is something else, which I take it is what ACIM is talking about here:
  9. Shunyamurti said that the ego wants to avoid suffering but that ego consciousness itself always causes suffering. That seems accurate to me. He also said that the higher intelligence comes from the future in the present moment. Exactly! As I see it, the future contains higher levels of holons, more complexity and therefore more intelligence. So the suffering caused by the ego is a result of limited intelligence. The ego rehashes the past and tries to come up with ideas about what the future will be and how to manipulate it.
  10. I think desire is fine. It's when desire is fueled by suffering it's a problem. And interestingly, A Course in Miracles says that desire is fine too, such as: Desire needs to be aligned with the Holy Spirit, meaning recognizing and actualizing nonduality. The term "holy place" can be seen a wholeness, nonduality (holy means whole).
  11. U.S. - China relations are getting worse. And it's not just about Huawei. One idea I got is that this is the last big Hegelian dialectic move towards globalization. In this case the U.S. on one side and China on the other represent the thesis and the antithesis. What the synthesis will be is trickier to predict. It will likely have something to do with e-money as a foundation, maybe a global digital currency issued by the IMF.
  12. To me the fact that the physical body is zero seconds wide is a new perspective. A radical recontexualization. It's of course something A Course in Miracles already has pointed out. When it comes to time, the ego has a huge conditioning of how to predict and perceive the future. All the past conflict, from personal conditioning, the history of humanity and even billions of years of biological evolution is projected by the ego into the future. This has been a necessary development from an evolutionary perspective, but what ACIM and others point out is that there is a higher level of consciousness possible that deals with time harmoniously instead of with the habitual conflict constantly perpetuated by the ego.
  13. The U.S. leaders seem childishly naive to me. That's why I suspect that Trump is having a different plan than what it appears to be on the surface. No U.S. leader would be foolish enough to believe that Taiwan is independent from China. And of course the Taiwanese giant microchip manufacturer TSMC being dependent on U.S. equipment is surely just a "stage magician" trick, to allow Trump to ban Huawei. Trump is doing what China wants him to do. How do I know? Well, I don't know yet, but let's see what happens later this year and in the coming years. My prediction is that Huawei will skyrocket ahead of the U.S. tech companies such as Apple, Intel and even Google. Apple's hardware is already starting to look like stone age technology compared to Huawei's products. Another gullible move by the U.S. (and maybe even later on by the UK and other western countries) is to trust Japan instead of China when it comes to 5G. China and Japan have most likely cooperated throughout centuries and been fooling the western powers. I think that Trump already knows this and that there is something else going on behind the public scene in terms of international cooperation and planning.
  14. How thick/wide is the physical human body experienced in the present moment in terms of time? The answer is: zero seconds wide. Because the past physical body is no more and the future physical body is not yet. And so we run around worrying about something that is zero seconds wide.
  15. Trump has banned the Chinese tech giant Huawei even from buying microchips from Taiwanese TSMC, the world's largest manufacturer of microchips. TSMC uses U.S. equipment so Trump has been able to ban Huawei that way. So how can Huawei become so successful as I predict? Because Huawei is a part of the overall Chinese long-term planning strategy I believe, which means that China already has developed superior microchip manufacturing capacity in secret. Huawei being dependent on TSMC has just been a smokescreen in my estimation. Even official information shows how China has made a lot of progress in producing microchips, and we can expect that the actual situation is that their technology is way ahead of the official figures.
  16. I'm sometimes surprised by Shunyamurti. In this video it almost sounds like he is describing a shift from third to fourth density in the Law of One although using a more traditional spiritual perspective:
  17. I like Brad Johnson's approach of making the body younger: But I wonder if it's related to the fourth density body in the Law of One. It would be horrible to live forever in only a third density body, yikes.
  18. Wow, it's useful to have faith! I haven't considered faith much before. I will test having faith in that the future is certain and safe. If I claimed that as a certainty it would be the false kind of certainty Vernon Howard talked about. Faith on the other hand is a strong belief. I have a strong belief in that the future will be certain, just as the present moment is certain and how the past is certain. And my ego projections of the future are either tainted with worry or have false certainty. So the faith in this case replaces my usual ego projection of the future.
  19. I found that Vernon Howard talked about something similar to how ACIM says that true protection is in being defenseless. Vernon also talked about false certainty. That made me think of how I myself consider for example 2+2 = 4 certainty. However, when it comes to the future, then I'm actually always uncertain. So everything about the future that I take as certain is false certainty. And yet reality as a whole is always certain. So I have some delusional perspective of the future. Very interesting.
  20. Is it possible to have stable inner peace together with the death drive? Maybe not! I see the death drive as the shadow cast by the ego structures. So the death drive is not some function in itself. And that explains why some psychologists deny the existence of a death drive while other psychologists claim that there is a death drive. Both sides are correct! There is a death drive, but it's a shadow caused by the ego so the death drive doesn't exist as some function of its own. And the death drive is related to time. The ego is completely neurotic about time, and I don't even need to look into that mess, haha. Instead the foundation of chronophobia (means fear of time) can be examined. How does the thought about eternal time feel? And I mean eternity as in infinite future. It's a very scary thought to the ego! From a nondual perspective, time and timeless are one. This means that time is a duality phenomenon. And the mind thinks in duality in the form of concepts. So time is the flow in the moment plus concepts in the mind. The flow is neutral and fine. It's time as concepts that can be nasty! Eternity and death are concepts. And the key for stable inner peace is to recognize all concepts and discover that they are all just labels, including eternity and death. And notice that if we have the belief in inevitable physical death we remain in the grip of concepts. When a belief, which is a concept, is taken as a fact, death remains a monster, at least on a subconscious level. The same with eternity. One way out of that trap is to be uncertain about death and eternity and then recognize that the uncertainty itself is based on concepts. And then to let all that mess dissolve.
  21. The ego seeks pleasure, which is fine, except for the fact that the very seeking of pleasure is fueled by suffering. So the ego is confused about inner peace for it looks for it in the future where it cannot be found. The trick, then, is to steer one's inner guiding system towards inner peace in the present moment which is the real instant pleasure that the ego constantly overlooks.
  22. Something I discovered is that when practicing mindful suffering then confusion comes up in my mind. Confusion is a form of suffering too. So what to do with the confusion is to be open-minded and open-hearted within oneself. That form of letting go of struggle against the situation allows the confusion to dissolve. And yet another idea came to me about conscious peace. That's the practice I just described. So instead of being mindful of suffering and confusion, to go directly to becoming mindful of inner peace. And when there is an absence of peace to consciously let go of struggle, so that inner peace can start to flow within oneself.
  23. Now a new idea came to me. If it's true that ego suffering is nature's way of evolving us into a collective consciousness, then we can use Gurdjieff's intentional suffering method in relation to that idea. Suffering is then used as a guiding tool telling us where we still are stuck in ego consciousness. And one method is to allow suffering to guide us away from ego consciousness and into a collective consciousness. Instead of as in the usual ego habit to try to get away from the suffering or even mindfully accept suffering, to instead pause and wait for a new direction. The difference between the new method and conventional mindfulness is to expect suffering to immediately dissolve. Because if the suffering remains when we mindfully observe it, then we are still moving in ego consciousness direction.
  24. A universal basic income (UBI) is a sign of society becoming more like the blood flow in a body. Automation will replace more and more jobs, and from the old structure that might seem bad, but it will free up people from being locked into mechanical 9-to-5 routines struggling as separate individuals for survival to allow us to develop the next level of human evolution into a larger planetary holon. Ego suffering I believe is nature pushing us into evolving into a collective consciousness. Because the next evolutionary leap for humanity is not through individuals becoming better at struggling by ourselves but through the whole planet turning into a noosphere.
  25. From a fractal perspective we can think of money in society as the blood flow in the human body. In a collective consciousness money comes AUTOMATICALLY to each member, just like how the blood flow comes automatically to all the cells in the body. It would be insanity if all the individual cells in the human body were responsible for bringing blood to themselves. And even more insane if all the cells were competing with each other in a game of struggle for survival and domination of resources. Yet, in society today, that kind of insane conflict-ridden and every cell struggling to receive blood situation is exactly what we have with people each having to bring in his or her own money. And not only that, imagine a single cell who needs 10 molecules of nutrition per hour hoarding 1,000,000 molecules of nutrition per hour. Insanity. In a human body, if a cell needs 10 molecules it receives that and another cell may need 1,000 molecules and receives that, automatically.