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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. I'm not so sure. China's e-yuan (DCEP) is already being tested. It may become a threat to the western powers who then quickly need to combat the threat and because of China's large first-mover advantage only a global digital currency will be able to replace DCEP. My proposal is that IMF issues a global digital currency here called e-global and then each country tokenizes it into their own national currency such as e-dollar, e-euro, e-pound, e-yen and e-yuan. It's the same e-global so transactions and conversion can be done automatically between countries.
  2. @supremeyingyang The Chinese Trojan horse idea is just my speculation. However, I wouldn't underestimate the level of manipulation the Chinese government is capable of. Another speculative idea is that the U.S. and China are actually cooperating behind the public scene. And then Microsoft buying TikTok is a part of a move towards global integration. Let me ask you this: If the Chinese government really controls TikTok, why would they allow Microsoft to buy TikTok?
  3. @supremeyingyang By "you" I meant those who believe Trump is what media presents him as. I don't know whether you believe that or not. Regarding TikTok, it could be a Chinese Trojan horse! Microsoft buys TikTok with the belief that they will get access to Chinese tech and know-how in the areas of artificial intelligence and cloud computing. But what if TikTok is a completely rigged operation? Then the U.S. will be fooled by believing that the Chinese level of technology is that of TikTok while in reality it is something else.
  4. @supremeyingyang Trump is letting the opponents shoot themselves in the foot. I don't have the proof yet. We have to wait for a Spygate scandal. Then I will say: told you so.
  5. @supremeyingyang Politics is much about manipulation. It's a result of history where manipulation has been used endlessly because those in power need to keep knowledge to themselves to prevent opponents from overtaking them. And Trump is avoiding manipulation. He uses a lot of rhetoric sounding as coming from stage Red in Spiral Dynamics. But he also uses stage Green statements, such as: "The environment is very important to me." and "I want the cleanest water on the planet." And actually, on a second though, the TikTok issue is probably a part of some larger global agenda. Will TikTok really accept being bought by Microsoft if TikTok is controlled by the Chinese government? I think yes! Because there is some really tricky global agenda going on.
  6. @supremeyingyang Human-made climate change claim is a hoax. Don't get me wrong, I do believe that we need to reduce carbon emission and clean up the environment but climate change is just an excuse for a global peak oil problem. Heck, they have even started fracking of shale oil! Talk about desperation and environmental destruction.
  7. @supremeyingyang Well, maybe not everything. If Trump for example is pro death penalty, then that's totally wrong in my opinion. And the TikTok ban if it happens seems wrong to me, but I'm not sure yet. But in almost every other situation Trump is correct I think. And the media is making a huge mistake by always bashing him. I don't want to go off topic here, but I think even the TikTok issue may turn out good. And Microsoft buying TikTok can be a good solution. We will see what happens.
  8. @supremeyingyang Because I sense that Trump is correct about everything. I know, it may sound insane, haha. But let's see what happens when/if the Durham report is released. Trump said that the Durham report is +++ (compared to the FISA report).
  9. Wait a minute! Instead of looking at politics, even global politics as being separate powers in competition and cooperation and with planning and strategies and so on, it's possible to take a nondual perspective on the whole situation. From a nondual perspective neither China nor the west have actually made anything happen. Nondual causality is systemic over all of reality and over all of time. And this applies to the recent U.S. - China conflict too. And the nondual causality is a move towards larger and larger holons, so it's possible to predict that the conflict will lead to more globalization.
  10. Wow, between 1949 and 1960 China harvested technology and knowledge from the Soviet Union! So the harvesting of western technology is not the only thing China has done. Very long term planning indeed.
  11. It's also true as Leo said in a video, we tend to think what is best for politicians to do from our own limited perspectives. The actual situation is way more complicated than our own views. So I'm not sure about the TikTok ban. There may be way bigger things going on that I'm unaware of. But it's fun to bash politicians sometimes, and I actually like Trump! And I like China. As Trump said: "I love China."
  12. @supremeyingyang One expert said that China is building a massive Orwellian surveillance state with the use of information technology. So okay, banning TikTok could be a valid response to that overall Chinese expansion. But still, Trump should stick to western ideals and not parroting the behavior of totalitarian dictators. Yes, I believe you are correct, there will be further changes. My guess is that China will become very dominant in terms of massively integrated information technology and the west will react to that resulting in a global system!
  13. @supremeyingyang I think China has been using very convincing manipulation tricks. For example China being in conflict with Japan is I believe just a smokescreen to fool the west, and that China and Japan have been cooperating the last few centuries and maybe even before that. It's like a huge stage magician trick, such as making the west believe that Japan has attacked China in a bloody war. The Art of War was a Chinese psyop to fool the west to focus on war. And look at the situation today. The U.S. has immense military power while China is conquering the world with business deals and information technology. Also, China allowed the British Empire to build Hong Kong into a powerful economic beachhead into the west and then they took it back. Long term planning.
  14. And also, only someone unbelievably gullible and naive would believe that Taiwan is independent of China. Obviously China totally controls Taiwan including its large microchip manufacturer TSMC. China has thousands of years of political experience and has I believe been fooling the western powers for hundreds of years. So Trump wants to ban TikTok and yet sell weapons to Taiwan?! And Trump believes that he can stop Huawei by preventing TSMC from selling them microchips? Hahaha. TSMC only uses U.S. equipment as a smokescreen. China has very long-term plans.
  15. I dislike how Trump is behaving like a communist dictator when wanting to ban TikTok. So should countries around the world ban Facebook? It's exactly the same thing! Alex Jones said that Facebook is CIA and Google is the NSA. I think Trump is shooting himself in the foot here.
  16. The ego has the belief of being unsafe. A Course in Miracles says that nothing real can be threatened. Who is correct, the ego or ACIM? I suspect that ACIM might be correct! If basically all of us are in ego consciousness and believe that we are unsafe, then we will create a society that reflects that belief. Not only through wearing face masks because of the prank-demic COVID-1984 but also because we believe other people are a threat to us. Talk about a neurotic situation! Is it true that we are unsafe? I don't know but one interesting practice is to start questioning that belief. It's a very deep belief so maybe not much will happen at first, but as the belief in insecurity is continued to be questioned, there might be real changes taking place, within us, and also in how we experience the external world.
  17. The U.S. has been the most powerful country in the world for about a century one expert said. Another expert I think it was said that China has 5,000 years of political experience! The U.S. is a very young country compared to China. So how could the U.S. have dominated so much? There are at least two factors here, 1) China because of being so old, is also inflexible when it comes to inventions, and 2) China has deliberately allowed the U.S. to become the preeminent power in the world. Why? Because look at what is happening today. A similar thing happened to Hong Kong. China allowed the British Empire to develop Hong Kong into a powerful economic beachhead into the west, and then they took it back from the UK. That's what I call long term planning. And now China is doing the same thing with the U.S. as they did with Hong Kong albeit in a different way. China has in recent decades harvested the U.S. and used it to build up its own superior businesses. Again, long-term planning. Politics is much about manipulation and China with its millennia of expertise and knowledge in that area has outmaneuvered the western powers as early as (probably even before that) with the Art of War which was a psyop to fool the west to focus on war. And look at the situation today. The U.S. has immensely powerful military force while China is conquering the world with business deals and information technology. I predict that the western tech companies are basically toast already and that China will completely dominate at least information technology in the coming years.
  18. What can be done in practice is to use mindfulness practice to detect inner peace in body and mind. And to just observe non-peace in body and mind without acting on it! Just to mindfully observe. That's a proactive kind of mindfulness practice since there is the active willpower to remain a passive observer. So that's the ego mind splitting itself into an observer and the observed. Normally that would be a psychological pathology but here it's done deliberately as a part of the mindfulness practice. The observer is one thorn used to remove the observed, the other thorn. And then both thorns are thrown away, to paraphrase that spiritual slogan.
  19. Another way of looking at spiritual awakening is to compare the mind of a single individual to the whole planet Earth as a single mind! Let's say that someone in ego consciousness has an IQ of 180 and emotional intelligence of 240. That might seem like a lot. Then consider the combined intelligence of the whole planet with an IQ of 1,000,000,000+++ and an emotional intelligence of to the ego unbelievable high level. Do I know that the whole planet can awaken like that? No, but I believe it! It makes logical sense from a fractal evolutionary perspective. So I for one will start observing my mind with the assumption that it's a puny level of consciousness, awareness and intelligence compared to Gaia consciousness. That makes me REALLY want to surrender the extremely primitive, delusional, fearful and conflict-ridden ego mind.
  20. This is curious. Often when I listen to spiritual teachings new ideas come to me. Now when I was listening to Paul Hedderman's new video I got the idea that there is a difference between predicting the future and controlling the future. The ego doesn't control anything but believes it does, and this causes a constant burden and struggle through a misperception of reality. Hedderman has a funny name for the ego, he calls it the "action figure". And it's the action figure who believes it needs to control things. That's the delusion. So predicting the future is fine when done effortlessly, because that's just like the five senses. The problem is the belief in individual control.
  21. One of the experts in the semiconductor industry video said that China is building a massive Orwellian surveillance state using information technology. Sounds almost like a conspiracy theory, was in not for the fact that we can already see the official stats for the Chinese progress in that area. It's huge! We in the west will reject such Orwellian control, but I wonder what will happen within a few years time. China will continue its technological progress and even has an official strategic plan called Made in China 2025. Globalization will require more government control, not least in order to be able to make efficient regulation through AI and big data. And that means more surveillance of citizens and organizations. With a global digital currency this will become possible without having China spreading its Orwellian surveillance system across the globe.
  22. I read that Intel invests billions of dollars in research and development each year. That's an absolutely enormous R&D budget. And yet AMD seems to be improving their chips faster. AMD uses Taiwanese manufacturing! So it may be that it's the actual manufacturing process of microchips that is key here. And other big U.S. chipmakers such as Qualcomm are also almost fabless, meaning lacking their own manufacturing facilities. And one expert said that in order to be efficient in microchip research and development when it comes to the manufacturing process, it's necessary to have large amounts of in-house fabrication of microchips. And in this video the first expert said that China has invested trillions of dollars in microchip manufacturing research! That's a mindbogglingly huge R&D budget. Also, I suspect that China controls Taiwan, including the large microchip manufacturer TSMC which uses U.S. equipment, but that's just a smokescreen I suspect and that China has been developing far better equipment on their own. My guess is that the situation is even much worse than the western experts believe. Western microchip manufacturing is basically toast already and will be running on steam for a few years and then be almost gone! But in the long run I believe the situation will even out globally as we approach a technological singularity. Heck, it will be autonomous AI corporations taking over! Well, maybe not, but huge changes.
  23. @kagaria Yes, the vibration explanation I mentioned is from Shunyamurti's video about restoring our planet's energy field. There are also material concerns. Highly evolved spiritual beings I believe can clean planets just by raising the vibration. But we as humanity here on earth are still in ego consciousness so must I think first "prove" that we can take care of our planet responsibly on a material level. Sadhguru talks in this video about ecological concerns, and I think he is correct, that we need to fix our pollution problems etc. Even reducing carbon emission I believe is something we must do on a global scale even though I think that the human-made climate change claim is a hoax, haha. For example fracking seems suspiciously nasty in terms of destroying the ecosystem, and in the oceans there are entire mountains of plastic floating around.
  24. Hmm... Shunyamurti said that the world is vibrational frequency and it's the souls who contain that frequency. And matter will respond to that frequency, he said. He also mentioned that the person must become empty of the ego in order for the vibration to increase. At first I thought that he uses another definition of soul than how I define it. But empty of ego, that's actually similar or even the same as my idea since I define the human soul as a unique changeless point. So in my view the soul is already empty, not in a bad way but it's the will of God who is running the show so to speak, not the ego. The Bible says that the body of flesh cannot inherit the kingdom of God, and yet the Lord's prayer is about "Thy kingdom come on earth" and the Bible talks about how we will have a new earth without death, and how our bodies will change in the twinkle of an eye. Those descriptions I interpret as the increase of vibration Shunyamurti talked about. It's the same thing. And it's the same thing as ACIM going from fear to love, and as the harvest in the Law of One from third to fourth density. So my take is that changing the vibration in oneself changes the physical body! And the physical body and the external world are actually already one, it's the same system. Therefore I predict that what will happen is not only a spiritual awakening but also a change of physical matter into something more intelligent, including our physical bodies.
  25. Bashing the ego as ACIM does, isn't that a form of suppression, a psychological repression? No, not when seen as a tool for transcending ego consciousness. So it's a matter of identifying the ego consciousness in oneself. And then there is acceptance! One's own self is recognized as having ego consciousness, And it's a natural development. It's only in contrast to higher consciousness that the ego becomes unnatural and something false. And that's the perspective ACIM takes. And in order to describe that difference to us in ego consciousness ACIM uses the ego's own concept of good vs bad, like in the ego being very, very bad, and the Holy Spirit being the perfect will. Contrasts like that are duality concepts, and only used as pointers towards nonduality and higher levels of consciousness.