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In this video Swami Sarvapriyananda discusses different arguments for and against free will. One interesting argument is that there is a difference between the feeling of doing something out of free will and doing something mechanically. Another argument he mentioned that I found very interesting is the logical semantic argument. An example of logical semantic argument he gave is the the statement "Humans will have gone to Mars in 2050." It's unknown whether that statement is true or false, but the fact that it will be precisely true or false in the future shows that there is no free will. Philosophers probably argue for or against this claim, but I think it's true! Given that time continues to 2050, the statement will definitely be either true or false. It cannot be something in between. There is also the argument that there is no free will because there isn't any separate individual in the first place. I think Leo used that argument. Personally I think that there is no free will. But then what about the feeling of free will is that a redundant fluke of nature? The feeling of free will is very important. This is obvious in ego consciousness, and it will remain important even when transcending the ego from an integral transcend and include perspective. My new take on free will is that it's an expression of nondual causality! Because with causality only going from past to future, then without free will it would result in the experience of being a mechanical robot just performing all actions automatically in a deterministic way. Within nodual causality the cause of our actions are from the infinite unmanifested and cannot be predicted with some mechanical causality. And the feeling of free will is an actual result of the nondual causality.
The U.S. has a curious situation where the government has to get money from the Federal Reserve as loans and then pay interest. Simon Dixon said in the video below that today the amount of interest the U.S. government has to pay to the Federal Reserve is almost as much as all the tax incomes! So for the U.S. it would be beneficial to have a global digital currency if the government is in control of the creation of e-dollar instead of the Federal Reserve. And I heard that the U.S. has veto power over IMF regulations, so if the IMF issues a global digital currency, the U.S. government will make sure that when the IMF currency is created as e-dollars it's the U.S. government who has the power and control over that money creation.
The ego has a misunderstanding of cause and effect. The result of that misunderstanding is fear. In my model creation has a beginning. But okay, the unmanifested in my model is changeless, so that's compatible with ACIM. Here is a tricky part from the quote: "Effects do not create their cause, but they establish its causation." This is nondual causality! Because it's not cause and effect from past to future since it says that the effect establishes the cause, not the other way around. Nor is it cause and effect from the future to the past, because it says that the effect doesn't create the cause. My interpretation of that quote is that Cause means the cause from the unmanifested (the Father) and the Effect is the manifested reality (the Son). So causality is a result of the changeless unmanifested. That's nondual causality. Misunderstanding causality is a part of the ego delusion. One of the first lessons in ACIM is: "I see only the past." The ego sees only the past because it uses memories even when predicting the future. But there is also another way that the ego sees the past: the ego sees cause and effect as going from past to future. Fear is a result of the belief that something can go wrong in the future. And ACIM says that fear is implicit in miscreation. And the ego miscreates through the belief that causality goes from past to future. With nondual causality nothing can go wrong in the future! Because all future events are caused by the changeless unmanifested.
Really great interview with Aaron Abke. One of my favorite spiritual teachers. I like to combine several teachings, even when they are about the same topic. For example Aaron Abke says that fourth density in the Law of One will happen after 100,000 years and another Aaron, Aaron Doughty says that the transition into fourth density is happening now!!! I'm exaggerating a little bit but I combine teachings like that and think that, yes transition into fourth density is happening now and it will also take 100,000 years for us to master that level of density. So I don't expect to be able to levitate or shapeshift my body within the next few years, haha, but at the same time I'm open to a shift into fourth density happening now and that there will be some significant changes happening I see it as a gradual process where we start as "unless you become like little children you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven" and then later "even greater things than I [Jesus] have done you will do also, and more".
Rick Archer has interviewed a huge number of spiritual teachers. And in this recent video he interviews Aaron Abke who has talked a lot about A Course in Miracles and also about the Law of One.
Here I found an interesting explanation by Shunyamurti how all the psychology of the person can be transcended. Very interesting possibility. In ego consciousness we deal with all kinds of psychological issues, and all of them can be transcended by transcending the ego, and that is what A Course in Miracles is about too I recognize now.
A global digital currency is also a tool for international taxation. The G20 meetings in 2020 will likely include talks about international taxation and even e-money. Here is a recent report from OECD to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors: Automatic exchange of information, in relation to international taxation. The BEPS Action Plan I found described in another older OECD document:
Whoa, wait a minute, the COVID-1984 plan-demic is ALSO a part of the New World Order agenda! So there are vast moves now towards globalization going on at the moment. And a big part of that is e-money which will reduce the power of the private sector and make governments take control over money and of international taxation of multinational corporations. By their fruits you shall know them, and the fruits of COVID-19 are bitter for the private corporate world. And at the same time the scam-demic gives governments a lot of Orwellian power. It's rather nasty but in the long and even medium-term run it will lead to a leap of improvement globally. The insane income and wealth inequality among people in the world not only sucks, it's also something that's bound to change as exponential technological progress leads lower and lower costs for products and services as Ray Kurzweil has shown. The G20 meetings in 2020 will likely include talks about international taxation and even e-money. Here is a report from OECD to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors: Automatic exchange of information, in relation to international taxation! The BEPS Action Plan I found described in another older OECD document:
I think Donald Trump is honest but we need to interpret him correctly. Trump in my opinion is destroying the U.S. semiconductor industry and is helping China boosting their microchip manufacturing. Intel will sell much less since Huawei was a huge customer of theirs. And most of the other U.S. microchip developers are fabless, meaning they let mostly Asian companies manufacture the actual microchips and entire Asia is dominated by China probably. Why would Trump do something like that? Well, it's not only Trump himself of course. The Trump administration is huge, and it's the Congress and the Commerce Department who insisted on the U.S. move despite the Pentagon initially complaining that it will hurt the U.S. semiconductor industry. The reason is that the Trump administration I believe is working at boosting itself and weaken the private sector which has become too dominant. And it's global corporation where Huawei will come to dominate, and Huawei is under government control probably. The Trump administration is allowing China to become dominant and actually even a seeming threat to the west, which further on will lead to global solutions. So Trump is a globalist! As I said, Trump is Spiral Dynamics vMeme stage Turquoise. Trump is helping U.S. becoming a part of a global New World Order.
Stephen Wolfram said recently that the graph in their model represents the entire history of the universe. I'm curious about if their model can be plugged into my much simpler yet more general model. There is a huge leap from my model to a model of physics. And it only contains a string of information so it's tricky to map that to a graph even though the string is a result of a larger graph in my model (Indra's net). But I came to think of one way of testing it! Because the string of information in my model expands explosively, meaning in larger and larger chunks instead of step by step. And this is something that can be compared to Wolfram's model, but I have to wait until they have developed it.
I disagree with the idea of free will in the video about collective consciousness, but something that rang true for me was the claim that consciousness is the foundation and between consciousness and the material world is the zero point field. I have heard several people talking about that. In my model consciousness is fundamental because it connects to the infinite unmanifested as a wholeness. And the material world is a result of the zero point field, also called the vacuum energy in physics. If I remember correctly even Stephen Wolfram said something similar. So the material world of atoms is made of the zero point field, which means that theoretically physical matter can become more capable by the zero point field being controlled with more precision, intelligence and definition. That's the same as higher density in the Law of One!
Here I found a video posted recently with collective consciousness in the title! Excellent. Before I watch the video I want to post my idea of a global collective consciousness (Gaia) and also there is a galactic collective consciousness and so on to universal and maybe even multiversal and omniversal consciousness. It will be interesting to compare that to what is presented in the video. My take is that there are different levels of holons each with its own consciousness that transcends and includes the levels below in the holarchy.
Actually, Eckhart Tolle, who has quoted from A Course in Miracles, said something similar to what Brad Johnson said. Tolle said that first we should enter a state of what he calls presence and then take action. Tolle has also called it stillness and space consciousness (as opposed to object consciousness). So how to achieve progress without struggle? How to become present? Tolle has this explanation: A good strategy for progress is then when in ego consciousness to prioritize mindfulness over struggle.
Brad Johnson said that we shouldn't try to fix the collective. That's like carrying a mountain on your back, he said. Good point. Because as ACIM says, all minds are connected. And ACIM also points out that the Holy Spirit doesn't even notice the ego, something like that. So if we are trying to fix the world through struggle, that's still ego consciousness! It won't work. And it will only be like carrying a mountain around while we contribute to the growth of the mountain. Not good.
Another nasty possibility is that the tensions in body and mind are made of numbed out pain. So if we try to dissolve tensions too much that will increase the pain. Not good. And actually, Shunyamurti said in his latest video I think it was, that when we experience a vibrational conscious field that is too high for our own level of consciousness, it produces suffering! To the point where people can't stand situations where the vibration is too high for them. And it could even be, I speculate, that not even very experienced meditators and spiritual practitioners have been able to dissolve their tensions fully since we are still in third density. To fully dissolve the tensions in body and mind requires going into fourth density, which is a much higher level of vibration than third density. So the question then is, how to move from third to fourth density? That seems like a superhuman task. And in fact, Jesus dying on the cross might symbolize how utterly impossible it is to dissolve the tensions in third density and the only way out is "Thy will be done" where a higher level of consciousness is activated. And the same message where it says in the Bible that the body of flesh (third density) cannot inherit the kingdom of God (fourth and higher densities).
Oh, this is horrible. I realized that reality as a whole is in a perfect state. So then how can the ego torturing itself to death, which is insanity, be perfect? My answer is that we live in what the Law of One calls third density. And to me, living forever in third density would be misery. So from that perspective, the ego torturing the body to death is rational. The solution is to move into fourth density. This gets into New Age areas and what seems to tbe woo woo. What is woo woo and what is reality? That's a tricky distinction because it gets speculative fast when we move into possibilities outside of ordinary life. Brad Johnson has radical spiritual teachings that sometimes seem like woo woo, but it's this kind of going beyond the consensus reality that I think is needed. I will take a look at Brad's latest video:
There is mental peace, emotional peace and even physical peace. What I think spiritual teachers miss is the physical peace. For example pain is a lack of physical peace. And disease in the body is a lack of physical peace. And I have a new radical addition, that biological aging is a lack of physical peace! The body deteriorates because it is being tortured to death; the ego basically crucifies the body and the pain is numbed out so that the ego only experiences it as reactions to the numbness in the form of anger and other emotions of suffering and even physical disease. The ego crucifying the body is the same as the death drive, the shadow cast by the ego. When people accept aging and death they are accepting torturing themselves to death. That's insanity.
Should pain be accepted in meditation? ACIM says that the pain will vanish. I think pain needs to be transcended and included and that in ego consciousness there is always pain even when it is numbed out. So the ego has pain all the time, which indicates a low level of consciousness. My guess at the moment is that pleasure will be transcended and included, just like all other integral approaches. It seems to me that inner peace is a stable calm feeling, and then even pain can be integrally included as a downswing from inner peace and pleasure is an upswing from inner peace. Both the up and down emotionally movements are just temporary fluctuations and the ground state is always peace. So even fear is transcended and included as a temporary downswing instead of as in ego consciousness where fear is the ground state instead of peace.
Roger Castillo said in his new video that meditation is about cultivating a new conditioning of a different attitude of allowing than in usual everyday life. That seems useful. Because I have noticed how my ego mind is always about not allowing. And that's a form of resistance and anxiety. So I will investigate what Roger said and use mindfulness practice instead of meditation. I prefer mindfulness practice because it's easier for me and it's something I can do without having to plan it or schedule it or something like that.
I'm too lazy to do formal meditation but I will take a look at this video where Shunyamurti talks about meditation. I find it useful to learn different techniques and then turn it into some form of simpler mindfulness practice.
Simon Dixon has amazing knowledge about money. In this video he explains how money is created:
@Leo Gura Governments are lusting after central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) not only for distributing helicopter money and giving access to the unbanked, but also to grab the power over money creation. Today almost all money is created by the private banking sector through fractional reserve banking, often with zero reserve requirements. Governments today, including central banks, lack most of the power and control over the money creation. China is the exception and is already steamrolling ahead with their CBDC. And the only way for the west to stop that avalanche is to implement a global digital currency that replaces China's CBDC.
Okay, the Pentagon has reversed its position I found now: At face value this is puzzling because the Pentagon was correct! U.S. semiconductor companies will have problem competing with China, especially the fabless chipmakers. And Trump blocking Huawei from buying microchips from Taiwanese microchip giant TSMC is something that will weaken TSMC and boost China's microchip industry such as SMIC and others. And it's safe to assume that China has far more advanced technology than they have launched in public so far. TSMC being dependent on U.S. equipment is likely just a smokescreen and their whole operation run by China. One Chinese politician I think it was called Taiwan a province, haha. So they are even open about already owning Taiwan.
@supremeyingyang Yes! It's really curious how Trump is making China stronger. Experts at the Pentagon even complained that Trump is making China stronger. So this could be about U.S. - China cooperation and the conflicts being just for show.
Lol, Trump must be talking about something else here. One expert said that China has spent trillions of dollars on microchip research and development alone. It's not about short-term profit. And the U.S. government getting a cut, that's equally insignificant, unless by cut Trump means money that comes from technological knowledge and user data. From the same article: