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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. It was difficult for me to find information about Planck's causality, but I found this: I found it in an article that claimed that causality is a genuinely theoretical notion. If by that it means that science has causality figured out I disagree because the article uses probabilities to explain their theory of causality. That to me is just another turtle (probability) beneath the first turtle (causality). Can for example events be predicted with certainty in the Wolfram model of physics? Yes, but as Stephen Wolfram has explained, there is something he calls computational irreducibility which says that such process must be run in order to find out the answer. It's impossible to jump ahead and predict future events without performing all the calculations, and when it comes to the universe as a whole it's impossible to compute faster than the universe itself. But in principle Planck's definition of causality might be valid, I don't know enough about philosophy to answer that and it also depends on definitions and meaning and things, so it can quickly become a big mess of elaborate theorizations. I will take a look at this video to lean more about the topic of causality:
  2. But then what about the Wolfram Physics Project, doesn't the graph in their model explain causality? Yes, I think it does! But even then the causality is systemic and a result of the rules for the expanding graph. My current guess is that the Wolfram model only explains the basic laws of physics. They have talked about applying the model even to evolution, but I suspect that they will run into problems explaining how complexity increases, and I mean complexity as information structured as holons. Even if the Wolfram model can explain evolution and even consciousness (one article mentioned that their model is similar to a mainstream model of consciousness), my own model can easily be the same as the Wolfram model by simply removing the need for causality from future to the past, and it's still nondual causality. I will take a look at what kind of causality Max Planck described.
  3. Now I found that David Hume questioned the cause and effect belief already in 1739. And Immanuel Kant defended Hume's view. Amazing, why isn't this generally taught in school? I think I know why, because as it's said in this video, science just takes cause and effect for granted! Without explaining it. The "law" of causality is as dogmatic as any religious belief.
  4. I discovered (from the video below) that the idea of causation has already been question by for example Bertrand Russell who pointed out the problem with causality as it usually is perceived being asymmetric. And more recently Rupert Sheldrake came up with the idea of morphic resonance, with causality that works across time. Sounds similar to my idea of nondual causality! The dualistic, asymmetric and according to Bertrand Russell erroneous law of causality is very much related to the personal stage of development. And the systemic kind of causation across all of time is related to the transpersonal stage.
  5. J. Krishnamurti said that there is choice when we choose what car model to buy or what food to order etc. I want to challenge that claim! Because to me a practical choice is still a choice. The difficulty as I see it is when we think of no choice as the opposite of choice. That's duality. And it's even worse than that. Not making a choice is still a choice. And a term such as "choiceless awareness" is at the personal stage taken as meaning being a helpless victim at the mercy of a mechanical and automatic universe. And when such condition happens to a person at the personal stage of development it's called a psychological depersonalization disorder. Is choiceless awareness a psychological disorder? When there is a person experiencing life as happening to them without them having any control, then yes that's a pathological state. It only becomes a healthy state at the transpersonal stage where the individual person is recognized, experienced and actualized as being the whole of existence. Instead of thinking of it in terms of choice or no choice, I will ponder the idea of replacing choice with another process. Choice can be seen as a cause and effect result of past personal and biological conditioning. From the nonduality perspective that's a false belief! Nondual causality is the result of reality as a whole, including both past and future. So choice can instead be seen as a process of increasing complexity.
  6. I wrote earlier about the peace of God which surpasseth all understanding, that under-standing is to stand under the glory of God. All understanding is of the past and is therefore a fragmented perspective. That's the personal stage of development. The transpersonal stage is to stand in the glory of God, and then we stand in the peace instead of under it.
  7. Another tricky thing is to practice letting go of control. Obviously doing the practice is done by the crystallized ego which doesn't have control in the first place. So it can get really confusing. Another option is to learn about control and to question control. Do I have free will or not? If I do, then what is that separate entity called "myself" that can change the rest of reality? It doesn't make sense yet the experience of separate control is a tremendously heavy conditioning of the mind. Here Anna is describing the illusion of control:
  8. One key I now discovered to understand what J. Krishnamurti talked about is to use direct observation, the kind Peter Ralston has described and Alan Watts used to demonstrate it by pointing out what reality is by banging on a gong. The sound of the gong as it happens is direct observation. So when J. Krishnamurti asks: what is thought? Then the answer is that thought is the thinking about the question itself, as it happens, in the moment. Any further thinking about it is itself thought so there is no need for that, for what thought is has already been and is being recognized.
  9. Aha, the psychological shadow is unconscious desires and fears. And desires and fears are traits of the crystallized ego. So the shadow is simply the unconscious part of the ego. That's my new understanding of it. Desires are problematic in their limitations, as crystallized structures of the past. Fear is the same thing in the opposite direct. Desires and fears are carrots and sticks for and of the crystallized ego. Shadow work for moving into the transpersonal stage is therefore a part of the process of dissolving the whole crystallized ego, both the conscious and the unconscious parts of it.
  10. Two things I noticed in what Krishnamurti said in the talk is that he talked about how we are the entire humanity. A collective consciousness! That's my current guess because he said it is the most profound awakening, so it must as I see it be an actual realization of being the entire humanity. Another thing he said is that it's not about the usual kind of thinking where the mind comes up with thoughts about something and then observes those thoughts. It seems to me that he was talking about how thinking is a secondary experience where we observe the ego's abstractions about things in the form of thoughts. Practicing this is tricky. When trying to observe without thinking it's still the thinking mind that does the practice. And observing one's thoughts, that too is something done by the thinking mind as a practice. I will therefore try another approach which is to deepening the understanding of the limitation of thinking and the possibility of transcending thinking into trans-conceptual awareness which is the transpersonal stage.
  11. J. Krishnamurti talked about freedom of the mind. One obstacle to that freedom is that the ego believes it can do wrong and that others can do wrong. This is necessary since the ego has to believe it can make mistakes or it can become dangerous. From a nondual perspective the truth is that the ego cannot do anything wrong! Haha, so the ego is fooling itself in order to keep itself in check. At the transpersonal stage the person always does the right thing as the illusion of wrongdoing has dissolved. I will take a look at this video where J. Krishnamurti talks about correct action:
  12. There are different types of orgone energy, positive orgone (POR), neutral orgone (OR) and deadly orgone (DOR). This explains (again my speculations) why some people are even attracted to dead people (necrophilia). That's the opposite side of pedophilia. Both pedophilia and necrophilia are a result of being attracted to the usually non-sexual forms of orgone; neutral orgone which children have a lot of and deadly orgone, which in the extreme case is related to dead people. Ordinary sexual energy is positive orgone. What happens I believe at the transpersonal stage is that the three forms of orgone energies become balanced into an integral form of orgone energy.
  13. Leo talked about the problem of pedophilia. And he discussed it from a rational perspective instead of the usual knee-jerk outrage. I have a speculative theory that children have a lot of orgone energy in them and pedophiles are attracted to the orgone energy which stagnates as we grow older at the personal stage of development. At the transpersonal stage my theory is that then we will have a lot of orgone energy which will remove the lopsided kinds of sexual urges. Sexual energy is also extremely powerful and is the primary driving force of evolution, and at the personal stage of development the sexual force is very suppressed which also causes a lot of lopsided sexual behaviors.
  14. Leo talked in the conspiracy video about how even in society there are no separate organizations or groups of people in control. Because it's way too complex he said. I think that there may be very powerful organizations in control of a lot of things, for example the Roman Empire morphed into the Vatican that moved to the British empire and then later to the Unites States of America. Actually, the U.S. Senate has a lot of symbolism from the Roman Empire. Even the name Capitol Hill is similar to Capitoline Hill in the Roman Empire which "incidentally" also had a Senate. But it can also be looked at from a nondual perspective, and then there is nobody in control! Of anything. So even collectively and for our whole civilization there isn't ultimately anybody in control. And that's something that should become more apparent as we move into the transpersonal stage collectively as a civilization. There is intelligent control and more and more complex structures emerging but it's an automatic process.
  15. I came to think of how ironically, the crystallized ego needs the belief in free will precisely because as J. Krishnamurti explained, it's mechanical. And without the sense of free will we would feel like mechanical robots at the personal stage. The same with the sense of willpower, personal responsibility, volition, choice, self-esteem, morality, resolve, deliberation, character and other such things. Actual removal of free will would put all of that into question. At the transpersonal stage the lack of free will is resolved by the fluid ego being a process of increasing complexity instead of a separate entity that needs to control seemingly separate things, people and events.
  16. Jesus talked about how we need to become like little children and meek in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. He was of course talking about the transpersonal stage and beyond. Why? Because ordinary children are at the early personal stage, not at the transpersonal stage. Jesus was not talking about heaven being like a Lord of the Flies scenario. And it's necessary to be meek in the beginning of the transpersonal stage because with great power comes great response-ability which is lacking at the personal stage. The meekness is I guess gradually replaced by bolder actions as we mature and evolve further into the transpersonal stage.
  17. My definition of the transpersonal stage goes beyond what even J. Krishnamurti talked about. I include the physical level of reality in the transpersonal stage. At the personal stage we think of the world as being material including our own bodies. But what is the human body? One might say that the body is a collection of atoms. Fair enough, but what is an atom? The Wolfram Physics Project is I believe on the right track and defines all of physical reality as being made of interconnected points of emptiness. So that's what an atom is! It's nothingness taking the shape of a particle. And also, at the personal stage we tend to think of physical objects causing other physical objects to change. That's also how science today is perceiving the human body in biology and medicine. I heard that some people with multiple personality disorder have the color of their eyes change depending on which personality is activated. There is even a report about how scars on the body appear and disappear depending on which personality is activated. And a person with diabetes can have the diabetes disappear by switching to another multiple personality and so on. From a materialistic paradigm stories like that can be takes as being complete woo woo and fantasies. But from the transpersonal perspective I believe that not only are the stories about people with multiple personality disorder true, but that it's actually how reality functions. It's not physical matter that ultimately is causing effects on other material things. Instead it's intelligent control of the vacuum energy of space which makes it take the shape of atoms etc.
  18. I find it fascinating that J. Krishnamurti in this video talks about exactly the transpersonal stage. That boosts my belief in what the transpersonal stage is. What he talks about is very similar to the meta-understanding I described earlier. What fascinates me is that I can grasp it while still being at the personal stage myself. Except I'm somewhat confused about why he still called it learning, except maybe to call it instant learning and acting is correct, but I wouldn't call it learning. Maybe he used the term learning because that's familiar to us at the personal stage.
  19. The personal stage is stuck in understanding. And the transpersonal stage transcends understanding, for it has a fluid ego which requires nondual causality which in turn goes beyond and includes understanding. J. Krishnamurti talked a lot about transcending knowledge and being beyond the use of will and choice which always causes division and therefore confusion.
  20. The peace of God that surpasses all understanding can be understood by meta-understanding by which I mean understanding of understanding. Is there also such thing as meta-meta-understanding and so on? No, because as we shall see, meta-understanding short circuits the path to further meta levels. Understanding is always of the past and is therefore always incomplete since it lacks the knowledge of the future. And the future is more advanced, intelligent and complex than the past, so understanding is always under-standing, a standing under the glory of God. There is no general meta-meta-understanding or higher possible since the future is only known by God. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I read in an article that science has an answer to that question, and after examining the answer I remained unconvinced. My explanation instead is that causality is nondual, meaning systemic, meaning caused by reality as a whole chunk that includes both past and future. And the peace of God comes from nondual causality and infinite intelligence. And God is that infinite intelligence.
  21. Oh! Leo said that people at lower stages of ego development are very dangerous in herds. That can be applied to the whole personal stage! And that strengthens my belief that the world will soon turn into an information surveillance and control society. Because that's how the personal stage can be kept in line en masse. My prediction is that China will steamroll ahead with very advanced information technology with a foundation of surveillance and control. And the Chinese e-yuan (DCEP) will force the west to combat that in the form of a global e-currency which will lead to a global surveillance and control system. Almost like the second beast in the Book of Revelation. The global control system is only a temporary stage and will remain at the personal stage. The control system will be the cocoon basically for the personal stage, the "caterpillar" and also constitute the necessary security for making the coming advanced technologies safe for public use.
  22. One insight Leo presented that I learned from is that reality is nondual. Of course I have been writing about nonduality a lot, but not in relation to conspiracy theories which mostly are about us vs them, the good guys vs the bad guys. The conspiracy theories almost always have a simplistic dualistic perspective. Leo has a good point there. I like QAnon which Leo bashed, and it's true that the Q posts often seem to be a stark us vs them depiction, but notice that the Q posts also mention the importance of what they call 'optics'. I think the term optics here means how things are presented publicly. And that includes the Q posts themselves! My impression is that the Q posts actually are at a transpersonal level or close to it, very advanced stuff, but they also often give the impression of being at low personal stage levels, which I think of as 'optics'. Of course the Q posts are massively pro-Trump, but I find that useful as a contrast to what mainstream media presents. For example Q recently posted a link to this Trump video, and compare that to the picture we get from MSM (well, Fox News excluded of course):
  23. What, then, if no conspiracy theory is true? Then it's still a sign of the personal stage of development. Because mostly people at that stage would then come up with conspiracy theories in the first place. The truth I believe lies somewhere between all conspiracy theories being false and all conspiracy theories being true. Or more correctly, the truth lies outside of that dichotomy in that mostly it's about events staged for constructive and political manipulation purposes with good intents (therefore no conspiracy in the traditional sense). So in a sense, both the conspiracy believers and deniers are wrong, haha.
  24. Leo's new video has a topic that surprised me: conspiracy theories! Haha, I know a lot about that topic. My claim is that there are layers of conspiracy theories, many actually controlled opposition to hide the real conspiracy (which as I discovered may in many cases actually not really be a conspiracy in the sense of deliberately causing harm). And also, there are so many different conspiracy theories about each topic that it's impossible for all of them to be true. In relation to the personal vs the transpersonal stage, conspiracy theories, whether true or false ones (most, actually must be false because they claim different things about the same event), they do indicate the kind of manipulation and hiding of information that goes on at the personal stage. In the battle of getting and keeping the upper hand, it's useful to keep knowledge to oneself or within a small group of people. And even to manufacture smokescreens and diversions is a way of increasing one's own power at the personal stage. At the transpersonal stage there is transparency as I see it because secrecy can be added as a layer on top of that. It's impossible to add transparency on top of a layer of secrecy.
  25. Aaron Abke has this video (among others) about shadow work. He said that there is nothing wrong with us. Good point! So the psychological shadow then is merely a hidden source of conflict. It's not something ultimately bad, but the shadow is something that needs to be integrated, and especially for moving to the transpersonal stage where conflicts like that are transcended.