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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. The internet is very useful but it has one limitation which is that all the information on the internet is conceptual knowledge. That's the crystallized ego! So we should expect NOT to get the full transpersonal picture merely from the internet. And that removes the frustration that otherwise easily can happen when we believe that the internet can give us all the answers. The internet can only give us conceptual answers. The full connection with for example walk-ins needs more than just conceptual communication. And not even traditional telepathy is sufficient since that too is merely conceptual communication. Instead indications seem to point to heart to heart connections which are trans-conceptual communications.
  2. To be reborn in Christian terms I think is a much bigger shift than merely as a crystallized ego believe in Jesus Christ as your personal savior. Jesus said repeatedly that we have to lose our lives in order to be reborn. In this latest short clip from Shunyamurti he talks about the need for the death of the ego:
  3. Get ready for incredible woo woo! Are walk-ins mentioned in ancient texts? I haven't researched that but I came to think of how resurrection in the Bible might be a metaphor for walk-ins. And "let the dead bury the dead" could refer to NPCs, who already are "dead" because they are just non-playing characters without consciousness. But, then, where are the real people from the breakaway civilization? They live on planet Venus of course! With post-singularity technology it's an easy task to cloak Venus so that it appears inhospitable. And what sounded like really woo woo channeling of Lady Venus, planet Venus, mentioned that the people on Venus have guides, which could mean that there are Wanderers/Nephilim also on Venus.
  4. The crystallized ego permanents (if that's a verb) things. Not only memories are held as permanent structures but also thoughts are crystallized structures that are played in the mind. The idea of the fluid ego as one with impermanence therefore fits with trans-conceptual awareness! Then instead of permanent structures there is a flow where there is awareness without the need for permanenting things.
  5. I like Dalai Lama's speech and will listen to some more of it. But one thing that hit me now, and maybe he addresses it in his speech later on is that in the Wikipedia article it says that impermanence means subject to decline and destruction. That's not my view. Instead I see entropy (usually equated with disorder) like how physicist Leonard Susskind described entropy as hidden information. And just because the information is hidden doesn't mean that it must be disorder. I instead believe that what we call entropy is actually complexity, which is order. And in the Wolfram Physics Project the model they use is order, even for entropy and quantum "uncertainty" which in their model is certainty.
  6. I discovered the simplest way to enter the fluid ego. My model says that reality as a whole is indestructible and changeless (Brahman/Word of God). Yet the manifestation of that changeless unmanifested is a constant change, moment by moment. That's I believe what in Buddhism is called impermanence. The fluid ego is to be one with impermanence. That's the theory. In practice the truth of impermanence has to be fully realized, actualized. I will take a look at this video where the Dalai Lama talks about impermanence.
  7. Next time I have a problem I will skip the complaining and instead use my mind! Morphic field resonance, that Rupert Sheldrake has talked about. That will be an interesting experiment. So instead of trying to fix things on an external level I only make a mental intent to having it fixed. And if that doesn't work I will follow Eckhart Tolle's advice of dealing with things in the moment. My idea is that dealing with situations externally, that's the crystallized ego's way of doing things. At the transpersonal stage I assume there is no need to try to control or fix things.
  8. Darn. I had to apologize to the company I sent a complaint to. Well, I did not have to apologize but I did as a courtesy. They act from orders dictated by government procurement, so it's the municipality that has done some mischief! I have already contacted them so that's enough for me. Just a small issue but somehow I felt urged to deal with the matter.
  9. Leo said that corruption is about survival. That's probably true, but what happens in the long run is that as society evolves into higher stages of development it becomes more and more difficult to survive using corrupt methods. So evolution is a kind of self-cleaning process. Maybe Leo has already mentioned that. I will take another look at his video about corruption. And one speculation that came to me is that at high enough levels of development, we don't even need physical communication! The field of consciousness is enough to connect people and then corruption becomes impossible. But I doubt that direct consciousness connection is possible at the personal stage. Maybe possible at the transpersonal stage.
  10. Haha, I got angry and sent a complaint (hopefully polite enough) to a company that has been spamming me. Interestingly the company was hired by the government (municipal level) and it's surprising that they lack competence since they recruited a corrupt company (it's unlikely a mistake since the same thing has happened before). I seldom do things like that because I find conflicts tedious. The good thing (besides preventing corruption) is that it made me realize that this is how the personal stage will become more and more crippled! As society becomes more interconnected it will become more and more difficult to get away with corruption. This will basically force individuals and organizations to evolve into higher stages of development.
  11. I think I have enough ideas now for a while, about the transpersonal stage, all the way from mainstream science to far-out New Age ideas. Now I will focus on relaxing my mind and let things happen automatically. Roger Castillo said in this most recent video that an automatic process of deepening understanding can happen. He also says that life as a whole is an automatic process, which I believe is correct. A bit of confirmation bias on my part but I think it's useful to stick to some beliefs or there will be too much contradicting information in the mind. If some information is false then that will sooner or later become known.
  12. Ayahuasca that they talk about in Beyond The Veil contains DMT which is a powerful psychedelics. Carl Calleman has a theory about evolution based on the Mayan calendar with nine waves. Each wave is a new evolutionary stage that brings in new capabilities. One of these waves started our human civilization and that was related to the mind being able to handle dualities. Today we are in the ninth and last wave, Calleman says, and it's about unity consciousness. Only a few people today have reached the level of unity, he thinks. To me that sounds like the transpersonal stage. What psychedelics do Calleman said is to temporarily remove the compartmentalization of the mind that leads to dualities, so the mind enters a kind of unity which can be useful he said, especially for people who are very stuck in the dualistic stage. But he also said that the unity stage is entered, not alone, but as a connection between people. A collective consciousness! That is what I think it is. And it makes sense, because a single individual having unity consciousness alone is an incomplete form of unity.
  13. If the outrageous claim that NCPs are real, then what is their purpose? It's fair to assume that the breakaway civilization has reached and gone beyond a technological singularity. This means as Arthur C. Clarke put it, technology indistinguishable from magic. And in turn it means that the NPCs are extremely advanced technology avatars. The purpose of the NPCs as I see it is as a placeholder for the members of the breakaway civilization. At some point they need to integrate with the public society, but it would be tedious as heck for them to participate in our low stage of development with wars, famine, disease and all kinds of horrible situations. So they created NPCs to function in the public society until we have reached a high enough level of development (the transpersonal stage) and then they can replace the NPCs with their real selves. I got the idea of NPCs from this show called Beyond The Veil:
  14. Now I will really go woo woo but maybe with some truth to it. Bruce Lipton said that the Matrix movie is a documentary. Does this mean that we are living in a computer simulation? No, I think Lipton meant it literally in how humanity at the moment is split into different kinds of people. There are mainstream experts today who believe that we live in a computer simulation. Leo said that we are NOT living in a computer simulation. And according to my model we can't be living in a simulation because reality manifests instantly, which means that there is no past outside of the now available for the creation of simulations. In the Matrix movie there were people trapped in the Matrix and a group of people outside the matrix in Zion and agents of the machine world outside the Matrix who could "walk in" into people's bodies. In reality I do believe that there is a split between three groups of people, and, crazy as it might sound at first, one group could be NPCs! Brian Scott talked about Ruth Montgomery's description of walk ins, and indeed they seem to be at a high stage of development such as the transpersonal stage. And more and more walk ins will enter our world according to the video. So the scenario as I speculate is that the NPCs will be replaced by walk-ins over time. Since there isn't any computer simulation running our world, the machine world agents are not computer programs. My current guess is that they instead are the Nephilim: But where do the walk-ins come from? Here my guess is that the walk-ins come from the breakaway civilization. The Bible talks about a third of humanity being killed and also in another passage that one fourth of humanity will be killed. So which is it? My answer is that it's both! When the walk-ins are considered separate from the NPCs, then it's one fourth, and when they are counted as one, it's a one third, so both passages in the Bible are correct. And 'death' here means an NPC being replaced by a walk-in, so there is no actual death since the NPCs are just animated avatars without consciousness.
  15. The most far out New Age teachings are likely false, especially when they conflict with each other. However, to really think outside the box (or cave) it's useful to look at New Age information. The idea of walk-ins for example may have truth to it. And even as was mentioned on an Ayahuasca channel, there are people who are NPCs, that means non-playing characters. That's two extremely far-out concepts, walk-ins and NPCs. But putting them together actually makes sense, because the NPCs don't have consciousness to begin with and only when a walk-in enters the NPC does it become a real human. Think movies like Avatar and the Matrix but for real. And the purpose of walk-ins I speculate is to raise the consciousness of the planet, so then walk-ins would likely be at the transpersonal stage. I will take a look at this video to see if walk-ins are considered to be at the transpersonal stage or if they are some demonic possessions at lower stages of development.
  16. Leo said that we were never born physically. And Bruce Lipton said that humanity is not born yet. And Jesus Christ came with a sword to break up the family unit. Well, I don't know if Jesus existed or not as an actual individual, but if he did, not even he was born physically. So animalistic life with a family is perhaps a false view of reality, and being married is just to slap a government licence and a pretty party on top of animal pairing behavior, very primitive, instinctual and low consciousness stuff. This, then, means that our world is not even born yet, and that the coronavirus crisis is just exaggerating the lack of unity our fallen (unborn) world still is in. Leo also said that we are still in the Dark Ages. And that's similar to Plato's analogy of the cave. We are still living in the cave, metaphorically speaking.
  17. I find that there are hints here and there on the internet about a transpersonal stage, but it's very vague, very compartmentalized and still heavily focused on the personal stage. It's almost as if the combined information on the internet about the transpersonal stage is pointing to something beyond information. And I guess that makes sense if the transpersonal stage as I assume also means trans-conceptual. Meaning, the transpersonal stage can't be described! Or at least, can't be revealed to us yet.
  18. I found that Brian Scott has guided meditations about the Akashic records. I doubt that it's the same as I have in mind but as a start I will listen to at least this video.
  19. The Akashic records have all information. Does that mean that with access to the Akashic records someone could for example look up the password to Bill Gates' bank account and take all his money? In principle yes, but in practice no, because that would be a very low personal stage behavior. Even looking up Donald Trump's tax returns is low personal stage devilry. At the transpersonal stage there must as I see it be an automatic integrity which means that we can only access information that is necessary for us and is in harmony with totality. And even accessing the Akashic records is probably something that depends on the level of development even at the transpersonal stage and beyond. But it's a huge shift and even things like collective memory access will be possible I think.
  20. Leo's final point [spoiler alert ] in the video is that ideas change our life. Total understanding of reality is possible, he said. I actually had a similar idea just minutes before I heard Leo mentioning it. My idea is related to my previous computer analogy. How can I allow all my personal memories to dissolve? Isn't that destruction? No, it isn't. Because my personal memories are a part of the Akashic records. And instead of only having access to my own personal and isolated memories, I instead let that narrow standalone structure dissolve and plug into the Akashic records directly. Presto! Access to total reality. Leo probably meant something different such as direct perception of reality, but anyway.
  21. Ouch, if I take my own computer system analogy seriously, it means that I need to let my whole mind melt basically, including all my personal memories and knowledge. This could be seriously crazy stuff, haha. Will I try that? Dissolve my whole mind? Well, first of all, that's not something I can do as a crystallized ego. It's the crystallized ego itself that has to dissolve! But I can open up my mind to the possibility of such radical change and see what happens. That's pretty safe.
  22. I started listening to the first part of Leo's new video. He said that our society is still a kind of Dark Ages. Good analogy! That's the collective personal stage of development. And he also uses a computer metaphor for how our minds become programmed. My take on that analogy is that not only does the apps in the computer need to change, not only the operating system, not even the bios. The whole software stack needs to be replaced from a standalone isolated one to a distributed system which adapts instantly to different situations and can access information globally instead of locally in the form of memories in the crystallized ego. This much more flexible system is the transpersonal stage. I will compare my view of the transpersonal stage with how Leo uses the computer metaphor.
  23. Maybe the trickiest thing with the fluid ego is that practicing flow is still to do something! Even meditation is a form of doing something. The same with all kinds of mindfulness practice and spiritual exercises. Even hatha yoga, the kind about practicing of different body postures, that's a form of doing and the same with tai chi. The tricky part is that practices like yoga and meditation do produce beneficial results, yet they cement the doing aspect of the crystallized ego. So what to do then? My approach for the moment is to stick to the simple practice of observing my fixedness and questioning it. It's still a practice but a minimal one. And to have the intent to reach a flow state without needing an activity in order to activate it.
  24. I found that Teal Swan also has other videos related to flow and fixedness. I will take a look at these two.
  25. Is the state of a fluid ego possible. I think that there is a hint about that possibility in what in psychology is called the flow state. The main difference between the flow state and the fluid ego is that the flow state is only a temporary escape from the crystallized ego and when the activity is over the crystallized ego state returns. Also, another difference is that the flow state requires some focused activity that allows the escape from the crystallized ego. The fluid ego as I imagine it is a flow state without the need for focused activity and is a permanent stage since there is no crystallized ego state to return to. The fluid ego totally replaces the crystallized ego instead of being just a temporary state of flow. I will shift my practice to observing the fixedness of my own thoughts, emotions and physical condition. This will still involve inner body awareness practice for example since that's a way of observing the fixedness. The same with conscious confusion and conscious suffering. The idea is to combine the different forms of practice into a single mindful observation of my crystallized ego. If it works as I imagine it, it will produce a deliberate separation between what is flow and what is fixedness and make the fluid stage grow and the fixedness gradually dissolve.