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Here is another development in line with my scenario: It's slightly different than how I imagined it. I was thinking that the IMF would issue a global digital currency directly. The scenario described by the IMF paper is similar but based on a basket of global CBDCs. Or is it the same as what I meant? What is a "global CBDC"? Why not call it national CBDCs? Anyway, I think this the direction we are heading.
Leo talks in this video about the danger of trying to skip stages of development. The danger of becoming an achiever trying to reach as high as fast as possible. I speculate about an even greater danger which is to get stuck at the personal level. So I'm actually attempting to skip all personal development stages and go directly to the transpersonal stage. But Leo could be correct, and I might end up failing miserably. So this is just something I'm experimenting with myself. I wouldn't recommend others to do the same as I do since I don't know yet if it's the correct approach. My rational is that what is needed and what will happen inevitably as a consequence of evolution is that a collective consciousness will emerge globally. It's a highly speculative idea!
Socialism tends to be more Spiral Dynamics stage Green than capitalism which is more Orange. So what we will see I think is something more like socialism than capitalism. Evolution will lead up in the developmental spiral, leading to global integration and governments taking real control over money instead of the facade of control we have today. And even COVID-19, tedious as it is, can be seen as an evolutionary force that has allowed governments to swiftly introduce a precedence for a universal basic income (UBI). I do NOT see a UBI as the solution, but it will be a necessary tool during a transition period which can span several decades. A long time for us individuals but a very short time from a historical perspective.
Socialism vs capitalism is just a phony conflict to give the appearance of people having any choice. They don't. Politicians are lying through their teeth. In the U.S. for example almost all taxes go to paying the national debt. This means that taxes have virtually no effect or consequence. And politicians make people believe that the government creates most of the money. It doesn't. The vast majority of money is created by commercial banks.
Someone said that Elon Musk has predicted artificial intelligence (AI) with superhuman intelligence within just 5 years. That sounded way too optimistic to me. But say in 20 years I think definitely machines can outperform humans in most jobs, including politicians! Maybe politics is already run by AI, with fake politicians as fronts, haha.
I think of socialism as capitalism in drag. Education will remain important for personal and social development. However education for the sake of earning money, that will become obsolete sooner than many people suspect. And in a traditional 20th century society there was education for the purpose of earning money, earning capital as in capital-ist. Ha!
I noticed a nasty aching feeling when my ego tensions become detected by conscious awareness. And even the tensions themselves can be felt as exactly that. And it's really horrendous how deep the tensions go. The good thing is that there can also be a release of a peaceful feeling as the tensions start to dissolve. And instead of inner peace having a certain location such as in the guts or in the heart, it seems to be distributed throughout the whole body-mind. And that it's "just" that the crystallized ego has to melt.
Why the need for a collective consciousness? I think of it as the difference between a single cell in the human body compared to the whole human being. And the single cell questioning the need for being a human being. The cell will ask: why not remain a separate cell, what's the purpose of being a human being? Of course the human will think the opposite, and recognize that the life of a single cell is very limited. And it's even worse than that. As spiritual teachers have pointed out, what we call personal relationships are just fake mental and emotional constructs. The whole personal stage is based on a false foundation in the belief in being separate, and so all social relationships become fake facades.
My guess is that psychedelics can be useful as a catalyst for transcending the crystallized ego. But something Sadguru said was to not mess with the mind. That's mindfulness! That's how I see it. To not engage with the thinking mind, with the intellect. Of course, at the personal stage we are totally trapped within the intellect. Mindfulness practice is to still use the intellect, but it's a form of meta perspective so it's possible to use mindfulness to as Sadhguru said not mess with our minds.
Sadhguru has this new video about ayahuasca.
I discovered something really tricky. Acceptance is judgment! Being nonjudgmental means neither accepting nor rejecting something. Then what about obvious facts, such as 2+2 = 4? One way of being nonjudgmental about such things is to observe the thinking mind. Just to observe without judging true or false, good or bad.
How can questioning everything be a nonjudgmental position? The answer is that questioning everything as an open-minded state. It's free from preconceived ideas. It's a deliberate form of confusion. I suspect that in mindfulness practice when we claim that we are nonjudgmental, we are actually not. Because there are deep layers of subconscious social programming coloring our supposed nonjudgmental observation.
The transpersonal stage is sneaky. It's because it's a sinful construct. It's a lie, albeit a necessary one, for the purpose of unique growth and development. And when we run around with our own crystallized ego we tend to miss the fact that our ego is a result of society. The belief in separation builds into a separate ego in the person. And we believe we are that separate ego! We are thus in reality the collective social structure and do its bidding. And the ego tension we have are collective, not personal. It's only the content that is unique for each person, the structure is the same and it is a part of the whole society and nature, not separate from it. Inner peace is in theory possible through dissolving the crystallized ego within ourselves. And here again mindfulness practice is useful for identifying the sneaky construct of the personal stage. Nonjudgmentally. And that includes questioning everything! To just observe like a skeptic on steroids. Why do I get angry? Why the irritation, the sadness or the joy even? Question everything.
I wrote earlier somewhere that personal responsibility is sin. I think that's a funny and still true observation. At the personal stage such claim sounds outrageous, so it needs to be explained. Sin means to miss the mark, and the root error is the belief in separation. And the personal stage is grounded in the belief in a separate self. So personal responsibility is sin! Haha. From a nondual perspective the whole of reality is "responsible" for everything. And one idea to bridge the personal stage with a transpersonal realization is to be personally responsible for being mindful and only that. To try to transcend personal responsibility while still at the personal stage doesn't work. Because the separate ego is still there doing the rejection of responsibility. And that rejection is a form of inner conflict. By focusing the responsibility on the mindfulness practice the ego is still there as well, but with personal responsibility intact instead of being opposed.
That's a good point. It's only at Turquoise where there is a global awareness. Every us-vs-them mentality is ego consciousness, every nation is a collective ego, every ideology is an egoic structure. Of course second tier also includes the first tier stages, so a person at Turquoise transcends the ego yet also includes it.
I like to experiment with ideas that come to my mind. A recent one is to develop a seed of inner peace and letting it grow. In my experience the ordinary state is of zero inner peace! At least not enough peace to allow my attention to rest inside the peace without effort. So the idea is to use effort initially through mindfulness practice to build the initial seed of peace. And then the seed will attract my conscious attention into it making the peace grow. I will also check out this video about different types of mindfulness practice. It may be useful to learn from already existing techniques.
I have started to treat mindfulness practice as a skill to learn. Even though I believe it's true that I as a crystallized ego really have no actual free will, it's also true that the ego is also a part of reality, not separate from it. So a perspective I can take is to think of my choices as the universe's choices. They are one and the same! And my practice at the moment is very much like the introspection development described by Leo. And I aim for mindfulness practice of all my experiences such as thoughts, emotions and physical sensations. And my target is a feeling of inner peace in both body and mind.
Robotics as in androids and robots being able to move in different environments has been clunky, but already now things are starting to change. And consider exponential (accelerating) progress for robotics as well as for AI and with that combination I think we soon will have amazing robots. These robots from Boston Dynamics are more agile than only a few years ago:
A simple example of capitalism vs transcending money mentality is if I for example only would post in this thread for money. Let's say that I earned $1 for each like of my posts. In such situation, if I was dependent on that money for survival I would make sure to make my posts as popular as possible, not in terms of general quality but in terms of how many viewers I would get together with maximizing the likes for my posts. To me such scenario would be horrible, and that's how I'm starting to see all of capitalism. It has been useful and is still useful, but capitalism is a suboptimal system, especially in the information era. Some may argue that money incentive improves the quality, such as forcing me to make many people like my posts, but it's a narrow and simplistic form of quality based on quantity and popularity, not a general metric of quality.
In this video Leo mentions an interesting distinction between personal responsibility and collective responsibility. As I see it, the personal stage is about developing personal responsibility and at the higher personal stages also collective responsibilities. And the transpersonal stage transcends both types of responsibilities! The transpersonal stage is according to my view a collective consciousness which inherently has both personal and collective responsibility integrated within it without the need for individuals trying to be responsible.
One possible good outcome out of the chaos is that the 2024 presidential election will be more tidy. They may even introduce a national U.S. ID card.
It looks like Pence is now opposed to Trump.