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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. My view is that there is only one actual element and what are called the four elements earth, water, wind and fire are the four states of matter: solid, liquid, gas and plasma. Only the fifth element is an actual substance and it's called akasha. Being born again out of Spirit and water means that water is at the personal stage like an antenna for akasha intelligence. And when the water is tuned to the intelligence it becomes infused with Spirit/intelligence which transforms the body of flesh into a body of akasha.
  2. Now I may really have stepped into woo woo land. An idea came to me that water can shapeshift. And not only into different states such as solid, liquid, gas and crystalline but also into any chemical elements! If DNA can emerge from pure water, that may be a hint about the shapeshifting capability of water, so there is at least a straw of scientific connection. And so I will continue to explore the possibilities of water.
  3. How to awaken the akasha in the body? Put consciousness into the water! I did an experiment of putting conscious attention into the water of my body, and I could feel an energy activating. Could of course just be a psychosomatic effect but maybe not. If the water is intelligent is can respond to consciousness. And consciousness is prior to akasha so consciousness has the full power of reality behind it. This is of course a highly speculative experiment, and I might just be making a fool of myself, but I find it interesting to explore new possibilities.
  4. It seems to me that Jesus is saying (John 3) that "born again" means an actual transformation of the body of flesh into a body made of akasha. And that the akasha is awakened in the water in our bodies. Sadhguru mentioned how rudimentary life can emerge in distilled (complete vacuum state he called it) water. And this Nobel Prize winner has shown in 2009 how DNA can emerge in pure water:
  5. Whoa, Sadhguru said in this video (from about 11 minutes) that water is the most malleable computer on the planet. Water is such an intelligent substance, Sadhguru said. He also briefly mentioned akasha earlier in the video. In my model all the other elements, including water, are made of akasha, but it could be that on earth during the prepersonal and personal stages, water is the substance with most intelligence. I now believe that for example protein folding in the cells is done by the intelligence of the water. Water might be the gateway to akasha.
  6. I found a curious artist from Russia called Nebezao. I have mixed feelings, I sort of like it especially the brutal sound.
  7. When listening to Paul Hedderman I discovered that when my thoughts started thinking other thoughts there is a sense of clinging on to having to control and plan for the future! Very interesting. There is a constant effort by the mind to hold on to itself. I will use ordinary mindfulness practice for a while to get a sense of my habitual control habits. That's a core personal stage trait, and the fact that there is an extra effort involved in the clinging is to me a hint that it's a false state.
  8. Nonduality teachings are very valuable in terms of transpersonal development. The idea that the ego is a separate entity is what needs to be transcended. Nonduality teacher Paul Hedderman learned the phrase "You can't use the Buddha to seek the Buddha". That's a pretty clever pointer because if we are the Buddha in our nondual nature and at the same time are spiritual seekers seeking Buddhahood, that's a contradiction. Here is Paul's most recent video:
  9. Akasha is all of manifested reality. So even at the personal stage we are run by akasha and made of akasha. It's just that as I mentioned in my previous post that the access to akasha is blocked at the personal stage of development. Bruce Lipton talked about how humanity will evolve into a single larger organism, which can be called Gaia, the whole planet Earth as a living being. Lipton calls it fractal evolution. And like how individual cells started to form multicellular organisms, our next evolutionary leap is that we humans as "cells" will start to form the planetary organism. It's holons on different levels; atoms to molecules to prokaryotic cells to eukaryotic cells to biofilms to multicellular organism, and the next step is a planetary organism as a larger holon. Therefore my guess is that the transpersonal stage will include that evolutionary leap into a planetary organism. Extremely tricky process it seems to me so I have to think about it some more.
  10. Florence Scovel Shinn mentioned how we rely on the thinking mind too much, and we often focus on lack. That's typical at the personal stage where we think all the time and often about how to overcome lack in all sorts of situations; financial, relationships, health and so forth. Akasha can give us nondual intution without needing to deal with lack, because akasha is the whole creative process of life. One idea I have is that the ego tensions in body and mind are caused by the belief in separation and lack, so there is a constant strive at the personal stage and that's a part of the crystallized ego. The tensions then are a result of perceived lack and separation. In a sense the tensions themselves produce the sense of lack. And the lack includes lack of access to akasha, so it's kind of a real lack. Access to akasha removes the tensions and removes the sense of lack. That's the transpersonal stage and nondual intuition is a part of that stage.
  11. Akasha is all content in consciousness. And that includes thoughts, memories, emotions, sense perceptions, the physical body, other people, physical objects, nature, the whole planet, stars and galaxies. Akasha is controlled by nondual causality. So the belief in thoughts being separate causes is only a relative and limited perspective. This means that intuition is an interesting option where causes can come from all across time and space. Brian Scott has this new video where he reads from Florence Scovel Shinn's book about intuition:
  12. Is akasha the same as consciousness? No, akasha is the content in consciousness. But isn't that duality? My idea is that it's a trinity with 1) the unmanifested, 2) consciousness and 3) the manifested. Almost like the Holy Trinity in Christianity. And in Christianity the Holy Trinity is one unit, nonduality! When the trinity comes together it produces time. And the "when" is now, there is only now. Is akasha space? Yes! And space is not empty but is made of vacuum energy which in turn is the substance of all material things.
  13. Does akasha have infinite resolution? Well, akasha approaches infinite resolution infinitely fast, but it will never reach infinity because there is no end to how high the resolution can get. So akasha is always discrete, quantized, finite, like pixelation on a screen. This solves the Zeno paradoxes and the Thomson lamp paradox. Some claim that Zeno's paradoxes can be solved by geometric series, but some philosophers maintain that there is a problem, and indeed the Thomson lamp paradox can't be solved by geometric series. However a geometric series is a good explanation for how akasha can remain stable in space and time while still getting higher and higher resolution at an infinite pace. But if the resolution of akasha is always increasing how is motion possible? If for example the resolution of length gets doubled at each step then motion would still be a problem. My solution for this is that our universe has a cutoff of length and time where the minimal length (pixelation size) is the Planck length and the minimal time period is Planck time. Akasha gets smaller than that but below the threshold (cutoff) for our universe.
  14. Fermi's paradox can be solved by a real Prime Directive. The whole purpose of the personal stage is to develop unique individuals, and collectively to develop a unique civilization. If an advanced civilization would give us all the answers to science and technology it would prevent our own development and we would just become a bleak copy/clone of that advanced civilization. So earth is on purpose in a planetary "quarantine" governed by a real Prime Directive. Not only that, it's also useful that our history of science has been as confused and mislead as possible. Why? Because that ensures a unique development of our civilization. And this explains why for example physicists still struggle immensely with trying to combine quantum mechanics and general relativity. It's supposed to be hard, and I even think it's an impossible task. Notice that scientists don't have free will, so they can only come up with theories that reality as a whole provides. It also explains why the Bible and other spiritual texts are so cryptic and metaphorical. We can only get the true knowledge when we are ready for it. And the readiness depends on our own level of development, both individually and collectively.
  15. As I understand it, Bill Gaede says that we need to actually explain how things work and not only have abstractions and mathematical formulas hanging in the air. I still believe it's useful to start with a simple abstraction such as the simple graph they use in the Wolfram Physics Project. And then take Nassim Haramein's idea that everything is made of the vacuum energy in space, plus Stephen Hawking's suggestion that quantum mechanics might be only waves. So instead of virtual photons as mentioned in this experience, we can think of the vacuum energy as a soup of pure waves with different wavelengths. I read somewhere that the Casimir effect is a result two plates (or similar) placed close to each other so that the longer wavelengths are cancelled out between the plates which causes a force that pushes the plates together. And my idea is that all forces, including gravity, are a form of Casimir effect. Even electromagnetism can possibly be produced by having coherent waves and when the waves are in phase they produce constructive interference which pushes things apart such as magnets repelling each other and when the waves are out of phase they result in destructive interference causing objects to be pulled together with a greater force than in the ordinary Casimir effect where the waves are random like in the video. Akasha, the mystical substance Sadhguru talked about is simply vacuum energy guided by intelligence. That's my current armchair speculation about it. And the transpersonal stage is a recognition and realization of akasha as an experienced reality. So far I have only a theoretical model so it has to be tested in some ways.
  16. Another interesting observation that Leo pointed out is that there are no exact categories in nature. For example the category "citrus fruits" that's a label we have invented as a way of grouping fruits of similar characteristics. That made me think that even the chemical elements are categories! That recognition allows for a vast broadening possibility of what an atom is. And actually I think Bill Gaede questions even such things as our mainstream understanding of atoms.
  17. I just want to document an observation from Leo's new video. As laypeople we generally just trust mainstream science as an authority for what is true. That's actually the same principle as people in a tribe trusting a shaman in prehistoric times as Leo pointed out. And another thing that I have noticed among scientists is the same as Leo pointed out that even scientists themselves take other fields of science as truth on faith from other authorities, including taking outdated science as truth such as a belief in genetic determinism when in biology it has been known for decades now that epigenetics must be taken into account. But what about peer-review and scientific journals with high renown? As the editor in chief for The Lancet pointed out, as much as half of scientific studies are plainly false! And lots of dubious statistical analysis from small tests. And science today is very compartmentalized and very much stuck in rigid paradigms that exclude a vast area of studies that don't fit that narrow framework. And that's even without taking into account all the funding mechanisms that restrict the practically possible areas of research further. So it will be really interesting to find out what Leo will present in his videos about science. I'm a fan of science but I want to understand things, not just parrot authorities which might be useful sometimes, yet without a foundational understanding, the knowledge is shaky without a foundation in personal understanding. Mainstream education I guess needs to be a lot about just making students mechanically learn and repeat things, but even there it would be useful with more actual and more fundamental understanding of what is learned.
  18. Almost as synchronicity I recently discovered a radically different take on science presented by Bill Gaede. And now Leo has a video about science. I will compare these two videos that I haven't seen before:
  19. At the personal stage access to akasha is blocked, so we then always struggle against life. Often as us vs them conflicts and fights, but also as a general struggle against an onslaught of entropy (disorder/decay) in the world at large. And that struggle at the personal stage is necessary and a part of our development, but interestingly it's also a kind of anti-hero journey that Shunyamurti talks about in this new video:
  20. One candidate for akasha is dark matter. Because it's not only about gravity I think. The galaxies retain their shape for billions of years. That seems like highly intelligent control of gravity to me. Akasha doesn't always have mass, but it can take the shape of a substance with mass. Physical particles are made of the vacuum energy, and intelligently controlled vacuum energy I call akasha (hopefully without deviating too much from how Sadhguru described it). Here is a fairly recent video about dark matter:
  21. I listened to a few evolution vs creationism debates, and it's really tricky, especially for abiogenesis, the origin of life. My solution is that biological evolution is a cosmic trick, necessary for the development of new and unique civilizations. So biological evolution is then driven by a deeper intelligence than mere unintelligent matter and energy. Computronium is a term that Ray Kurzweil used for matter becoming technology. And to make a distinction I will call the intelligent element behind biological evolution and also for inorganic matter akasha instead of natural computronium.
  22. Maybe the natural computronium idea isn't so far-fetched after all. It would be highly improbable if our universe just happened to be made of computronium, but I think of our Big Bang as only being a recent branch of an expanding multiverse tree of zillions and zillions of universes. And the multiverse is simply one platonic form out of all possible multiverses, so then there is a good chance that at least one of those has natural computronium. I think that Leo is correct about reality having infinite intelligence. And combining that with my idea of nonlocal causality makes the computronium controlled by reality as a whole with infinite intelligence. I will take a look at this video to get more information about what experts today think of the origin of life:
  23. I'm looking into how life began on earth. That's called abiogenesis. There is a recent theory suggesting that life started with a chemical big bang: Is it possible that life started through a natural process? Yes, I believe that might be possible because there is an ongoing increase of complexity in the universe. So my view in that case is that it's the increase of complexity that produced life. But another very tricky process in biology is protein folding inside the cells. Out of zillions of possible shapes that a single protein can fold into, in the cells the protein is folded into a precise form again and again. That's a process that I believe requires intelligent control. So an alternative theory I have is that biology is a second order technology! That would mean that the iPhone 12 and Mate40 example I used earlier is third order technology. And the first order technology is computronium that existed billions of years ago on earth. And then there is the problem of where the computronium comes from in the first place, because our universe is only some 14 billion years old, so one possibility is that the computronium already existed at the Big Bang and expanded to produce the universe we have today. I had an earlier idea that our universe is made of post-singularity technology, but I abandoned it because it seemed redundant to me when all the past manifests instantly. Instead the computronium could be a natural intelligent element of reality. This idea seems even more woo woo than the most far-out New Age ideas, haha, so I have to think it over some more. I just wanted to document some initial ideas about it.