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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. NBC News now said that the Trump administration recently filed a new lawsuit, this time against Georgia. This is getting entertaining.
  2. Fact check? Pre-trans fallacy more likely. My prediction is that CNN will end up with egg on their face. Edit: Maybe I should explain. CNN is likely mistaking Trump's statements as being pre-rational since Trump has access to vastly more classified intel than CNN does. I believe that CNN interprets Trump's statements from a too limited perspective.
  3. @Consept Simplest explanation yes, but it has to fit the big picture. I think this is really exciting! I'm even going to support Biden if it turns out that Trump's accusation was baseless. I have doubts however. Trump has the whole U.S. intelligence community behind him. Ask the current Director of National Intelligence.
  4. Maybe Trump wasn't talking about the counting of votes. By "send out tens of millions of ballots" he could have meant that the Democrats had posted millions of fake ballots. That sounds like a B-movie plot. Unlikely, but just a thought.
  5. I listened to the speech again and Trump said that he had predicted that "they" and I assume he meant the Democrats "were going to send out tens of millions of ballots" and as I understand it that's the reason for going to court. What the heck does that mean? Send out ballots? I have no clue. "This is a fraud on the American public" he said. So depending on how that's interpreted legally it may be an accusation of crime.
  6. @tree-- True, but this time it's trickier. He said that they will take it to the U.S. Supreme Court without explicitly stating a crime. Either Trump really IS insane, or they have a real case. I suspect it's the latter. That's my prediction.
  7. @Consept Would Trump really make an insane speech like that? I have doubts. Yikes, this will be interesting to follow. Talking about injecting detergents into the body is one thing, lol, but making serious accusations is a totally different ballpark.
  8. @Consept I listened to the speech again and Trump said that they don't want to find that ballots have been found at 4 a clock in the morning and added to the list. Surely he must have meant fake ballots. How else would it be a crime?
  9. I'm curious about what kind of fraud Trump was talking about. And going to the U.S. Supreme Court? Sounds insane frankly, but I will wait and see what happens. Trump made a very serious accusation. If he's wrong, then I will admit that he's not fit to be President, but we will see.
  10. See? Trump loooves Islam. But more seriously, Trump needs to make the whole U.S. government function, including the entire military industrial complex. And it's hardly Trump alone coming up with plans out of the blue. It's a whole team making deals like that.
  11. @Consept U.S. politics on the federal level is incredibly complicated. It requires all kinds of strategies, coordination, deals, diplomacy and even threats if other nations don't behave. And the President is in reality very restricted in what he or she can do I think. It's a whole enormous political system with huge momentum and inertia. B.t.w. I meant that Don Beck tried to resolve the Middle East conflict, not Clare Graves. My mistake.
  12. @Consept For example I heard recently that Trump may bring peace to the Middle East. I haven't looked into it, but that kind of stunt takes Turquoise level thinking. Heck, not even Don Beck could accomplish that despite lots of effort trying to do just that.
  13. @good Stage Yellow is more ordinary behavior. Stage Turquoise can appear really crazy. But I could be wrong. So I have to wait to see. Maybe Biden wins and then I will have to look into that situation instead.
  14. @Consept @Shin We cannot judge Turquoise behavior from surface level appearance. Nisargadatta Maharaj was often very angry but that could have been a necessary part of the teaching! In the case of Trump only later when more facts are in can the true situation be seen.
  15. @Opo I forgot to mention, at the second tier level people don't behave in the predictable black and white thinking of the first tier. But okay, it's my speculations. I will wait and see what actually happens. I have made my prediction.
  16. @Consept It seems to me that Trump is really tricky, and sure that could even be stage Red, but I sense that there is something else going on than the mere surface level appearance. Notice that Trump has been a Democrat in the past: So my guess is that he has gone through stage Green and into the second tier and is now playing the role of mainly Blue and Orange while in reality being at the Turquoise level. I don't know much about U.S. politics but I doubt that a President can do whatever he wants. There is a massive bureaucracy and a strict legal framework for how the U.S. government operates. It's much more planned than it appears at face value is my guess.
  17. @Consept That's just my prediction. We have to wait to see what actually happens, and if Trump even wins. Could take weeks to count all votes.
  18. @Meta-Man I understand that people can be at several stages of Spiral Dynamics simultaneously. But there is a fairly clear distinction between first and second tier thinking.
  19. @Meta-Man Let me explain. Yes, that's my prediction. Trump needs to deal with vicious corrupt forces. For example my prediction is that Trump threatened to take people to court in order to preempt mischief such as manipulation of Pennsylvania voting results. Trump needs to scare the crap out of people who think of pulling off any kind of voting fraud. Just look at the polling statistics before the election. If that's not a result of corruption then I haven't seen anything more sloppy than that, especially considering that the polls way missed the mark before the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Leo has a video about corruption. The whole society is corrupt as f!
  20. @hyruga I'm at Spiral Dynamics stage Yellow. So I'm above left-right politics! Well, at least I believe so. Someone said that people are actually at two stages lower than they themselves believe they are. So that would make me at stage Orange, but I doubt that. For example I want a strong social safety net and that's hardly Orange. I have predicted that Trump is at stage Turquoise! And that he needs to play the role of Red and Orange in order to get the broad masses to understand and accept him. We will see. It's just my guess. I know that it's an outrageous claim. Marianne Williamson is also at stage Turquoise I think and she has to play the role of Green to get people at that stage to understand and accept her. That's what I meant earlier by Trump and Williamson being similar from a big picture perspective. Even Biden may be at Turquoise but I think someone like Trump is needed to deal with the vicious corrupt forces. One has to be like a ruthless mafia boss to deal with people like that, haha.
  21. @Preety_India Lol, Trump obviously meant pole position. Hmm... there is only one pole position. Unless the VP is counted. Just kidding. More seriously though it could be a plausible denial trick.
  22. If Biden wins is that good? Yes. If Trump wins is that good? Yes. That's the nondual perspective. Everything that happens happens the way is should happen and indeed can happen. Well, that's my take on it anyway.
  23. Yikes, Trump is now having a press conference and is saying that they won both Georgia and Pennsylvania. I actually supported Marianne Williamson, but I think Trump will be an interesting alternative. Actually similar choices from a big picture perspective I think although politically very different obviously.
  24. Biden focused on Georgia during the campaign instead on Florida, according to an NBC News reporter. Turns out to be a smart move since Georgia is still uncertain. I hope Trump will win though, haha.
  25. Aha! I was thinking that if Trump wins then I can look into Spygate and stuff, but I need to wait with my own speculations. Because even if some of them are true, it could harm the larger plan. Things must be revealed in precise order and with exact timing. I haven't a clue when to do that, except when I get an intuitive insight based on a peaceful feeling instead of trying to rant prematurely, haha.