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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. Hmm... Shunyamurti said in this latest video that developing the ego is to move backwards. It will just create more karma he said. Yikes, that's true! So it may come a time when personal development becomes a hindrance instead of a means towards progress. And Shunyamurti's explanation fits with nondual science. Karma is the result of individual causality which in turn is a result of a false belief in separation. So, developing the ego, as in the personal stage, only makes the false perspective worse.
  2. I now have a useful idea about nondual science. When starting with the premise that everything has nondual causality, the ego becomes a construct based on a false belief in separate causality. At the personal stage we believe that we as individuals are causing things and can cause things to happen. That's what I call the crystallized ego. At the transpersonal stage we have a fluid ego with nondual causality. According to my nondual science everything has nondual causality, even the crystallized ego, so individual causality is simply a limited and false belief.
  3. Many spiritual teachers claim that eternity means the eternal now, not time going on forever. I say: not so fast! Because I have personally experienced the extreme dread which can come when contemplating living forever. At the personal stage we have chronophobia, which means fear of time. The transpersonal stage as I see it transcends the fear of time, including the idea of living forever. Contemplating infinity is a real beast. Fortunately, that's all conceptual thinking with lots of emotional content attached. Finding delight and peace in infinity requires the peace of God which transcends all understanding.
  4. Whoa, Leo gave an excellent example of infinity in his recent video. Leo said that any finite method we use (which includes current science) will be equally insignificant compared to infinity. Even science a billion years from now we will be no closer to understanding reality than we were when living in caves. That's infinity for you. Hilbert's infinite hotel is another example: That was just the first part. Here is the complete infinite hotel:
  5. I think the Big Bang theory is fairly correct BUT what we call the Big Bang of our universe is just the formation of a white hole which is a black hole in a parent universe. In my model one might say that there was a Huge Bang that manifested the entire multiverse tree of which our universe is just a recent branch. And I think Leo is correct about our universe NOT being a simulation since in my model reality manifests instantly. And with instant manifestation there is no time for any simulation being constructed by external beings.
  6. Leo mentioned the Planck length and said that there is no limit to how small things can get in the universe. I have an idea that is both/and. That the Planck length is the smallest "pixelation" in our universe and at the same time the division of space continues into smaller and smaller lengths yet never reaches zero. For example if our universe is a white hole of a black hole in a parent universe, and the black holes at the centers of our galaxies are baby universes, space can continue to divide in those universes. And it makes logical sense, because from our perspective the black hole appears relatively small, yet the scale inside it is much smaller so within the black hole the universe there is experienced as large as ours.
  7. @snowyowl Okay, reducing the divide might be what Biden meant. That's doable. I like the idea of transcending and including conflict, where we can fight about ideas on a level above survival fears. Conflicts can be constructive such as in Hegelian dialectic.
  8. Today's science is of course very useful and precisely because it narrows reality into predictable boxes. One can look at it as a subset of reality that Stephen Wolfram calls computationally reducible. So instead of replacing science it may be useful to come up with complementary methods. I have an idea of basing a new science on nondual causality, meaning events can be caused from all of reality, past, present and future. Could become nonsensical, lol, but I will ponder it for a while.
  9. Statistical analysis is often used in science and that's useful but I suspect there is also grave danger of getting wrong results. There is something called conditional probability. That's also useful, yet most situations in life are way more complicated, interconnected and conditional than can be captured with such simple formula. Of course in science today they use much more sophisticated models than that but I think that's still way too simplistic. For example what is the actual cause of any supposedly isolated event? Science can't even explain causality!
  10. Actually, atoms are just like Lego bricks. And our current mainstream scientific model of atoms may be really cartoonish compared to how reality functions at a deeper level. This is only my speculation, I haven't any direct experience of that and it's just a hunch I got now. In my model atoms are made of akasha, the infinitely intelligent substance that space and everything is made of. So in my theory akasha could turn a carbon atom into a unicorn, literally. Very far-out idea but I like it as something to base my spiritual practices on. Akasha is all the content in consciousness. So consciousness is prior to even akasha. In that sense my current idea is compatible with what Leo describes in his latest video. Science is currently at a cartoonish level!
  11. Leo said that Santa Claus is as real as numbers are. That is correct. From the nondual perspective everything is content in consciousness. Numbers are content in consciousness and so is Santa Claus. It's only when we go into a dualistic perspective that numbers become more real than Santa Claus. So there is a distinction of course but maybe not an as absolute distinction as one might at first assume.
  12. Another curious observation is the Salvia experiment Leo mentioned. Smoke a specified amount of Salvia and you will realize that you're not human. You could turn into coffee table. Leo called it the Black Hole Effect. Only people who actually do the experiment will realize it. Of course this was just a thought experiment, it's doubtful that we actually will turn into coffee tables. A collective consciousness is also a form of Black Hole Effect. Let's say that someone enters a collective consciousness, and that there are only a few other people in that state. How will he or she be able to describe it and convince other people that such state of consciousness exists? Very tricky.
  13. One insight I got from Leo's new video about science is that all our thinking is made up of limited models. Thinking is very useful, yet also shallow and confined to concepts, like simplistic labels we attach to things, nature, people and events. I can almost see the limitations now. Thoughts are a bunch of labels, often soaked in heavy emotional content. At the personal stage we are very much trapped in thinking. And the transpersonal stage transcends and includes thoughts.
  14. Leo asked what a number is. Integers mean whole numbers such as 1, 2, 3 and -1, -2, -3... Real numbers are ironically less real I think and that's what Kronecker was talking about. And interestingly, the model they use in the Wolfram Physics Projects only allows whole numbers, not real numbers which have infinite resolution. The real numbers are very useful but I suspect that they also lead to fallacies in mathematics. Whole numbers can be grasped intuitively in direct experience, such as five apples. A real number such as Pi=3.14159265... can also be intuitively grasped but only in a limited way. For example, what is the last decimal of Pi?
  15. I suspect that the Turquoise level of Spiral Dynamics is transpersonal in the way I have defined it. Does that mean that we need to move up to stage Yellow before entering the transpersonal stage? Not necessarily I think. I myself am I believe only at stage Yellow in a shallow way in areas where I can see the big picture, and to fully enter stage Yellow could take decades if at all in a lifetime. So instead of thinking of personal development I believe and hope it's possible to focus on transpersonal development directly. And that someone would even be able to jump from stage Red all the way into the transpersonal stage, still with lots of further personal development needed but that it is something that can be done directly at the transpersonal stage. I imagine the transpersonal stage to be effin' biblical! Haha. It's a leap into Satya Yuga and a new earth. And instead of it being a gradual progression of personal development, the transpersonal stage is a leap into a collective consciousness.
  16. Leo mentioned in his new video the unsolved problem with causality in science and philosophy. I have been ranting about that! I learned fairly recently that causality is just taken for granted without being explained. That was a mild shock for me. Leo is at the cutting edge of understanding reality as I see it. Very interesting. Most other sources on the internet are at a level below Leo's and they get trapped in too limited models of reality and as science progresses it becomes limited by its own limited foundation. There are other sources who deal with similar things as Leo describes but almost always only in separate areas and not with a wholeness perspective. Ken Wilber presents a fairly holistic perspective but Wilber is too much stuck in models I think. Leo mentioned trans-conceptual awareness that Shunyamurti has talked about, something that Wilber may include, but not in a fundamental enough way that transcends models as far as I know.
  17. Sounds like PC BS to me. Unity is only possible at the second tier level in Spiral Dynamics and to bring a whole country to that level within a few years is unrealistic. People WANT conflict, so Biden is basically lying (see Leo's video about lying).
  18. One problem with today's science is that it's second hand information for most people. Most of the scientific knowledge is based on thrust in authorities rather than direct personal understanding. Also, there is a divide between science and spirituality that at least can become more integrated. Those are two ideas that came to me before I watch Leo's new video about science.
  19. @Shin Yes, Trump needs to prove in court that there has been massive fraud. Otherwise there is a risk that he himself is the most corrupt one, and will bring the U.S. downwards in the dynamic spiral. So I will follow what happens.
  20. @Shin It's only for one term. I believe that the U.S. intelligence community has a good grasp of the situation and that they are largely free of corruption themselves because doing illegal things makes one vulnerable and also the intelligence community I imagine is immune to blackmail. With politicians and the private sector that's a different situation and with lots of corruption even at the top levels. This is going off topic, but look for example into what NSA whistleblower William Binney has shown about the so-called DNC email hack. It's a very high level of corruption it seems to me.
  21. @Mikael89 I suspect there is a lot of corruption that Trump can deal with. With Biden, all that corruption will remain uninvestigated I'm afraid.
  22. @Opo Yes, that was my last straw. Then my next hope is only the legal process.
  23. Now I found that most provisional ballots in Pennsylvania will start to be counted on Monday or Tuesday. Both AP and NBC have projected that those will not change the outcome, but who knows!
  24. Have the provisional ballots in Pennsylvania been counted yet? This means as I understanding it that ordinary in-person votes on the election day are counted as provisional ballots when the voter has received a mail-in ballot without handing it in att the polling place. Are those votes yet to be counted? I'm grasping at straws here. There were, I don't know, 3 million mail-in ballots sent out, and they received around 80% of them from Democrats but only around 70% from Republicans so there is a potential for more Republican provisional ballots. NBC must have taken that into account in their estimation, yet it's something new for this election so they don't have historical statistics to rely on.