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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. External authorities are always second hand information. Even our internal "authorities" such as our beliefs can be questioned. And since the personal stage is built very much on deception, manipulation and lack of transparency, it's healthy to maintain a skeptical perspective. Also, many authorities are themselves subject to misinformation which causes problems even when they themselves believe they are sincere and truthful.
  2. Leo said that there must be death for there to be life. I believe that's wrong. And also impermanence as I see it is only a second order phenomenon. The foundation of reality is permanence and changelessness.
  3. @Husseinisdoingfine Sorry, I was not even thinking about that threads got bumped. I just posted when I got new ideas.
  4. Capitalims has been useful for the development of our human civilization. Competition is efficient and capitalism can even incorporate cooperation. Today however capitalism is starting to look more and more outdated. As information technology improves at an accelerating rate, using money as a means of social interaction is showing signs of the limitations of capitalism. I think nonintrusive advertisement is fine. What has happened in reality is a lot of intrusive ads. For example a video on the internet interrupted and/or delayed by ads running before, within and after the video. What is the incentive here? Is it to produce and deliver a good video or is it to make money? More often than not these are opposite and conflicting interests and incentives making the result a Frankensteinish and schizophrenic mix. And people posting on say Facebook for money, that's basically already a big no-no and is considered dirty. Imagine if people on this forum would earn money for successful and popular posts. Would that improve the quality of the forum? I doubt that. Instead I believe it would degrade the forum and introduce extra hassle for dealing with money. In short, money is beginning to become more of an obstacle; an obsolete middleman function in society. Of course in practice we will still need to use money in society for decades to come, but as Ray Kurzweil has shown, progress of information technology is exponential and even physical products will become information technology, he says. And price/performance is improving exponentially too so products and services will become dirt cheap which further reduces the need for capitalism.
  5. Capitalism is like a combination of cancer and a cardiovascular disease. Cancer in the sense of the belief that it's enough for individual "cells" to act only in their own self-interest and that it will create a well-functioning whole. It will not. And a cardiovascular disease as the wealth distribution inequality where most of the cells struggle to barely get the resources they need (too little blood flow) while a few cells have millions of times more resources (blod clots). Communism is even worse, with the belief that a tiny politburo can decide for itself how to create a well-functioning whole. Society is way too complex for any centralized system to handle. As I wrote earlier, I exaggerated the claim that capitalism altogether is obsolete, but it is quickly getting obsolete as the dominant power of production. What we will see emerging I guess is a combination of socialism, capitalism and automation, with automation increasingly and at an accelerating pace taking over the production of goods and services.
  6. It's difficult to verify what Leo says in the psychedelics video without having one's own direct experience of it. But Leo mentioned something that is very much in line with the idea of a collective consciousness. Leo asked to imagine what it would be like to become a beer bottle, a pine cone, a kangaroo or to turn into the entire human race, or the entire planet. Exactly! That's a planetary consciousness as I see it. Peter Russell talked about a different yet similar idea in his documentary The Global Brain, from the 80s! And Bruce Lipton said that we are not even humans until we create humanity as a single organism in what he calls fractal evolution. Similar ideas can be found in all major religions as the prediction of a new earth and in New Age teachings such as the Law of One which describes the evolution into collective consciousness (social memory complex).
  7. And it's more than just psychedelic effects. Leo said that what we call material reality is pure mind. That's the same explanation as my model. I define mind as the content experienced in and as consciousness. And that's all there is! So to produce changes such as healing and dissolving the ego it's then useful to take the perspective of physical reality as pure information. And information can change very quickly. Like in a video game where the world is information, although that's a second order form of information. The fundamental information is what everything is made of, including the hardware the game is played on and including the human body. Leo maybe means that mind is prior even to information. It's still the same idea as my model with perhaps some differences such as the nature of change and time. In my model there isn't even any change from a nondul perspective. And time is a result of changeless information being manifested instantly. The appearance of chance is a result of the information being infinite so there is no end to time.
  8. My plan is to use mindfulness instead of psychedelics, but it may be useful to learn how psychedelics work in case milder similar effects can be achieved through mindfulness practice.
  9. Both capitalism and socialism keep humanity trapped in the lower stages of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Most people have little or no change of rising even up from the bottom levels. Automation allows humanity to work at higher levels while robotics and AI take care of supplying for the lower stages.
  10. A recent quote from Shunyamurti which I think illustrates how what I mean by nondual causality works. At the personal stage we believe we as separate individuals are the causes of things. That's the false self. In actuality it's all of reality as a single process doing everything.
  11. So what is biological death? First it must be established what biology is. On a material level biology can be seen as a second order structure. And the first order structure is inorganic matter. And the third order structure is artifacts created by humans and by animals such as a beehive or a beaver dam for example. It's possible to go one step deeper and define the foundational structure as pure information. Information is difference. And one bit of information is a single difference. And information on the fundamental level is indestructible in my model. So there is nothing that actually dies! It's just that an increase of information leads to change of the manifested world including biological organisms dying. What is possible then is to take a perspective of pure information and consciousness. And from that perspective biology is real yet it's a second order construct, similar to how a toy house can be built out of Lego bricks. This means that reality may not be limited to only physical reality including biology, since those are "just" structures made out of a deeper foundation. And so biological death is an appearance and not a separate event. No individual person has ever died since fundamentally there are no separate individuals, only individual perspectives. It's all information being experienced now. And to overcome even physical death means to realize the deeper foundation of information. That structure is already there but what happens at the personal stage is that we remain stuck on the level of higher order structures. We believe for instance that physical particles are building blocks having their own causality. At the deeper foundation causality is nondual and physical particles are first order structures emerging out of that holistic causality.
  12. I don't fully understand Leo's explanation of death. He seems to say that physical death is inevitable yet that death is also just a mental idea. An idea that came to me is that yes, physical death is inevitable at the personal stage. And that physical death is impossible at the transpersonal stage in the sense I define it. Because my version of the transpersonal stage is that we become the whole planet as a single collective consciousness. So to physically die at the transpersonal stage means that the whole planet Earth dies. Won't happen I think. And that's just the first stage. The next evolutionary transpersonal stage is a galactic collective consciousness and so on.
  13. Leo has this video about death. He says in the introduction that some of what he is going to say about death is going to sound outrageous. I will compare again what he says to my idea of death. I think my idea is even more outrageous! It may be that Leo has a real understanding though. I only have theories so far. My idea is that even physical death can - and will - be overcome.
  14. @Preety_India Sociopathy is tricky. Because for example teenagers can do stupid things, not because of sociopathy but because of the stage of personal development they are at.
  15. Leaving carts because of lack of punishment. At lower stages of ego development reward and punishment is needed. Even in Christianity God is often portrayed as a man in the sky delivering rewards and punishment. At those stages it's necessary to have God like that because people at those stages don't understand other ways of controlling things. I think it's a similar mechanism in crowds and in riots. The crowd can turn into a violent mob when the mechanism of punishment is removed from personal responsibility. People at higher stages of development will not turn into mobs. That's my theory.
  16. I think they are overreacting, but I can understand that they want to better be safe than sorry. It's tricky for Google/YouTube since they are damned if the do (being accused of being Orwellian) and damned if the don't (being accused of inaction of potential danger).
  17. A fatal "mistake" spiritual teachers have made I think is to only have the I Am dimension as a mental state. And their bodies are treated as something separate and they age and die. In this way they become total losers in my opinion. There isn't anything natural by biological birth and death. What we need to do instead is to expand the I Am dimension into the body, and then expand our physical body so that it becomes the whole planet Earth. Birth, death, reincarnation, heaven and hell, those are all insane beliefs.
  18. The I Am state is coherent and what Shunymurti talks about in this short clip is the coherence of the I Am state it seems to me. And that state creates a morphogenetic effect he says.
  19. The I Am dimension is simply, as many spiritual teachers have pointed out, consciousness itself. Consciousness is already free from separations and confusion. So it's that clarity of direct consciousness that is the I Am state. I usually miss the I Am state and remain trapped in thinking and doing. But it's really simple. It's just that it has to be noticed that the I Am state is a dimension untouched by thoughts. Of course there is a connection between thinking and consciousness since everything is one wholeness. The distinction is that consciousness is the state that is already whole while the content in consciousness, including thoughts, is duality and change.
  20. Roger Castillo talks in this video about how when we are caught up in thinking it's possible to step into I Am that is outside of the topic. And he said that this can be done regardless of whether we agree or not with a certain topic he is talking about. I found that to be a powerful insight. That regardless of whether I agree with Roger on something or not I can recognize the I Am dimension which is free from the thinking mind.
  21. Why have politicians been lying about how money functions (or at least presented it in a whitewashed way)? My answer is: because people can't handle the truth! And politicians can't upset the citizens because there hasn't been any alternative to the private banking sector totally dominating money. The exciting news is that with CBDCs (central bank digital currencies) there is an alternative to the capitalist commercial bank model. And we should expect politicians to start changing their positions and become more open about the problems with the current money model now that there is an alternative on the horizon. So politicians are doing the right thing when they are "lying" (by omission).
  22. Another thing Leo said in the third video about personal development is that we cannot manipulate our way to ego transcendence. I think Leo is correct. Because the personal stage cannot be transcended through personal stage actions. And Leo said that we need a new paradigm shift in our approach, and it's unknown what that is, he said. My approach is to aim for a collective consciousness. It's unknown if that is the correct approach or if it's correct how it will work, but that's the best guess I have so far. It would certainly be a paradigm shift!