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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. @DocWatts My idea is that it's 100% of the population that has to be looked at. Granted, my Yellow stage Spiral Dynamics thinking is shallow and lacking in many areas including in politics. So my view may be unrealistic. The real situation is probably extremely complicated.
  2. @Forestluv Okay, yes that should be enough too, that because of lack of (or insufficient) evidence the legal cases have been dismissed. Biden can point to that. My scenario was in case some of the cases made it to court.
  3. @DocWatts But in case it turns out that there was nothing more than the usual voting fraud by individual citizens, even then it would be good for Biden since it will 1) prove (as far as the legal procedures go) that Biden won fair and square, and 2) that Trump's claims were indeed baseless. Even most Republicans will recognize that.
  4. @DocWatts I was thinking that there will be a more stable psychological foundation among the American people and indeed around the whole world by having the issue settled in court. Biden could even explain it to the whole nation, that in order to bring the country together the U.S. courts looking into the claims by the other side will be beneficial for the nation as a whole. People on the political right will of course continue to oppose Biden, but in their deeper subconscious psychological strata there will the knowing that the issue has been settled in court in a fair and unbiased way. That's a more stable and robust foundation than having people on the right remaining uncertain on a subconscious level.
  5. @Carl-Richard That's a good point. I have been thinking of: what is the definition of definition? Sounds almost funny but it shows the inherent circular problem with scientific models. And Leo has already talked a lot about consciousness as direct subjective experience which is prior to any models. But I wanted bring up the question about life vs nonliving objects in science. Life is because of consciousness! That was the realization that came to me today.
  6. If Biden is serious about uniting the American people he should support legal investigation into voting fraud, even if it only will show minor and the usual fraud by a handful of individual citizens. Otherwise many people on the political right will remain very upset and the American people kept severely divided. And looking into the voting legally is only something that can be done this month or early December I assume and after that it's too late and people will remain uncertain.
  7. I will look into collective consciousness a bit more. That's one of the keys I think of a true transpersonal stage. It's also an evolutionary leap into a larger holon level where the whole of humanity becomes one single multi-multi-organism. But there is an important difference between multicellular organisms and a collective consciousness. After we have entered a planetary holon we will after say thousands of years (or sooner or later) take a leap into the galactic holon. So each of us individual humans are not like disposable "cells" in the planetary consciousness. Instead each of us becomes the whole collective consciousness of the planet and then later of the whole galaxy and so on.
  8. Another observation is that to say that the map is not the territory is only a surface conceptual distinction. The map and the territory are actually one at the more fundamental level of reality. It gets almost absurd at that level. For example a thought and a physical iPhone are the same content experienced in consciousness so even such different things on the ordinary experiential level are one at the fundamental level of reality. And it's more than just semantics I think.
  9. One thing Leo perhaps didn't mention is that science has a problem with defining life. I think it's really simple! Life requires consciousness. If there is manifestation without consciousness, then that manifestation is lifeless. So life isn't distinguished by organic vs inorganic matter. Instead life is the result of consciousness being aware of manifested reality. Or maybe Leo has already included a similar explanation his videos.
  10. How to access the intelligence of akasha? One interesting possibility, which I believe is the truth, is that consciousness is the infinite observing the finite manifestation of the unmanifested. And the unmanifested is infinite intelligence. So the infinite intelligence flows from consciousness and out into the world. And the intelligence that guides the direction of our attention also flows from consciousness. Creation and evolution flow from consciousness into the manifested world. So we already have access to the infinite intelligence, or more correctly we are it.
  11. @Thewritersunion I've got popcorn ready. Can't the show begin already? I want legal cases!!!
  12. This is basically an unfinished remix. I wanted to test new demo software to hear what it sounded like.
  13. I think of making personal plans as crystallized ego activities. But Leo's new video made think of how the transpersonal stage transcends and includes the crystallized ego. And that can include the ability make personal plans. Leo talked about the importance of being clear about what one's vision is. It was in relation to whether to go to college but to me it also applies to personal plans in general. And even moving to the transpersonal stage can be visualized as a personal plan, even when it involves developing a collective consciousness.
  14. Disclaimer: This is my own prediction. It should not be taken as an intent to spread disinformation. And it's a speculative one in case Trump is correct. Is Donald Trump correct about there having been massive voter fraud? Seems doubtful to me. But I will give him the benefit of the doubt until the matter is settled in court. So I will predict the following: If it turns out that Trump is correct, then that would be a huge shock. I read that the NSA has a system called Hammer that can intercept electronic votes and change them on the fly. Has the NSA used Hammer in that way? My strong conviction is that the intelligence community is operating according to the law. First of all, they can do a lot within the law that regular people are not allowed to do. Secondly, to as an organization commit crime is long-term self-destruction and doing illegal things makes one vulnerable from attack. The intelligence community is most likely smarter than to fool around with illegal means. Thirdly, the intelligence community is I believe immune to blackmail which significantly reduces the risk for corruption. However, it may be within the law for the NSA to use Hammer in that way as a legal method to trick real corrupt powers in society. So for example they could have used Hammer in the 2016 election to actually change votes (or seemingly change votes) to make the DNC believe that they could get away with something similar in 2020. The same with how the FBI allowed the sloppy FISA warrant based on DNC's Steele dossier to go through (the DOJ has a report about how many "mistakes" were made in that FISA case). And it's similar to how the FBI/CIA may allow a big drug deal to take place and then just after the deal has been made they send in a SWAT team and arrest the drug dealers.
  15. Is Donald Trump correct about there having been massive voter fraud? Seems doubtful to me. But I will give him the benefit of the doubt until the matter is settled in court. If it turns out that Trump is correct, then that would be a huge shock. I read that the NSA has a system called Hammer that can intercept electronic votes and change them on the fly. Has the NSA used Hammer in that way? My strong conviction is that the intelligence community is operating according to the law. First of all, they can do a lot within the law that regular people are not allowed to do. Secondly, to as an organization commit crime is long-term self-destruction and doing illegal things makes one vulnerable from attack. The intelligence community is most likely smarter than to fool around with illegal means. Thirdly, the intelligence community is likely immune to blackmail which significantly reduces the risk for corruption. However, it may be within the law for the NSA to use Hammer in that way as a legal method to trick real corrupt powers in society. So for example they could have used Hammer in the 2016 election to actually change votes (or seemingly change votes) to make the DNC believe that they could get away with something similar in 2020. The same with how the FBI allowed the sloppy FISA warrant based on DNC's Steele dossier to go through. And it's similar to how the FBI/CIA may allow a big drug deal to take place and then just after the deal has been made they send in a SWAT team and arrest the drug dealers.
  16. I now suspect that all spiritual teachers, spiritual traditions, religions and science are trapped in in a delusion. Because it seems to me that there is no past other than now. So when spiritual teachers talk about what they have done in the past, or about anything that has happened in the past, they are deluding themselves. And it gets even trickier. The spiritual teachers themselves only exist in the now. So there is no Eckhart Tolle or Ramana Maharshi other what exists now. There is no history other than what exists now. Nobody has actually done anything in the past.
  17. One new practice I discovered is to use feelings instead of thinking. At first when I tried it I experienced confusion and almost like a blank mind. Then after a while I did manage to do things without thinking. It's just an experiment and it's uncertain whether it's a useful practice or not. It's a vague experience yet also a bit clearer mind behind the confusion. And it makes my actions pause now and then. A mix of good and bad effects. If the practice improves I will continue with it, otherwise I will probably abandon it.
  18. @Leo Gura Leo, if I remember correctly, you said that science has a mistaken notion of time. One major mistake I believe is that in science it's taken for granted that there is a past outside of the now, yet our direct experience is of the past as information in the now and only in the now. So the belief that there is a past outside of the now is actually a redundant concept.
  19. Satya Yuga is similar to the new earth teachings, and I actually think it's the same thing with different labels. Brian Scott has this new video:
  20. Shunyamurti talked about Prometheus who stole fire from the gods and was punished to suffer. To me that's the same symbolism as the Tower of Babel where humanity in its fallen state started building a tower which in my mind represents the development of our civilization and fire is an early form of technology, The suffering then is a result of us humans in our personal stage using akasha in our own ways instead of realizing that the akasha is already infinitely intelligent. And that trick of "separation from God" was as I described earlier a necessary stage for humanity.