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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. Where in Spiral Dynamics does Trump belong? The Democrats are basically at the green value system. Trump represents red, blue and orange. But he belongs to more than that. How can he make deals with North Korea's dictator and get away with it? The answer I think is because Trump is also at the integral second tier levels. Trump is making and aiming for win-win deals. That's a second tier trait, let's say at yellow. The same with his previous support of the Democrats and ability to get along with people across the whole spectrum, from Oprah Winfrey to Sean Hannity (well, that's maybe not the best examples but you get the point). At the same time Trump is seemingly very confrontational. That would be a first tier trait unless as I believe he is doing it with a deliberate intention in a strategy of transcend and include everybody, not only for the U.S. but also globally, so it's a turquoise trait! Many people are still at the first tier and they only, to generalize it, understand conflict and zero-sum win-lose deals such as game theory. And Trump needs to communicate at that level and at the same time uphold a global scope win-win strategy which requires holistic thinking.
  2. Great! I will check out Ocke de Boer. Gurdjieff had some method called Intentional Suffering. And yes, I'm doing a lot of body awareness practice in combination with the dry fast which has been going on for 24 hours now with only fairly mild hunger pangs and thirst. I guess that's a kind of conscious suffering when I do the body awareness practice.
  3. Yay! Now I have been without food and water for 14 hours. I know, that's tiny but one of the biggest challenges is the habit of eating and drinking, so I'm satisfied with the result so far. And the psychology of eating and drinking habits is culturally and biologically very deep and Kevin describes as a hypothesis from about 9 minutes into this video why some people starve to death while others survive without food:
  4. Here is mega skeptic James Randi's take on breatharianism: Sorry Randi, the breatharianism Nassim Haramein described is not about living on air or sunlight alone. Instead it's the cosmic breath of the vacuum energy in "empty" space. Actually, Nassim said that even when we eat it's not clear that the food provides all the energy that's used in the body.
  5. Trump needs to be very tough. That's consistent with second tier in Spiral Dynamics. Or as Ken Wilber said, if people would have protested peacefully in the streets of Nazi Germany they would have been run over by tanks. So Trump needs to be tougher than the mob mosses, tougher than the military generals etc.
  6. I like some of Bernie Sanders' ideas such as taxing Wall Street although I don't know if it would work in practice. I also like the leftist ideas about having a strong social safety net. Bernie is also against crony capitalism and special interest deals like Trump. And Trump will probably move more towards the political center and could even get some of the Bernie supporters. Especially if as I believe mainstream media will soon recontextualize Trump as the tide turns and the Democrats having to defend their Trump-Russia investigation stunt.
  7. And then there is the Mueller investigation fiasco. Mainstream media kept on pumping out rumors about how Trump was guilty and how Mueller would prove it. I was ranting and raving, screaming (well, not actually screaming but metaphorically): "Trump is innocent!" And what did the Mueller report actually show? That Trump is innocent!
  8. Media often uses old footage in combination with new stories. Very deceptive. And: ""Those cages that were shown — I think they were very inappropriate. They were built by President Obama’s administration, not by Trump," Trump said. " -
  9. I haven't researched it yet, but I think that the Trump wall is also for human trafficking going in the other direction; from the U.S. and via the Mexican border and out into the world. "According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, roughly 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the United States -- that's roughly 2,000 per day." -
  10. I don't know. I heard that there is really horrible human trafficking going on with thousands and thousands of children gone missing each year ending up in child sex rings where they only last around 2 years and then die. Something like that.
  11. One hypothesis I have is that the firm belief in inevitable aging and death is what causes inevitable aging and death. More and more deadly orgone builds up in the body and we can see in elderly people how the body armor has become severe. Actually, Bruce Lipton said that aging is a belief. When Lipton talks about belief here he means deep subconscious beliefs, so it's not just some intellectual surface belief that needs to change. Even the documentary The Secret mentioned the possibility of reversing aging, and even though that documentary may just be New Age woo woo it at least points in the same direction as Bruce Lipton's Biology of Belief.
  12. I have changed my mind about the Trump wall. At first I was totally against it and thought of it like a new Berlin wall, but then later I learned that there is a lot of human trafficking going on, really nasty business, and the Trump wall will be effective for dealing with organized crimes like that.
  13. Do you have any source that confirms that the Trump administration has kept children in cages? The article I linked to is about how the images of children in cages are from the time of the Obama administration.
  14. Wilhelm Reich described the chronic muscle tensions as "body armor". Reich is known for his idea of orgone energy, and there is neutral (OR), positive (POR) and deadly (DOR) orgone energy. The deadly orgone energy is stagnant and rigid. My mistake in the past was to only try to relax the chronic tensions in my body by conscious body awareness without relaxing my mind. As Leo said in the body awareness video, both the mind and the body need to be relaxed at the same time. And I later added awareness of the heart as a key component as well, because our hearts are blocked (we can't feel pain in our hearts). Connecting the body awareness practice with Reich's insights means that what needs to be done for dissolving chronic muscle tensions is to convert the deadly orgone energy inside the body to positive or at least neutral orgone energy. Eckhart Tolle has a great concept called the pain body. And as I see it, the pain body is a result of the mind numbing out too much of the body, which will cause so-called pain body attacks, such as fits of anger to release built up tensions. The problem is that unless the root cause of the pain body is dealt with, tensions and numbness will build up again and again and cause repeated dormant and active pain body cycles. The root cause of the pain body, which in turn is deadly orgone, is the mind's tendency to latch onto fear and seek protection in attempts to avoid confusion. To remove the root cause, the confusion in the mind must be allowed along with dissolving the chronic muscle tensions in the body.
  15. "Several 2014 photos of detained immigrant children in cages went viral in May, and former Obama administration officials rushed to offer explanations. The former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau had even shared the images on Twitter, mistakenly believing they were taken during Donald Trump's presidency." -
  16. Also remember this: North Korea holds military parade without ICBMs - That was Kim sending a message of denuclearization to the world, AND to his own citizens! If Kim would have wanted to appear like a nuclear weapons power publicly to his own people he would have kept the nukes in the military parade. He didn't.
  17. Trump will make a win-win deal with Iran, not start a war. Remember when Alex Jones went bonkers and blamed Trump for having betrayed him by starting a war in Syria. I said that Trump would PREVENT a war in Syria, and that was exactly what happened. Trump is preempting the military industrial complex's attempts of starting new conflicts to fuel their war machine. At the same time Trump needs the military to remain big or else the U.S. economy would collapse. Trump acting confrontational is just that, an act.
  18. A global mind, as Bruce Lipton and Peter Russell (and probably others too) said that we will evolve into has zero fear. Because it's a single mind and to be afraid of oneself is pathological. In contrast, our separate ego minds are MADE of fear. It's absolutely horrible, but it's also a deliberate purpose behind it which as I mentioned earlier is to allow us to develop unique individual personalities. Our very thinking minds are held together by fear. Therefore what needs to happen is that we need to dissolve our entire minds, or as Jesus said, we must lose our selves in order to find our selves in Christ. It's the same idea. Think of it as a sperm dissolving into an egg. The sperm is destroyed but the valuable content of the sperm is preserved, The same will happen with our separate ego minds when they dissolve. We will move into a higher global mind with our personal selves preserved. Traditional mindfulness practice will not cut it here probably. We can nonjudgmentally observe our thoughts as clouds passing over a blue sky until we are blue in the face, and nothing will happen! We need to JUDGE our thoughts and recognizes that all of them are tainted by fear and that they must all dissolve.
  19. It's incredible how stern and rigid people are, including myself! That's because we are running around with fearful separate egos. And this sense of isolation is what needs to be transcended in order for us to reach the next evolutionary level. Fear builds up inside us, both on a conscious and subconscious level, as we grow up. Actually, as Bruce Lipton has explained, it starts already when we are growing inside the mother as a fetus where we get programmed with the mother's emotions and reactions to life. Fear controls us when we remain as separate egos. Our mind clings onto fear in its attempt to avoid confusion. Therefore one method for reversing that programming is to embrace confusion wholeheartedly. I experience a rather nasty feeling of fear when I focus on my confusion. My mind is afraid of confusion! I will practice this a bit more to see if my theory is correct and that focusing on confusion consciously will dissolve the fear over time. I have already posted a link to this video where Leo talks about body awareness, but it's worth repeating because that's a major and practical method for how to dissolve fear even deep down into the subconscious levels:
  20. Then what about all the New Age teachings floating around today, are they valid? I can only judge from my own current model, which might be wrong, but yes! The idea of moving from third density to fourth density is exactly what global collective consciousness is about and is also exactly what the major religions mean by a new earth. But what about time travel and different timelines? That's things often mentioned in New Age today. Those are according to my model false beliefs. Actual time travel is impossible. Prove me wrong; travel back 1 hour into the past and meet your past self and then travel with both your past and present selves back to the present. You couldn't do it? That's exactly my point. Nassim Haramein said that he doesn't believe that the smallest time scale the universe is capable of is the Planck time but that this tiny unit seems to be a limit within our universe, he said. I believe that's correct. The quantum computer that is the entire multiverse tree has infinite resolution of time, but each universe has a Planck time limit. This means that since our Big Bang there has been an exact limited amount of Planck time "ticks". Which in turn also means that we can never turn back the clock, nor can we move the clock into the future. There is always the eternal now flowing forward as a single timeline.
  21. "MSNBC host Joe Scarboroughsaid Trump is essentially more like a "centrist Democrat" on social issues.[53]" - A centrist Democrat, I don't think one can get more green than that. More seriously though the Democrats are generally more green than the Republicans.
  22. "In August 2001, Trump changed his party affiliation to Democratic." -
  23. We will see. The North Korea deal is actually amazing and if Trump pulls it off it kind of proves my point. Also, Horowitz will soon deliver his FISA report which I predict will blame the Democrats and show that Trump is innocent. Trump already has the 2020 election in the bag as I see it.
  24. In my model the biology in our universe is artificial. Actually our entire universe is artificial since it's a part of an enormous ever expanding quantum computer. This is different than the simulation hypothesis that some experts have proposed, because the multiverse tree of black/white hole universes is the quantum computer itself, not a simulation. Still, it's useful to think of the universe in terms of a computer simulation. What is possible to do in a video game? Could you manifest bread out of thin air and make a galaxy appear by clicking your mouse or gamepad? Of course you could. The same with our universe. So when Jesus said that if we had but the faith of a mustard seed we could tell a mountain to jump into the sea, and it would do that, literally. So if my hypothesis is correct, we are in for one helluva shock that will make the miracles in the Bible look like child's play. Yet, we will likely only be able to tap into a tiny bit of that power in the beginning or else we would cause havoc in the world. And after that it will take a long time to learn how to wield more and more of that manifestation power safely.
  25. The new earth means I think eternal life. This can be a VERY scary concept at first. Usually we have the firm belief that we all will die some day. The new earth idea makes the idea of certain death shaky. In the future death and taxes are uncertain. Just that possibility alone is enough to upset one's whole belief system. Is uncertainty about death better than a belief in certain death? Well, I claim that such uncertainty is a rational state and that the belief in certain death, although our entire official history on earth supports it, is irrational. We cannot just extrapolate the past into the future, especially not these days when evolution kicks into high gear due to exponential progress (even transhumanists talk about achieving eternal life soon). The ego mind hates uncertainty, and for a good reason. With fear there is at least a possibility of turning it into some constructive action even if it's just about seeking more and more protection. With uncertainty on the other hand there nothing that can be done. BUT, there is one huge thing uncertainty can do and that is to start dissolving firmly held beliefs, such as the belief in certain death.