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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. The idea of dissolving the separate ego mind into a global mind might seem like the Borg in Star Trek. It's totally different. "The Borg Queen is the focal point within the Borg collective consciousness and a unique drone within the Collective, who brings "order to chaos", referring to herself as "we" and "I" interchangeably." - The Borg is a hive mind where the individuals in it are drones without individual will or wants. Totally horrible if that was what a global collective consciousness of humanity is. Instead the human global mind is transcend and include: "Consistent with Wilber's theme of “transcend and include,” each structure of consciousness remains with humanity even as history moves forward and newer structures come into ascendance." - If my idea is correct our individual ego minds will actually dissolve, and that's why Jesus said: "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it." - Matthew 16:25 It's not about a physical death but the dissolving of the separate ego. Christ is the way and the truth and the life, meaning Christ is the evolutionary transcend and include drive for the entire cosmos. Therefore Christ is greater than the planetary mind and even greater than the galactic mind and so on.
  2. When we see a field of flowers and birds in the air, we need to think of them as equally important as the credit cards in our wallet. With our separate egos we have become conditioned to think of our personal finances as incredibly important while we hardly even notice the birds in the air or the field of flowers. Take Maslow's hierarchy of needs and turn it into oneness. Or else the tensions in the body and mind will remain. I'm curious about what Leo will say in the next video about survival.
  3. @Norbert Lennartz Bartering is also a means to action. Money is a more efficient means, but it makes society function like a mechanical machine. It's necessary! I agree with that, but look at how mechanical the world is today. So it seems to me that the next step in the evolution of humanity includes transcending the need for money as a compulsory tool. Ray Kurzweil has predicted that we will have a technological singularity already around the year 2045! That may be a too optimistic prediction but the progress of technology is exponential so we will see what happens. Money will be necessary for many years to come, so the trick is to retrain the body-mind to deal with money without the habitual worry, fear, greed, envy and so on. I think that is what the quotes from Matthew 6 are about.
  4. @Norbert Lennartz But notice that Oneness includes money. So it's not money per se that is evil or something like that. It's when we separate out money as something incredibly special and valuable to us it can become a problem. A sound money system is just fine when used mindfully, although I do believe that we will soon, historically speaking, be able to remove the need for money, just like how money has removed the need for bartering.
  5. Many so-called spiritual people try to accept their own aging and death. That to me seems like delusions. Neither the nonduality path nor the religious paths actually solve the problem. To solve the problem of death we have to conquer death. This is the key for why all spiritual traditions fail so miserably. They try to accept death! In all kinds of forms. And many spiritual teachers even talk about death being inevitable. They are afraid of living forever! So their own minds have deluded themselves to believe death is unavoidable. They are more afraid of living forever than the fear of their own death. To conquer death means to live forever. No gravestone for you. You ARE the universe, so how can you be buried in yourself? Impossible.
  6. In my opinion the Bible has some very advanced messages, such as: "And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well." - Matthew 5:40 If a man asks for your shirt, should you give it to him? No! It's a parable describing a transcendent state using a non-transcendent parable. When we as humanity become One, such situation will not happen, because we then have a collective consciousness who knows what we want.
  7. @Norbert Lennartz Whatever money system we use it will always be a mechanical "middle man" function forcing society to behave like a machine. That's why it says in the Bible: "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." - Matthew 6:24 To "serve God" of course means being one with the whole of reality instead of being fragmented. What did the money changers say when Jesus walked into the temple? Jesus Christ! "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." - Matthew 6:25-33
  8. In the future we will have advanced technology that will remove the need for money. That will probably take a couple of decades though, even with Ray Kurzweil's predictions about accelerating technological progress. So how to deal with money as a spiritual practice? When we treat money as something separate and put tremendous importance on money it produces incredible tensions in our body and mind. A useful practice is therefore to think of money, not as something separate, but as being one with everything else in our lives. And then with body awareness practice we can gradually dissolve the money tensions within us.
  9. Only if that market produces good for all, including for the environment, human health and so on. That's not the case. Take money as a whole system for example. The monetary system as a whole is a win-win for the whole society. Money is only a limited form of win-win however since it turns us humans into slaves to the money system, like batteries that are sucked dry during our lifetimes to fuel the system and then discarded. Not good.
  10. Leo described in a video one important concept called win-win-win. In our ordinary separate ego lives we often think of reality as win-lose; that in order for us to be successful, others have to lose, like in a lottery where if I win others have to lose. I have often used the term win-win to describe the situation where instead of zero-sum there is benefit for everybody. That's however not the whole story, since there can be win-win situations where two parties win, while the third party loses. And even situations where two criminal organizations win while the rest of the entire society loses. So instead of win-win, a more complete description is win-win-win which means that there is win not only for me and you doing some deal, but that it also includes win for everybody. Win-win-win is precisely what global collective consciousness is about where humanity as a whole wins including all us individual humans. It's a leap to a higher level of intelligence than our current world which is full of conflict and misery because of win-lose and limited win-win situations.
  11. Excellent question. Get ready. I will take you close to the tinfoil hat border. If you believe about Trump: "Orange man bad" you might want to stop reading right now, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye. My beliefs: Nobody died in the 9/11 attacks. 3,000 people missing from the official death records on September 11, 2001, and no planes hit anything. Just CGI fakery. The JFK assassination was staged, and JFK later became Jimmy Carter. Donald Trump is a CGI simulation, and so is Barack Obama, Edward Snowden and Mark Zuckerberg, to name just a few. It's all a big controlled opposition show. Alex Jones is controlled opposition but also presents some hardcore truths, such as: the Vietnam war was just a war game.
  12. Christians claim that we are born in sin. That is true! Whoa, you may think if you are an atheist, born in sin, what kind of crazy claim is that? Sin means to miss the mark. We humans are still missing the mark when we remain in our separate egos. The separate ego is a lie! That's why Satan is the prince of this fallen world. Satan is not an actual being but the principle of believing to be totally separate. And unless we are cleansed from sin and are born again we will burn in hell forever! Of course, hell is not an actual place. Hell is a state of being in sin forever. That won't happen, because everybody will be saved, since one cannot be deluded forever. "For everyone belongs to me, the parent as well as the child—both alike belong to me. The one who sins is the one who will die." - Ezekiel 18:4 "Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life." - John 12:25 "Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again." - John 3:3 The new earth is simply an evolutionary leap where we humans become free from "sin": "He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." - Revelation 21:6-8 Again, the second death is a metaphor for missing the mark forever. Can't happen. And "sexually immoral" doesn't mean things like sex outside marriage: "Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven." - Matthew 22:29-30 Angels can't have sex? Of course angels can have sex. Even the Bible says: "They called to Lot, “Where are the men [angels] who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.”" - Genesis 19:5
  13. I forgot to explain what the future actually is. The future is information in the now. We survive in the now, not in the future, not even a second from now. It's a real mind twister.
  14. That's because the earth is not a whole organism yet. An anthill is a separate holon like how a human is a separate holon. That's similar, fractally speaking, to how cells are separate holons within the larger holon of the human body. On the new earth anthills will probably still be separate holons, while we humans will be the same holon as the whole planet.
  15. Haha! Now I came to realize an incredible fact. How can we survive in the future? The answer is: we can't! Why? Because we will never live in the future. This requires a direct look at what the future actually is.
  16. I got inspired by Leo's latest video about survival. How to deal with personal survival as an individual in global collective consciousness? The answer is: drop all personal survival needs! Why? Because a global collective consciousness means that the individual is automatically included in the survival of humanity as a whole. So the survival is then already taken care of. This might be slightly different than what Bruce Lipton means by humanity becoming a whole single organism. Because compare with the human body, where individual cells can, and do, die by the millions each second. That's similar to, but not exactly the same as what I mean by a global collective consciousness, where we as individuals will become the whole planetary organism, and not just be parts within it, like cells in the human body.
  17. Interesting take on survival in Leo's presentation. I hope part 2 will be about how to transcend the survival drive entirely. What in my life is not about survival? The only thing I can come up with at the moment is: my consciousness! When consciousness means the state of being aware, not the content.
  18. I was also wondering about how he could make that work. Then I heard Nassim explain that it's the surface of the proton that connects with all other protons in the universe. Leonard Susskind and other physicists have talked about how black holes have like pixels of information on the surface. And amazingly, Nassim's prediction of the radius of the proton was 4% off from the standard value, but then later scientists did a more accurate measurement which was basically exactly (within margins of error) the value Nassim's theory predicted!
  19. Nassim Haramein talked about how breatharianism is about the cosmic breath and not just about breathing air. And I came to think of that in an even larger possibility. The vacuum energy is according to Nassim not only something the body already uses. Physical matter is made of vacuum energy. The larger possibility as I see it is that the body can produce physical matter out of the vacuum and also dissolve physical matter back into the vacuum. What this means, then, is that with breatharianism it's not only possible to live without food and water but also possible to eat loads and loads of food and still remain slim! Of course, as Bruce Lipton has said, changing our beliefs changes our biology, but it's about deep subconscious belief and also the collective belief systems we are caught in. So stuffing oneself with huge amounts of junk food will still be unhealthy. And food addiction is still a dysfunction. Nonetheless I think in principle the possibility is there for breatharianism to allow for the whole spectrum of eating; all the way from eating nothing to eating loads and loads of food, if, as I expect, the body can both produce and remove physical matter with the use of vacuum energy.
  20. Spiritual enlightenment has been rare in the past. Evolution is an accelerating process, meaning the development progresses faster and faster throughout history. We can see this in how humanity was hunter-gatherers for 200,000 years, and developed agriculture some 10,000 years ago, and the industrial revolution began centuries ago and the information age decades ago. One mistake many people make, even experts, is to think of progress in linear terms, meaning that the rate of change remains the same. The reality however is that the change is accelerating. This has been explained by Ray Kurzweil: "An analysis of the history of technology shows that technological change is exponential, contrary to the common-sense “intuitive linear” view. So we won’t experience 100 years of progress in the 21st century — it will be more like 20,000 years of progress (at today’s rate)." - And it's not only accelerating progress of technology but of all of life, including spiritual progress. If spiritual enlightenment is an actual development, we will see more and more people becoming enlightened, and at an accelerating rate. Enlightenment is a dissolving of the separate ego. Think of the separate ego as an egg within which the individual personality grows and develops. It comes a time when the separate personality has grown enough and the ego shell can be removed by life. Several teachers have described how the separate ego causes tensions in the body. Ken Wilber for example described how the ego can be felt as a tension behind the eyes. Eckhart Tolle has a useful concept called the pain body. And Alan Watts described the ego as tensions throughout the whole body. In my experience the ego tensions cause a numbing out of the physical body. And pain and emotional suffering arise as nature's attempt to prevent too much numbing out of the body caused by the ego tensions. So the pain and suffering are useful warning signals and this can be used for a spiritual practice of conscious suffering. It's clear that, even if the claims about a new earth are false (I believe they are true), nature is indicating that change is needed and produces pain and suffering as a signal for that. The totally separate ego has to be removed! We have, collectively as humanity, been there, done that and got the "I am separate" T-shirt. And we can actually use the ego mind (similar to Ramana Maharshi's splinter to remove a splinter) to remove the ego tensions in the body and mind by repeated practice of putting conscious attention into the body and notice numbness, tensions, pain, emotional and mental suffering. The conscious suffering will gradually reverse the numbing out of the body so that the tensions, pain and suffering dissolve over time.
  21. In addition to Peter Russell and Bruce Lipton having talked about a global consciousness, Eckhart Tolle has written a whole book called A New Earth, and he said that the title is inspired by the new earth in the Bible (see the first post in this thread about all major religions having that concept). And recently I found that Dolores Cannon has talked about a new earth. And maybe we shouldn't be fooled by the New Age framing of teachings like that. Because all those experts may know more than what they are telling us the public and that we need to be spoon fed with information to be able to digest it, often with metaphors, plus timing is also important. People must be ready to receive the information.
  22. From a personal perspective I can clearly see that my own separate ego mind is painfully limited and isolated. Full of fear and uncertainty. So I want to have global collective consciousness activated in myself as soon as possible. And one great thing with that is that there is ZERO envy and zero fear about others achieving that before me. And not only that; it REQUIRES that others enter global consciousness too or it won't happen. Instead of being selfish as in the separate ego consciousness one can be Selfish, meaning the Self is everybody as a collective whole. But isn't personal spiritual enlightenment enough to become free of fear and isolation? Maybe enlightenment can remove the fear but there will still be an isolation on a personal level without an actual global collective consciousness. EDIT: OR, another interesting possibility I just came to think of, is that personal spiritual enlightenment is precisely that which will be necessary, or at least one of the paths, as a foundation for the emergence of a global collective consciousness.
  23. I have forgotten to explain the difference between a global system, such as a world government and international cooperation even at system thinking turquoise Spiral Dynamics level, and a global collective consciousness. The main difference is that no matter how evolved and developed such global system becomes, it's still making us humans dependent on an external structure. The global collective consciousness on the other hand is a subjective personal power within each person. What will happen is actually both! Because the external system, such as the internet and international politics, is a result of our unique human history, and has enormous value from a cosmic perspective, not because other civilizations in the universe haven't invented things like the iPhone and Coca-Cola, but because our inventions, technology, cultures, art and so on are unique. Also, the external system will soon provide amazing automation such as AI and robotics, freeing us from having to do tedious work. And some benevolent space aliens cannot just land on the White House lawn and give us Star Trek tech, because that would be a violation of a real "Prime Directive" and would be detrimental for our own growth and development as a civilization. Many alternative experts have talked about that the universe has immense intelligence and is not just some dumb mechanical machine. And therefore what needs to happen is that this vaster intelligence of the universe brings planet earth to its next evolutionary level, and that evolution has its origin in our personal consciousness. J. Krishnamurti used to say: "thinking together". Maybe he was onto something or even knew about a collective consciousness. Just a note on cultures: Much of our cultures is today a cause of conflict. What will happen is that the good things (the baby) in the cultures will be preserved while bathwater will been thrown away.
  24. Wow. This is amazing. Just as I expected. David Jubb explains in this video that biology can produce minerals out of cosmic energy: What Jubb called cosmic energy it seems to me is obviously vacuum energy: "Vacuum energy is an underlying background energy that exists in space throughout the entire Universe. This behavior is codified in Heisenberg's energy–time uncertainty principle. Still, the exact effect of such fleeting bits of energy is difficult to quantify. The vacuum energy is a special case of zero-point energy that relates to the quantum vacuum.[1]" -
  25. Now I have something that's not just my own speculation. The Omega Point theory by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin is a similar idea it seems: "The Omega Point is a spiritual belief and a scientific speculation that everything in the universe is fated to spiral towards a final point of divine unification.[1] The term was coined by the French Jesuit Catholic priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955).[2] Teilhard argued that the Omega Point resembles the Christian Logos, namely Christ, who draws all things into himself, who in the words of the Nicene Creed, is "God from God", "Light from Light", "True God from true God", and "through him all things were made"." - The Omega Point also produces evolution: "Evolution does not end with mankind: Earth's biosphere evolved before humans existed. Teilhard describes evolution as earth's "hominization" in which one-cell organisms develop into metazoans, or animals, but some of the members of this classification develop organisms with complex nervous systems. This group has the capability to acquire intelligence. When Homo sapiens inhabited Earth through evolution, a noosphere, the cognitive layer of existence, was created. As evolution continues, the noosphere gains coherence. Teilhard refers to this process as "planetization"." - The collapse of the multiversal wavefunction can be simplified to simply choosing a point (the Omega Point) among all possible points. Neo: But if you already know, how can I make a choice? The Oracle: Because you didn't come here to make the choice, you've already made it. You're here to try to understand *why* you made it. I thought you'd have figured that out by now. The choice of the Omega Point can be modeled as information. And with each point represented by a string of information, the Omega Point is one out of all possible information strings. Notice that the Omega Point is timeless, so the "choice" is something that just is. And we will never reach the end of the Omega Point since it's infinite, And the simplest information representation of the Omega Point is as an infinite binary string. This explains why time moves forward instead of backwards because the string has a start but not an end, and it is this never ending expansion of information that we experience as time.