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@Zigzag Idiot Wow, yes what Almaas wrote sounds like what I mean. Enlightenment becomes very easy to explain theoretically with the self as a unique point. In our ordinary separate ego identification, we ARE the the ego having a physical body and other possessions. In enlightenment we are a unique point within the totality having an ego and a physical body and so on. In theory, that is. I will do some mindfulness practice about this. In actual daily living I'm still identified with my ego.
Is it possible to integrate an individual self with what some nonduality teachers say that there is no self. Yes! Think of the individual self as a unique point within the totality of reality. That point is nothing in itself yet it is a self through which reality manifests. And it fits with the nonduality claim that there is no doer, since a point cannot do anything. Yet, another equally valid perspective is that the individual is the whole of reality and its creative process localized at the unique point of the self. And yet another perspective which I think is valid is that the unique point is also the person's eternal soul. Point here is used in the mathematical sense: "A precise location or place on a plane. Usually represented by a dot."
I came to think that what I call mental enlightenment is actually enough. Because the evolutionary leap in biology and stuff will be an automatic consequence of a critical mass of enlightened people in the world. I came to this conclusion using the realization that "nobody is a doer" as the criteria for enlightenment. That's a purely mental conditioning. Of course, there has to be a change into the deeper subconscious levels of the conditioning of the mind, but still it's about the mind, not necessarily about the biology of the body. And actually, for example Eckhart Tolle has hinted about higher levels of existence on earth: "... when collective human consciousness becomes transformed, nature and the animal kingdom will reflect that transformation. Hence the statement in the Bible that in the coming age “The lion shall lie down with the lamb.” This points to the possibility of a completely different order of reality." - The Power of Now, ch. 9
Another realization I got, which is an obvious one, but I hadn't thought of it in the bigger picture before, is that our individual egos are a result of the collective ego of the society we live in. And then I started wondering how the heck we would be able to evolve out of that trap. But then I heard Roger Castillo mentioning that the ego will automatically start to be removed from people when we become aware and learn the new conditioning he is talking about. Roger is a "disciple" of Ramesh Balsekar, who was a very hardcore nonduality teacher, so the new conditioning might appear somewhat nihilistic at first, but seen from an evolutionary perspective it becomes a full picture for me. The new conditioning is the realization that nobody is a doer in the ultimate sense. So that's what will happen! If that's the truth, and I think it is the truth, then more and more people, including myself, will automatically become reconditioned.
@Zigzag Idiot Very good point. Knowledge is power, or applied knowledge as someone said, so by keeping information to themselves those in power can more easily maintain their power by suppressing and spinning the information given to the masses. Even religious texts! I do however think that there is a lot of advanced truth in the religious texts, but often hidden in symbolism and metaphors.
Oh! I just got a realization. If the ego is a delusion, then our whole history of humanity is ALSO a delusion! The world including humanity is a big effin' collective ego. That explains why I haven't found any people who fully have transcended the ego, in the sense of also transcending their biology. It's a necessary collective ego delusion for the purpose of making us grow and develop on our own as a civilization. And with all of history being created now it shows how things can begin to change very quickly in the world once we start to see through reality.
Without fear the ego would harm itself and others. Uncontrolled desires cause the separate ego to behave irresponsible. The problem with fear is that it becomes prolonged or chronic and causes the biology of the body to deteriorate. Bruce Lipton said that fear causes cells to wall themselves off from the environment. That's fine for temporary situations but the problem is that a lot of the fear is chronic. I also suspect that chronic fear is what causes the tensions in the body and mind. The ego seeks to protect itself from all kinds of known and unknown dangers. Ultimately, fear is a delusion since total separation is an illusion. But the fear is necessary to protect the ego, and the ego is a necessary illusion to make us develop individual personalities. And desires are only dangerous when they are misguided. In order to transcend the ego, the fear needs to be removed together with the desires becoming healthy. In principle it should be possible to drop the ego when realizing that it's a false construct only necessary as a learning tool. And when dropping the ego, the fear is removed and the desires become safe, and the tensions in the body dissolve. I will experiment with some mindfulness practice about transcending my ego.
Today I have experienced more suffering in the form of tensions in the body and also numbness. Nasty. I still think it's useful though and a part of making the tensions and the numbness conscious. So my guess is that the suffering was there even before, when I didn't notice it.
A simplified view is that the cosmic breath is automatic. This can be tested! If the hypothesis is correct and that the cosmic breath determines the outcomes and is automatic we should be able to relax our sense of free will. It's a bit tricky, because if it's destined that the sense of personal choice will remain it will remain. But I don't see how the illusion can be maintained forever, so the apparent choice of letting go of choice will emerge according to my idea.
Another seemingly amazing thing which I haven't heard Leo mentioning yet is that reality is changeless! Because otherwise there would have to be a "changer" some form of active agent with choice and that which is changed. Or reality changing itself, which also is impossible since what is remains what is or it would be something else. It's only seemingly incredible. Think of reality as a video file. Change appears when we play the video, yet the video itself is only timeless information without change. And the cosmic "video file" is infinite timeless and changeless information blasting into existence now. To believe that change is possible is to believe that there is a separate God, agent or principle, which is a false belief.
When looking at the totality of the universe NOTHING is random. Because the slightest change of the initial conditions of a nonlinear system can lead to a total mess later on due to the butterfly effect. The same with actual free will, which would cause a mess if it existed. What this means is that the universe is deterministic BUT not necessarily only cause and effect from the past to the future. The separate ego is therefore a lie together with its strive for survival. And the tensions in the body are a result of the ego lie. A realization of the ego lie, should in principle, automatically remove the ego tensions. But the realization must be total, and not just intellectual.
It's important to have as accurate view of the functioning of the physical body as possible, because even with consciousness potentially being able to change the body, the biology is where the rubber meets the road. And science today is skeptical about additional properties of water - which could be a too limited/incomplete view - not just skeptical about the DNA replication in water discovered by the Nobel Prize winning scientist, but also when it comes to things like water memory and polywater. Dr. Gerald Pollack has even discovered a fourth phase of water. Pollack and his team discovered how the fourth phase of water explains how the blood flows in the capillaries and in the lymphatic system. The physical heart is more like a vortex generator maintaining pressure than a pump doing some heavy lifting. Pollack even said that the fourth phase of water might explain breatharianism! Because it takes energy from the environment such as from infrared heat radiation.
I found that there is some great medical research going on about blood rejuvenation affecting stem cells and so on. However, it might be a bit complicated and seems to involve multiple factors, so science still has more research to do. The good thing is that consciousness can bypass all those complicated issues. Take the placebo effect for example, which is the mind's ability to heal the body by just having a belief in some treatment. That directly shows that there is some kind of immense intelligence guiding the healing process. So I will test just plain simple body awareness practice focusing on the blood flow within my body, together with visualizing blood rejuvenation. The expected result, if the practice works, is that I will experience improved health, energy and tension release, without changing external means such as nutrition or physical exercise.
When we breathe the blood becomes oxygenated. Bruce Lipton said that energy including our consciousness can have an even stronger affect on our biology than molecules. So mindfulness practice affects our biology! Therefore, mindfulness practice should in theory be able to affect the blood as it flows around in our body, in more ways than just changing its oxygen content. Aging is a major cause of disease and results in a gradual deterioration of the body. Scientific experiments have shown that cells grow better in young blood serum than in serum from elderly animals. Blood serum is the liquid in the blood and is a part of blood plasma: "The origin of plasma, which constitutes 55% of total blood, is interesting because no organ produces it. Instead, it is formed from water and salts absorbed through the digestive tract." - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK531504/ Here is a video where the science behind young vs old blood is described: I will do some more research about it and how it can be combined with mindfulness practice.
To elaborate further, let's say that I become enlightened both in body and mind, would I then experience fear in any situation? No, because even the body is then one with the environment. In a situation such as walking in a savanna in Africa and there is a lion there, I would be feeling comfortable and peaceful, because the lion will be friendly since I and the lion and the rest of the environment are one. That must be what the Bible means by the wolf and the lamb feeding together. People who only are enlightened on a mental level will experience the lion as a potential threat and they will even experience fear and a biological fight-or-flight response.
Then a following question is: If the universe really is extremely intelligent, then why the need for struggle? Can't we then for example jump off a tall building and survive? Only in theory. With more development we will be able to jump off a building and fly in the air. However, we are at the moment still bound by the limitations in our world. What can be tested though is removing our survival strategies in a rational manner. One practice I will examine is to drop all my efforts of solving problems and test if that will improve my situation or make it worse.
If the ego causes aging and death, then what about all the people who claim to be enlightened and having lost their ego? That can still be valid, and those enlightened people have lost their egos, but only on the level of mind! Not on the bodily level. AND, this explains why many of the enlightened people can still experience anger and even fear. It's their body that reacts according to its ego patterns. The universe has immense intelligence and can easily heal and rejuvenate the body, it can even shapeshift the physical body. We are the universe, yet still in a very early stage of development here on earth. All the limitations we experience are basically "training wheels" until we have become more developed.
Listen to the little girl's question and notice Sadhguru's reluctance to answer. That's quite telling I think. It's almost like Sadhguru is admitting that something is very wrong with how we live so short lifespans.
It seems to me that the world we live in at the moment is like Plato's cave where everybody grows old and die. Total insanity and horror. And until we face that fact, and move out of the cave, all we do will be just like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
The separate ego causes a lot of thinking with its survival drive. By tapping into higher intelligence all that struggle can be dropped. So then why the ego? The answer is that the ego has been necessary to make us form individual personalities. The theory I'm testing now is that the ego can be dropped when it has served its purpose, like an egg only necessary while the chick grows inside the egg. And to really boost my practice I'm asking the question: does my ego make me survive? And the answer I get is that, no, my ego will kill me! It's the ego that causes aging and death. If I want to live forever I need to drop my ego. So, then, since all people as far as we know officially throughout history have grown old and died, did they all have egos that killed them? My answer is: yes. Remember, all past exists now and only now.
But don't we need to focus on thinking first in order to ensure our survival? I don't think so. First of all, thinking is a limited form of intelligence so we BLOCK our deeper intelligence by limiting our sense of self to thinking alone. And as for IQ, Eckhart Tolle said: "All IQ tests show is your ability to solve little puzzles. Intelligence is so much vaster than that." And Leo hammers this point even more thoroughly in this video: What Is Intelligence? - Infinite Intelligence Explained - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQSUu2CRRBE And consider the trend of the future: first Deep Blue won over the best human player in chess, and then IBM's supercomputer Watson beat the best human players in the game of Jeopardy. And Google's Alpha Go and AlphaStar have beaten top human players in Go and in StarCraft II. Even when artificial intelligence becomes smarter than us in thinking we humans can still remain on top by moving up in abstraction levels. So we can let computers think for us as a tool. And feelings can be a very high abstraction level of intelligence. So my take on it is that we need to REDUCE our thinking and start using feelings more in order to expand our intelligence.
The bad news: Eckhart Tolle said that thinking has become too dominating in our world today. I think it's even worse than that, and that thinking has been hijacked by our industrial and information age. The good news is that we can recognize thinking to be only a part of us, not our whole sense of self. I'm doing this in practice at the moment by focusing on how I feel first and noticing thoughts second. This switches the habitual priority of being fixated on thinking all the time. So far my experience has been that my feelings do increase but that also means increased suffering! Nasty. My goal now is to turn the suffering into pleasant peaceful feelings.
This video by Leo I think is a great explanation of thoughts: Grasping The Illusory Nature Of Thought - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEQTk75XFjU I came to realize that our thoughts are extremely powerful but still, it's just information in the now. Thoughts are bit different than the past and the newness, the novelty in the thoughts are able to suck in oftentimes all our conscious attention. Thoughts too are a part of the cosmic breath! And being aware of the thoughts as only a part of our experience I found to be a useful mindfulness practice. It allows me to move into feelings and sense perceptions more. The trick I found is to cultivate pleasant feelings or else my mind tends to snap back into only thinking again. Easier said than done!
Think of a video file of 1 gigabyte. That video is just timeless information. Similarly, all the past is timeless information in the now. The past is real but there is no actual time in the past, just as there is no actual time in the video file. So the cosmic breath starts now and flows into the future. And the ego too is just timeless information in the now. Both the past and the ego are real but there is no actual time in them. And the ego is merely a part of the past. It's similar to Leo's analogy of the individual being a partition of a hard drive. The partition exists yet it doesn't contain anything in itself and simply marks a region of information. Therefore the cosmic breath is also the realization of oneness.
I have only heard Nassim Haramein briefly mention the cosmic breath. What exactly is the cosmic breath? My take on it is that the cosmic breath is the motion of the vacuum energy. And remarkably, the pilot wave interpretation of quantum mechanics allows motion by vibrations without the need for uncertainty or randomness. This short video illustrates how pilot waves are formed: Hal Puthoff said when talking about zero point energy that there are waves that span the entire universe. I think that the universe is intelligent and with precise control of those "nonlocal" waves it can explain quantum mechanics without the need for uncertainty or randomness.