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@abrakamowse I think they call it communism. Haha. But okay I'm not sure about Trump. This latest voter fraud claim confused me. It has to be something huge or I will support Biden.
@DocWatts But a person at a lower stage in Spiral Dynamics literally doesn't understand the higher stages. So it's impossible to fake a higher stage. It is however possible to play the game of lower stages from a position at a higher stage.
@DocWatts Trump is still in power. I think that a person really at stage Red would have been impeached by now. And I don't believe that the U.S. legal system is somehow conspiring to protect Trump.
@abrakamowse Someone at stage Red can't make it in an Orange society through legal means. If Trump really was at stage Red he would have been sued into oblivion by now. Red behavior is reckless, impulsive and doesn't last long in a society at higher stages.
@abrakamowse I think that the nation as a whole needs to be primarily at Red for that to happen. The U.S. is at stage Orange/Green.
@abrakamowse But if Trump really is at stage Red, is there any other person in position of legal power in the U.S. at stage Red? I don't think so. So something doesn't compute in my opinion about the idea that Trump is actually at stage Red.
@abrakamowse But the U.S. political system is a huge power machine. One cannot just walk in and become a Red dictator I think. A person actually at stage Red wouldn't make it to the first debate. Too much power control involved, and mostly at stage Orange.
@abrakamowse Stage Red?! That would be Pol Pot style dictatorship. I doubt that someone at stage Red can become a U.S. President. Stage Orange, okay that's plausible, but not Red I think.
@abrakamowse Stage Turquoise is beyond my grasp but if Trump wins, that should tell us something. If he loses, well, then he may really be at the first tier of Spiral Dynamics. I will support Biden unless Trump pulls off an amazing stunt and wins.
I came to think about something really tricky. Krishnamurti was questioning thought, and he also said "thinking together" and I have heard him mentioning it also in other speeches. Why questioning thought if thinking together is the same as a collective consciousness as I speculate about? My answer is that even with a global collective consciousness, that's still a separate self! That's still confusion even if the global mind is billions of times more clever than any individual human mind. So it seems that Krishnamurti was pointing out the importance of recognizing the limitation of all thought.
The previous Krishnamurti video wasn't so much about confusion. I will take a look at this other video. The first video was more about conflict and conceptual relationships, which is related to confusion. This second video seems to be more directly about confusion.
I now realized that J. Krishnamurti has already explained confusion in a similar way of being a result of a limited perspective. Interestingly, Sadhguru knows a lot about Krishnamurti.
Instead of nondual causality it can be called infinite causality. How can causality be infinite when I propose that manifested reality is always finite? My reasoning is that the unmanifested is infinite and that's the cause of the manifested reality. A simpler explanation is that causality is according to my current idea not only a result of the past. All of the future is also included in the causes that we experience today. And that's why the crystallized ego is confused! Because it tries to reduce reality into a limited box of knowledge and attempts to control reality from that narrow perspective.
Wow, the Trump team removed Sidney Powell from their legal team. She has made outrageous statements that even I am doubtful about when trying to be radically open-minded. She still may be correct! So I'm not ruling out her claims just yet. I will support Biden unless Trump wins against formidable odds. From a nondual perspective the candidate who wins is the correct choice. Reality doesn't make mistakes.
Regarding Trump, it's not "orange man bad", it's Orange man bad, as in Spiral Dynamics stage Orange. I hope Trump is at Turquoise and not Orange, or I have been duped by con artistry. Of course Orange is actually good too, it's just that it's a lower stage of development.
Should then morality in the form of reward, punishment and external rules be ignored? No! Of course not. That kind of morality is necessary at the personal stage and even very effective and useful. It can be seen as a training and learning tool for ethics. We don't really know how to behave at the personal stage, including myself, so this kind of morality is needed. Ethics is something that will evolve naturally as we move from the personal stage to the transpersonal stage. Meanwhile the usual moral rules and reward and punishment systems are helpful and need to remain and in some cases even be improved upon.
Leo mentioned how morality in the form of reward and punishment is a very low level of consciousness. Exactly! And notice that this is very much how our society still operates. It's completely childish! And also as Leo mentioned, one cannot fake goodness and pretend to be a good person or follow moral rules as a strategy to be genuinely good. That kind of phony goodness is just a facade hiding the actual stage of development a person is at. I think of the difference between morality and ethics as morality being rules to follow and ethics being an intrinsic behavior. So morality is related to the personal stage with reward, punishment and external rules, and the transpersonal stage is based on ethics where the behavior is in harmony with the whole as a fundamental trait.