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Aha! Excellent. I still feel unpleasant feelings instead of peace today, but I got a key insight about how the ego is fueled by agitating emotions and that it seeks to ESCAPE inner peace. How nasty. I need to FIRST seek inner peace and then deal with other things. A shift from focusing on the ego to focusing on a direct feeling of inner peace in the moment. To wait for inner peace. The ego HATES waiting, haha. So that's a potential practicing tool, to consciously wait for inner peace instead of being dragged back into ego thinking.
I feel a lack of inner peace in me today, but I came to think about how that can be used for spiritual practice. The unpleasant feelings and the numbness inside are pointers indicating ego contraction. I can practice putting my attention on how I feel instead of what I think about. The idea is that my subconscious needs to be reconditioned instead of continuing in its usual ego habits which go together with a lack of inner peace.
Even breatharianism as it is often described is a part of the global ego. That's the case when breatharianism is explained with fragmented perspectives, such as living on air or on prana. A better description in my opinion is Nassim Haramein's mentioning of the cosmic breath which is the vacuum energy that drives the entire universe. Even better is to think of life as a wholeness. What does life need to sustain itself? The answer is that life is already sustained! The whole process of life would have to split itself to be sustained by something else, and that's a false duality. So the cosmic breath can be equated with the tree of life when that refers to life as a whole process that includes everything.
Mooji described in the video I posted earlier how we can observe both the ego and what the ego is involved in. I came to think that what happens when we think about our own personal finances for example, our conscious attention becomes totally sucked into our own mental images about our own money and the future etc. Our consciousness loses touch with the wholeness! Eckhart Tolle said that the now is all there is. That sounds simple but it is a useful description. Our ego and our ideas about money and so on are all parts of the now, not separate from it as the ego believes. The practice, then, is to take a step back from what we are thinking about and into the wholeness of the now moment. And from that wholeness perspective we can move in and out of our own ideas, such as thinking about money and personal relationships and all that mess. The main difference is that the ego lacks the wholeness perspective and becomes identified with the mental thoughts themselves and is stuck there!
We cannot love both wholeness and money. The same with other artificial global ego constructs such as laws and calendar time. Those are all partial wholes, not full wholeness. And since they are fruits of the global ego they are made of deadly orgone, which is an overkill of rigid control and a desperate clinging onto things seen from a larger cosmic perspective. So, how, then, to deal with things like money? One idea is to recognize money as serving a useful purpose and also as a global ego construct. We need to transcend and include the global ego. And a way of doing that is to recognize our own personal and desperate clinging onto the idea of money. Basically, think of money as a temporary nuisance only needed in primitive stages of social development. And aim for letting go of the personal attachment to money.
@Zigzag Idiot Yes, that makes sense to me. I see inner peace as a foundation for love. Peace is like neutral orgone and joy is positive orgone. And interestingly it's even possible to add conflict as a layer on top of peace! But that's impossible the other way around; it's impossible to add a layer of genuine peace on top of a foundation of conflict. I think that when we transcend the ego we will still have conflicts and even fear, but since it's on top of a foundation of indestructible peace it's like the entertaining kind of conflicts and fear, such as when playing video games and watching horror movies.
Aging and death are scary to the ego, but isn't the idea of living forever scary too? Oh yes! The thought of living forever is scary as hell to the ego. I have noticed a horribly ghastly feeling of fear related to the idea of living forever. BUT, that's the ego perspective, and the ego needs to be dissolved when it has served its useful purpose. And when the ego dissolves the ghastly fear of living forever disappears along with the ego being dismantled.
I suspect that aging and death are caused by the ego separation, which is an artificial construct and not something natural which is often assumed. The belief in separation causes the ego tensions in body and mind as an attempt to struggle and survive in what appears to be a world dominated by an ever increase of entropy (disorder). The ego tensions are an over the top attempt to fight a decay and deterioration caused by the false ego belief in separation itself. The ego is like Don Quixote fighting windmills. Wilhelm Reich called the ego tensions a body armor. It's the armor of fear that the ego has built out of confusion of how to fight all those external and internal windmills. The body armor is made of deadly orgone as I see it, which is actually low entropy (meaning order instead of disorder) but it's an excessive attempt of lowering entropy which blocks the flow of neutral (OR) and postive (POR) orgone. For the cosmic breath to be able to flow within us those blocks need to be removed by dissolving the ego tensions in body and mind.
In the television series Stargate SG-1 there is an advanced ET race called the Nox, and they said that the young don't always do what they are told. They were talking about our young civilization here on earth. That's a very accurate statement. The so-called fall of humanity is a deliberate cosmic separation to make us able to believe we are separate and can do what we want. Because of that trick we can do "not always what we are told" which is a very valuable condition that allows new civilizations to develop with unique cultures, skills, art, fashion, inventions, design, music, food and music and sports and movies and all kinds of unique traits. Without that seeming separation, without the fall of humanity, we would just have become a boring mechanical repetition of past civilizations in our universe and even in our multiverse. Not good.
How puzzling, today I haven't done much spiritual practice and still I can feel some improvements in feeling more clear. Maybe my spiritual practice has become automatic! And that my subconscious is doing the practice.
Some people may claim that Romans 13 is just something put into the Bible by the ruling elite to make people obey authorities. And even Alex Jones, who claims to be a Christian, made something that sounded like a cop out attempt of dismissing Romans 13. But if that was so, would the rulers at the time then have allowed the following verses in the Bible? "Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. You will break them with a rod of iron; you will dash them to pieces like pottery. Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth." - Psalm 2:8-10 "To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations—that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery’—just as I have received authority from my Father." - Revelation 2:26-27 It's unlikely that egoic rulers at the time would have fancied being smashed to pieces, and "the one" who will be victorious mentioned in the Bible, is not a single person like a dictator or a king but the emergence of the first order planetary holon. My interpretation, I argue, is consistent with the Bible.
Actually, the authorities in the world are also pulled by the higher universal guiding principle for holon development. Amazingly, even this is described in the Bible: "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." - Romans 13:1 The global ego is a required first development in order to be able to take the leap of emergence into a planetary first order holon. So obey them authorities! As long as they last, haha.
The planetary first order holon is a morphic field. But we will not be sucked into the planetary holon by the morphic field. Instead it will be the higher level guiding principle in the universe that will pull ourselves into forming the new morphic field. So it's an emergent phenomenon.
Even though we are unable to understand the higher guiding principle of the holon level we are at, one curious thing is that we will take a leap in our level of understanding when jumping from the global ego second order holon to the first order planetary holon. In practice, this means, I speculate , that we will transcend our way of thinking! Our current level of understanding (under-standing as in standing under the higher holon-guiding principle) will take a leap into a new and higher level of thinking. And also a higher level of experiencing the world.
The universal intelligence pulls creation into higher and higher levels of holons. And each higher holon level requires a higher and more complex level of coordination than the lower levels. This means that the universal intelligence always transcends understanding, because no matter on what holon level of development we are at, the coordination of that level requires a higher form of intelligence than the level we are at, or as the Bible says: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:6-7 For example a cog in a machine, is that a holon? Yes, the cog is a holon since it's a whole unit that at the same time is a part of the machine, but it's second order holon. It's second order since the cog is an artifact created by humans. A human being on the other hand is a first order holon. The same with atoms, molecules, single-celled organisms, multicellular organisms and our next evolutionary level, earth as a planetary holon. Authority is always an artifact, and a holon governed by authority is a second order holon. Planet earth as a holon will be a first order holon, and therefore no authority is able to form the planetary holon, which is a consequence of authority only being able to form second order holons.
Whoa, I just realized that the Bible is a description of earth becoming a holon! That seems obviously clear to me now. And the source of the Bible may have its origin in the galactic community of advanced civilizations. Haha, I know that that might seem like a science fiction story, but it fits the larger cosmic picture IMO. Even the claim many alternative researchers have made that earth is still in a planetary quarantine makes sense from that perspective. And that resolves Fermi's paradox: "The Fermi paradox is named after physicist Enrico Fermi and refers to the apparent contradiction between the lack of evidence for and various high probability estimates[1] of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations elsewhere in the Milky Way galaxy.[2]" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi_paradox The reason for the lack of official ET contact is because our civilization is still under development and that there is a real "Prime Directive" making sure that planets like our own can develop in unique ways on their own without interference from advanced civilizations. "In the fictional universe of Star Trek, the Prime Directive (also known as "Starfleet General Order 1", "General Order 1", and the "non-interference directive") is a guiding principle of Starfleet, prohibiting its members from interfering with the internal and natural development of alien civilizations.[1] " - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_Directive The real Prime Directive is of course not as clunky and cartoonish as in Star Trek and controlled not by some authorities who whimsically can decide to break the Prime Directive or not but by a holon level principle.
@Zigzag Idiot Fourth Way cosmology, I now looked it up. Seems to be related to Gurdjieff / Ouspensky. Interesting, I will look into that.
Hey! The ability of our universe to form holons on higher and higher levels is evidence I think of extremely advanced intelligence. And it's not a clunky, centralized and inflexible intelligence like an authority. I mentioned the trillions of complex processes going on in the human body. To be able to make the human body work requires an astronomically advanced coordination. Heck even a mustard seed has that kind of immense intelligence. I as a separate ego am incapable of functioning in a way that makes the whole of humanity function as a holon. As maybe a funny example, not even Donald Trump can do that. The complexity involved in making our planet functioning as a holon is just way, way too complicated for the ego to handle. And the global ego cannot take a leap by itself into the level of a holon, no matter how advanced our authorities on earth become. That means that we MUST transcend our egos in order to make the evolutionary leap into a planetary holon.
As I mentioned earlier, authority is necessary for the global ego. The reason for this is that the global ego is a whole, but it isn't a holon. A holon is a whole that at the same time is a part. For example the human body is a holon which is a whole organism that at the same time is a part of society. What is the authority that keeps the human body functioning as a holon? Is it the human mind? No, because the mind lacks the capacity for controlling and regulating all the trillions of complex processes that make the body work. A centralized authority for making the human body to function is unnecessary and probably it wouldn't even work with any kind of authority, centralized or not. Bruce Lipton mentioned with what he calls fractal evolution that our next evolutionary level for humanity is to become a whole organism. That's a planetary holon! Lipton said that humanity on earth having the voice of one will be able to speak with other ones, meaning other civilizations in our galaxy that already have developed planetary holons. That's a holon since earth and our civilization then become both a whole organism and also a part of a larger community of advanced civilizations in our galaxy. And in a fractal way, our civilization will as a holon have transcended the need for authority on earth. However, there then still may be a galactic form of authority, depending on whether our galaxy has become a holon on an even higher level or not yet.
People who claim that evil is necessary as an opposite of good are completely trapped in the global ego. That's the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That's just a temporary development tool for young civilizations like our own. From a higher perspective it's recognized that the claim of evil as always being necessary is like claiming that we need to eat poop in order to be able to eat chocolate ice cream. Not true.
Isn't the practice of giving up choice itself a choice? Some may argue that, but the nonduality view is that there isn't even a doer, so it just seems to be a choice. Similar with how to put one's attention to following the higher intelligence instead of the subconscious ego choices. That too is kind of like a choice. One key is to start feeling just a tiny bit of inner peace amongst the confusion and fear inside. That small beacon of inner peace is the key towards higher intelligence. The confusion inside is the fuel for the ego to construct fear out of the confusion. So both the confusion and the fear are the old low form of "Maslow's hierarchy of needs" struggle-for-survival ego construct, including the things that the "pagans" (ego identification) run after.
How to distinguish subconscious ego actions from higher intelligence actions? That's simple! The Bible for example has hammered this message in many passages. All actions with fear are from the ego and inner peace action is with higher intelligence. "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." - 1 John 4:18 "So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." - Matthew 6:31-33 And Christ is a pointer to higher intelligence. A pointer cannot do anything by itself: "By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me." - John 5:30
Aha! I just realized that there must be two forces operating inside me at the same time, my subconscious ego and the higher intelligence. And then it's a question of judging one's automatic behavior to see which one of those forces is in control in each moment. That's the separation of the goats and the sheep described in the Bible I assume.
Actually, being judgmental is an important part of the choice refusal practice. With ordinary mindfulness practice the risk is that I would just be observing my subconscious patterns playing out when dealing with my practical daily living. My subconscious is a part of my ego! So that would just suck and not lead anywhere. Instead I need to expect a higher form of intelligence to flow into my actions, or as Christians say, to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Or Buddha mind in Buddism. Bruce Lipton said that the subconscious mind runs like 90% of our life (or maybe it was even 95%). And the subconscious mind is like a tape recorder, Lipton said, it just plays learned habits. And I think I mentioned it in some other post, that the subconscious mind needs to be cleared up somewhat when letting go of control, or else the subconscious mind will do the most stupid things, like blurting out nasty things to other people and make instant gratification choices without higher intelligence.
I like the choice refusal practice. It's like mindfulness practice except I can be judgmental as f. The very test is to see if I as an ego can become a backseat driver of my own life, and I can internally make comments about how I behave without choice. Choices will of course be made but not by my usual ego, and I can just observe and comment and examine if those seem to be good choices or not.