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The term "choiceless awareness" is redundant. It's like saying illusionless reality.
Leo also said in the video that the circle of infinite care includes all of creation, whether it's living or nonliving. That was a new insight for me. I have been thinking about universal care as something that concerns living beings. But nonliving creation is also included. That makes sense to me now that I think about it. Very interesting.
Leo has a new video, part 2 about politics: Conscious Politics - Part 2 - Foundational Insights About Political Ideology - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmBzfYXrC4I Leo said that the ego defends its political view in a selfish way. I haven't watched the whole video yet, but I want to log an epiphany before I forget it. The principle Leo mentioned applies to ALL ego traits it seems to me, and indeed to the whole ego itself! That's a remarkable fact if true. And it's a necessary developmental stage, both individually and collectively, BUT we are about to transcend the ego. Transcending (and including) the ego can then be done by rejecting the whole ego structure, meaning all the selfish protectiveness. Instead, safety then comes from connecting with life as a whole. The ego needs separate protection because it believes itself to be a separate entity.
My guess is that the REAL purpose of spiritual enlightenment is to shed our ego shells so that the pearls hidden inside the shells will become reflected between each other. Meaning, the physical body is a first order holon and the ego is a second order holon formed by the global ego. And in order to form a larger first order world holon, our second order individual holons need to be transformed into first order holons by removing our ego shells. The pearls represent that of our egos that will be preserved in a transcend and include integral way, such as personality, individuality and uniqueness.
I have mentioned judgmental mindfulness before. I think that's a great practice. The mind can observe its own thoughts and judge them by their fruit so to speak. My practice at the moment is to observe my own thoughts and pay attention to thoughts that are actually relevant and meant for some real action, and not just idle speculation. The idea is that it will cultivate the fruitful thoughts and sort out the weed such as worry and trying to control too much in the future.
One idea I came up with is that thinking will be transcended and included so that thinking becomes a sense perception instead of something we laboriously do as egos. The ego doesn't do vision, but it thinks it does the thinking! Haha. With thinking instead as a sense perception we can recognize things intellectually, like a mental vision.
Let's say that there is an evolutionary drive towards larger and larger holons, then consciousness is at the cutting edge of that process. Compare a zombie without consciousness doing the same task as a normal human with consciousness, such as reading a road sign. There is a difference between the zombie and the human, even though they perform the exact same task. In the case of the human there is the added experience by consciousness. Something the zombie lacks. I see consciousness as a state of being aware as a self. Consciousness is an indivisible wholeness, so it's one with the whole process of evolution as a unified movement. The ego appears when consciousness gets locked into identifying itself to be a totally separate entity. Transcending and including the ego happens when consciousness experiences the ego as both separate and one with itself. That's the integral both/and realization instead of either/or.
This is great. Here is what seems to be a mainstream expert scientist on organic chemistry and he admits that the origin of life isn't understood yet. He probably nailed the issue. I do believe that living material can evolve from nonliving matter. But there must be a driving mechanism that pulls evolution into larger and larger and more complex holons it seems to me, and not just random mutations and natural selection alone.
There are Yogic and other descriptions of not only the physical body but also mental body, subtle body and causal body etc (I posted about that earlier). Some people can function basically normally with mostly on water in the head instead of a brain! Seemingly incredible but there are even mainstream medicin documentation about people with water in the head. And also, out-of-body experiences (OBEs) seem real and that consciousness actually moves out of the physical body and into the vacuum energy of space. Atoms and physical energy are where the rubber meets the road, but atoms don't create themselves! Instead I believe Nassim Haramein is correct about how atoms are structured vacuum energy. So then the physical body is an interface between consciousness connected to the vacuum energy and the material world. And the physical body in turn is an interface between consciousness in physical form and the external material world. But the atoms in the external world don't create themselves either. Again, it's the vacuum energy that is the source of physical matter and energy. Water instead of a brain and OBEs indicate that our true identity is in the vacuum energy, not in physical matter, not even in the physical human body. There may be layers of bodies, such as mental body, subtle body and so on, but it's the same principle; those layers of different bodies are interfaces between each other. Ultimately consciousness is connected to the vacuum energy as the most fundamental body layer. When we take a drug for example, our consciousness is seemingly affected by the drug, but the drug, such as a pill, is made of atoms which in turn are forms of vacuum energy! So it may be that the atoms in both the pill and in the body are correlated effects of deeper causes in the vacuum energy, which is a whole interconnected wave field, and not separate particles. This might explain the placebo effect and how people can get high on a sugar pill when they believe they are given LSD.
Transcending and including money is likely also possible. Instead of identifying with one's personal money as a separate chunk, all money in the world is including as a whole interconnected web. Then there is still identification with one's personal money but as a part of the whole money flow and not as something separate. How money is spent, earned, saved and invested is then within the total flow of money in society instead of the usual ego clinging onto and being responsible for its money. Greed is removed even when money is invested to give a return on investment, sometimes with the consequence that others lose money! It's the intent that is the greed or not. So seeking profit can be done by the ego out of greed or it can be done in a transcend and include integral way without greed. Also, even one's personal money is seen as detached from oneself. That kind of detachment is valid since money is a second order holon. Everything is interconnected but there is a distinction between a first order holon, such as a human being, and a second order holon such as money.
But unquestioningly just blindly accepting all authorities, doesn't that make one a slave and a victim? Only from an ego perspective. Remember, it's about transcending authorities, not becoming a powerless slave to authorities. The idea is that the authorities are a very rigid structure that will more and more become a stable and still structure, a part of the "cocoon". And authorities can only exercise power over you when there is a disagreement between you and the authorities. When there is alignment between you and the authorities, they have no power over you.
What is NOT manipulation is the authority politics has. That authority is real. That authority is in turn a part of the global ego. It's easy to obey the authorities when their purpose and necessity are understood. By incorporating all that authority within oneself, the global ego is transcended and included. We are then supported by the global ego instead of struggling as "batteries" within it.
Even the global ego needs to be transcended and included. And that means becoming peaceful in relation to the global ego. That is possible by understanding WHY the global ego is such a mess of lies and manipulations. It's because it's a construct based on a false foundation that needs to have a clear goal and outcome, and that requires total and rigid top-down control. With that understanding there is zero blame and the global ego can easily be transcended and included within oneself. Actually the ego tensions in body and mind are a result of the global ego; the tensions are even a part of the global ego. And when the global ego is transcended the ego tensions are removed from the body and mind.
The same with mainstream media. All news are fairy tales basically. Including news about wars, political conflicts, crimes and even natural disasters! Even what is going on in science and academia is generally a joke. It's all a bunch of childish stories told to us adults as if we still were children believing that Santa Claus is real. "Nothing in this world works the way you think it does." - Jordan Maxwell The global ego is about top-down control. It's the control that is important not whether what is going on is fabricated and manipulated or not. And things HAVE to be manipulated and staged or else there would be lack of control and the outcome uncertain. The outcome is certain.
But if politics is just a show, then that makes a mockery of true democracy. And the puppet masters also treat adult citizens as children making them believe politics is real when in fact it's just a fabricated food fight. It's necessary to have politics as a fictional story according to my theory. The same with all of human history. Even the great wars were probably staged events to fool the masses. The reason is that the global ego is false in itself, yet the larger outcome must be clear and determined, which is that the global ego as a "caterpillar" will grow and grow and then stop growing and a cocoon will form around it.
If politics is just a show that I have come to suspect, then why do I still support Donald Trump? The answer is because the political show has a purpose and Trump has said "drain the swamp" and "I love China". That sums up my predictions about how global politics will become stable and corruption worldwide removed. Trump fits that bill. And it's not just Trump as a single character making up stuff on a whim and randomly tweets what comes to his mind. Instead the Trump administration is a whole team with a carefully and beforehand devised plan. The outcome of the plan is already determined for many years to come.
Will even ego traits such as superiority, inferiority, social status, authority and so on be included when transcended the ego? Yes, I guess so but those will be experienced as non-serious, because the Self is the same for everybody, with the same kind of infinite potential power. I think we will even be able to alter our physical appearance later on in the future, so even that kind of ego comparison will fall apart.
The transcend and include approach for desires is great! Even if I only feel slight anxiety when practicing adding the inner peace now desire, it feels like my ego conditioning likes it since its desires are included. Ken Wilber's integral theory is probably an important contribution to get the correct understanding of the evolutionary process. Ken Wilber writes: "The point is simply that there now exists a substantial amount of rather compelling evidence that interior consciousness can continue the evolutionary process of transcend and include, so that even rationality itself is transcended (but included!) in postformal stages of awareness, stages that increasingly take on characteristics that might best be described as spiritual or mystical." - https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/e804/acb4209d72e793938cb0a54178044e3a56b6.pdf
It seems to me that even ego desires will be transcended and included in an integral way. One simple strategy is to keep all ego desires and ADD the desire for inner peace in the present moment. And to give the inner-peace-now desire a higher priority than the other desires, meaning making the inner peace desire more important than the other desires. The idea is that when inner peace is reached then the other desires can be activated. That's a transcend and include of the ego desires which are always a striving towards something from a state of discontentment and discomfort with the now moment.
The global ego has developed with thousands of years of manipulation. Does this mean that there is manipulation in politics? Well, think of politics as a staged World Wrestling Entertainment match. So it's not that there is manipulation on the level of politics as much as there is complete manipulation on the level ABOVE politics. Trump vs Media for example, is just a staged charade. Trump vs Democrats another staged show for the masses. The conflicts are totally fabricated in a Hegelian dialectic way to produce a beforehand determined outcome. There is a valid purpose of the political manipulation, and the planned outcomes are useful and probably even necessary. So grab your popcorn and watch Trump win in 2020, after the Democrats having been defeated through a Spygate scandal.
Maybe I have already written this earlier, but anyway: confusion is illusion. Reality itself is always certain so how can the ego be confused? The confusion is an illusion as a result of a false belief in separation.
From about 1 hour and 7 minutes Jordan Maxwell said that the ruling powers have used the motto "order out of chaos": Wait a minute. Chaos? There is no chaos such as randomness. It's the global ego building itself from its own false foundation. It's the false foundation that gives the appearance of chaos when in reality everything is always perfect order.
The only goal the ego has is death. So maybe the enlightened people today are NOT imaginal "cells" but still egos of the caterpillar with only some mental kind of enlightenment. Some spiritual gurus even died of cancer. That's a typical ego consciousness body. Instead what will happen then is that the planetary organism will emerge outside of the global ego, including outside spiritual teachings, religions, science, spiritual teachers and outside the internet and mainstream media. The Bible and other religious scriptures describe the truth perhaps, but in such metaphorical and fantastic ways that not even religious people truly believe it. And those who do believe it are fundamental believers who cling to their own religion as if other religions are false. That too is a typical ego trait.
In my opinion mental peace is insufficient. Peace of mind even seems like a form of emotional suppression when there is lack of peace in the body. At the same time, peace of mind is necessary too. One method for peace of mind that I'm testing is to think of the future as already determined. I believe that's actually the case, but it's just a theory. If the future is already determined, then it's unnecessary to try to worry about the future. That will bring peace of mind if the idea is correct and when the subconscious gets it.
I doubt that it's possible to control our emotions other than suppressing them. But I do believe it's possible to use inner body awareness to dissolve the nasty ego emotions and replace them with inner peace. The feeling of true peace is very pleasant compared to the unpleasant ego emotions. I have still only managed to feel a little bit of inner peace. My ego tensions are horribly dense. It must be the same in everybody. It's even very difficult to start doing inner body awareness practice because of the denseness of the ego body armor. But I hope I have reached a stage of dissolving ego tensions where more inner peace will start to flow and that the practice will become easier. I like to aim for big goals to prevent aiming too low. So my goal with the inner body awareness practice is to replace the pain-pleasure duality with peace-pleasure duality, both in body and mind.