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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. Stephen Hawking wrote that quantum mechanics may be deterministic and that the idea of uncertainty in quantum mechanics is a misconception of believing that there is such things as particles when in reality there are only waves: "Maybe that is our mistake: maybe there are no particle positions and velocities, but only waves. It is just that we try to fit the waves to our preconceived ideas of positions and velocities.The resulting mismatch is the cause of the apparent unpredictability." - A Brief History of Time And in this video, that idea is taken even one step further and that even foundational waves are a misconception: Even though the claim is outside of mainstream science today, or because of it, it actually fits with the Indra's net model of reality. There are no waves at the most fundamental level of reality, only difference as Leo mentioned. An infinite interconnected net of differences gives rise to waves, not the other way around. So the presenter in the video might be onto something even though I didn't understand all that was said in the video.
  2. It all connects together; accessing the hidden intelligence in the vacuum energy cannot be done within the global ego which is a second order holon. What is needed is an evolutionary pull from the emerging higher first order holon level of earth becoming a planetary organism. All emergent properties in the universe are a result of the evolutionary pull into higher and higher first order holons. It's a both/and instead of an either/or development of spirituality and evolution.
  3. Regarding the four levels of breatharianism, I came to think that when humanity as a whole reaches a higher level of vibration most people will be able to bypass ordinary breatharianism altogether and directly develop what Christians call a glorified body. We will see what happens. Personally I will experiment with going directly into cosmic breatharianism living on the cosmic breath that Nassim Haramein mentioned. That may sound new agie, but it simply means accessing the intelligence that is hidden in the vacuum energy.
  4. What is described as level 3 breatharian in this video sounds like the integral type of breatharianism that I mentioned earlier is the correct way. The more extreme level 4 breatharianism where the person doesn't eat or drink anything is the wrong way according to my theory because that fails to integrate with the society that we have developed up till today. However it could be useful perhaps for some people to first go to level 4 to develop a spiritual body and then be able to integrate back into society, even to start eating and drinking whatever and how much he or she wants. That the physical body then can process food on a higher energetic level so that it doesn't matter what or how much or how little the person eats and drinks.
  5. There are lots of differences between religions. Why is that? My answer is because there is a deliberate purpose of having the religions only share some common biggest picture and the rest to be conflicting stories and claims. That fragmentation and division is necessary to prevent the second order global holon from growing too big and united, for such scenario blocks the emergence of the first order planetary holon. It's the same principle as with technology and the Tower of Babel I mentioned earlier. It's also necessary to divide and confuse religions so that creative uniqueness is produced in our world civilization. So that's why all truth isn't found in only one religion or in only one culture, or only in science. The full truth is spread out all over the place and will have to come together, not as another big world religion or world government, but as an integral transcend and include emergence.
  6. I speculate that there will be a separation (like the goats and the sheep in the Bible I mentioned earlier) between people interacting with their ego and people interacting with transcended egos. Interestingly those still in ego consciousness will feel safe with the people who have transcended egos, and even will want to protect them! Like how the cocoon protects the cells forming the butterfly inside it. And the more the people still in egos interact with the transcended people, they too will transcend their egos more and more. That's how the caterpillar cells turn more and more into butterfly cells. And the "cells" here represent us humans in an as-below-so-above fractal way. In the end we will all become "sheep" and after that we take the collective evolutionary leap into becoming a world butterfly.
  7. As the global ego turns more and more into a "cocoon" it becomes harder and more rigid. But that's fine since the cocoon is outside of the growing butterfly, which means that the ego tensions within us as individuals will move out from us and become a part of the external cocoon which actually is a protective structure during the development of the world butterfly.
  8. Thinking is a global ego trait. We are thinking for the global ego, and we need to transcend ordinary thinking along with transcending our personal egos. Mindfulness practice is just a first step of moving above thinking. The next step is to transcend and include thinking in an integral way, meaning we will then again identify ourselves with the thinking which has taken an evolutionary leap into a higher level. It's necessary to transcend and include thinking in that way. To remain stuck on the level of ordinary mindfulness is a split state between observer and the observed (the thoughts). The identification with thoughts by the self is necessary because there is a difference between experiencing and doing things as a conscious self and being a zombie without consciousness mechanically taking the same actions. And traditional mindfulness practice one might say is a form of observing one's thoughts as if it was a zombie thinking them. That can lead to the depersonalization disorder mentioned in mainstream psychology, and should only be a transitional stage towards the higher level of thinking.
  9. Planet earth hasn't reached first order holon intelligence yet. That's why there is always a steady increase of entropy (disorder) in the world. So the global ego is a struggle against an increase of entropy. That struggle manifests in our bodies and minds as tensions. When the earth intelligence starts operating in us - even when our planet as a whole hasn't yet been formed as a first order holon - the tensions in body and mind will dissolve. Well, that's my current theory anyway.
  10. Another potential benefit with refusing to plan personally is that if earth consciousness is billions of times smarter that our individual human minds, and I believe it is, then if I keep clinging onto my ego habit of planning, that will block the higher intelligence from operating other that through force, which would be conflict and violation of personal integrity and therefore sociopathic behavior which is less intelligent than even the normal human mind. By refusing to make my own plans I open up the possibility for the higher earth consciousness to start operating in me.
  11. I will practice REFUSING to make plans. Then what if my theory is wrong? Well, in the case that things appear to go seriously wrong I can always return back to my usual ego mode with real free will and start controlling and making plans again. It's a worthwhile experiment I think.
  12. I want to repeat that if life is automatic, us having to to plan anything is an illusion. Sure, we will make plans ourselves if that's what happens, but those are not separate plans. Our personal plans are actually a part of the larger plan of life as a whole indivisible movement. And that bigger plan may include us as individual humans becoming aware of the illusion of separate plans. Just like how liberated people have become aware of their own illusion of ego separation. Personal plans can then be dropped and the energy needed to make, maintain and change personal plans is then freed up and can be used for other things. It can sometimes be interesting and enjoying to make plans oneself, but so can playing a video game be. We don't HAVE to play video games as a form of personal responsibility. And it's the same with everything else in life; it's all one movement, and playing video games is as serious as a heart attack.
  13. Agent Smith in the Matrix movies represents the global ego. And notice that Neo transcends and includes both his own ego and Agent Smith in the end scenes of the third movie. Neo's ego dies. The Bible mentions this a lot, such as: "Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it." - Matthew 10:39 "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it." - Matthew 16:25 "Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life." - John 12:25
  14. Some business expert I think it was, pointed out that money incentive on the internet makes the services schizophrenic in that they present the users with two separate things: 1) the actual service and 2) ads and other monitization means that are largely unrelated to the main services they provide. It's like during a marriage ceremony the priest would say: "Do you Mr. So and So, take this ... The ceremony will continue after this short break: We have fine marriage items for sale in the church this week. Also, don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and give us a like on Facebook. ..." As we move more and more into the information age, advertisements become more and more obsolete. Sure, some ads and commercials can still be useful but it has already reached a ridiculous overreach of advertisement on the internet. Not to mention the numerous popups with all kinds of silly demands including cookie consent popups on every damn page almost. And sometimes like a hundred trackers per webpage making websites appear slower than a snail mail correspondence with the government. Imagine going for shopping and before entering each shop you have to consent to having cookies attached to your clothes. I see those kinds of things as an indication of that the global ego is starting to slow down rather than having continued economic growth.
  15. Oh, crikey. The earth consciousness will probably be like some parent to the ego. That's why it says in the Bible: "And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 18:3 And as Eckhart Tolle has explained, "heaven" in the Bible is not a place but refers to a state of consciousness. Also in the Bible: "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." - Matthew 5:5 This is so for the ego is exceptionally arrogant. We need to be meek in the beginning to be able to adapt to an entirely new level of consciousness. Then as we mature into the new state of consciousness we will no longer need to be meek.
  16. Hmm... If earth consciousness can function through animals it can surely also function through us humans! And considering the evolutionary leap in holon level, the earth consciousness is billions of times more clever than our individual human minds. Unfortunately I cannot bring about that kind of shift in level of consciousness from my own ego consciousness. It's something that will emerge organically within us.
  17. I haven't been much out in nature lately, but something I found puzzling is that some animals in the wild appear cautious and stay away, and that's their usual behavior towards humans, while some wild animals are remarkably unafraid of me! It may be that there is some kind of Gaia/earth consciousness operating through animals sometimes. That would explain their radically altered behavior.
  18. For fun and in case there is some truth to it I want to speculate a bit more about the second beast in the Book of Revelation. It had two horns which represent duality and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which in turn symbolizes the sense of separation and duality that the global ego is built on. The second beast had horns like a lamb but spoke like a dragon. The dragon is another symbolism for the global ego indicating R-complex type primitive consciousness. So the second beast is the continuation of the first beast which had been wounded it says in the Bible. The twin towers of the World Trade Center symbolized the second beast. And when the towers collapsed the first beast got wounded. And yet the second beast will rise it says when the wound of the first beast has been healed. World trade seems innocent like a lamb but it "speaks" like a dragon in how it acts with primitive win-lose level of consciousness. And the second beast is a global computer system with artificial intelligence that will "speak" in the same way and will have the authority of the first beast. The dragon is not the monster it may appear that the Bible describes it as. The global ego is a necessary stage of development for the world. It may be true however that a continuation of the global ego is the wrong way because that prevents the first order planetary holon from emerging. The internet is the beginning of the second beast, and artificial intelligence is quickly gaining momentum.
  19. The global ego is like a golem. "In Jewish folklore, a golem (/ˈɡoʊləm/ GOH-ləm; Hebrew: גולם‎) is an animated anthropomorphic being that is magically created entirely from inanimate matter (usually clay or mud). The word was used to mean an amorphous, unformed material in Psalms and medieval writing.[1] ... The word golem occurs once in the Bible in Psalm 139:16, which uses the word גלמי (golmi; my golem),[3] that means "my light form", "raw" material,[4] connoting the unfinished human being before God's eyes.[3]" - The global ego is also the first beast in the Book of Revelation. The second beast is the technology created by the global ego culminating in the invention of artificial intelligence (AI). "Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed." - Revelation 13:11-12 And a further continuation of the global ego just perpetuates the second order holon and even the rise of THIRD order holons, when AI starts to become smart enough to manufacture its own things. That's like a modern day Tower of Babel, and interestingly the EU parliament building looks like the Tower of Babel. "The 60m high tower, intentionally left unfinished on one side, carries heavy symbolism, and is often said to have been oriented eastwards, i.e. towards eastern Europe, as by the time of the completion of the building no country from the former Soviet bloc had yet joined the EU. However, the open side of the tower actually faces west. In 2010 Glenn Beck suggested that the tower's design consciously mirrors the Vienna painting of the Tower of Babel by Pieter Bruegel the Elder.[12]" -
  20. The human body is a first order holon, but held captive by the ego which is a second order holon. That causes a lot of inner conflict, suffering and disease. And therefore my theory is that the physical body will be transformed when the ego is transcended and included. And for that to happen it requires that the planetary first order holon starts to emerge. My hope is that that evolutionary leap is happening now and will be completed within some decades.
  21. Now I know! Genuine interaction with people can be done in the present moment with the input of newness that comes into the moment all the time. This means instead of interacting out of my memories as a primary foundation I interact with others in the moment and memories are included in that, but they then are just one aspect out of many things in the moment instead of being my foundation as a self.
  22. Interacting with people can be done through several layers. On the outer layer we have the phony persona presented outwardly, especially publicly and among people unfamiliar to us. That facade can be pretending to be happy with a poised smile plastered on our face, or a front of mustered up and fabricated confidence, or a shield of hostility trying to appear scary or a contrived and manipulated veil of appearing vulnerable and insecure, or even a faked grumpiness or sadness. The next level is a layer of tremendous anger and hatred. The layer inside that fear. And inside the fear layer there is confusion. And at the core sits our ego, a colossal construction of falsehood cultivated out of a false belief in separation. Another way of interacting with people is with genuine interaction. How to do that, I don't know yet, haha, but in theory it should be possible.
  23. Panic attacks, I theorize, are caused by the ego producing fear out of confusion. And since the confusion in the first place is a result of a false belief in separation the fear causes more confusion leading to the ego producing even more fear out of that, leading to more confusion and so on in a vicious circle. It's a rather effed up situation. And in a milder form, that's how the ego operates all the time. It's almost funny if it wasn't causing so much suffering. The way out of that nasty situation is to be mindful of the confusion in oneself and letting the confusion dissolve instead of turning it into fear.
  24. Going from fear/desire to peace/desire is not just about removing fear. If the ego remains unchanged and fear is removed the ego would do all kinds of crazy things out of unchecked desires. What is needed is a recognition of the whole fear/desire construct and letting it all sort itself out automatically within oneself. The ego desires, formed by the global ego, need to be transformed into first order holon desires.
  25. But don't we need to think to accomplish practical things? After all, many spiritual teachers say that. I say no to that. Dividing life into what is practical and nonpractical is a false division seen from the biggest picture. And yet, even "big" spiritual teachers claim that we need to think in order to accomplish practical things. Are they deluded? No, I don't think so. The celebrity spiritual teachers talk to millions of people, and one teacher even said that they have to lie basically in order to get the message across, because otherwise the message would be rejected prematurely by the ego or interpreted in the wrong way.