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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. I noticed that anger comes from the tensions in body and mind. It's almost funny if it wasn't so horrible, to become conscious of the tensions within oneself. Fits of anger can temporarily release some of those tensions. Unfortunately the tensions remain and grow stronger over time and more anger tries to release the tensions in vain. What is needed is to go deeper into the root cause of the tensions, which my take on it currently is that it's the whole ego structure! So it's a formidable task to dissolve the tensions permanently. The "power of now" as Eckhart Tolle calls it, however can easily dissolve all past conditioning, he said. And I believe he is right. The now is where the action is. Using mindfulness is a way of accessing the power of now. So I'm training myself to consciously dissolve the tensions using proactive mindfulness practice.
  2. One idea I came to think of is that instead of being angry at aging and death, it's better to think of the possibility of overcoming death as something desirable. That's a peaceful curiosity even if the idea is uncertain. Anger is always a sign of being stuck in the global ego.
  3. Don't believe the ego! It's telling you a lie!!! The ego seeks food and shelter as a form of survival needs, and what happens? The body ages and dies! So it's a total fraud. The global ego has tricked us with the idea of survival needs and at the same time it is slowly sucking us dry and killing us. That's the devil. That's Satan. That's the snake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It hides the good and tells us the evil stuff. Look at Maslow with his concocted pyramid. Maslow is dead and buried. He failed his own survival ideas. That should tell us something.
  4. Trump will be excellent for removing corruption. There has to be a tough strategy to deal with corruption and organized crime. And a top-down initiative with support of the media and the public allows a thorough full spectrum removal of corruption. And then people in other countries will start demanding that their governments do the same, resulting in a worldwide clock cleaning operation against crime and corruption. I predict that a Spygate scandal will kick off the initiative. Horowitz just needs to release his FISA report, like today already.
  5. Is it good, to practice being honest? In some ways it's probably useful. An even more powerful method I discovered, is to be confused instead of being honest! That may sound crazy at first. The idea is that trying to be honest is still my ego actions. Being confused is outside the ego actions. Even acting out of confusion is a good practice. Even when such action out of confusion leads to being dishonest and telling lies and shit. Because it's a moving away from the old ego structure and allowing chaos to operate to bring about the transformation of transcending and including the ego.
  6. If deception and manipulation will continue in politics, isn't that in itself corruption? No, only when it's done with selfish or harmful intent is it corruption. So continued lack of transparency is fine when the intent is just and good, and even necessary, or else the whole protective structure breaks down. Not good.
  7. With more advanced politics being developed in the coming years, will governments become more transparent? Yes and no. The whole global ego is built on deception and manipulation, and that will continue, including lack of transparency. In one important area however there will be more transparency, and that will be about the removal of corruption. By being transparent about the corruption and getting the media and the public involved the removal of corruption will be easier, faster and more efficient.
  8. Leo's idea of banning assault weapons for 10 years as a form of scientific test wouldn't work. Steven Pinker has shown that violence in society has been on a steady decline for thousands of years. So it would be very difficult to know what the actual result was even if things like school shootings would become fewer. Also, conservatives wouldn't in general trust the government to keep its promise and suspect that the ban would continue even after 10 years. And for a good reason. Nixon said that removing the gold standard was a TEMPORARY move. The gold standard for the U.S. dollars is still removed. Not very "temporary", haha. Also, take a look at Sandy Hoax ..... eh, I meant Hook.
  9. How to transcend and INCLUDE selfish ego wants and desires? That's easy! Just include both what you yourself want AND the good of all at the same time. In practice that's very difficult to do out of only ego desires and survival strategies. It's still easy though in principle. I always include my own selfish desires in my speculations, even when they are about the good for the whole world. To be selfLESS is a dysfunctional state due to a disregard of the self. There is not you PLUS the world. It's the world INCLUDING you and your wants and desires.
  10. But if politics is becoming very advanced through information technology, isn't that just a continuation of the global ego, making the "caterpillar" grow even more huge? No, the increased interconnectedness through information technology, not only nationally but also internationally, will make politics more stable and is a part of the world cocoon. Interestingly, Leo mentioned in his new video how corruption will start to be removed. Exactly! That's the same as my prediction. That's a part of the cocoon forming as a stable and protective structure. That may be different than Leo's view, but the part about politics progressing and corruption removed, that I believe in.
  11. The very advanced politics necessary as a foundation for us individual humans to transcend second order love is becoming possible through information technology. I predict that we will see huge improvements in the use of information technology in business and politics while at the same time the accelerating progress for us consumers is slowing down. I wouldn't be surprised if we still are using smartphones, tablets and laptops even 10 years from now. So a slow progress there, while at the same time a huge advancement in how politics works through information technology.
  12. If we all become hippies throwing light and love at each other, will that create a wholeness in harmony? No, because that fails to include our current society. What is needed is a harmony not only between people but also between the people and society as a whole. And very advanced politics is needed for organizing a harmonious society.
  13. There may be (at least) two kinds of love: 1) first order love and 2) second order love. If I love a woman but she doesn't love me, that's second order love. That's my ego as a second order holon loving the woman. And if the woman loves me back, then that's her ego as a second order holon loving me. And I theorize that when two people love each other with second order love, then first order love can emerge out of that. First order love is when the wholeness is in harmony as a first order holon. Today in society there is an appalling lack of even second order love. That's because society is still a separate second order holon. Society as it is today is NOT a wholeness in harmony; it's more like a wholeness in conflict and friction. What will happen is that when more and more people enter first order love, society as a whole will change and take a leap into a wholeness in harmony.
  14. Leo talks a lot about love in the beginning of the video. My definition of love is: Definition: Love is wholeness in harmony. Of course, that's still a vague definition because what does harmony mean? Still, I find it a useful definition as something that I can start from. And there can be smaller forms of wholeness, such as a married couple, and harmony in that wholeness. There can also be larger wholes, such as harmony in a family, community, city, state and so on. Although love for one's country is still a small kind of love since it's only between the person and the nation as a second order holon. Then there is universal love, which is the whole universe in harmony. A single person having universal love is a much larger love than love for say the nation. The universal love in a person makes him or her a harmonious part of all of reality. Jesus Christ ranted endlessly about this: "You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." - Matthew 5:43-48 Amen!
  15. Leo has a new video : Conscious Politics - Part 3 - The Core Principles Of Conscious Politics - One insight that hit me already in the beginning of the video is that politics, which I claim is a part of the global ego, will be transcended and INCLUDED, just like rest of the integral process of holon development. This means that politics is important even as a part of the organic world holon emerging. Although transcend and include can mean, and I believe will mean, a radically different form of political organization than in the global ego.
  16. My thinking is still more peaceful than before. That's great. The tensions in my body however still feel painful. My goal now is both easier thinking and less tensions. And that it will happen automatically. Hopefully the intent is enough to produce results.
  17. Intermittent fasting is a much milder lifestyle than breatharianism. "Intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It doesn’t specify which foods you should eat but rather when you should eat them. In this respect, it’s not a diet in the conventional sense but more accurately described as an eating pattern. Common intermittent fasting methods involve daily 16-hour fasts or fasting for 24 hours, twice per week." - And here is an article describing how intermittent fasting has shown promising results for rats, but for humans no more effective than any other diet. "There’s a ton of incredibly promising intermittent fasting (IF) research done on fat rats. They lose weight, their blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugars improve… but they’re rats. Studies in humans, almost across the board, have shown that IF is safe and incredibly effective, but really no more effective than any other diet. In addition, many people find it difficult to fast." - My amateur guess without having read the full article is that rats have a much faster metabolism than humans, and it requires longer intermittent periods of fasting for the human body to go into ketogenesis and/or for activating significantly increased autophagy or autolysis. But dry fasting is more powerful than water fasting. And here is an article about intermittent DRY fasting: "Intermittent fasting can improve your health and increase longevity. While the most popular fasting method involves drinking massive amounts of water, there’s another way to do an intermittent fast… Dry fasting. Why dry? This type of fasting takes water out of the equation. If the first question that pops into your head was “wouldn’t I get dehydrated?”, you’re in good company. Most people brush off dry fasting as something dangerous that should never be attempted, and there’s a lot of misinformation out there that fuels this fear. Dry fasting can be extremely beneficial to cell regeneration and repair. And dry fasting can be done safely as long as you take all the steps necessary to do it right. In this article you’ll learn everything about how dry fasting works, why it works, and if you should try it:" - Full article: Personally I came to think that a 16 hours per day intermittent dry fasting is enough to reach enough efficiency of the fast. And I will allow myself to eat pizza and drink soda and whatever food or drinks I want. As it says in the first article: "It doesn’t specify which foods you should eat but rather when you should eat them." And with 8 hours sleep included in the 16 hour period I can limit the dry fast intervals to 4 hours in the evening before going to sleep and 4 hours in the morning; 4 + 4 + 8 = 16. My intermittent fasting is meant as a means of training my body and mind, not as something I will have to do over and over. Maybe even 1 month of intermittent dry fasting is enough to get the permanent result I want.
  18. Another prediction my theory makes is that there will be NO technological singularity. "The technological singularity (also, simply, the singularity)[1] is a hypothetical future point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization.[2][3] ... Four polls, conducted in 2012 and 2013, suggested that the median estimate was a 50% chance that artificial general intelligence (AGI) would be developed by 2040–2050.[8][9]" - What will happen instead I predict is that technological progress will move into refinements of already existing technologies, similar to how the cars today are basically just a refinement of the cars 100 years ago, without much radical improvements in performance. We can already see this in how personal computers today are not much different than a decade ago, and smartphones are gradual improvements today. Not even 3D printing will progress much I predict, nor nanotech or biotech, not even self-driving cars will be available on the public market anytime soon. It will be a slow grinding halt instead of accelerating progress.
  19. Yikes, I just realized that my theory leads to a horrible short-term prediction, that the divisions in religions will remain. And also, maybe even more disturbing, that the fallacies and inconsistencies in mainstream science will remain! Because those are global ego traits, which will (and I believe it has already started) turn into a cocoon. The global ego is based on a false foundation and its fruit is manipulation, division, fakery and deception. Not a pretty picture, but it's a necessary one, just like how the caterpillar needs to dissolve into a mess inside the cocoon in order to become a butterfly. In this short video Bruce Lipton explains how there will be a period of chaos before a transformation: In my theory however, most of the chaos will be prevented by the global ego remaining as a cocoon until the new social structure is complete. So it will be a much more orderly transformation (it's a higher level of holon and therefore the transformation will be more clever). Still, my prediction also leads to zero chance of resolving the inconsistencies in science and divisions among religions, and that's horrible, or at least tedious, from a short-term perspective.
  20. Not only religions as I mentioned have been deliberately made to be conflicting. Also science has been made to be contradictory. We can see this in for example how Einstein's relativity and quantum mechanics are like oil and water, two different things trying to describe the same reality. I don't have the math skills to determine if what is presented in this video is true: But yeah, I have come across Einstein's con math in a simpler case (Lorentz transformation). However, I do believe black holes do exist, it's just that we don't need Einstein's relativity to describe them. Personally I think a black hole is generated whenever the structure of the vacuum energy becomes matter and dense enough. And Einstein is only one, although a major, example of how science has deliberately been made confused. The purpose, the same with different religions and different languages, is to maximize creativity and uniqueness in the development of civilizations. The Bible refers to this principle in the story of the Tower of Babel, where "God" and his cronies had to come down to earth and divide humanity to prevent us from becoming a mere clone of what existed before. "Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.” But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”" - Genesis 11:1-7
  21. I would like to turn around the usual spiritual teaching about how thinking is only necessary for practical things. I say: thinking is only necessary for non-practical things. That's a mind bender.
  22. I have listened to some spiritual teachings lately, and what I found in common is the message about reducing effort of the mind. That works! I can feel my mind having to struggle less. Well, for now. I will see tomorrow if it's the same or if the burdensome thinking starts again in me.
  23. Like waves, information is also a result of Indra's net and not the fundamental construct of reality. The expansion of the manifestation of Indra's net results in more and more information. And it's an accelerating expansion of information. This is reflected in Ray Kurzweil's Law of Accelerating Returns, which is not only about technological progress but also applies to biological evolution.
  24. Reality is indestructible. God the Father, is Indra's net; the timeless and changeless "I Am that I Am" reality also known as Brahman. And Christ is the Word of God becoming manifested. Christ is the way and the truth and the life. Christ is the Alpha, the initial difference in Indra's net, and the Omega, the ongoing edge/end of the manifestation of Indra's net. In the beginning was the Word (Indra's net) and the Word was God. The Son (the manifestation of Indra's net) is the Word made flesh. God the Father and the Son are one. Before Abraham was, I am, Jesus said. In the beginning was the Word and timelessly IS the Word. Reality in inexhaustible. Indra's net, the Word of God, is infinite. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." - John 1:1-5 "He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life." - Revelation 21:6
  25. Evolution is a pull towards larger and larger holons. This pull is generated by Indra's net as an infinite interconnected structure of differences being manifested in the eternal now moment. The beginning of time is the initial difference and the expansion of the manifestation goes on forever due to the net being infinite. The initial difference is also the oneness that holds it all together. Therefore one can think of it as a pull in two directions; 1) the initial difference holding everything thereby constraining reality to always remain whole, and 2) the ongoing expansion of manifested differences that pulls into more and more differentiation that is constrained by the initial difference to despite increasing differentiation always remain a wholeness.