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Williamson talks a lot about fear vs love. I call society today in a general sense the global ego. My view is that the global ego is made up of separate parts put together as an artifact. (That's what makes the global ego a second order holon.) Love is wholeness in harmony, and the global ego is incapable of forming a whole with harmony because that requires extraordinary complicated integration with the environment such as nature and even with the larger cosmic forces in our universe. So the global ego is fear-based. Therefore love is necessary to transcend the fear-based state of society today.
If it's true as I claimed earlier, that with higher levels of development we will become inherently ethical, can we then just keep doing selfish mischief with our egos, both individually and collectively? And just wait for evolution to pull us towards higher levels of development? No. Because for the ego to be able to be transcended and included, it needs to be morally developed enough to function as a foundation for the next evolutionary step. That made me think that conscious politics will be necessary. Unless the global ego becomes developed enough morally, it will fail to become a foundation for our leap into the new world that all major religions have described. And notice Marianne Williamson's integral approach: she includes both spirituality and politics. According to my model, that's necessary. Only politics on its own will just continue the second order holon development at levels below what's necessary to become a foundation for the next level. In order for integration into a first order world holon to happen, the evolutionary pull towards emergence needs to be included, which in simpler terms can be called the Holy Spirit, Buddha nature and Shakti. "Shakti (Devanagari: शक्ति, IAST: Śakti; lit. "power, ability, strength, effort, energy, capability"[1]) is the primordial cosmic energy and represents the dynamic forces that are thought to move through the entire universe[2] in Hinduism" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakti
Trump is already a nominee or what it's called, so I can focus on supporting Williamson for the Democratic nominee.
I think I will support whoever wins in 2020, Trump or Williamson. Not any of the other candidates. That may seem like a crazy position but my reasoning is that from the bigger picture both Trump and Williamson can come to achieve amazing things. Trump can with a Spygate scandal remove the corruption in the whole organized crime pyramid starting top-down. And Williamson can introduce conscious politics. Both great options as I see it.
That's an interesting idea. Science has become dominated by corporate interests. For example the Editor in Chief of The Lancet, one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world wrote: "The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness." - https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140-6736(15)60696-1.pdf
It says somewhere in the Bible that God is love. Period. Well, the Bible doesn't say period, that was just me indicating the definiteness of the Bible statement. If God is love, then what is all fear about? The answer is that fear is a result of the necessary illusion of separation caused by the fall of humanity. The fall was an act of God and was an act of love. Without the fall and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil we humans would have remained in undeveloped oneness with God. The fall is necessary as a temporary stage of growth and development. So even though fear and evil are not love on the level of separation, where we are still at, from a larger perspective even fear and evil are love.
Conscious politics indeed. This speech may even make Williamson win in 2020. For love is stronger than fear, just as how darkness vanishes when light enters.
Is it predetermined whether Trump or Williamson will win in 2020? Yes, BUT only God knows! Not only is it impossible to fully predict the future with only the past determining the future due to what Stephen Wolfram has described as computational irreducibility. With the future also determining the past as in my model, not even Christ fully knows the future, only the Father knows all the future. Heck, even Joe Biden could win in 2020, although I doubt it.
How can all of reality be a holon when a holon is also a part? It's the manifested reality that is a holon within the larger holon of all of reality. Jesus says somewhere in the Bible that the Father is greater than him. The Father is the whole timeless and changeless Indra's net. And the Son is the ongoing manifestation of Indra's net. So the Father and Son are one and the same, yet the Father is always greater and infinite. The Son has infinite potential yet will never reach the entire Father. The Son is the way to the whole Father. The Son is also all truth and all life.
I can prove that my hypothesis of evolution being a pull into larger and larger holons is correct. Emergence always results in a larger holon. "In philosophy, systems theory, science, and art, emergence occurs when an entity is observed to have properties its parts do not have on their own. These properties or behaviors emerge only when the parts interact in a wider whole. For example, smooth forward motion emerges when a bicycle and its rider interoperate, but neither part can produce the behavior on their own." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergence Assume that emergence can result in two or more new properties. Then each of those properties is itself a separate holon. For were it no so, the properties would lump together and still be holons. And emergence always requires the combination of two or more parts. This fulfills the definition of larger holon which is a whole, made of parts, with the whole at the same time being a part since all emergent phenomena are still parts of the larger holon of all of reality. And the emergent properties only appear in relation to the external environment. This means that the emergent properties appear in relation to the whole of reality. As an example, take a model universe with only space, time and a bunch of hydrogen and oxygen atoms in it. Then the atoms combine and form water molecules with emergent properties. The properties of the water molecules only exist in relation to the whole model universe. Therefore it is the wholeness of that model universe that pulls the emergent properties into existence. The same with the example in the Wikipedia article. The smooth forward motion is a larger holon produced by the bicycle and the rider, and that holon only exists as a part of the environment (the road, air to breathe, gravity and so on).
Williamson hasn't totally zero in the polls according to one big poll today: Very close to zero though! She needs at least 2 percent to be qualified for the next debate if I understood it correctly. Going from 0.3 to 2 seems feasible. She has a slight chance after all.
I noticed that Williamson has essentially 0% in the polls. She'll need a miracle (pun intended) to win. I do believe she has a real spiritual connection, but it's doubtful that it resonates with the global ego. It's way too early for that probably. Oprah Winfrey has talked a lot about spirituality, but in separate shows, such as the webinar with Eckhart Tolle. I doubt that Oprah has talked much about spirituality on her mainstream television shows. It's like Spiral Dynamics second tier stuff and it goes whooosh right over the head of the general public. But things can change!
I was thinking that Spygate is the way of how to remove corruption, from the top and then down into the whole organized criminal power pyramid. Now I'm unsure about that. It may be that instead of fighting corruption it's more efficient to replace corruption with more conscious politics. And that's what Marianne Williamson is about.
"In 1776 our Founders brought forth on this planet an extraordinary new possibility. It was the idea that people, no matter who they were, would simply have the possibility of thriving. We have not ever totally ACTUALIZED this ideal, but at the times when we have done best we have tried and when forces have opposed them, generations of Americans have risen up and pushed back against those forces. We did that with abolition, and with women's suffrage and with civil rights. And now it is time for a generation of Americans to rise up again, for an amoral economic system has turned short-term profits for huge multinational corporations into a false god. And this new false god takes precedence over the safety and the health and well-being of we the American people and the people of the world and the planet on which we live. Conventional politics will not solve this problem, because conventional politics is part of the problem. We the American people must rise up and do what we do best and create a new possibility: say no to what we don't want and yes to what we know can be true. I am Marianne Williamson and that's why I am running for President." - Marianne Williamson, Democratic Presidential Debate July 30 2019
"... politics as we usually think of politics does not come from that place. It is a conversation that is very disconnected of the heart. It is a conversation that has become increasingly disconnected from our deep humanity ... from our deepest democratic values ... when we turn away from that which is political, we are turning away from a conversation that, yes has become very toxic, but that doesn't mean that that conversation was without power ... and when you are talking about politics in the United States of America, the most powerful country in the world, you are talking about a conversation that has power." - Marianne Williamson at LA Conscious Life Expo: February 22, 2019
What is the Holy Spirit? Holy means whole, and spirit means beyond the material reality. In my model then the Holy Spirit is the evolutionary force that pulls manifested reality into larger and larger holons. "On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you." - John 14:20 "But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." - John 14:26-27 "I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." - John 17:23
Hmm... This is pretty good spiritual teachings. I feel tempted to start supporting Williamson as a presidential candidate. Apart from the idea of free will, I find this to be very powerful teaching. Her political experience may be lacking but with the direction of the Holy Spirit she can gather the people needed who have the political experience.
@Leo Gura Yes, I was wondering about how much political experience she has. I was thinking of her more as a spiritual teacher and very experienced in that field. I heard she ran for Congress in 2014 supported by Deepak Chopra. I'm very impressed by her talk about transcending the ego collectively.
Leo, have you checked out presidential candidate Marianne Williamson? She talks about conscious politics. Could be amazing if she wins.
Whoa, impressive. Here Williamson talks about transcending the ego: If Spygate fails to materialize I will consider switching from supporting Trump to supporting Williamson. It's time to transcend the global ego!
My guess is that Marianne Williamson is at the second tier value system in Spiral Dynamics. She's a real heavyweight when it comes to spirituality. I believe Trump also is at the second tier. One shouldn't be fooled by their rhetoric. They both have to address the whole spectrum of Spiral Dynamics almost, from Red to Turquoise. And that includes a show of drama to grab people's attention and interest.
Wow, I have been living under a rock it seems when it comes to the Democratic presidential candidates. I found out about Andrew Yang earlier and his concern about automation is interesting. Now I found that Marianne Williamson is a Democratic presidential candidate. She is an expert on A Course in Miracles. That's heavy nonduality teachings! Amazing. That alone impresses me greatly. I'm still a fan of Trump though.
In Buddhism there isn't even a God. So how does evolutionary fatalism fit into Buddhism, if at all? "Only Nibbána (q.v.), which is unconditioned and not a formation (asankhata), is permanent (nicca, dhuva). Nibbána, (Sanskrit nirvána): lit. 'extinction' (nir + √ va, to cease blowing, to become extinguished); according to the commentaries, 'freedom from desire' (nir+ vana). Nibbána constitutes the highest and ultimate goal of all Buddhist aspirations, i.e. absolute extinction of that life-affirming will manifested as greed, hate and delusion, and convulsively clinging to existence; and therewith also the ultimate and absolute deliverance from all future rebirth, old age, disease and death, from all suffering and misery. Cf. Parinibbána." - https://what-buddha-said.net/library/pdfs/Nyanatiloka_Buddhist_Dictionary.pdf Evolutionary fatalism as I have described it is a result of Indra's net. Nirvana, then, is simply the realization of Indra's net. And what in Buddism is called extinction of desire, greed, hate and delusion and a dropping of the clinging onto existence, is in my opinion the same as transcending sin. And impermanence is the manifestation of Indra's net, not the net itself, which is infinite and permanent.
Another difference with my view is that the first debater (see previous video) seems to deny universal salvation (all people will be saved). There may be a slight distinction between salvation and saved, but I bunch them together as meaning transcending sin. The other debater also has some points about how the Bible describes individual free will. My interpretation is as I mentioned earlier that the Bible needs to explain many things to us as if we have free will, since that's the deliberate experience resulting from the fall of humanity. And the fall in turn is God's plan, and actually a good and necessary event to enable us to grow and develop on our own as a civilization. And as I pointed out earlier, there are verses in the Bible supporting universal salvation. In short, my view is that all will be saved and nobody, not even God, has free will.
Now I actually found a more clear explanation of the Bible. In this video the first debater describes how the Bible says that we do NOT have free will: He does however say that only God has free will. That's inconsistent with my current view but regarding the interpretation of the Bible I think he is on the right track.