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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. I don't know if Williamson has even mentioned removing corruption. But that's fine because it's an effect of removing the ego. Corruption is removed as a consequence of that. It may take many years even decades but it's a real removal of corruption and not just some nipping at the symptoms. I'm not sure yet but someone like Williamson is necessary to act as a catalyst from top-down of the power pyramid.
  2. Removing our egos will also remove corruption. That's why Marianne Williamson's approach is better than Trump draining the swamp with all that mess which it entails (fancy word, I had to look it up ). Also, with a draining the swamp and then running after all the swamp creatures at the bottom, how to make sure that new creatures of corruption don't start crawling in again? Williamson's approach removes corruption at the level of cause, and is therefore a total and permanent removal of corruption.
  3. One implication of the above is that it puts the responsibility of transformation totally on us individuals. From a oneness perspective it's God's will will be done, so the ultimate job of transformation is done by God, but here God means the totality, like Brahman, and we are that reality so the personal responsibility will be there on the level of doing the personal work needed. Even Christians will have to admit that since it says in the Bible (John 1) that the Word of God has made everything, so we are the Word of God. It's the ego that has the false belief that it can do or be something outside of the Word of God.
  4. Another idea that came to me is that the global ego will be transcended when we realize that the separation between people is a false perspective. Very simple principle. Of course, it's a huge process I have noticed when dealing with my own ego tensions. The world butterfly then emerges as the global ego itself is transformed by us individuals removing our egos. There is no need for a separate world holon developing as I thought earlier.
  5. I haven't thought this through yet, but I want to log it here as something to explore further later. The global ego is a wholeness, a single morphic field, a holon. And our individual egos are a part of the global ego. Our egos develop as parts of the global ego. Those parts however are interconnected. The false sense of separation therefore includes also the belief that our egos are separate from other people's egos. Not so! For it's a whole interconnected system of egos.
  6. Jesus said on the cross something like: Father why have you forsaken me? This was a moment when the Holy Spirit had left Jesus. It was a part of God's plan. The Holy Spirit had to leave Jesus' body to allow him to be able to die. And then Jesus suddenly found himself without connection with the Father. And he also said (maybe at some other point): Not my will but Thy will be done. And that's how Jesus connected back with the Holy Spirit to be resurrected. "“Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.”-Luke 22:42 (KJV) The cup he's referring to is the cup of wrath, or cup of judgment, which is filled due to the sins of man. This is the cup Jesus drank from on the cross and then suffered the wrath and judgement of god for the sins of all man." -
  7. Worrisome thoughts are the result of the global ego attacking us. Why? Because our own ego is a part of the global ego. And worrisome thoughts are one way of how the global ego motivates us through fear. The fear is a valid form of motivator and inhibitor on that level, but since it's a low level of development, reality indicates through worrisome emotions that it's wrong to remain stuck on that level. Transcending the global ego is about transcending our own egos. Therefore the fear-based old habits of thinking need to start being questioned and transformed.
  8. A Course in Miracles has an interesting concept called attack thoughts: "The idea for today introduces the thought that you always attack yourself first. If attack thoughts must entail the belief that you are vulnerable, their effect is to weaken you in your own eyes. Thus they have attacked your perception of yourself. And because you believe in them, you can no longer believe in yourself. A false image of yourself has come to take the place of what you are." - That's a clever observation. When we have worrisome thoughts we are attacking ourselves! Obviously. And the ego makes us believe the attack thoughts represent the truth of the situation. Mindfulness practice can then be made proactive instead of just passively observing the attack thoughts and accepting them. And rejecting the thoughts is a form of counterattack which keeps the inner conflict going. Therefore the correct approach is to proactively and peacefully question the attack thoughts to loosen up the hardened mental patterns and allow them to change.
  9. I have noticed that the tensions in the body can be quite painful when the feeling of them awakens through inner body awareness practice. This likely means that the tensions cause pain all the time but the body numbs out the pain so we usually don't notice it. I will test a more gradual approach so that the tensions can be dissolved without causing a lot of pain and suffering. For example focusing more on the release and pleasant feelings instead of on the tensions directly.
  10. Bill Clinton said that it depends of what the definition of is is. To that I say: Bill, what is your definition of definition?
  11. All of reality includes money, while money is not all of reality. Putting trust in money alone is thus a fragmented strategy. And also, to make a huge picture, today I need money the way I need to wipe my ass after pooping. In the future I don't need to wipe my ass; the poop will simply dematerialize. That's a crude analogy of how money is necessary today yet not necessarily necessary in the future.
  12. One main objection I have about Leo's ideas is that using centralized planning too much will cement the current state of development into the future. As I see it, society needs to grow organically and adapt to the emergence of things we cannot predict today. Sure in many areas long-term planning will work, but Leo takes the idea of centralized planning too far.
  13. @Angelo John Gage Do you need to use a credit card to post on Facebook? Do you demand to be paid for what you post on Facebook? How much did you pay or earn by posting on this forum? Sure, that's the digital domain, but as Ray Kurzweil has explained, even physical things will become digital. And it's an exponential progress, meaning accelerating, so we cannot use linear extrapolation into the future from today. "An analysis of the history of technology shows that technological change is exponential, contrary to the common-sense “intuitive linear” view. So we won’t experience 100 years of progress in the 21st century — it will be more like 20,000 years of progress (at today’s rate). The “returns,” such as chip speed and cost-effectiveness, also increase exponentially. There’s even exponential growth in the rate of exponential growth. Within a few decades, machine intelligence will surpass human intelligence" -
  14. @Angelo John Gage Money is useful and necessary. But looking at money from a larger perspective we can see that it is a "middle man" function that is only needed until we have smarter ways of interacting. Exponential progress in technology and price/performance will soon, historically speaking, make money obsolete. Marianne Williamson talked about a "tsunami of automation" coming to America. And that's a short-term observation! She has listened to Andrew Yang about the need for a universal basic income.
  15. Exactly. That was my thought too. We shouldn't flatten out society like in a Zeitgeist movement centrally controlled system with circular plastic cities, although the Zeitgeist movement is about removing the need for money which is the correct approach long-term in my opinion.
  16. I was thinking about Leo's latest video that, whoa, that's a bit too much to the left for my taste, but I have to admit that taxing big corporations is very valid. Companies like Google and Apple pay basically zero percent tax! Well, close to that anyway. And YouTube, owned by Google, streams 1 BILLION hours of videos every day. Let's assume that YouTube rakes in 1 dollar of ad revenue per hour. That's 1 billion dollars each day! And YouTube is just one of Google's revenue income. Google Search probably sucks in a hefty amount of ad money as well.
  17. Seeking safety in money is a form of love of money. And the Bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil. This fits with my idea that money causes ego tensions which in turn leads to conflict, anger, chronic fear, suffering, disease and I suspect even to aging and death. It fits the bill of the root of all evil. "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." (KJV) [The NIV translation of this verse sucks: pantōn - adjective: all, every, usage: all, the whole, every kind of - NIV translates it as "all kinds of" which makes it sound like less than all.] "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." - Matthew 6:24 (NIV) The practice then is to switch from seeking security in money to being secure as the whole of life.
  18. Even a billionaire will have lots of tensions in the body, because it's the billionaire's own money so it is attached to his or her psyche and physical body, A universal basic income is detached from the person and is more like a flow; high velocity money. Like the blood flow in the cardiovascular system but on a level of society. A person hoarding and investing billions of dollars for personal gain and safety is more like a blood clot that hinders the flow of money.
  19. Horrible! The ego tensions are very much connected to money it seems. It could mean that something like a universal basic income will be absolutely necessary, not only for the tsunami of automation that Marianne Williamson has talked about, but also to make it possible for people to dissolve their/our ego tensions. And it may also explain why the spiritual teachers who claim to be enlightened still seem to have loads of tensions in their bodies. It's because they are still very trapped in money and remain stuck in the global ego that way.
  20. Hold on a second, if my theory is correct, then the public layer must appear completely paranoid to the hidden layer, haha. Our society is totally insane!
  21. The hidden layer consists of people who are already running around without egos. And that layer will start sucking in people from the public layer, but they have to leave their egos at the door so to speak. That's the growth of the "butterfly" and the public layer is the caterpillar.
  22. If the global ego is built on deception and manipulation, then how could it develop at all? Why isn't civilization still at the stone age stage? My theory is that there are at least two layers to our civilization, one public and the other hidden. It's in the hidden layer where the top power is and that layer is FREE from deception and manipulation within itself. So the hidden layer is more powerful since it's truth-based and it is this layer that ensures that society progresses.
  23. As for survival needs, I came to think of how those are related to the ego tensions in body and mind. That they go together. So my practice now is to dissolve my mental survival fears together with dissolving the tensions in my body.
  24. Leo has a great explanation in his new video about how the idea that when people no longer need to struggle for survival needs they won't have anything to motivate them, how that is a false perspective based on a low stage of consciousness. We will become motivated by more interesting things I think, and also still be motivated by things we like to do today and find joy and pleasure in.
  25. The global ego can remain as it is, because the false sense of separation is within us as individuals! And when we transcend our egos it will cause changes in society, and that's how the global ego becomes transcended. And it will even affect politics. For example, if a lot of people in the U.S. will start recognizing the falseness of their egos, Marianne Williamson will have a greater chance of winning in 2020.