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I doubt that even Marianne Williamson will be able to suddenly turn all the political manipulation and chicanery into truth and transparency. What I believe must happen is that truth-politics has to flow in gradually or it will disrupt the current political system too much.
An even better practice I discovered is that the ego and the whole of life are one and the same process. It's a meta perspective. And by simply seeing this allows transformation to take place.
Removing the sin of personal responsibility can be done with mindfulness practice. Just observe your thoughts and actions passively. That is only the first step. If the person gets stuck in that state it becomes what in mainstream psychology is called a depersonalization disorder where the person experiences himself or herself as detached from what is happening. The holistic self as opposed to the separate ego, is the whole action of life. The second stage of the mindfulness practice is therefore to experience the separate passive observer, which is the ego, to dissolve. Depersonalization disorder is still an ego state with a false sense of separation between the self and what is happening.
On a second thought, personal responsibility is a false perspective by the ego. Personal responsibility is a sin! (Sin means to miss the mark as I have mentioned earlier.) BUT, if it is the ego that says that it hasn't any responsibility, it becomes a double error where the ego believes it can remove personal responsibility by its own volition. It can't.
Yikes, my personal financial problem suddenly got pretty severe. But I feel MORE calm now! Could be the money tension connection I described earlier.
I'm actually a great fan of Google. Have been for years. They are a bit too centralized for my taste, but that's the world we live in at the moment, and they do capitalize on tax evasion, but again, that's the business climate of today. I'm looking forward to decentralized peer-to-peer alternatives to Google, and then as Eric Schmidt said: the competition is just one click away.
The idea that life is an automatic process seems awful to the ego. It's likely a false perspective though, like so much else with the ego view. If life is a superiorly intelligent process then the ego perspective starts to be questioned. The suffering then is because of the ego perspective which strangles the universal intelligence into a little separate box of madness.
We have been fooled by politicians and lobbyists to believe that the tax system must be monstrously complex, when in fact the whole taxation process today can be automated, requiring an AI system operated by a handful of people instead of millions of people in the government and companies, from the smallest to the biggest multinational corporations working like crazy all the time with taxation from all angles; from the IRS to the tax evasion hideous constructions in the large corporations, and tax law this and tax rate that and tax regulation this and tax form that, legal prosecution this and lawyer army that, government tax expert, corporate defense tax expert, tax application this, and tax software that, tax adviser this and academic tax professor that. Zillions of dollars spent on useless friction and insane complexity of managing taxation.
Also, I think the world corporate tax should be directly on the revenue, to prevent corporations from evading tax through deceptive investments and bookkeeping tricks etc. And with a digital global currency that is tracked, the tax collection can be made automatic.
My idea is that the corporate tax should be the SAME in the entire world. Probably unrealistic today but with a new global currency it could work.
Because of loop holes and tax evasion through tax havens abroad.
@Leo Gura But you also need to make America appealing for corporations, even for the big multinational corporations. Or else the U.S. economy will dwindle.
@Leo Gura I don't think isolationism on a national level will work for much longer into the future. Think of the cities with walls you mentioned in your latest video.
Trump and the Chinese leader are like little children arguing with each other. It's embarrassing frankly. Create a digital global currency legally administered by the UN and with practical running operations of the currency managed by the intelligence agencies around the world such as the NSA, GCHQ and whatever other agencies there in other countries such as Russia, China, Brazil and Germany. That should be trustworthy enough.
This might sound a bit Orwellian, haha, but I think we should set up a global financial control system with a digital global currency. And have all transactions tracked by the global financial control system. And remove all petty financial borders in the world and silly tariffs and all that childish and immature nonsense.
@Leo Gura I think your explanation of the need for, and actually an inevitable, move to a global system was excellent with really great comparison of early history cities with walls and California not launching missiles at Texas. But I did't notice any mentioning of the need for dealing with multinational corporations on a global political level. That's something necessary 10 years from now not 100 years from now.
But isn't Christ supposed to have already suffered for our sins? Yes, but it requires a holistic approach through the Holy Spirit (holy means whole, holistic). I think of the cup of suffering that Christ asked God to take away as the Holy Grail! And since Christ has suffered for all of humanity it means that when we drink of the Holy Grail through conscious holistic suffering, the suffering will not increase or remain but become a powerful tool of transformation from suffering to peace. Because Christ died for our sins the cup of suffering became the Holy Grail through which we will achieve atonement.
That seems dangerous long-term. When it comes to technology Asia is already ahead of the U.S. And China, that wasn't much of a competition just a few years ago is now rocketing past the western tech companies. In the end most big corporations would move out of the U.S. resulting in a dwindling American economy. And absolutely massive corporations are needed for tech development. Already today Apple for example struggles to keep up with the Asian companies, to a large extent probably because Apple doesn't manufacture its own hardware, and lacks experience and sufficient expertise in that area.
The ego is sadistic and feels pleasure when others suffer. It's of course an effed up situation, haha, but there is logic to it. "The ego we have created for God is that of a petty, jealous, limited god with a sadistic personality." - http://acourseinmiraclesfordummies.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/PDF-What-is-the-Ego-with-Notes-Upload-9-30-14-ACIM-Workbook-for-Dummies.pdf The way towards salvation goes through suffering, and that was what Jesus Christ demonstrated with his crucifixion as an example for all of humanity. What the ego does, unconsciously, is to recognize suffering as good, but only when others suffer! It's the ego's fragmented perspective that has caused this lopsided situation. The full usefulness of suffering is when it is from a holistic perspective as I described in my previous post, and used as a tool for transformation instead of as something to avoid or to remain stuck in.
Oh! The ego attempts to run away from suffering. What is needed for transformation is to move IN to the suffering BUT holistically. And use the suffering as fuel to melt the ego tensions. The tricky part is the holistic approach of moving into the suffering. Holistic in the sense of including all mental, emotional and physical suffering at the same time as a single field.
A new practice I'm experimenting with is to reach a level of suffering when dissolving ego tensions where the mental, emotional and physical pain is low enough to be manageable. Too much suffering and it becomes unbearable. When the suffering remains smaller it seems possible to accept it an let it burn through and melt the ego tensions in body and mind. The aim is to use the suffering as fuel for transformation. Maybe that's what Gurdjieff meant by intentional suffering. And when the ego tensions have dissolved the suffering is removed along with that. And the goal is to transform the suffering into inner peace, mentally, emotionally and physically.
@Angelo John Gage The Chinese company Huawei said that they don't even need the U.S. market. The big corporations are multinational. They operate all over the world. And too much tariffs will hurt the U.S. citizens much more than the corporations.
But can't the big multinational corporations such as Amazon and Google just move their operation to another country? Ireland for example. I don't think that the U.S. government can force corporations to stay in America. And by removing loop holes and increasing the tax, many of the big corporations will move out of the U.S.
Leo has already addressed the global issue in politics, from about 2 hours and 32 minutes into his last video: Conscious Politics - Part 4 - 100+ Specific Policy Proposals - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSV0ZhD_yvw&t=2h32m35s Good explanation, I will listen to it again.
@Elisabeth Good point about tax havens. The big corporations are multinational, and can escape tax that way. Not even U.S. politics can control this situation. It requires a global solution. Amazon will pay $0 in federal taxes this year — and it’s partially thanks to Trump - https://www.cnbc.com/2019/02/15/amazon-will-pay-0-in-federal-taxes-this-year.html Google shifted $23 billion to tax haven Bermuda in 2017: filing - https://www.reuters.com/article/us-google-taxes-netherlands/google-shifted-23-billion-to-tax-haven-bermuda-in-2017-filing-idUSKCN1OX1G9 60 of America's biggest companies paid no federal income tax in 2018 - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/2018-taxes-some-of-americas-biggest-companies-paid-little-to-no-federal-income-tax-last-year/