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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. The Law of One says that the heart is related to the green ray. Could be because the heart chakra is associated with the color green. The Indian flag has green in it and so do many flags of Muslim countries. And the Quran talks about the heart, such as: “Have they not traveled through the land and have they hearts wherewith to understand and ears wherewith to hear? Verily, it is not they eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the chest that grow blind” - Quran, 22: 46 I found that quote in this research paper: "Abstract.- There is a compassion connection between human beings and the heart communicates with other hearts energetically or through interactions of electromagnetic fields. Sense of devotion and deep feelings originate in the heart due to external stimuli and translate into action. It is through this connection that humanity is above most of other organisms. Functionally, the heart serves as a control room for the action and behavior. The inner conscious of mankind is activated through heart. Functionally, the heart serves as a control room and communicates to the brain in four major ways: neurologically, biochemically, biophysically and energetically. Communication along all these conduits significantly affects the brain's activity, and one’s behavior. The cause and effect condition of the heart is collectively called as the heart’s condition. Quran gives pivotal role to the heart for understanding, feeling, storing secrets and communicating with the brain, influencing speech, and other’s hearts. T" -
  2. Sadhguru can play with poisonous cobras and the snakes remain peaceful! Could be some trick but I think Sadhguru might actually be connected to earth's energy field and so the cobras sense that and feel him as peaceful. Then what about those of us who are in ordinary ego consciousness? We can't play with lethal snakes like that. Even if we have the conscious intent to connect our hearts to the earth, our subconscious ego (which is more powerful than our conscious mind) could still be stingy, greedy and jealous so that we only want pleasant heart feelings for ourselves and not for others. The good news is that when others also connect their hearts it boosts our own heart feelings! Because it's a unified and coherent field. So even the subconscious ego wants to boost both its own and others' heart connection.
  3. One hypothesis I have is that the ego understands gut feeling because that's something the ego actually can experience, while true heart feeling is blocked for the ego. So when people talk about gut feeling, the ego resonates concretely with that. When people talk about heart feeling on the other hand the ego puts it into a category of flowery language, poetry or as a metaphor. Another idea I have that we need to connect our hearts to earth's magnetic field in order to get an actual heart feeling, such as illustrated in this video:
  4. Fear seems to "freeze" the heart which when chronic or prolonged causes disease. Howard Martin said that the heart rate variability decreases with age. And indeed I found mainstream research that looks correct (few reasons to manipulate the data by pharma industry etc) supporting this: "Decreased heart rate variability in men with phobic anxiety (data from the normative aging study) Prospective cohort studies suggest that phobic anxiety is a strong risk factor for fatal coronary artery disease, in particular, sudden cardiac death. It has also been established that reduced heart rate (HR) variability can identify patients at high risk for subsequent sudden cardiac death." - Phobic anxiety means fear: "A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that causes an individual to experience extreme, irrational fear about a situation, living creature, place, or object." - And the biological response to fear has the same underlying mechanism, such as the fight or flight response described in some of my earlier posts. Here is another video with Howard Martin where he explains more about the heart:
  5. My idea is that going from third to fourth density is a form of waking up, but not in the sense of waking up to a different reality as when waking up in the morning from a dream during the night. Instead fourth density Earth is the same as third density earth with the difference that physical reality has more possibilities and capacity in fourth density. The ego is afraid of living forever. Imagine celebrating your 1,000,000,000th birthday here on earth. I think it will be glorious! My plan is to celebrate my billionth birthday with Coca-Cola, maybe not on Earth but probably in this universe. As I see it now, it's the process of aging and death that's the dream, or nightmare rather.
  6. Bruce Lipton's biology of belief can be combined with ACIM's teaching about how all sickness is caused by the belief in separation. I include, and I believe ACIM does so too, that aging and death are counted as sickness. Changing the belief in separation, then, cures even aging and death. The belief in separation is also what makes us stuck in third density, and the change of that belief makes us enter what in the Law of One is called fourth density.
  7. Dr. Hoffman struggled a bit I think with trying to explain how conscious agents relate to inanimate objects, but compared to the common mainstream theories about reality his theory is very good and powerful. "Hoffman's "multimodal user interface" (MUI) theory of perception states that "perceptual experiences do not match or approximate properties of the objective world, but instead provide a simplified, species-specific, user interface to that world." Together with "conscious realism", the theory that "the objective world consists of conscious agents and their experiences; these can be mathematically modeled and empirically explored in the normal scientific manner", writes Hoffman, "these theses provide a solution to the mind-body problem. They also entail epiphysicalism: consciousness creates physical objects and properties, but physical objects and properties have no causal powers." - Hoffman even explained how psychedelics temporarily modify our interface so that we access other modes of consciousness, and that psychedelics can be seen as a first technology for hacking reality, and that later we may learn how to modify reality in more deliberate and controlled ways. This fits very well with the different levels of density described in the Law of One and also with how A Course in Miracles says that our current perception of reality is distorted by our egos. In my model, consciousness is simply an on/off state of being aware as a self. And the state of consciousness depends on the configuration of information, like in the Integrated Information Theory I quoted from in an earlier post. In Hoffman's theory conscious agents are the foundation if I understood it correctly, but it doesn't explain consciousness itself it seemed to me. Nassim Haramein's explanation of consciousness as a feedback loop is the same as in my model I think. Anyway, really good stuff and a huge step forward for mainstream research in my opinion.
  8. In my model, information is absolute and not just some flaky interface, but other than that, the theory presented in this video is compatible with ACIM and the Law of One:
  9. The Law of One describes physics. I haven't learned much yet what it says but I heard both spacetime and timespace mentioned. Occam's Razor is the idea that if there are several theories that explain the same thing, the simplest tends to be the correct one. With both spacetime and timespace, the physics in the Law of One seems even more complicated than in today's mainstream science. So is it just nonsense physics that the Law of One describes? Not necessarily. I came to think that if we assume that it really is very clever channeling then the source knows that mainstream physics is false in some fundamental ways and instead of saying that directly it uses spacetime to mean mainstream physics and timespace to mean the real physics. That's my current guess.
  10. "What could you not accept, if you but knew that everything that happens, all events, past, present and to come, are gently planned by One Whose only purpose is your good?" - This quote from ACIM was mentioned by David Hoffmeister who is an expert on ACIM. It's very much in line with my model of a changeless reality.
  11. Hmm... Howard Martin from HeartMath Institute said that virtual reality will soon become the next big thing. Today VR devices are big, heavy and clunky, but there is already more practical technology on the horizon such as Apple's AR glasses (AR means augmented reality, a mix of both virtual and real reality): My prediction is that the AR devices will soon have brain interfaces, such as tiny sensors on glasses that can read inputs from the electromagnetic field around the head. Potentially really scary from a Big Brother Orwellian perspective. And also potentially really convenient and useful. I wonder why Martin mentioned that in a video about heart coherence. It could be that the VR and AR devices also will be connected to the electromagnetic field of the heart. Maybe even be able to communicate with the heart! I think such scenarios will be great. It's an integral approach that combines mainstream tech with our thoughts and emotions both individually and collectively.
  12. The HeartMath Institute even has something called the Global Coherence Initiative: "The Global Coherence Initiative is an international effort that seeks to help activate the heart of humanity and promote peace, harmony and a shift in global consciousness. GCI conducts groundbreaking research on the interconnection between humanity and Earth’s magnetic fields and energetic systems." - I found this video that I will take a look at:
  13. Aaron said that our planet is already in fourth density. I have no clue myself so I take what Aaron said as a hypothesis. According to the Law of One and even to ACIM I think, fourth density is related to opening of the heart. If we tried to open our hearts and connect with each other, that would cause a big mess! Because our blocked hearts are in horrible conditions. Just look at all the cardiovascular disease and all our emotional problems. According to the HeartMath Institute, the magnetic field of the heart is 5,000 times stronger than the magnetic field of the brain. And one of their experts talked about how there can be heart coherence between our own magnetic field and the magnetic field of the earth. What this means, when I put it all together, is that we can open our hearts, not by connecting to the hearts of other people but by first connecting our hearts to Earth's magnetic field. And since Earth already is in fourth density we gain a fourth density heart connection that way.
  14. Mainstream science and philosophy doesn't understand time because they only use static logic. With what can be called dynamical logic, time can be explained. Think of totality as an endless string of information. The beginning of time is the start of the string and the end of time is the end of the string. Manifested reality is the motion from the beginning to the end of the string. With static logic that's impossible, since the string is endless so from that perspective the string doesn't have an end. With dynamical logic the string has an end, in the future! Static logic fails to make a correct distinction between past and future.
  15. Can God create a rock so heavy that he himself is unable to lift it? No. Not in my model where God means totality; everything that is plus everything that will be. Totality cannot do anything. God cannot do ANYTHING. Free will is a hoax, even for God.
  16. Calling free will a distortion as in the Law of One is a polite whitewash. In reality free will is a hoax. Do you want to continue to believe in Santa Claus even as an adult?
  17. What does ACIM teach that isn't already in the Bible? I came to think that ACIM's very clear description of the ego and how the ego is an undeveloped stage and that we are the ego, that's something I think ACIM has in addition to what the Bible says.
  18. I have previously looked into the Law of One but only a little bit because I thought it was too much woo woo. Now I realize that what seems to be woo woo might very well be metaphors since the knowledge must be delivered with precise timing. One must be very careful to not reveal certain information prematurely so that it hinders progress instead of catalyzing it. I think teachers such as Sadhguru are extremely skillful at explaining the deeper knowledge at the exact pace needed. The same with texts such as ACIM and the Law of One.
  19. I think the Law of One is correct about different densities since evolution takes leaps into larger and larger holons. But then what about ACIM which seems to have only one leap, from ego to Holy Spirit, from special relationships to the holy relationship? I believe the Holy Spirit is the same as the One force in the Law of One and the holy relationship refers to fourth density and higher. So ACIM and the Law of One are compatible in that way.
  20. The Bible says that our bodies will change in the twinkle of an eye, and Aaron says that it will take hundreds of thousands of years to develop our fourth density bodies. Is the truth somewhere in between? No, both could be correct. To realize fourth density can happen in an instant, and actual change of our bodies starting to happen and yet it can take hundreds of thousands of years to master our fourth density bodies. It's even possible that some enlightened spiritual teachers today have entered fourth density but that it will take many years for their bodies to reflect the change. And actually, it's good if it's a gradual learning process, or else we wouldn't know what to do with too much power. That's why it says in the Bible something like: Truly I tell you, unless you become like little children you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. And blessed are the meek because we need to be meek in the beginning or we would wreak havoc with the fourth density power.
  21. Oh noes! Aaron said that our planet has already entered fourth density, okay fine, I can believe that, but then he said that it will take hundreds of thousands of years for us humans to develop fourth density bodies. Aaron, just like Leo, totally underestimates the power of exponential progress that Ray Kurzweil has explained. Evolution is not just some linear straight line. The process of evolution is an extremely accelerating and inexorable force. I think we will start developing fourth density bodies within years from now. Here is a chart that illustrates the tremendous acceleration of evolution:
  22. There are higher densities described in the Law of One than the fourth. Seven densities and it's also mentioned that there may be even higher densities. Consciousness as I see it is already connected to the highest density in all of manifestation, because consciousness is an undivided oneness. Here is another video by Aaron Abke, this time about the different densities in the Law of One:
  23. The Law of One says that higher densities control lower densities, something like that. I was thinking that as a crude analogy third density can be illustrated as a world made of Lego bricks. The people in that world are themselves made of Lego and all their physical reality is all made of Lego bricks. Ego tensions can then be seen as third density being too "clunky" and rigid, just like the Lego world analogy. And fourth density is the realization and actualization of recognizing that there is a more detailed reality which is what the Lego bricks are made of. The ego tensions are dissolved through moving from third density to fourth density.
  24. The Law of One is pretty tricky in its definitions. For example it says that free will is a distortion. That's the same as in my model and even in ACIM I think. Free will is sin and an ego delusion, but the Law of One cannot state that as blunt as that or many readers would be turned off by the text.
  25. Another thing in the Law of One that seems totally wrong to me is that it says that there are both service-to-others and service-to-self entities in fourth density. My explanation for this is that this is another code, this time service-to-self means deadly orgone, which simply is a low entropy structure, which in turn means technology when it refers to fourth and higher densities. In short, the service-to-self entities in higher densities are artificial intelligence. How's that for a far-fetched dot-connection? More seriously though, that's the only thing I can think of now as what the Law of One means in this case while still being consistent.