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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. The Holy Relationship in ACIM seems to be only one. And that makes sense from a oneness perspective. It can even be combined with the evolutionary model of the Law of One. Special relationships, the separate ego relationships, are third density. Planet earth as a holy relationship is fourth density. Our galaxy the Milky Way as a holy relationship is fifth density and so on.
  2. Many New Age believers talk about dimensions instead of densities as in the Law of One. I think densities is a better term. In my model the fundamental reality is Indra's net in the form of interconnected difference. So dimensions are structures based on a dimensionless foundation. Information is more fundamental than dimensions because for example three dimensions can be represented holographically on a 2D structure. And density is a better term for more densely packed information. The term "heaven" for example is as I see it about densities, not about some otherworldly dimensions.
  3. My model is slightly nuanced compared to the Law of One. I think that's a good thing because it enables me to compare and contrast different ideas. If I just adopted the Law of One directly I could easily get fooled! Why do I say that densities one to three are all the same and fourth and higher different? My reasoning is that since all is One, all the densities are everywhere, at least as a potential. And what we call mineral kingdom, animal kingdom and human society are all what I call second order structures and higher orders. So even for example rocks are second order structures. What happens in fourth density and higher is that the first order reality shines through. That's the "kingdom of God" within. That's the Apocalypse (means unveiling). That's the atonement. That's the new earth and a new heaven (first level).
  4. ACIM talks about salvation. My theory is that the ego is always in danger and that this situation is caused by the ego having a false perception of reality. Salvation, then, is the correction of that wrong perception. When the ego tensions dissolve, that's salvation and security.
  5. Why are texts such as ACIM and the Law of One necessary? If they really describe the truth, then why can't mainstream science be used instead? My explanation is that mainstream science is valid, yes, but within the limited perspective of established scientific theories. It takes a lot to introduce new ideas in science, and that's good or else the situation would be fluctuating too much, so science progresses in paradigm shifts. So science is too slow in some cases and limited to surface reality. And that's why even the Bible is necessary, as a pointer beyond the limited and reductionist view based only on past scientific research. And ACIM adds explanation of the ego to the Bible, and the Law of One adds an evolutionary view to ACIM. And science can be used to check what is true in the teachings. There is one huge problem though with mainstream science and that is that it has been manipulated and still is. So the Law of One and non-established teachings like that can be useful for bringing suppressed scientific knowledge to us.
  6. How come many if not all people it seems interpret that the Law of One talks about free will as something real? I claim that it says that free will is an illusion, just as ACIM. The reason is I believe that it also says that love is a distortion. So if love is real and a distortion so is free will people think. My claim is that the teaching is done to be easy on the ego who can't accept that free will is an illusion. Think about it, how can there be free will without duality? And how can there be oneness if the One changes? There can't! Time isn't something separate from the One. The universe is not something separate from the One. So the One is changeless and hence free will and even choice is an illusion. ACIM says that only God's will is real, but it also says that reality is changeless. So even God's will is changeless according to ACIM and as I see it according to the Bible and probably also according to the other major religious texts. Nonduality teachers say that there is no free will. And the hardcore nonduality teachers even say that reality is changeless. Ramesh Balsekar said that reality is like a movie that already has been made. That's true in my model too BUT it's an evolving movie, like in the Law of One and not just like some ordinary movie. It's NOT like some Blu-ray disc, instead the manifestation of reality is a self-improving and expanding set of information.
  7. A brief summary of my recent discoveries: The ego often thinks "what if?" It's because as ACIM says, the ego sees only the past. And the past always has less information than the future. That's why the future is the future. Or as the Law of One said, infinity is not a number, infinity cannot therefore be many. The past is always finite while consciousness is grounded in the infinite. To ask "what if?" is a mistake because there is no actual what if other than confusion. The Law of One even says that the Law of Confusion is the same as free will: "There is a law which we believe to be one of the more significant primal distortions of the Law of One. That is the Law of Confusion. You have called this the Law of Free Will." (Link deleted by moderator)
  8. [Disclaimer: This is just my own perspective and mainstream experts would likely say that my take on healing is crazy.] If healing is an ego delusion, isn't it also a delusion to even talk about healing as a delusion? No, because we are trapped in ego consciousness and pointing out that healing is a delusion helps our minds and bodies to achieve the higher perspective where the ego delusion is recognized, first from a meta perspective and then when actualized the meta perspective becomes our first person perspective.
  9. ACIM says that all disease is a result of separation. What Sadhguru said is similar to that. Healing isn't even necessary! Healing is an ego activity, a delusion that misses the root cause which is separation which in turn is an illusion since nothing is truly separate. That's what the Bible means by "seek first the kingdom of God" and "be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect". We are already perfect, it's just that our egos have a false perception of reality, just as ACIM says again and again.
  10. Sadhguru said in this video that if we have but a drop of the intelligence of the body in our lives, health isn't even an issue. You will live magically, he said. I think Sadhguru means that we already have fourth density intelligence inside the body waiting to become awakened.
  11. I wrote earlier that I think that the Great Pyramid is a monument. It was built as a hint for us. Then what about all the elaborate explanations of the function of the Great Pyramid in the Law of One? Again, Ra gives a hint that the historical data, and thus the functionality, is unimportant, which I take as meaning not actual history nor knowledge but a metaphor: "The first question, therefore, is the capstone. We iterate the unimportance of this type of data." -
  12. Then what about all the incredible stories in the Law of One about extraterrestrials and our ancient past? Is that woo woo? Yes, I think it's largely woo woo, or metaphors/allegories to be more precise. Ra even hints at that themselves: "The teach/learning which is our responsibility is philosophical rather than historical." -
  13. Should free will be respected? The Law of One seems to say that, but actually it says that free will is a distortion. Or as ACIM says, free will is a delusion or illusion, something like that. So saying that free will should be respected is like saying that Santa Claus should be respected.
  14. Just like technology, our cultures are valuable because of their uniqueness. Notice that all our cultures are a part of the global ego so they all suck in that sense. What will happen is a transcend and include of all our cultures, meaning the valuable things in our cultures around the world will be preserved, such as the uniqueness of eastern culture and western culture, not their tendency of causing conflict and clinging to dogma.
  15. The feedback loop of consciousness is difference observing itself. It can be modeled as the manifestation of Indra's net. Consciousness is therefore a state related to infinity whereas the manifestation of reality - that which consciousness observes - is always finite.
  16. With this new take on free will for me, is it still valid to call free will a sin? Yes, it is. Because if there was actual free will there would always be the potential for fear since free will would then allow doing dangerous and harmful things even to the point of - through the butterfly effect - change the outcome of the entire universe! So when ACIM talks about love vs fear and fear as an ego delusion that's still valid.
  17. The Law of One describes (if I got it correctly) free will as the first distortion from oneness, and love as the second distortion. In my model even free will is an automatic process BUT free will is connected to consciousness in the feedback loop for the manifestation of the universe. Thus free will feeds back much more advanced information such as emotions to the universe than mere mechanical processes. So there is a deliberate and important purpose of free will. A zombie without consciousness is a mechanical process and is unable to feed back the advanced information of a subjective and conscious experience. So now that I think of it the Law of One is in this regard very similar to my model since Ra says that free will is very important to preserve while being a distortion. I haven't learned yet what it means by love being a distortion but I guess it means the duality needed in order to experience love. So first there needs to be the experience of free will and then the experience of love for the feedback loop of reality to be advanced enough to allow an ever ongoing process of evolution.
  18. I think fourth density will at first appear in our bodies and then much later in the external world. And in the external world, the progress will be things like ordinary third density information technology. Because the ability to manipulate the external world requires advanced conscious skills while changes in the body can be a much more automatic process. In my model everything is an automatic process but there is a huge difference between the experience of volitional control compared to what we experience as automatic processes.
  19. If advanced technology already existed back in the times of Ancient Egypt why the need for humanity to struggle on its own? My answer is: because by having to invent our own technology it becomes unique, even unique compared to the rest of the entire universe! That uniqueness is what is valuable from a bigger long-term cosmic perspective. And technological progress is an accelerating process. Ray Kurzweil has predicted that a technological singularity will happen already around the year 2045. Here is a brief explanation of the technological singularity: And here is AI expert Ben Goertzel talking about the technological singularity: Because of the value in the uniqueness of our technology it's an important part of an evolutionary leap. Aaron Abke said that the current technological progress is a sign that earth has entered fourth density. I agree. So there will be some integration of technology and spirituality.
  20. There is a lot of talk in the Law of One about the Great Pyramid at Giza. It's like the Law of One complements ACIM with an explanation of our history. I don't know if the Law of One describes what actually happened but the Great Pyramid is extraordinary in its size and in its advanced architecture of the construction. I think the Great Pyramid is a moment that shows that there is more to reality than is officially known today. That alone is reason for taking the Law of One seriously at least on some level, because Ra said that the pyramid was built to look like it could have been constructed with traditional means. Exactly. It's a part of what they call the Law of Confusion, that some knowledge is semi-hidden so to not reveal it prematurely. "Man fears time, but time fears the pyramids" - Arab proverb
  21. Lol, Carla Rueckert said in an interview that she got an orgasm at one time when she shook hands with a man. More seriously, she could be telling the truth! And in that case I think it was a large dose of positive orgone flowing between them. That made me wonder what the sexual energy will be like in fourth density. Probably not as extreme as in Carla's experience, and more balanced with the heart. The ego's sexuality is blocked from the heart.
  22. I think it was Mark Passio who said that physical reality is where the rubber meets the road. That's a very good point. Fourth density doesn't mean some ascension from the physical world into an astral or spiritual world. Nor does it mean that we can disregard things like money, laws and calendar time. Instead it's about transcend and include of third, second and first density. I believe that we will transcend the need for money already within 30 years from today. And I also believe that many of us will have fourth density bodies before that! So we will still have to use things like money in the beginning even with fourth density bodies. I now heard that Carla Rueckert the Ra channeler said that earth has already entered fourth density, the same as what Aaron Abke said. I think it means that we already have fourth density bodies! It's just that our ego minds haven't caught up with that change yet.
  23. In my model compared to the Law of One, densities one, two and three are all the same and are the global ego. And densities fourth and higher are the waking up to recognizing the global ego as a "Lego world" to use the Lego analogy from earlier posts. The densities in the Law of One are like a Spiral Dynamics model on steroids. And densities 1 to 3 are similar to the first tier in that comparison. In a Lego world there can be problems while from a larger perspective we recognize that there are no actual problems.
  24. Here is a scientific research paper showing that there at least is some connection between the heart and earth's magnetic field, and the connection is dependent on the quality of interpersonal relationships: "Identification of a Group’s Physiological Synchronization with Earth’s Magnetic Field Abstract A new analysis technique for the evaluation of the degree of synchronization between the physiological state of a group of people and changes in the Earth’s magnetic field based on their cardiac inter-beat intervals was developed and validated. The new analysis method was then used to identify clusters of similar synchronization patterns in a group of 20 individuals over a two-week period. The algorithm for the identification of slow wave dynamics for every person was constructed in order to determine meaningful interrelationships between the participants and the local magnetic field data. The results support the hypothesis that the slow wave rhythms in heart rate variability can synchronize with changes in local magnetic field data, and that the degree of synchronization is affected by the quality of interpersonal relationships." -