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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. Aaron Abke has a new video about ACIM:
  2. In the global ego there is a lot of talk about EQ, seldom about social intelligence. Why? Because the global ego has none! In third density our social intelligence is around ZERO. Even wild animals in nature are better at interacting socially than we do. We humans can't even reliably form relationships between only two people such as in a marriage. The ego develops a persona, a fake facade plastered over a fearful and insecure core of self. And we interact socially with those personas. So our social skills are a phony facade upheld by constant walls and subtle lies. So what to do about our horrible social situation? Abandon it! That's my suggestion. Abandon all what ACIM calls special relationships. They all suck. And by abandoning the special relationships we allow the Holy Relationship to form in us.
  3. To feel good in third density is difficult because of what ACIM mentions a lot which that the ego is based on fear as opposed to love. Interestingly, the Law of One says that fourth density is a state of love which is the same as what ACIM says I think. In third density we run after all kinds of external things and events because of the unease inside us. From an integral perspective we need to integrate both ego drive and feeling good and at peace in the present moment.
  4. When it comes to globalization, China will play an important role. Their technological progress is amazing. Already they have technology that makes the products from the west such as the iPhone look like a clunky stone age tool in comparison, such as Huawei's Mate X foldable phone: It depends on what metrics are used, however in practice I predict that China already is ahead of the west in terms of technology and economy. That's great in my opinion. What is not so great is the politics in China. I think the U.S. still is and will remain the dominating country in the world overall due to better political system and the biggest military force in the world. So the trick for successful globalization is to somehow combine the good in the countries around the world, because no single country can represent the entire global model.
  5. In the hearing yesterday Horowitz was asked: "We also know Russian intelligence was strategically acting to release stolen emails through WikiLeaks, through DCLeaks with an intention to trying help Donald Trump's presidential campaign, and you don't disagree with that?" It seems to me that Horowitz answers: "We don't disagree with it AND we DON'T agree with that." [my emphasis], from 2:11:30: That's a clever answer. Horowitz is neither denying nor confirming the accusation of the Russians. He most likely knows that the DNC emails were leaked, not hacked, but it's not his job to look into that.
  6. Even though I'm supporting Marianne Williamson for the 2020 presidential election, I'm still a fan of Trump! That might seem crazy at first but Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz is about to release his FISA report, or rather it has already been released to the Justice Department and the FBI for a classification review, but the report is expected to be released to the public soon. "There has been scattered reporting about when the report will be released. Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo announced over the weekend that her sources were telling her it would be released on Oct. 18, as well as calling it "thick as a telephone book" and covering "more than just FISA abuse." On Monday, Bartiromo updated her report, tweeting, "IG report NOT out this Friday 10/18. Classifications being made. Likely end of month."" - Trump said that the Clintons are criminals. If he is wrong about that I will lose interesting in him, but I will give him the benefit of the doubt and especially look at the FISA report to see if there is some Clinton and/or DNC corruption etc pointed out in it.
  7. The Wanderers are fourth density or higher but they have to behave like they are in third density in order to fit into the ordinary society. That's quite pathetic. What needs to happen is that we in third density move towards fourth density so that the Wanderers can start being themselves instead of having to pretend to be third density.
  8. I have only done a little bit of heart awareness practice today. I will switch to Lazy Yoga as I described it earlier. This means to simply have the intent to awaken the hearth, and the practice will happen automatically. I think that will actually increase the practice by removing the need for my ego consciousness to muster up some tedious discipline or something like that. It should be easy and pleasant practice! And without effort. Well, that's the idea anyway. If that doesn't work I will go back to the more burdensome practice.
  9. Maybe an expert on U.S. law can explain this to me, but I think that it's legal for the FBI to for example allow a big drug deal to happen, and then after the deal has been made they send in a SWAT team and arrest all the criminals involved. Similarly, the FBI then can allow the DNC to try to frame Trump and then later indict the guilty.
  10. Then what is the best mindfulness practice for accessing more prana? Again it's about the heart. Nassim said that our heart starts to close already when we are born, and it closes even further as we grow up. The Law of One says: I found it difficult at first to feel anything at all in the heart area. And when I feel something it's usually a nasty feeling. So it seems really tricky to open the spiritual heart. Still, heart mindfullness is what I will focus on at the moment. I think it will be worth some effort. ACIM says:
  11. Nassim also said in the previous video that our body consumes more energy than we take in as food. This means that the body already uses higher density energy (Nassim called it prana in the video). So, then, going from third to fourth density is basically "just" a matter of utilizing more of the prana, more direct access to the vacuum energy. I will experiment with some mindfulness practices to increase the prana in my body and mind.
  12. I didn't realize that Nassim Haramein says exactly the same thing as I proposed in my model that all physical forces are generated by the vacuum energy (from about 5 minutes into the video): He also said that the vacuum energy is even the source of the structure of our biology. This is the fourth density and higher talked about in the Law of One! I'm pretty sure of it. The vacuum energy is extremely dense.
  13. I have listened to several comments about the FISA report now. What the people on the right think is that the FBI is corrupt. What they miss is that the FBI hardly would have made so many amateurish legal mistakes like that without a very good reason. So what is that reason? My current guess is that the FBI on purpose allowed the sloppy FISA application to go through in order to deal with high-level corruption. I even read somewhere that Carter Page was an FBI plant, and "spying" on their own plant is likely legal.
  14. The move towards globalization is interesting in terms of politics. Take for example the current trade war between the U.S. and China. One might think that, oh no, the situation is getting worse! But that kind of large conflict actually catalyzes the move towards globalization by increasing the need and urgency to come up with global solutions that transcend the conflict in a win-win manner. Even the ongoing political conflict within the U.S. is such catalyst. The left wants to impeach Trump and the right is hoping for a Spygate scenario that will clear Trump and move the blame to the Democrats. This too will increase the need for unifying solutions, such as cleaning up corruption, and since the U.S. is the dominating country in the world, what happens in the U.S. will have a significant effect on other countries around the world.
  15. I think Leo's description of division vs unity can be seen together with the universe maximizing uniqueness. For example, in order to create unique cultures on our planet it was necessary to do as it says in the Bible, something like: come, let us go down to earth and divide their language etc. And even the formation of the nations has been what seems to be a maximization of uniqueness. Then after division, comes reunification as Leo said, sometimes resulting in higher orders of complexity, more evolved stages essentially. And what we see in the world now is a move towards globalization, where the divisions are united again but on a higher level of complexity. This means that the stage of nation states has gone as far as it can in its development, and the only way for further progress is a reunification in the form of globalization.
  16. Leo mentioned in his latest video how unity means high entropy. I don't understand that, but then I remembered what I posted earlier that there is no actual entropy. A Course in Miracles talks about confusion in relation to the ego. That's similar to entropy in the sense of disorder. If confusion here means entropy then the above ACIM quote is exactly as in my model! There is NO confusion in the mind of a Son of God, meaning there is no actual entropy, and the appearance of entropy is the result of the ego's limited perspective (including the global ego which is the whole world at the moment, including nature). Even mainstream physicist Leonard Susskind said essentially the same thing; he said that entropy is hidden information. And to use ACIM terminology the "entropic" information is hidden by a veil of separation. And from a Law of One perspective the veil causing entropy is our lower density reality (density 1 to 3). And when we enter fourth density the veil is removed and the previously hidden information becomes known and thereby ceases to be entropy.
  17. The Spygate scandal could become bigger than even the Watergate scandal! That will likely secure Trump for a second term. ACIM expert Marianne Williamson is running for President and at the moment she has practically zero chance of becoming the Democratic nominee. However, Williamson has strongly criticized the DNC! And if it turns out that the DNC is corrupt as hell it will boost Williamson's chances.
  18. @Raptorsin7 I haven't done all the lessons in ACIM, but yeah I think it has helped me to better understand both my own ego, others' and collective egos.
  19. Ha! The Spygate saga is typical ego manipulation, but on a monumental scale. The newly released FISA report shows that Trump was accused of working with the Russian based on an alleged Russian hacking of DNC emails. The DNC (Democratic National Committee) is the governing body for the United States Democratic Party. What really happened was that the DNC leaked their own emails and then blamed it on Russian agents. And then they used that fabricated story to accuse Trump. It was like [spoiler alert] when Gollum in one of the Lord of the Rings movies spread breadcrumbs on Sam who was sleeping, and then when they all woke up Gollum accused Sam of having eaten all their last emergency food supply.
  20. To summarize the Spygate saga so far: The DNC leaked their own emails, blamed it on the Russians and then used the leaked emails to accuse Trump of working together with the Russians.
  21. President Trump said in a response to the FISA report today that there is another report by federal prosecutor John Durham coming soon that is far worse. Could be true! We will see if Durham has been looking into this:
  22. There are a lot of mentioning of the hacked DNC emails in the FISA report. I only found that the report said that the hack was done by Russian agents. The report also mentioned that Putin denied those accusations: And indeed, NSA whistleblower William Binney has found that the DNC emails were NOT hacked via the internet: Haha, physical access to the DNC servers. I doubt that some Russian GRU agents were running around within the DNC facilities and downloaded emails to a thumb drive. It smacks of some kind of inside job. This could be Watergate level scandal material.
  23. The FISA report has been released: I browsed briefly through the report and found that the FISA application: Very interesting! At least some mischief. I will look further into the report.
  24. We need to have a laser focus on Hillary and the DNC when mainstream media unleashes a formidable school of red herrings in an attempt to divert our attention away from the crucial matter regarding the FISA report.