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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. Dolores Cannon contacted a collective consciousness via people she treated with hypnosis. Sounds very similar to Ra in the Law of One. And she said that they use symbols that contain much more information than how we use words to express things. That's similar to ACIM I think which says that complexity is of the ego. The ego makes things complicated by having a too limited and distorted view of reality. Reality is complexity as I see it, yet it evolves into higher and higher complexity as a whole. And with higher intelligence it's possible to grasp, to grok larger complexities with simple concepts, such as symbols. So the use of symbols as Dolores described seems like a logical step into higher levels of awareness. Aaron Doughty also mentioned Bashar, who is a channeler (Dolores was not a channeler, but she collected such information via others who were in trance). I will take a look at some of Bashar's teachings.
  2. A more advanced parallel reality is explained by Aaron Doughty in this video as 5D overlay over 3D. And that's how I look at it too, that there is actually only one reality and one timeline and at the same time within reality there are levels of experiences. What if all those more advanced claims are woo woo? As I see it, mindfulness practice such as inner body awareness is still useful and even mainstream research shows that it gives health benefits. And also, if I aim too low my mind becomes closed to larger possibilities, so I like to examine teachings like the 5D reality which is the same as full fourth density I think, and Aaron also said something similar that 5D is fourth density. Aaron also mentioned Dolores Cannon (do low-res cannon? ) which I will check out too.
  3. There is a lot of talk about different timelines in the alternative community. Are there actual parallell timelines? My view is that no, there is only one timeline. However there is also I believe a transformation going on in the world from a "caterpillar" stage into a "butterfly" stage as Dr. Bruce Lipton has talked about. In that sense there are different "dimensions" or timelines. As an example one person may be spiritually enlightened while another person is still in ego consciousness. Both persons are a part of the same timeline yet experience different perspectives. So yes, if timeline means perspective, they can exist in parallel. And interestingly, it's even possible to experience a little bit of "dimension" shift and "parallel timeline". As Eckhart Tolle said in this video, the awareness of one's own thoughts is already a stepping out of the old ego consciousness:
  4. I have noticed that all spiritual teachings have something false in them! Even ACIM which bashes the ego. The truth is bigger than that and the ego serves a useful and valuable purpose, even though it needs to be transcended. Another example is neti neti "not this, not this" which is false since it teaches duality instead of nonduality. To say "NOT this" about anything is duality. And on and on, all spiritual and religions have some false teachings. Why is that? It's because all spiritual teachings and religions are a product of the global ego which is built on deception.
  5. Eckhart Tolle is a fan of ACIM. I recently thought of the ego as a concept. And now Eckhart has a new video about concepts and he mentions that in ACIM terminology "you become a savior of the world". He means "savior" by embodying the new state of consciousness, not the ego kind of hero savior.
  6. If life is an automatic process as I propose, then what about things like the Law of Attraction and prayer? Causality works both from the past and the future, so using the law of attraction will be a part of that whole causality chain. I even propose that the future is already determined, but not in a predictable mechanical way so attracting things, people and events is about intuiting, feeling higher intelligence from the future. Everything we do has purpose and exact meaning, even when we fail at attracting things like money and love. And the drive of the universe is a holistic one, so one's individual actions need to be looked at from that meta perspective. And ACIM is useful for changing our perspective from separate ego/fear to holistic/love.
  7. The major religions are still way more popular than pure nonduality teachings. I think it's because nonduality can seem pretty bleak and nihilistic. And religions such as Christianity and Islam promise goodies in heaven. In nonduality there are no obvious huge ego benefits. And the major religions may have a point! So it can be useful to combine for example ACIM with the Law of One to include huge benefits in the form of higher densities. Personally I still don't know if the Law of One contains truth, but I believe it does. That produces a confusion in me but a good one since it makes me think of nonduality from an integral perspective that actually is the same as for example Christianity, such as the first heaven means fourth density.
  8. J. Krishnamurti talked about choiceless awareness. He also said that choice is confusion. That sounds like the Law of Confusion in the Law of One. And ACIM says that the ego is deluded by believing it can do anything outside of God's will. Eckhart Tolle said that the ego is a necessary stage of development for humanity that we need to evolve beyond. I think we as egos can still do something about our own situation, which is to take the nonduality teachings as a hypothesis and then examine in our daily life if it is a valid hypothesis. Is reality unfolding as a whole or do we as individual persons have our own separate wills? Our immediate experience tells us that, yes we do have free will! But the idea here is that the ego consciousness is only a temporary stage needed for growth and development up to a point, and then we need to evolve beyond that. And according to the nonduality hypothesis, from that higher perspective it's actually realized that no, we do not have free will, and that it leads to liberation instead of being a limitation as the ego believes.
  9. Lazy Yoga is about being lazier than lazy. When we are lazy in the usual sense, that's something we do, a choice, and therefore that's ego action and a delusion of personal doership. Third density is a sinful state, meaning a false perspective, and the transition to fourth density is a correction of the deliberately false perspective. Moving into fourth density is done by the Holy Spirit and that's volitionless action and awareness. Personal volition and doership breed fear since the ego has a false belief in being a separate entity having to struggle in the world. The Holy Spirit is correct and whole action and is therefore love-based.
  10. I will experiment with attracting money! Money is a massive ego tool, so the focus needs to be on what I will use the money for and also for love as described by ACIM instead of fear. And it has to be "service" to others in order to move into fourth density. To me service to others means serving the evolutionary drive towards a collective fourth density consciousness, not some servitude done by my ego. Or as the Bible says: You cannot serve both God and money. So even if I would use the money to give it to charity, if done by my ego that's still service to self! Super tricky. Aaron Doughty has a new video about attracting money and love:
  11. Relaxing subconscious tensions is different than conscious relaxation of muscles. One technique that can be used is to put awareness into the body until the subconscious tensions are brought up to conscious awareness and can be felt. And then keep conscious attention on the tensions which will make them start to dissolve. I will practice this with improving my body posture by putting conscious awareness into the spine and muscles instead of using willpower to try to correct it.
  12. The ego has a nightmarish body posture: it rolls back shoulders, sucks in belly, bends the back using willpower and on top of that puts a contrived pretense of being at ease. It's a total horror! And it looks horribly robotic, lol. The cure is to have upright body posture with ease and natural buoyancy. Of course, the ego is completely incapable of that because it is itself a bundle of tensions in body and mind. And the ego has a closed heart, so the spine gets hunched in a subconscious stance of protection.
  13. Special relationships in ACIM are like believing that one's right hand belongs to someone other than one's left hand. The hands of one person are separate yet belong to the one and the same person. Aaron Abke has a new video about Christ being the Higher Self. That sounds similar to the Holy Relationship in ACIM.
  14. Wow, in this video a mainstream physicist says (from about 58 minutes): "Particles of course don't exist. All that exists is the vacuum. And the vacuum carries fields, and particles are excitations of these fields." That sounds similar to what alternative researcher Nassim Haramein has said, that the vacuum energy is the source of physical particles. It will be interesting to see if mainstream science starts recognizing (or admitting) that the vacuum energy is the source of all physical forces. Unfortunately that will likely not happen anytime soon however. In another video (I don't have the link) a new force in physics was proposed and yet another ad hoc addition/modification of the standard model. What a mess! The standard model looks worse than the epicycle theories some centuries ago. Instead of falsifying their model, they try to patch it each time it fails to match real measured data.
  15. Quantum eraser experiments have shown that there is retrocausality, that the future can affect the present. I found that scientists still debate whether it's actual retrocausality or not, but for example John Wheeler said that it's real. And many experiments have confirmed the quantum eraser effect. Those experiments are consistent with my model which says that causality goes both from the past and from the future. And it also allows for miracles a la ACIM in a physical sense without the need for adding some mystical mechanisms.
  16. @Zigzag Idiot Thanks! I like the online journal format since I can post my findings both for my own learning and for others. I will take a look at Leo's video about using a journal. I have deliberately waited with that to prevent becoming biased regarding how to write a journal.
  17. In the alternative community people are sometimes using the terms third, fourth and fifth dimensions instead of densities as in the Law of One. I think the dimension concept is from Dolores Cannon. My interpretation is that it's the same thing except that fourth dimension means the transition period from third to fourth density. And fifth dimension means completed transition into fourth density. In this way it's possible to take the information as being compatible instead of arguing about what terms are correct. Miracles in ACIM then belong to the fourth dimension, as a transition tool between fear-based third density and love-based fourth density, and that's what ACIM means by fear vs love.
  18. I found a scientific study that hints that entropy as I mentioned may only be a result of our limited perception. It says further in the article that: "Their entropy is not decreasing, but remaining constant. That's still pretty weird, but not physics-breaking weird." The article is based on scientific research done in 2019: I predict that mainstream science will find more reverse-entropy phenomena like that. Even things like dark matter being intelligent.
  19. One risk I discovered with beginner's mind is that my mind turns the practice into just another ego toy and thereby I'm deceiving myself. So my new approach is to focus on beginner's heart. The practice is that I feel what my heart wants which usually results in my mind becoming confused, haha. But that's perfectly fine! Because that's what to expect with a beginner's heart. It will require practice before my mind and my heart become more coherent. And there are other differences between beginner's mind and beginner's heart. The idea with beginner's mind is to always be empty in the mind. With what I call beginner's heart, the idea is that the heart feeling is literally in a beginning state and then as the heart intelligence grows, it's no longer a beginner's heart.
  20. I noticed that when practicing beginner's mind, thoughts of personal control still appear. And I came to realize that all that is special relationships, not only to people but to all things and events. If I use my habitual tendency as a separate ego to control my life, then that blocks the beginner's mind. Beginner's mind can be practiced using mindfulness. There is no need to judge the ego, it's enough to notice it mindfully. That noticing itself is a meta perspective. Isn't the meta perspective itself of the ego? Maybe, but there is a clear difference between being aware of one's ego activities and being totally identified with the ego. Here is expert Nam Nguyen talking about beginner's mind, a bit poor audio but it could be useful to learn from the vast already existing knowledge about it:
  21. Leo asked (in the 64 questions video) what would happen if the consciousnesses from two separate people were united into one consciousness. And then he asked what would happen if all some 7 billion human consciousnesses on the planet were combined into one consciousness. Very interesting questions! That's precisely the kind of exploration that's valid for a collective consciousness. And even if it was possible to find an intellectual answer to questions like that, it wouldn't be the real thing. For actual collective consciousness to emerge we need to do real unification of our separate consciousnesses. And that's where practices such as beginner's mind and beginner's heart are useful since they aim at being open to change.
  22. It becomes rather tricky and convoluted with my explanation of the Law of One. Here is what the Law of One says about the number of Wanderers on earth: The tricky part here is that the number "approaches sixty-five million". Approaches? From zero people, or from 7 billion people? My guess is that the number is over 4 billion Wanderers. And it's logically consistent although in heavy Law of Confusion style.
  23. If service to self as I propose actually means ego consciousness, and that in third density we therefore are 100% service to self, then what does the Law of One mean by saying that earth is already more service to others than service to self? My answer is that it means that there are more Wanderers on earth than regular third density people. It's a part of the Law of Confusion, semi-hidden explanations used in the Law of One and in religious texts such as the Bible.