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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. If neti-neti is duality, which it obviously is, since oneness cannot say "not this" about itself, then why is it taught in nonduality? One possibility is that the original teachers of neti-neti used it to see which disciples were just parroting and aping the masters. If someone promoted neti-neti then that was a clear sign that the student was just imitating the masters since that's a duality teaching pretending to be nonduality, not actual nonduality teaching.
  2. If being defenseless works by increasing consciousness, then what about biological defense? What about viruses and bacteria attacking our immune system? Even there I think being defenseless is protection! It's the ego consciousness with its duality-thinking that believes that the immune system needs to be an internal war machine instead of a peaceful cleaning system. The human body and the environment are one whole process, not separate objects who need to fight each other.
  3. Something I find really tricky is that ACIM says that defenselessness is true protection. I can see the logic behind that but only in an enlightened world. In today's world with lots of sadistic egos, what prevents them from attacking us if we become defenseless? One idea is that defenselessness makes the body armor dissolve and the pain body dissolve so that our consciousness becomes stronger/higher. And the higher consciousness will automatically shine away attacks. Do I know this to be true? No, but it can be tested by having it as a hypothesis and then mindfully observe within oneself if dissolving tensions leads to stronger consciousness.
  4. Sadhguru said that the way we think all the time is a form of insanity and we don't notice it because the whole society is like a mental asylum. Ego and thinking go very much together so that's similar to what ACIM says. Then what about thinking with the whole body? In my experience thinking slows down and stops when I put conscious awareness into the body. So personally I can't think with the whole body yet, and then after some practice if I manage to think with the whole body it will be a higher level and a sane form of thinking.
  5. If the ego causes a lot of trouble, then how to deal with regrets? In theory I think that's easy. Simply think of it in the same way as how I interpreted ACIM's concept of forgiveness. The past is as it is because it had to be that way. This even includes past regrets. Those feelings and thoughts of regret were necessary! That doesn't mean however that the regrets must continue. Instead we can look at the Holy Instant and recognize it as being perfect, including all the past in it. In theory then, and even in practice I have experienced a significant change, regrets can be replaced by taking the past as being inevitable as it is and that it's necessarily so. That removes the need for regret. In fact, regrets from this perspective are recognized as a false perspective along with feelings of guilt that ACIM even says is a sick attraction.
  6. Marianne Williamson has ended her campaign for 2020. I had hoped that she would stay in the race. Okay, then my prediction is that Trump will win in 2020. I haven't followed the Iran conflict. Hopefully Trump can make a new deal with Iran instead of starting another insane war. And later on in spring Durham's report is expected which I think can be beneficial for Trump.
  7. Wow. I wrote earlier that the first heaven means fourth density in the Law of One. And in this video the presenter said (at 31:50) that heaven is fourth density in the Egyptian secret mystery school. That's a really good confirmation.
  8. The ego often wants others to fail. And there may be a deeper logical reason for that than only selfish zero-sum reasons. The ego is like a caterpillar, and boosting the ego is the wrong way today. We are not meant to become super caterpillars. The ego is meant to dissolve and become transformed into a butterfly, to use a simple analogy. And then what to aim for is to want others to succeed in transforming their egos along with oneself also being successful in dissolving one's own ego. My body armor that Wilhelm Reich described has started to dissolve a bit. That's a part of dissolving the ego! And a breaking of the circle of fear that ACIM talks about. So wanting other to be successful in dissolving their body armor is then a safe and constructive wish for others and for oneself.
  9. Forgiveness in ACIM's sense is not of the ego. When the ego tries to forgive then that's just an addition of hypocrisy on top of unforgiveness. Then what to do when in ego consciousness? My approach is to think of what has happened in the past that it had to happen, it was inevitable and necessary in order to make the present moment what it is which is perfect in its design in relation to the future. So forgiveness then is to recognize that even the evil done in the past, by others or oneself, was necessary! And it couldn't have happened in any other way.
  10. Even without spirituality and things like fourth density, in this video they talk about how aging is caused by epigenetic changes. And epigenetics is affected by our lifestyle! Dr. Bruce Lipton has even said that aging is a belief. And I even like to speculate about higher consciousness and fourth density bodies. The epigenetics is then an effect not a cause.
  11. I suspect that the ego goes insane by its own belief in inevitable death of the physical body. Eckhart Tolle said that some people have pain bodies that are true demons. That could be egos who not only would kill people if they could get away with it but even enjoy doing it even without any profit for themselves. Utter insanity, yet logical in a twisted immoral zero-sum scenario. Even milder forms of egos, they still go insane by the belief in certain death. My strategy is to be uncertain about my own physical death! That may sound crazy from a mainstream perspective but my rationale is that we cannot just use the past and expect the future to be like the past. So being uncertain even about physical death is actually a rational position. Especially considering the exponential accelerating progress of evolution. Sure, say 100 years ago, the belief in inevitable death was rational, and throughout all of officially known human history. But nowadays I feel the situation is different, and also all the past is only now, so there is no past outside of the present moment as I see it.
  12. My interpretation of ACIM's circle of fear is that the human mind has been formed through struggle for survival. The mind in its limited ego consciousness cannot cope with all of reality which causes confusion and the mind turns the confusion into strategies for protection and since there is still uncertainty it leads to fear leading to more confusion for the mind how to protect itself more and so on in a vicious circle. The new perception ACIM talks about breaks the circle of fear by an increase of the level consciousness which sees reality as a whole where forgiveness is simply a recognition of attack being a result of limited perception. But how to achieve that in practice? One method is to observe all the survival strategies in oneself and question them. Including putting awareness into the whole body and observe how the primitive and instinctual fight-or-flight response is fueling the mind. That's a very low animalistic ego consciousness and it's reasonable to assume that it can be transcended.
  13. The global ego is a fear-based structure. And ACIM talks about something called the circle of fear. Then there is another circle:
  14. Sadhguru talks about thinking with the whole body from about 25 minutes into this video: I believe he is correct and that it's possible to think with the whole body. Eckhart Tolle said something similar. That's a step towards fourth density I believe where consciousness can expand from being only in the head to the whole body, and then even out further into the environment. So consciousness is then not something produced by the brain. And logically, consciousness must as I see it be connected to the unmanifested and the infinite because it can observe the manifested and the finite. Physical reality cannot observe itself without the interconnectedness of the unmanifested. So consciousness is more fundamental than physical reality. I will experiment with thinking with the whole body to see if I can get a real understanding of what Sadhguru said.
  15. Some even claim that ACIM was created by the CIA. That could be true! Or created by the Tavistock Institute or some Crown agency. Who knows, but in that case it only shows that the CIA, the Crown and the Vatican etc have a good agenda in my opinion. Because ACIM is an excellent explanation of the ego. It's not some evil "mind control" plot. There is a good purpose behind ACIM. The same with the Law of One which may be another CIA project. People who are very much trapped in ego consciousness believe that such things must be evil and done for evil purposes. What they fail to recognize is that there could be good control from the top and this can be gleaned by examining the actual material, such as ACIM and the Law of One. That's what I meant by Alex Jones being wrong about the world being controlled by evil globalists. Actually, Alex Jones himself is likely a controlled opposition project run by some intel agency. The danger is not those in the top power layer. The danger is corrupt power lower down and regular people who are totally trapped in ego consciousness. The masses need to be "herded" one might say, for the safety of humanity.
  16. Another schizophrenic divide in society is that mainstream media has some of the truth and conspiracy theorists have some other parts of the truth. Nobody has the full picture (or at least they don't reveal it). Alex Jones said that Google is run by the NSA and Facebook is run by the CIA. I believe that's basically correct, so the idea of a free market economy is a joke. Alex also said that IBM created both Microsoft and Google. Again, that too seems correct to me. And at the same time Alex says that the world is run by evil globalists. That's false IMO. So there is that true/false divide again.
  17. The true knowledge in the global ego seems to be spread out even among people. For example Ray Kurzweil said that he wants to live forever, while Eckhart Tolle and Sadhguru have said that they don't want to live forever. So in this case it's the spiritual "gurus" who are the egos and the fearful ones! And Kurzweil relies too much on technology. The whole world is schizophrenic like that, where some people are developed in some areas while immature in other areas.
  18. Inner body awareness practice can reveal more and more tensions. Pressure and pain can be felt. And there is also some kind of numbing going on around the tensions. It must be that it's the numbing out process that covers up the tension so that they become hidden from our conscious awareness. And then with even more practice of feeling the inner body the feeling of numbness is mixed with some kind of icky and nasty feeling. Pretty horrible. The good thing is that the deeper tensions can then start to dissolve. I will continue practice this together with feeling my heart. It's not just about the heart nor just about the mind, it's a whole energy field.
  19. Galaxies seem to be highly intelligent structures. How can they maintain their shapes for billions of years? Looks like intelligent coordination to me. The Law of One describes how galaxies are governed by Logos (and solar systems are sub-Logos or logoi to use the plural form). And this explains I think why mainstream science struggles so much with trying to fit how the universe works into their third density models which fail to include intelligent guidance as a principle.
  20. At last! I got frustrated by how little is explained about anomalies with dark matter, but now I found from around 36 minutes into this video that dark matter, if it's particles, then, as the scientist said, it will require a miracle to explain how it works in galaxies: This miracle mentioned is what we can expect if dark matter is intelligent fourth density matter. Really fringe idea, I know, but it fits!
  21. I read on Wikipedia that there are lots of independent observations showing that dark matter exists. One woo woo idea I came to think of is that dark matter is related to the higher densities described in the Law of One. That dark matter is a higher density form of matter and therefore is able to behave in ways beyond third density physics. I will take a look at the following video to see if dark matter has some unusual properties according to mainstream science:
  22. Ha! This new scientific research shows what I have predicted, that dark energy doesn't exist. Are there "major flaws" in the study? The article says: "I think that it's flawed," Riess said about Lee's study. The findings from Lee's team are "at odds with what's been seen with larger samples of supernovae," he added. He thinks it is flawed? Doesn't sound very scientific. And another claim is that it's flawed because of too old galaxies plotted on a curve, but as the authors of the papers said: "Some models overestimate ages for older galaxies". So I think it might be a valid scientific finding. Dark energy is different than dark matter. I believe dark matter is real. Such as this recent discovery: One interesting possibility is that mainstream science will start to sort itself out and become radically improved. Even science is a part of the global ego and is therefore riddled with massive amounts of deceit and manipulation. At the same time there is also a lot of valid scientific research done, and rejecting all of it would be to throw out the baby with the bathwater.
  23. This is pretty radical stuff, but another reason for why not to feed the global ego is that it is built on deception and manipulation. So the usual approach of earning a living by participating in society is just a continuation of that whole corrupt scheme, even things like fame, social status and fortune. Therefore I now have zero interest in becoming a "success" in the world. Becoming a successful part of a caterpillar, that won't fly, haha.
  24. The ego seeks survival and still the body of the ego ages, gets sicks and dies. That's insanity! And the global ego is equally insane, and the only reason it survives is because we obey it. For example seemingly impressive and robust structures such as monetary and legal systems are actually very brittle and vulnerable. All it takes is for us to stop using money and shelter and ignore the whole society. Nassim Haramein lived for a while without food and survived fine on prana and then when he got back to ordinary society, that was much more difficult to do he said. I suspect the need for money is what makes us sick. When we are slaves to money we serve money one might say. And as the Bible says, we cannot serve both God and money. Serving money is to be trapped in the global ego. My idea is to attract money automatically without effort to earn money! Because if I as an ego attempt to earn money, that's again to serve money, which is evil. Alternative researcher Harald Kautz said that the whole money game is demonic. And he stopped worrying about money, and then money came to him when he needed it! We believe money gives us energy, but it seems that the opposite is true: money sucks our energy. The global ego is like in the Matrix where the machine world had turned human beings into energy sources, like batteries to be used and then discarded. Someone said that billionaires have a shorter average lifespan than people in general. Why is that? I think it's because the money the billionaires own is sucking them dry of life energy.
  25. Hmm... Bashar (his real name is Darryl Anka) said that there are shifts that are ongoing and automatic. I'm a bit self-biased here but the word "automatic" caught my attention. That's my hypothesis of how reality works, that actually everything is an automatic, inevitable and deterministic (yet generally unpredictable) process.