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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. I haven't researched much what ACIM means by forgiveness other than my interpretation that it means to recognize that everything that has happened, what others have done to us and what we have done to them, had to happen that way inevitably, and that's similar to this quote from ACIM (Workbook part II:1): "Forgiveness recognizes what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred. " Now Aaron Abke has a new video where he explains that we attack our own projections of others. I found that interesting. So when someone attacks you, then that person is attacking his or her OWN mental image of you!
  2. Is opening the heart a real possibility or just a flowery metaphor? HeartMath Institute has done scientific experiments showing that the heart can be brought into coherence, even between people and even in relation to earth's magnetic field. My theory is that, just as Eckhart Tolle has said, that we have become way too trapped in the thinking mind, and that it's that mind domination that hides the feeling of the heart. As a practice then it should be possible to shift focus from thoughts to heart feeling. And it can be useful to recognize how thoughts are concepts and how they catch basically all our conscious attention. Leo has this video about thoughts:
  3. Is there any evidence for infinite intelligence? Yes, we can look at how the whole universe evolves. It's much more than just some biological random mutation and natural selection process which is a way too simplistic perspective which takes the interconnectedness and holistic emergence of complexity for granted. Leo has pointed out this very thoroughly in his videos. And Ray Kurzweil explains how the universe progresses exponentially according to what he calls the Law of Accelerating Returns. Notice that Kurzweil includes even biological evolution as a part of the Law of Accelerating Returns. Imagine if we would try to simulate this whole progress of the universe on a computer. It's a much more difficult task than it may appear at first. It requires an extraordinary precise coordination of particles and forces all the way from the Big Bang to the invention of the iPhone and beyond.
  4. In her new video Anna talks about collective consciousness, unity consciousness and Christ consciousness. That sounds exactly like ACIM and the Law of One. Being multidimensional sounds more tricky. Maybe she means something similar to how the Bible talks about a separation between sheep and goats which sounds like multi "dimensions" kind of.
  5. Roger Castillo recently gave an explanation of time and causality starting with reality as a single block. Time, he said, is a result of that block being manifested instead of something separate from it. And events in time such as A leads to B leads to C leads to D is also D leads to C leads to B leads to A, he said. Exactly! That's the best explanation of causality from (my self-biased) view I have heard so far.
  6. Infinite intelligence also explains the things in the Bible. Jesus said something like: truly I tell you that everything I have done you will do to and more. It may take a thousand years before we will be able to do such things but I believe as some people have said that we are already shifting into fourth density. We humans here on earth are simply a young civilization, not even Type I yet on the Kardashev scale. And as the Law of One says, our planet is still in a quarantine to allow us to develop on our own, like a real Prime Directive. That explains Fermi's paradox.
  7. What can infinite intelligence do? Well, fourth density is just one step of what infinite intelligence is capable of. My interpretation is that fourth density means eternal physical life. Isn't that horrible? Only if we would be stuck in third density. The fourth density body is made of more intelligent physical matter and we will learn how to shapeshift our bodies. Even be able to shapeshift into different sexes. Fifth density I speculate allows even more advanced bodies, such as the capability to shapeshift ourselves into immaterial objects, like Transformers on steroids. And also into light bodies and then back into physical form again and so on. Isn't that just New Age woo woo speculation? Maybe, but it seems that if there really is infinite intelligence then even these things are a piece of cake for it.
  8. The ego first chooses and then acts. Infinite intelligence acts directly without the need for choice. Because infinite intelligence knows what the best action is and it knows that it is the only choice and therefore actually no choice at all. This is choiceless action.
  9. Bentinho Massaro is like a combination of a spiritual teacher and New Age guru. So his message becomes a bit difficult for me to decypher sometimes. This video about fourth density was easier for me to understand. He says, similar to Aaron Doughty that we are already moving into fourth density. And he talks a lot about what to me sounds like a collective consciousness.
  10. I still feel a bit miserable. And confused! But the ideas about confusion I find interesting. It's my ego struggle which itself causes the confusion. And the ego exists in the body and mind as tensions. So the tensions and the confusion go together. And confusion is the root fuel of fear. So confusion is more fundamental than even fear. I will practice just mindfully observing the confusion and tensions in me.
  11. ACIM says that the ego is confused about everything. The Law of One actually says the same thing I believe and says that the law of free will is the same as the Law of Confusion. J. Krishnamurti said that it's only the confused mind that chooses. My theory that I'm testing is that the future is already determined. Ramesh Balsekar said the same thing. And the confusion then is a result of a misperception, a missing of the mark, meaning "sin", meaning ego belief in doership and in free will.
  12. Leo wrote in his blog that dualities collapse at some point. I was thinking of Roger Castillo's description of the pleasure-pain duality and he said that it will remain even when there is peace of mind. Both Leo and Roger could be right. I like to attempt to integrate all kinds of information like that. The pleasure-pain duality can collapse into a peace-excitement duality, a higher order of duality which includes pleasure and pain and also transcends it. In the higher duality peace is the foundation and excitement plus pleasure and pain are fluctuation around the base level of peace. And the new duality is more than just peace of mind; it's a peace of body and mind! ACIM says that pain is a wrong perspective: That's a lesson with a high number indicating that it's the more advanced teaching of ACIM. And it can explain why Roger said that the pain will remain even in peace of mind, because he is then talking about the first stage where the pleasure-pain duality WILL remain for a while until it can be transcended. Roger talked about how there are different levels of teachings.
  13. I tried the meta perspective of predetermined future and it's awful! I think it's because my ego conditioning is still so heavy. The new meta perspective is a tiny concept in me in comparison to the existing conditioning. Roger Castillo said that the concept of not being a doer can start to replace the old belief in personal doership. That seems logical to me so I will continue exploring the meta perspective for a while and hopefully it will start to feel better. Roger has a new video which may be helpful in this process:
  14. Roger Castillo said that ACIM is about dissolving the doer. And he said that ACIM is a gradual teaching because the ego conditioning is so heavy. So for example he mentions how in one lesson it says that our attitude to circumstances in life is our choice but the circumstances are not our choice. Then in a later lesson is says that, actually even our attitude is not our choice. So the lessons change and become more advanced.
  15. Aaron Abke said in his new video that the ego is the same as the pain body. And he said that ACIM says that only loving thoughts are true, and everything else is a cry for help. One idea I came to think of is that the shadow is a result of the belief in free will! The Law of Confusion as it says in the Law of One. If free will is a false perspective then everything we do in that state of mind will build the shadow.
  16. It can be useful for myself and others to have a practical example of the meta perspective of predetermined reality. Let's say that I have some tedious task to plan for the next week. The correct approach from the meta perspective is neither to do the planning nor NOT to do the planning! Instead the practice is about just mindfully observing the tedious task and remaining deliberately confused about it. This includes even simple practical tasks such as cleaning the bathroom and paying the bills.
  17. The collective consciousness is super simple! Why? Because infinite intelligence will take care of it. "All" we need to do is to recognize that our personal doership is redundant. And then the infinite intelligence can start operating through us, in us and between us. The ego is like a scaffolding, necessary to form our individual personalities and sense of doership, so that then infinite intelligence can be plugged into us. When we recognize that the ego is redundant it has served its purpose and can be dissolved/transformed. And I also believe that's what ACIM describes with terms like Holy Spirit, God's will, Sons of God and so on. ACIM points out in great detail all the falseness of the ego, and that's useful when the ego has served its purpose and is about to be transcended and included (the valuable traits of the ego).
  18. Ah! The future as predetermined can be treated as a meta perspective. The ordinary mind puts a lot of attention and effort into planning, predicting and controlling the future. From the meta perspective of determinism, non-randomness and infinite intelligence ALL concerns about the future are dropped. All future planning is recognized as being redundant from that meta perspective. I will experiment with this idea and be mindful of my own thinking about and trying to control the future.
  19. The ego has a sense of doership. ACIM says that only God's will is real. Actually, the Bible says basically the same thing: ACIM and the Bible also seem to say that God's plan is already established. That's what nonduality teacher Ramesh Balsekar said too, that reality is like a movie already made. It seems that the ego is not meant to grasp/grok that it is not the doer. Maybe the ego and doership are even inseparable. The Law of One calls it the Law of Confusion. Personally I think of the idea of life as an automatic and predetermined process as excellent. It means absolute certainty. But I need to add the belief in evolutionary progress to find the idea appealing to me. Including things like moving to fourth density as described in the Law of One. What makes determinism and nonduality great in my opinion is the addition of unpredictability and infinite intelligence. There is a Bible version called the New American Standard Bible and I really like this translation: Notice that the ego cannot choose to drop its will, since even that is predetermined, but the idea can be tested by letting go of worries. If there is truth to idea of determinism and infinite intelligence, then it may happen that the worries dissolve for real!
  20. Roger Castillo has quoted ACIM and he is a hardcore nonduality teacher and he has a new video together with Gautam Sachdeva another nonduality teacher (both are disciples of Ramesh Balsekar I think).
  21. When ACIM talks about ego it actually also applies to collective egos. Collectively east seems to have less ego consciousness than in the west when looking at technological progress. Western companies like Google, Apple, Nokia and Ericsson are starting to look like clunky dinosaurs compared to the Chinese companies. I suspect that Google for example has a stupid human resource strategy where they recruit people focused on individual technical skills but who lack the social skills necessary for a more collective kind of development. And also the management of the western and eastern companies (and even politics) is probably different.
  22. The cyber begging habit has to stop. People on YouTube saying "hit that like button, subscribe to my channel" why do they need to say that? Because it increases the likelihood of getting likes and subscriptions of course, not least because it's a reminder. Nevertheless, it's starting to feel like spam. And EVERYBODY begging for likes and subscriptions, that's pathetic seen from a larger perspective. I suspect that people who have been cyber beggars will cringe at their own behavior a few years from now. We need to evolve out of the simplistic and mindless Darwinian struggle for survival and and ensnarement into dominator hierarchies.
  23. And of course, the biggest energy vampire is ...... money! It doesn't matter whether we have an abundance of money or a lack of money, it still sucks the energy out of us. So for example a divorce may involve two separate egos struggling with each other, and at the same time there is a bigger energy vampire in the form of money sucking both spouses dry. An efficient practice is to be mindful of money, and to observe worry, greed, fear, anger and struggle for survival in oneself. And then start to question all ideas about money. And also to recognize that money is the primary control tool of the global ego and that's how it sucks most of its energy from people. Just look at how basically all countries in the world have huge national debts. Debt to who?! Somewhere there is an "Illuminati" capstone of the money pyramid which like a black hole is sucking trillions of dollars and euros into itself.
  24. I watched some videos about energy vampires. The global ego is like a huge energy vampire because it's based on "sin", missing the mark; a belief in total separation. And as individual egos we are parts of the global ego and become to lesser or greater degree energy vampires ourselves. The cause of this is a belief in a zero-sum game, that in order for someone to gain energy others have to lose energy. The remedy is a collective consciousness which fuels the energy of everybody. What ACIM calls special relationships are then always energy vampire relationships. It's unrealistic to just drop all our personal relationships. Instead what can be done is to work on ourselves and become aware of people trying to drain us, and of ourselves trying to drain others. And then be open to a new collective kind of energy to flow into us instead of the conscious and subconscious ego struggles in relationships.