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In Buddhism desire is described as the cause of suffering. ACIM has a different take on desire it seems: My view is that desire causes suffering for the ego because it has its foundation in fear (which has a deeper ground in confusion). So ego desire becomes a restless pull away from the now, as Eckhart Tolle has explained it. However, it seems to me that when we have found true inner peace desire will be useful as a motivator. I will look into the original meaning of the Buddhist concept of desire and compare it to my interpretation of desire.
Maybe calendar time is an even bigger tool of the global ego than money, because it's directly connected to the actual movement of earth. Calendar time is useful and necessary. The problem is that we have as a civilization become totally trapped in calendar time which makes our lives mechanical and robotic. I will experiment with being mindful of calendar time. Eckhart Tolle suggested using what he calls clock time for practical purposes. That may be a good start, however that's still a split between "practical" and "not practical". My intent is to particularly focus on calendar time in practical everyday life, and relax my ego conditioning of it.
I came to think of first order vs second order information. Leo has talked about first and second order reality, but not in terms of pure information as far as I know. Is it a duality description to divide reality into first and second order? No, because the first order reality, which is an interconnected wholeness, contains the second order reality. I defined complexity as interconnected information. For first order information that's easy in my model since that's just points in Indra's net. All points in Indra's net are connected to all other points. It's maximum complexity already. The second order information is different. Second order information consists of separate bits having clearly defined states 0 or 1. That's an incredible feat! Why? Because nothing in reality is truly separate, so to produce the effect of separate bits requires extraordinary design of how all of reality fits together perfectly into a oneness. And that's where infinite intelligence is needed. Although no designer needed. As an example of actual second order information, think of a Blu-ray disc containing a Hollywood movie. That information has very large complexity since it's not just some random separate bits, which in itself is already an amazingly complex achievement. The information on the Blu-ray disc produces the movie when being played. And the movie itself is a product of huge complexity dependent on interconnected things in our modern society.
It seems to me that the Bible contains profound truths. It's just that the meaning must be interpreted correctly. Eternal sin? Never forgiven by God? It means that missing the mark forever never leads to forgiveness. ACIM says that sin is illusions in the mind: And forgiveness according to ACIM is: As long as we live in the illusion of separation we speak against the Holy Spirit, which simply means failing to recognize the Tao, the wholeness flow of the totality of life. The Tao is the same as the Holy Spirit and Christ, the way and the truth and the life. Actually Tao can literally be interpreted as the way.
The ego is the opposite of Tao. That's impossible! Because the Tao is the wholeness flow of totality. At least if I have understood it correctly. So the ego is a mistaken view, a distorted perspective. The ego is a sinful sinner, born in sin and living in sin. Of course, sin here means missing the mark. Sin is a mistaken view, a distorted perspective. Sin is to miss Tao. And sin is therefore to miss the Holy Spirit which is the same as Tao. ACIM has a great explanation of sin as not being an error. Because an error can be corrected. Sin is a distorted perspective, like dirt on a mirror. One cannot correct the dirt and expect a clear mirror. One has to remove the dirt to make the mirror clear.
The intellect tends to protest against practicing mindful confusion. Because the intellect deals with concepts and is unable to do anything about confusion on that level. One solution is to use the intellect to take a meta perspective of the concept of all concepts. And then the mind becomes happy when it realizes that the confusion is a result of concepts clashing within one's own mind, and that the meta perspective is in theory free from that conflict. The Tao as I understand it is the wholeness flow of totality. And what ACIM points out is that the ego misses the Tao and that the Holy Spirit is the solution since that is the Tao. The Tao includes the ego mind with its confusion but is not itself confused. And it's only the actualization of Tao, the realization of the Holy Spirit, that can dissolve confusion.
I found something called perspectivism. Are the ACIM concepts of fear and love then only perspectives? Not necessarily. Leo often makes a distinction between relative concepts and the absolute. For example Love (with capital L) can include both love (relative love) and fear. The idea of perspectivism is older than Nietzsche's view. Chinese philosopher Chuang Tzu (4th century BC) described perspectivism according to this video: The presenter said that in Taoism looking at for example a tree and a flower as separate things is only a conceptual view. That seems to me to be what the ego does. The ego misses the Tao, the totality flow, and only looks through its own conceptual map of reality. The concept of love in ACIM is the Tao, because the Holy Spirit is the totality flow of life.
And also, even big politics is only a temporary stage which I believe will be transcended by moving into fourth density. The Bible even says that the "victorious one" will smash all nations like pottery, which I interpret as replacing governments with another form of social structure. This will require removing the ego and moving into Holy Spirit control, which is the same as in eastern traditions such as nonduality and Taoism like in this new video:
I supported ACIM expert Marianne Williamson for President. Unfortunately she dropped out of the race. I will support Trump if he wins in 2020. Because I believe there is more to his presidency than meets the eye. He may seem like a total opposite to Williamson but I look at it from a unifying perspective. Sure, first I thought for example that the Trump wall was a horrible idea. Then later I learned that it may be necessary to deal with child trafficking and other organized crime, not only from Mexico, also from the U.S. and via Mexico out to other destinations in the world. And there is a possibility for a huge Watergate level scandal building up this summer. And I'm also interested in QAnon and even if as someone pointed out they use cult-like language such as "trust the plan" which is eerily similar to "trust the leader" I believe there is a good "white hat" purpose behind that movement, such as dealing with massive corruption.
I suspect that money is a big part of the body armor. I still have a plan to attract money. It's tricky. The idea is to suck money from the "Illuminati" power pyramid capstone which actually is above the global ego. I'm a fan of entrepreneurship and things like that but I want to avoid participating in the global ego too much. Instead I will use the Law of Attraction in a much more unconventional way by expecting money from outside the global ego.
ACIM says that our emotions are isolated and misleading, and it also says that all minds are connected. Is that really a consistent message? Yes! It is. My take is that the ego tensions are not only a result of our own protections but also connected between all people on the planet. And that's a form of intersubjectivity, but a nasty one. What I call the global ego manifests in us as tensions in body and mind. It's an intersubjective field with lots of conflicts and confusion. Even our own thoughts are actually the global ego's thoughts and we feed it with our energy. Positive orgone energy is to a large extent blocked by the global ego, leading to a body armor made of deadly orgone, that literally kills us by slowly making the body age, deteriorate and die. The way out of the global ego is through developing true intersubjective feelings which will emerge when the body armor dissolves. The body armor is a third density trait, like an energy straightjacket. Moving into fourth density is about activating the heart-body-mind energy connection and dissolving fear.
I mentioned intersubjective emotions. A dictionary definition is: "intersubjective adjective existing between conscious minds; shared by more than one conscious mind." In this video Brad Johnson talks about what sounds like such emotions. He uses New Age sounding concept so it's outside the mainstream consensus view. That's useful in this case since the mainstream knowledge in this area is limited. Is Brad's information correct? I don't know so this is something for me to take as a hypothesis. It could be that he has much more knowledge than me about this.
The ego can believe thoughts are equally important regardless of the emotional content that goes along with the thoughts. ACIM as usual has a very radical explanation: Imagine removing emotions from the thoughts. Then a thought about a horrible condition would feel the same as a lovely thought, or rather, no feeling at all. So in reality the ego is totally driven by emotions. Why does ACIM say that the ego's emotions are manifested opposite to what they actually are? Because the ego's emotions lack true intersubjectivity, so they trick us to believe that they represent the actual situation when in fact they are local to the isolated ego mind. Here again I believe being mindful of one's confusion is a useful practice. It allows the mind to rearrange itself both in terms of thoughts and emotions. And the feeling of confusion can be compared to emotions in addition to the thoughts. The ego's emotions are actually true, but only in relation to its own isolated perspective, so they need to be replaced by a new kind of emotions.
The ego is a concept. And when the ego feels threatened it's attacked by its own concepts! That's difficult to recognize when we are completely identified with our ego. ACIM calls it attack thoughts. I recognize that what ACIM says here is true. It's my own thoughts that make me feel threatened. I will experiment with focusing on my confusion instead of my attack thoughts. I have practiced this before and confusion still feels uncomfortable for me. The idea is to get more comfortable with the confusion instead of the attack thoughts. Not as a means to keep the confusion but to dissolve it along with dissolving the attack thoughts.
In his new video, Leo said that from the highest perspective there is no difference between saints and Hitler, something like that. That's actually easy to understand intellectually when we consider reality to be infinite intelligence. The highest perspective is all of reality as a united oneness and all is perfectly in order. And I want to add that in third density there is a lot of conflict and evil, and this is just a temporary stage of development when seen from a bigger perspective. From our human third density perspective we don't understand fully why all the evil but we can intuit that in the cosmic picture even the conflicts and the evil is necessary for the future to progress.
I haven't looked much into astrology. If my model is correct, then large-scale alignments and synchronicities are to be expected. So I believe there is truth to astrology when it's done correctly and that it's worthwhile to look into that. Astrologer Heather Ensworth Ph.D. has a new video where she also talks about what sounds similar to ACIM and the Law of One and a shift into fourth density:
Jesus Christ said that if we have but the faith of a mustard seed, we can tell a mountain to jump into the sea and it will do that. When taken as a literal statement that's an absurd claim from a third density perspective. From a higher density perspective however what Jesus said can be interpreted as a literal statement. And for example in the Law of One it's described how the Great Pyramid at Giza was created instantly through thought-manifestation. Another seemingly incredible claim, yet if reality is infinite intelligence, then that's an easy thing to do. The movie Moana I believe gives hints about higher density reality. Higher density means more intelligence, even in physical matter. This is nicely illustrated in this clip where the ocean has higher density capacity:
My initial impression of the Seth Material is that it's advanced enough to be from a real higher density source. It describes the ego as a limited perspective. And it says that our emotions are very limited at the moment. That made me think of how the ego has isolated emotions. And a collective consciousness has unified emotions! So then people in a collective consciousness have both individual emotions and also truly intersubjective emotions between people.
ACIM focuses on love vs fear to cut through the ego. The Law of One is about the same thing from another and broader perspective it seems. There is also the Seth Material which is an even earlier channeling. I will take a look at the Seth Material and compare it to the Law of One and ACIM.
The ego is an enormous bundle of conditioning. Actually, I think of the ego as also including our biological evolution. This is consistent with ACIM which is very radical when it comes to describing our current state of the world. I now find it easy to get a meta perspective of my ego. Of course, that meta perspective is just a new form of conditioning of my mind, but a useful one. The meta perspective I use is to think of myself as a single unique point of experience. And from that point my ego is recognized as conditioning as a part of totality, not separate from it. So even the ego is one with everything. It's just that it mistakenly believes itself to be separate.
The Bible says this about memories: ACIM explains that it's about a different way of relating to memories:
Is a collective consciousness the same as a collective ego? No, because a collective ego is unconscious. And consciousness is a wholeness. A collective ego is a lifeless product, not a being able to do anything. The same with the individual ego. This means that personal memories that the ego believes are so precious are all a false perspective! That's why Jesus and other teachers have said that we must die in order to live. The ego is already a lifeless structure so there is no actual death involved. This is true both for the individual and the collective ego. You can test the truth of this yourself. Does a memory contain life? Is a memory a living thing? No, a memory is lifeless information. And egos are bundles of memories. Even personal memories only seem to come alive through being animated in our consciousness.
Oh! It's the EGO that is mechanical. Not the idea that life is automatic. And then ACIM is correct about the ego being confused about everything. Actually, the ego is a lifeless structure. It's the automatic process of all of reality unfolding as a oneness that produces life. So when I believe I'm in control of anything in my life, including planning and controlling the future, that's a total delusion!
ACIM says that the Holy Spirit works through the body and into the world. This is a more accurate perspective logically than the ego's view of the body. The ego sees the body as a separate object that can be moved around in the world. That's a false view. Instead, in reality what happens is that both the body and the outside world move as a oneness.