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Manifested reality is forever increasing complexity. The individual soul is an eternal and changeless point within reality. Consciousness is a result of feedback of complexity. Now Occam can stop spinning in his grave because of all those overly complicated and fantastically elaborate or cop out "unknowable" theories about reality out there. I set the record straight. (Talk about hubris or delusion of grandeur, haha, but I think I'm right.)
Now I will go against many if not most spiritual traditions and ask the question: is consciousness an epiphenomenon? My answer is: yes! Manifested reality is forever expanding complexity. And sufficiently high levels of complexity produce consciousness. Very much like in the Integrated Information Theory in mainstream science, except that the complexity is not only in the brain. Some people have water instead of a brain inside their heads and can function normally! And also, out-of-body experiences I believe are real and they allow for consciousness to exist in "empty" space. My view is the same as before and that is that consciousness is a state of being aware as a self. Consciousness is an on/off state. In dreamless sleep, consciousness is off. And during dreams and in the waking state, consciousness is on. Simple. And confirmed by direct experience. So, then, can consciousness be extinguished forever? The good news is that, no, since complexity is always increasing and since we already have consciousness, we will have consciousness forever.
I strongly doubt that I have had a past life. But there might be a collective kind of past lives. There is the esoteric concept of the Akashic records: And we can see that this is true through genetics, epigenetics, inherited cultural values etc. And also, all minds are connected it says in ACIM. And people can tap into past lives I believe, such as several people claiming to have been Cleopatra in their past lives. In this way there is also a collective karma of humanity. I think of karma as being ego conditioning and we have collectively as humanity a huge karma in that sense. And so when we transcend our own egos we also resolve lots of collective karma. That's one of my new interpretations of "service to others" in the Law of One.
Shunyamurti talked about a higher form of logic than the traditional duality logic. That sounds similar to what Leo has talked about. If I remember correctly, Leo made a distinction between Truth and true/false. The Truth is everything. If it exists it's True. Simple! And yet there may be vast power in that kind of logic. That kind of higher logic doesn't make sense to the ego. As a simple example 2+2 = 4 is true. And 2+2 = 5 is false. However 2+2 = 5 is True. Because the statement "2+2 = 5" exists and is therefore True in the higher sense of logic. I think the higher logic can be useful even from ego consciousness as a practice tool for transcending the ego. Just to regard everything we experience as True is a simple practice that in itself can recontextualize how we perceive reality.
Hmm... Here I found another Shunyamurti satsang video. He talks about what sounds very much like the new earth. So even traditional spiritual teachers are talking about that now. Interesting. Although Eckhart Tolle has hinted about similar things, Shunyamurti brings a more direct message.
Great! In his new video Brad Johnson again brings a message channeled directly from the earth collective consciousness:
Amazing that Bernie Sanders is leading among the Democratic candidates. If Bernie wins in 2020 I will support him. If Trump wins I will support Trump. I look at it from a big global perspective and it will be interesting to see what happens in big politics such as between the U.S. and China. I even think that the harvest talked about in the Law of One has already started and it includes what will happen in mainstream society.
How come an ancient human civilization with a collective consciousness would have much less uniqueness than our civilization based on ego? Think of starting a civilization with an immensely intelligent collective consciousness. People in that collective would immediately know how to deal with life, how to find the best solutions for technology and science. That civilization would look essentially identical to all other such early collective consciousness civilizations in the entire universe. Like copies/clones. Boring as f from a cosmic perspective, and with basically zero value in the bigger picture. Now compare that to our situation where we have struggled through an onslaught of confusion, conflict, deception, manipulation, power struggles and compartmentalized information throughout our entire history. Just look at the joke of mainstream science trying to unify quantum mechanics and Einstein's relativity. It's a complete mess! It's a delusion. Einstein's relativity is a big hoax, but a useful one. Why useful? Because things like that fuel creativity and novelty. And that's just one example of how basically our entire world functions. And the constructive purpose behind that kind of deception, manipulation and hiding of the truth is to maximize the uniqueness of the civilization. The advanced civilizations in our universe have a collective consciousness, but one that has integrated (harvested) their third density uniqueness with their early collective civilizations, and thereby they have both a collective (transcended ego) and uniqueness (ego uniqueness preserved). They have all gone through the same monumental con game (the fall) that we have gone through. To repeat what Jordan Maxwell said: "Nothing in this world works the way you think it does."
Let's say that an advanced human civilization existed on earth 100,000 years ago and that they already had a collective consciousness. Then why would they let us in ego consciousness struggle so much throughout the last say 6,000 years? The answer is that there is a deliberate purpose of third density and ego consciousness. The ancient collective consciousness although it has much higher intelligence also has much less uniqueness. The uniqueness of our current third density world is what is valuable from a cosmic perspective. So the harvest that is mentioned in the Law of One is about transcending the global ego while at the same time preserving (harvesting) what is valuable in our world. The Wanderers, if they are that ancient collective, already have superior technology, but if for example their technology would replace our internet, then the content on the web will be preserved.
It feels like I'm ranting endlessly about tensions in body and mind, but I think it's important. Because that's direct evidence of our state of being in physical reality. With continuing practice I discovered that it's possible to inhabit the tensions in the body. And it also may require a belief in fourth density and that the tensions are a third density trait. Reconditioning the thinking mind and the subconscious then becomes a part of the practice. One method is to allow confusion in the mind and let it dissolve. Another way is to learn from esoteric teachings like the Law of One, and also from newer teachings such as presented by Anna in her new video: Instead of struggling against the ego tensions, Anna's message inspired me to maybe not love my tensions but at least inhabit them with awareness. The subconscious and habitual conditioning of the ego is to avoid the tensions so they gradually become numbed out which just hides the problem more and more and strengthens the body armor.
The ego believes that the universe can be against it. That's one of the things ACIM points out about the ego. It looks like a self-fulfilling prophecy. And it may be that this will always be the case in third density. In third density the body deteriorates and all kinds of nasty things can happen. That's entropy, which means it's "just" hidden information. In fourth density the entropy becomes useful information and the universe will always then be supportive.
Nonduality teacher Roger Castillo who sometimes quotes from ACIM said that some people start to suffer directly when they wake up in the morning, regardless of the actual external circumstances. That has probably happened to all of us. That's the mind causing suffering by itself! That simple fact is suspicion enough to at least consider what ACIM says as a possible truth. Why would the mind torture itself? Eckhart Tolle has mentioned something similar about the ego mind. So a simple practice I will try is to observe my mind and how it creates suffering by itself.
Oh, my! The Great Flood was probably the ancient collective consciousness "Atlantis" going "under the surface" and when doing so they removed the traces of evidence of advanced technology in a so-called "flood". There are many of ancient stories around the world about a great flood.
I like this presentation, very esoteric: That made me think of the story of Atlantis. I have been thinking about Atlantis as a myth with some historical reality to it but not as some ancient advanced civilizations. But humanity is much older than our modern history! According to Wikipedia homo sapiens sapiens emerged 350-260,000 years ago. And imagine that a part of the original population of humanity developed a collective consciousness from the beginning. That means prehistoric super intelligence among humans. So there could have been a very advanced civilization on earth say 100,000 years ago. And then they went "under the surface" to allow the rest of humanity, us in separate ego consciousness, to develop on our own.
Yikes! ALL thoughts in ego consciousness are sinful. Why? Because all our personal memories are then tainted by the false belief in separation. And that's the real meaning of sin. So somehow we need to transcend our whole way of thinking, in an integral transcend and include way. Our knowledge will be preserved and our ability to think will be preserved, but it will be a whole new level of thinking.
Also Spiral Dynamics is an excellent model showing how there are stages of development for humanity. Some people have even suggested that there is a third Tier. As a crude analogy we can think of the New Age concept of dimensions in relation to the different tiers in Spiral Dynamics. The first Tier is the third dimension. The second Tier is the fourth dimension where individuals have transcended the us vs them duality. And the third Tier is the fifth dimension where humanity as a collective has transcended ego consciousness. From a Law of One perspective third density means third dimension, and the fourth dimension means higher third density and the fifth dimension is the fourth density. ACIM is about moving from the third dimension via miracles in the fourth dimension to the first new heaven/earth in the Bible which is the fifth dimension.
Then, how do we know that there really are higher stages of development where suffering has been transcended? Probably difficult to prove but to me reality seems like an enormously intelligent design. And we can see progress through evolution and even through history. Even violence, as Steven Pinker's research shows, has been in a steady decline throughout all human history. And as Ray Kurzweil explained, the Law of Accelerating Returns is not just about exponential technological progress. Even biological evolution follows that law, he wrote. And both ACIM and the Law of One, and basically all spiritual teachings and religions, have the concept of moving from our current Kali Yuga / fallen world / third density to a new evolutionary fourth density stage on earth.
How can reality be absolute Good? One answer is that the evil, violence, disease, natural disasters and so on in our world can be seen as collective karma. And from an absolute perspective all karma is good. Even the bad karma serves a Good purpose. So, again as Leo said, there is a difference between the absolute Good and relative good and bad. The Good includes the good/bad duality. And look at it from a cosmic perspective. Compare a human lifetime of suffering to trillions and trillions of years of higher development where suffering has been transcended. That's a tiny amount of suffering! At least when seen as a part of a bigger picture. AND, in order to reach higher stages of development, the experience of suffering is needed as a contrast.
Is there good and bad karma? As Leo has pointed out, ultimately everything is Good in an absolute sense. So all karma is useful. Relatively speaking there is good and bad karma. My explanation is that the bad karma is that which needs to be removed and the good karma is that which needs to be preserved in an integral transcend and include way.
Personal memories are extremely heavy content. It's not just something that we can easily throw away based on a simple intellectual understanding. As an extreme example, imagine a person in ego consciousness who was raped as a child. That childhood memory IS a false conditioning but it can be an enormous psychological burden for the person, including mental traumas etc, so it's a massive process of sorting out what emotional content to preserve and what to throw away. Not even a professional psychotherapist will know how to sort out personal memories. Especially when the psychotherapist is in ego consciousness himself or herself. Not even an enlightened teacher will know how to deal with our personal memories, because it's way too complicated. Only the Holy Spirit can correctly sort out our personal memories.
One amazing concept Ken Wilber has talked a lot about is integral transcend and include. I often use that when feeling stuck in duality ideas. Actually, ACIM is a bit too much duality sometimes, because of its black and white comparison between ego and Holy Spirit. The same with personal memories. It's true that all personal memories in ego consciousness were created from that false sense of separation. But it's also important to keep the "baby" when throwing out the bathwater. So our personal ego memories need to be transcended and included. My practice at the moment is to take my personal memories as valuable knowledge without letting its emotional content jerk me around. Sad memories, happy memories, memories of pride, guilt, shame, hatred, envy, love and loneliness and so on, all that is ego crap! It's crap because it's a result of a false perspective. So our personal memories come with lies in the form of emotional content. Even some of the emotional content in personal memories can be valuable, BUT in ego consciousness we are incapable of knowing what emotional content to preserve and what to throw away. The usual habit is of the ego to cling to all personal memories like crazy and especially to the sticky emotional content that goes along with the personal memories. The Bible taks about forgetting past memories which I believe means in a transcend and include way rather than some amnesia.
My latest take on karma is that it means ego conditioning. It will be interesting to compare my interpretation of karma with Aaron Abke's new video about it:
I'm experimenting with the idea that personal memories and tensions in body and mind go together. Previously I overlooked the fact that all personal memories themselves contain the false belief of being a separate self. It seems reasonable to believe therefore that the false belief in separation is what builds the tensions. And then when I continue living from my personal memories I keep building and maintaining the tensions. That would explain why the tensions seemed so suspicious; they are a "conspiracy" of inner conflict caused by the ego.
Is spiritual enlightenment just about removing the ego's identification as a separate self? Yes, that seems to be the main theme according to nonduality teachers and ACIM at least. In practice this is a huge thing. Why? Because all our personal memories were formed from that ego belief in a separate self. And the same with our whole society, and our whole human history and probably our whole biological evolution up to now. So the ego is a massive heap of false conditioning.