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Everything posted by Anderz

  1. I have heard people, maybe mostly nonduality teachers, talking about how the material world is like a mirror. And when we believe we alter things in the world that's actually an illusion! Absolutely mindblowing. But it makes sense from a consciousness first perspective. Changing reality is like putting lipstick on the mirror. Our ordinary experience is that putting lipstick on our own lips will make a difference. And of course on that level it does cause a change. But the nonduality idea is that all changes we make on the external level are projections of consciousness, since according to the common nonduality perspective everything material is just a projection of consciousness. So maybe it's possible to make a humongous shift of perspective, a total recontextualization where consciousness becomes the ground of being even experientially instead of experiencing the material world as the ground where change happens. The material world then becomes the "mirror" and consciousness the projector.
  2. Another thing Leo recommended and what spiritual teachers have talked about is to put attention on awareness itself. When it comes to ego tensions, that's in the material world. Consciousness is free from tensions. And consciousness as I see it is connected to the infinite unmanifested. Because that's how consciousness can be aware of the material reality of dualities. So in theory consciousness is then the connection to infinite power! I will experiment with dissolving ego tensions by being aware of consciousness itself. Consciousness is connected to all of the manifested world, not just to the brain and the physical body. All of reality is a projection in consciousness. Physical reality is real and even objective in my opinion, but it's "just" information experienced in consciousness, not some separate material stuff.
  3. Leo has an interesting proposal in this video about self-inquiry. He described how by just observing something for a very long time we will get lots of insights. I'm thinking of applying that to observing ego tensions in myself. Both in the body and in the mind. Sounds like ordinary mindfulness practice but I think there is a slight distinction here which is the possibility of getting insights about how the tensions work inside the mind and body.
  4. Impermanence is maya. The idea of change is a dualistic perspective. That's sin in the sense of a mistaken view. Reality is changeless. Otherwise reality would have a foundation of duality. Change means that something turns into something else. Not possible for reality as a whole. The same with randomness. True randomness means the possibility of change from one state into another random state. That again is duality. The same with free will. Taking sin as meaning the belief in impermanence gives the following funny observation: At the personal stage we are sinful sinners, born in sin and living in sin. The very idea of a person is itself a notion of separation. A separate controller or entity would require a position outside of reality but then it wouldn't be a part of the same reality or even connected to the same reality, past, present or future.
  5. Healing is a concept only relevant at the prepersonal and personal stages. At the transpersonal stage we are already healed. That's my new take on it. Disclaimer: This is only my own speculation and could be wrong and dangerous. So the key then, is to reject all forms of healing, to boycott healthcare and so-called "healthy" practices. Even physical exercise should be avoided except as a means of training new bodily skills or as pleasure. If it feels burdensome to do physical exercise that's a form of suffering and is a hint from nature that we are doing something wrong.
  6. New video from Shunyamurti. I haven't even watched it yet but he has one of the most advanced spiritual teachings I have found so far.
  7. Another huge change I see on the horizon is the introduction of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). China is already testing its new digital currency DCEP (e-yuan). Contrary to popular belief, money today is overwhelmingly created by commercial banks. What governments and central banks do has less influence than it usually is portrayed in media. With CBDCs governments will gain power over the control and creation of money. This means a massive lessening of the power of capitalism.
  8. Capitalism has a huge momentum and society has large inertia. So I expect capitalism to remain strong for several decades, but exponential progress of information technology is as Ray Kurzweil said inexorable, so within a few decades from today much will have changed. Kurzweil said that there will be a both/and scenario with both open source and commercial products and services. That's a new layer of competition! I think that will be excellent and capitalism is then only getting obsolete as the dominant method for production. An even bigger perspective is that evolution is all of reality progressing as a wholeness. Marianne Williamson said that "a tsunami of automation is coming to America". I think she learned that from Andrew Yang. And COVID-19 can be seen as a part of the overall evolution of reality instead of just a random event. And stimulus packages are a precursor to more widespread so-called helicopter money, such as universal basic income (UBI). Those are to me signs of capitalism starting to lose its dominance. Capitalism has served a useful purpose. Capitalism has caused a trend towards mass markets. Bigger companies buy smaller companies in order to grow and to remove competition. And the majority of markets thereby becomes a question about how many consumers can be reached, how large your customer base is. Even this is something good seen from a big perspective. It has caused society to form a common platform of interests. It has acted a glue to make society as whole more cohesive. It would be confusing to have for example millions of different brands of automobiles. But even this useful aspect of capitalism is getting obsolete or at least reduced. We have reached a point in history where the mass markets are already established and mature. Without mass markets the production of goods and services would in the past have been much less efficient. Now automation and things like 3D printing are starting to reduce the need for mass markets.
  9. @Claymoree I think it can be seen as content vs structure. The capitalist mindset is both structure and content. I think that the structure will change and taking the content away with it. When making money becomes irrelevant for survival we will see a radical change in how people think about capitalism.
  10. Another thing capitalism has done historically is to make people keep business secrets and fight each other in court and even outside the law. From a really big perspective, this has actually been a good thing! Why? Because it has forced people to come up with unique and creative solutions to compete with successful business secrets. I argue that even this good aspect of capitalism is coming to an end. My current view is that our civilization has already reached the level of uniqueness needed and that capitalism even in this regard is getting obsolete.
  11. It certainly seems unlikely that Trump can win now, so why am I still undecided? My reasoning is that the Trump team is blocking all paths towards counter claims by the Democrats. And that Trump waits with the big evidence until last. In this way the Democrats will be prevented from claiming voting fraud in the other direction, because all those paths have then already been investigated and thrown out of courts.
  12. Shunyamurti described consciousness as a field. There is also a planetary field of consciousness, he said. That must be the collective planetary transpersonal consciousness! So one idea then is that as the free will of the crystallized ego dissolves at the personal stage it results in a merging with the collective field of consciousness of the whole planet, and the emergence of the fluid ego at the transpersonal stage.
  13. The Word of God is infinite yet its manifestation is always finite or the entire Word would be manifested at once thereby preventing the flow of time. And Christ is the Word manifested, which is all of the manifestated world (John 1). Jesus said, not my will by thy will be done to the Father. And the Father is the infinite intelligence of the entire Word. The manifestation of the Word increases as the progress of time, yet at each moment the manifested Word is changeless information and only of the past. So Christ cannot do anything without the Father's will. Christ is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. The Father is endless. And since the Word is all of our manifested reality we humans are the Word too yet in a fallen sinful state which just means a mistaken perception of separation. The ego is "sinful" because of a necessary mistaken perspective (fall of humanity) for the purpose of growth and development, so sin doesn't actually mean something bad or evil. This made me think of the ego as having no free will too. So the belief in free will is a delusion which causes suffering. And the abandonment of free will results in inner peace. It's tricky, because having no free will is different than being a helpless victim or it becomes a psychological depersonalization disorder. Notice that the depersonalization disorder involves the experience of being detached. That's an error! That's a mistaken perspective and a psychological disorder. To truly dissolve free will means to become one with Christ and thereby connected as everything, not detached or separated. I will check out Shunyamurti's newest video to see if he explains this tricky situation.
  14. I used to think of Giuliani as one of those horrible neocons but now I like him more. Is Biden a crime family? I doubt that, but I find Giuliani's show funny and who knows, the voting fraud allegation could still be true! I'm still on the fence regarding the election.
  15. Many so-called rational atheists may think of the Bible as fantasy. I believe that's a pre/trans fallacy. And that the Bible is deliberately written in a way to obscure the truth in metaphors to prevent us from learning advanced knowledge prematurely. And taking the Bible too literally is also a fallacy I believe. For example a new earth where there is "no longer any sea" in my interpretation doesn't mean that the oceans will dry up. Nor do things like the death of a third of humanity mentioned in the Bible mean physical death. It means ego death and the end of the personal stage and the beginning of the transpersonal stage.
  16. Death is sin. Why? Because death is caused by the belief in being a separate entity. That's a mistaken perspective which is to miss the mark which in turn is the meaning of sin. And society at the personal stage is therefore a death cult. And a transpersonal society means no more death. The Bible has already explained this: And the "old order of things" means the personal stage and the "new earth" means the transpersonal stage.
  17. Brian Scott recommended the book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy. Bruce Lipton said that the subconscious mind is much more powerful than the conscious mind. And the crystallized ego then is like an iceberg where the conscious mind is only the tip of the iceberg and the rest is below the surface of conscious awareness.
  18. Can any system say anything about itself? I doubt that. What I believe happens is that people put their own interpretations into the system. And that's a meta perspective outside of the system. For example the entire internet is nothing but a bunch of ones and zeros. The internet can't say anything about itself. It's our human interpretations we add onto the internet that produce the meaning we get out of the information. And in the same way what I suspect Gödel did was to put his own meta perspective on top of Principia Mathematica. It's not as someone said in the quote I posted earlier that Gödel disregarded meaning. On the contrary, Gödel added his own meaning in the form of a meta perspective and plastered that on top of the theory of types.
  19. I found this new dialog between Rupert Spira and Swami Sarvapriyananda. I randomly selected a part of the video where Spira said that nonduality teaching has evolved. That sounded interesting so I think I will check out the rest of the dialog.
  20. I now noticed that Leo has already mentioned that Gödel's incompleteness theorems use self-reference in his video. So that has already been covered. But I'm still confused about how Gödel achieved his proof using a sentence (sometimes called G): It seems to me that what Gödel did is like using the English alphabet and then claiming that when only using letters A to Z there are words that cannot be constructed from those letters.