Gili Trawangan

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Everything posted by Gili Trawangan

  1. No one actually said yes
  2. You are extremely young. Don't do anything that you would regret. I can tell you that I've had lots of health issues when I was younger. Lots of different ones, they were painful and chronic - or so I thought - I was depressed, desperate, went through a lot of suffering. Gradually, they subsided. One by one. Skip to the present day. I've just turned 40 and I'm super healthy and happy. And have been for a very long time. Life comes with challenges. The challenges are what makes you grow the most, they provide incredible and profound lessons. You didn't come into this world to get an easy ride. So take a step back, and understand that this is a challenge. This too shall pass.
  3. This is the reason. It's not the method or lack of luck or grace. On the other hand, you could say that God's grace is the desire - 100% commitment - for enlightenment. There's a few ways to look at it. Anyway, the point is that when you get serious about it, it will happen.
  4. What do you mean by this? What's your goal? This I find a contradiction in terms. Quality meditation is not long-term, it is always just in the moment. Being mindful in the moment. Letting go of expectations, attachments, ideas of what "quality meditation" is in the moment. No past, no future, only the moment.
  5. No, not a girl. A guy with experience. If you're looking for a quick fix, there isn't one. And you're not gonna find answers on a forum either. I mean, the solution has been given to you countless times: approach enough women until you get good at it, then you will have the confidence that you can get girls attracted to you and your neediness will gradually fade. But this takes time and effort. Time and effort approaching, analysing what you've done wrong, improving on sticking points, all of this whilst also working on the other aspects of your life. It's not gonna happen overnight. The formula: approach, fail, analyse failure, improve approach, fail, analyse failure and repeat. End result - after actually getting good: you become the kind of guy who knows he can get girls attracted wherever he goes and this permeates his whole vibe. Voila, you are now detached.
  6. You just sound too eager. "I want to get this part of my life sorted"; "attracting a girl is just a means to finding my ideal relationship". This mindset is detrimental to what attraction is all about. You should enjoy your interactions with girls all the way through without any long-term agenda. Be in the moment, accept whatever happens. Be willing to lose the girl, there's tons more where that one came from. By the way, this is the girl's mindset too. She doesn't give a shit about never seeing you again because she knows just how easy it is to find another dude who is attracted to her. Be like that.
  7. To realize that you are not incarnating as a human right now.
  8. Great thread
  9. Lol. There isn't a you.
  10. Interesting experience, I don't know what to make of it but thanks for sharing.
  11. There you have it. Others are you, you are others. Therefore, treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. It's consistent with the teachings of all great spiritual teachers AND MORE IMPORTANTLY it's consistent with your own experience. Why you would trust any of this over your own direct experience is beyond me. Take back your authority and trust your own intuition. Love = Truth. Not "denying others = truth", that's just immature, selfish, egoic. Again, Truth is LOVE.
  12. Enough said. You have no idea what you're talking about, and you should simply be honest about that. There's no shame in not knowing, no matter what you hear around here.
  13. Merely a thought. It's a lot more radical than that. Consider the possibility that this is the first moment to have ever taken place. Or in other words, eternity, which doesn't mean a lot of time, it means no time. The only thing that makes it seem like this isn't the first moment to have ever existed is memory, thought and all the rest that comes with a 'self'.
  14. Spirituality is what got me there. By seeing that ultimately everything is God's dream, life ceases to be serious or heavy, so there isn't "most important work" any longer, there is following one's passion and love. And even in relative terms, sharing love and positivity through art does help the world.
  15. It's inconceivable. Ungraspable. When you think of it you've lost it. It cannot be contained in any definition, be it self, no-self or God.
  16. Die Hard is a fucking masterpiece So there are no rules, anything goes.
  17. Art can connect you to God, directly, timelessly. That timeless moment is enough to justify all the artists in the world.
  18. There is no one to be all alone. The ego co-opts awakening and claims ownership of God. There isn't a 'you', Reality/God is beyond being a self or not a self. It's infinite, it can appear as a self or as many selves whilst never actually being anything. These are thoughts that are being believed, you're too caught up in this forum's narrative. Truth is love, peace and happiness. There isn't 'other', but what's being missed is that there isn't a 'self' either.
  19. There isn't a self to live all possible lives. There isn't a past or a future. There aren't lives, there isn't even a single life unless you imagine it so. This is the beginning and end. No history, no future. And this is absolutely free to be what it wants to be. To make it easier for you, conceding the existence of your life and using terms which are really not precise: when the dream of "your life" ends, God wakes up and sees that there never was a life. Literally it never happened. Between birth and death there was less than a split second. That life never happened. So how can anything live all possible lives? There isn't such a thing, all experience is insubstantial.
  20. Yeah, if language isn't used carefully, it can be very misleading.
  21. It's not a who. You can call it awareness as long as you don't turn it into an object. It's actually nothing. And if you call it a subject that's also not correct, because then you have implicitly created the objects which aren't it. Which is also not true. It's nothing being everything, timelessly. A self is apparently created along with everything else, but it's illusory, there is only Reality being itself. Again, timelessly.