Gili Trawangan

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Everything posted by Gili Trawangan

  1. @Emerald Even though I tend to agree with your assessment, I still fail to see the problem from a collective perspective. Last time I checked, the world was overpopulated and numbers still growing fast. Is it really a big deal if a percentage of men doesn't focus on what you call species-preservation drives? What is really the problem? That's an honest question, I don't see it clearly. I'm open to having my mind changed, but haven't been able to see the "gold" hidden behind these masculine drives that have been talked about often on the forum. Particularly fatherhood, which I have a lot of resistance against personally. I would like to know what it is I'm missing here.
  2. It feels like infinite love. It's the best choice of words possible, though obviously it's beyond words.
  3. I disagree, he's serious when he's at work, with women he's quite playful. I'm thinking Sean Connery, obviously. I'm all for the James Bond 'approach' because it works for me, but I agree that for other guys a more 'silly' persona works best. Ultimately, do you.
  4. Wonderful. I never got the insight that suffering = healing. Care to elaborate on that?
  5. You're overthinking this. Go on dates with no pressure and have fun (be honest that you like to take things slow). Some guys will not want to wait and stop pursuing (let them go). Of the ones who keep pursuing, after you feel somewhat comfortable with one (and attracted), let your emotions lead you where they will. If they lead you to sex, no regrets, even if it doesn't play out the way you expected. If they don't lead you to sex, no regrets, it wasn't meant to be. When too much thinking is going on, there's nothing like letting your emotions take the wheel for a bit - within reason, if that makes sense.
  6. Yes, for sure.
  7. This is true. Gyms have been closed for a while where I live and I've been gradually feeling worse each week. I'm 39. Working out is absolutely mandatory, otherwise your quality of life starts going down the drain.
  8. This is what I was talking about in that other long thread about masculine containment. Most men have this problem of not feeling valued for who they are, but for what they do or what they can provide. And it does create wounds in men. I found this video insightful, especially coming from a woman. Obviously women have their own issues to deal with, but this issue for men usually gets ignored by women and by society at large.
  9. It means being fully accepted. It means being accepted when you're strong and when you feel weak. Being accepted when you're at your most masculine and when you're in feminine energy as well. It also means that they want YOU regardless of circumstance. That a woman wants you whether you're kicking ass with your career or whether you've lost your job and can't find another one. Whether you're feeling high energy or low energy. Whether you're having a driven and powerful phase or a lazy and apathetic one. Anyway, that's the fantasy.
  10. I still get a slight sense of guilt when I read these threads, or watch Teal Swan's video, because a part of me thinks that I should perhaps try to offer a woman containment and just try to build a so-called healthy relationship. Sounds good on paper, even though I don't want to have children. Then I look back to my experiences and realize that every time I've tried to do that I got burned. Every single woman I've ever developed feelings for ended up cheating on me. Now, granted, that's as much a refection on the way I was at the time as it is on the women. However, the one time I actually had a relationship for three years, and she was adamant about how much she loved me and how I was the one for her, I saw self-agenda and survival at play. She wanted children and I didn't. Even though I clearly told her I didn't want to have children, she somehow found a way to get pregnant (supposedly while being on birth control). I didn't push her for an abortion, even though I felt I got played. And as soon as I accepted my responsibility the tables turned. She went from "you're the only one for me" to "you know, we don't have to stay together. We can just have the baby and then go our separate ways". This happened literally overnight. It turned out to be a miscarriage, but that was a sight to see. Her priorities were clear once she had got what she wanted. The problem I think many men have is that they long to be loved by a woman for who they are. And then reality kicks them in the ass over and over again, because women can be as ruthless as a cruel dictator. So can men, of course, it goes without saying. I'll come out and say it, I have a problem with trusting women. I don't give myself fully to women because every time I tried I got burned. I have the sense that as soon as she's not getting exactly what she wants or needs, she's out the door in three seconds (or even worse, first she finds another guy and cheats, then she's out the door). The worst thing I can think of, from a man's POV, is offering the woman containment to the best of one's abilities, only to have her walk out a few years later because she's no longer getting whatever her agenda requires. And those years of offering containment, to the detriment of our own agenda (when we build something, we like to go all the way), simply go to waste. It's a gamble, for sure, and I understand those who are willing to take it. I also understand those who are not.
  11. I feel you are attached to having to solve your attachments This. Plus you're 19, what the hell is this "surrender all your attachments" talk? Just follow your passion, follow your bliss.
  12. @Karmadhi Then own that fully. There's no need to lie, but you don't have to rub their noses in it either. If asked, be 100% honest. Just own it.
  13. What do YOU want to do? Date multiple women or just one?
  14. This. When I go a long time without talking to people I experience what OP described. I can't explain the mechanism either, but the uncomfortableness does go away after pushing through and just practicing socialization more.
  15. I don't see anything wrong with what she was saying. She says that when you meet people anything can happen but most come and go. True. And that sometimes, with a particular person, after a while, you fall for them and stop looking for other people in the process. Also very possible. She's right, if it ever happens to you you'll see
  16. @modmyth What do you mean "for real"? I saw the movie too
  17. @Thought Art Thanks for the feedback! I haven't listened to the addiction formula, is it free somewhere online? I honestly don't remember how the mix was done, it was a few (long) months ago. I'm just taking notes now on how to improve in the future, cause I'm really just a beginner when it comes to mixing.
  18. @Loving Radiance Thanks for the feedback @aurum Thanks a lot. That's a good point about the drums.. I'm thinking about how they could possibly get more of that punch, because just making them louder wouldn't work, I think.. anyway, it's something to think about for the future, thanks!
  19. @nistake Very cool! I forgot to add one of mine: Feedback heat... what the hell, always high
  20. @aurum I really don't know anything about EDM (it's not my cup of tea as a genre), but it sounds good to me! Sorry I can't be any more specific, I'm lacking in references here
  21. It's a very nice song, I really like the arrangement. You've got some really nice backing vocal sounds that really go well with the song, and they have plenty of reverb (or other effects, not sure), it's nice. What I would try to improve is the vocal performance and vocal mixing, you were out of tune at times, and you could solve this through melodyne, or just re-record until you hit those notes just right. You have a nice falsetto voice as well. Believe me, I know how vocal mixing can be a pain in the ass, I'm still making mistakes with it as well. Oh, also, your forgot to edit out a few sounds, like breath noises, or the chair squeaking in the end. Anyway, good stuff, glad to hear it!